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Software upgrade procedure SonoScape Service

Regular Software Update of S11 S2 system

I. Download the update file according to the SonoScape Service.

Copy the “ASECURE” and “AUPDATE” to the root directory of an empty USB driver.

II. Switch on the scanner and plug the USB driver when system boot completely.
Go to “menu” and select “about”;

Click “Update” on the bottom right;

Software upgrade procedure

Choose “Memory Disk”->Press “OK”

Click “Exit”->Remove the USB driver and reboot system after update success;

Software upgrade procedure

III. Configuration activation.

The system function configuration is control by a 16 digital code, the 16 digital code could
be supplied by SonoScape Service, if customer inform the S/N of scanners, for example,
standard configuration of S2 and S11 will not contain 4D and Micro-scan, so customer
need the 16 digital code to configure system function.
Switch on the scanner and go to “about” interface;

Press “EXAM” key on the keyboard, system will go to a black screen interface;
Input password “aaaaaa” and press “enter”, 16 digital dialog box will be displayed;
Software upgrade procedure

Input the 16 digital code which could be supplied from SonoScape Service Dept.
Press ok, system will check the code and jump out if success.

IV. Active the Micro-scan function

To active the Micro-scan function, please confirm μ-scan function has been chosen on
the system configuration list.
Press “EXAM” key on the “about” interface go to “black interface”;
Type 8 digital engineer password “12345678”;

On the shipment config interface check the “Function Config”;

Software upgrade procedure

If μ-scan has been clicked, copy the “keypass” file which is send by SonoScape Service
to the root directory of any empty USB driver;
Plug the USB driver to scanner;

Click “Import EnDog” on the Engineer Config interface of Engineer Mode;

Remove USB and reboot system after the whole process completed;
Enter into any exam mode to check the microscan function.

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