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Paytronix gift cards not running on any terminal. Check c:\paytronix\credentials, there should be
a new file generated after restarting the Paytronix service. (Have not see this myself and have
seen gift cards staredt working again with restarting SV and Paytronix service that did not
update files in the credentials folder.
Reinstall Paytronix
Kill Paytronix service. Rename c:\paytronix to c:\paytronix_old. Uninstall. Run controller-
installer, uninstall run again reinstall. Run deploytool-installer uninstall and run again reinstall.
installers are usually c:\program files (x86)\radiant systems\cmc\cmc deploy\Paytronix however
I have also seen in c:\paytronix installer. Run the deploy tool to to create the deploytool folder in
c:\paytronix\config\deploytool. Copy the terminals.xml from c:\paytronix_old and paste in to
Install Paytronix on a terminal
If you have a new terminal that needs paytronix installed. Run the deploy tool, check off the
term that needs to be installed. Menu>terminal>install user program>refresh and you will see
deployed. Log off terminal and you will see installed. Log off again and you will see installed.
New file server
You need to send the mac address to paytronix support for updated credentials. If they are still
not working. Restart paytronix service and check the log files
windows>paytronix>logs>pxcontrol. If credentials are not pulling over, copy and paste. Not sure
of path.

Installing Paytronix on a terminal using deploy tool

terms go from deployed>installed>running. Refreshes will move the processes along

Paytronix deploy tool doesn't show all terminals

Goto c:>paytronix old> config > deploytool > terminals.xml - copy. Paste into
c:>paytronix>config>deploytool> - copy and replace.

Modifier screen

Old Aloha modifier screens don’t pop up automatically unless you have checked screen flow

Restore terminal to showing online in CMC

Run push CMC. If error occures and it doesn't work, manually unistall and reinstall cmcinst.exe
on the terminal. Go to C:\program files (x86)\ncr or radient\CMC\update. Open command
prompt from the is folder and run cmcinst \uninstall. Now run cmcinst and cmc will be
reinstalled. Once install complete, path back to CMC folder and edit commandcenter.config file.
For terminals gateway mode = off, IP address = the BOH IP, and key = site key. For BOH,
gateway mode = on, IP = 0,0,0,0, Key = site key.
Startup folder in Windows 10
run>shell:common startup

Paytronics Gift Cards - missing buttons

Use the Deploy Paytronics tool. Mark the terminal to install and reboot that terminal. Search
deploy and it should show deploytool.exe. If not found path to c:\paytronix\deploytool.exe

Locked user on FOH

User cannot log in FOH and gets message they are logged on another terminal, however, they
are not. On BOH data folder, delete files ending .lck and .olk.

EMV running slow

Restart Https Proxy Service. c:\program files\micro trax\open eps\ jnl000(term #) KB = zero -
online processing, KB > zero - offline processing.

JD cannot add balance on activated gift card

JD has two types of gift cards. Deli Nation gift cards can be reloaded. 3rd party Incomm gift
cards cannot be reloaded. How to tell what type of gift card is being used: It should say the card
template name on any balance inquiry or lookup. So when the card is swiped, on the screen it
would say what the name of the template the card belongs to. If it’s a 3rd party gift card
(Incomm or Blackhawk) it would say on this screen. If it’s deli nation, it would say “Jason's Deli
Nation Gift Card”

Printers printing the same ticket over and over

Go to iber\data and delete prt(term#).log files

Revenu center miscalculation

Any unexplainable reporting in revenu centers, check order modes, tables and terminals.
Revenu centers order modes, tables, terminals, and job codes. The hierarchy for sales
attribution is order mode overrides table overrides terminal. Job codes revenue centers are not
included in the hierarchy.

Screen rotated
ctrl+alt+arror key

KK scanner doesn’t work

Terminal not sending orders to KS
Re-register ATG on single term
Windows 7 32 bit
Stop iber, Open RegEdit (open run and then type Regedit), Go to
HKLM\Software\Ibertech\IberADM\Register, Delete the Register Key(the “folder” named
Register that becomes available when you click IberADM), Log off or start iber
Windows 10 or Windows 7 64 bit
Same process different path, Go to HKLM\Software\WOW6432NODE\Ibertech\Register, Delete
the register folder, Logoff or start iber, This process takes about 5 minutes to complete

How to tell if a EMV reader is up and running.

On the terminal go to c:\program files\microtrax\open eps\ jrnlfile. The jrnlfile is a journal file that
will show transactions.

KK BOH shows only 1 nic and can’t communicate with FOH.

All KK have 2 nic cards.
Reboot BOH

Employee cannot clock in, stuck on break

Edit break to be less than12 hours of current date/time. Click ok not end break.

Employee stuck on resume checkout error

On BOH data folder delete ex: on 12/19 employee #8616, 20171219_8616_0_0_10.CKD or

ATO order shows no items or blank

Go to BOH>ATO>BIN open Take out consol. Find order in future orders then reactivate it then
release it. You should now have two orders in ATO on FOH. Go back to the consol and delete
the older, by time, order

Cashdrawertest.exe ???

Yesterday not showing up in BOH reports

empty dated sub for yestereday, FOH stopped.
EOD didn't run/complete properly. Remove stop file from temp folder. EOD should run and bring
FOH back up and now running reports for yesterday.

EMV Checks stuck authorizing

When EMV checks are stuck authorizing, all you can do is wait. If they haven’t cleared by EOD
then the trans.log will have to be pulled.

Wrong System DOB

On BOH check iberdir> Data> Aloha.ini. You can update to the current DOB and refresh to
push to terminals. Translog will need to be split after they close.
EDC > cannot access iberdir
Look for the latest windows update that was installed. Update KB4054517 is known to cause
this error. Uninstall the update, restart the computer then EDC will come up. Then you may
want to disable that update so it doesn't get installed again.

New terminal FP will not work

Kill iber on new terminal and on another terminal that is used with FP. Copy extdata and paste
on new terminal. If FP are still not working, check the version on the new terminal with the
version on another terminal. If they are on a different version, uninstall from new terminal and
copy paste installer to new terminal. You will find installer in staging> radbio. Test fingerprints.
If error mentions Ecardpos.dll> delete if from the bin folder.
If stuck on RAL error with BIN> delete getalldata on BOH and restart AlAdmSvr

Term will not RAL - term install

Copy the bin, data, bmp and ext from the boh and then copy the remaining folders, files and
ibercfg from another terminal and put them in the POS folder on the new term. Skip when it asks
about bin, data, bmp and ext. Put ibercfg in the startup and then execute ibercfg.

EMV check stuck

We get this call a lot and we have always had to pull the Translog after EOD until now. Next
time anyone gets this all you have to do is clear all the items from the check, click close and
then close the ticket for exact change. Just be sure all the items have been cleared. You will still
see the credit and the amount but the ticket will still close.

Term string

In CMC, query>environment>TERMSTR = ***

Wrong DOB

Add stop file to BOH temp. Edit the DOB in Aloha.ini in Data and NewData. Delete the stop file
and terms will come back up with the correct DOB.

Wrong DOB with no dated sub for yesterday.

Copy DATA and rename to dataed sub ex: 20180220 and past back into Aloha folder. Put stop
file in temp folder and delete the translog. Send overnight task to force EOD. EOD will not run
again until it is forced.

Getting Error after logging into NAM.

NAM doesn't load.
Start or restart SQLexpress service.

Kiosk need restart every morning to load Kiosk app

Creating a daily task to run c:\windows\system32\shutdown.exe /F /L @

4:00 a.m. seems to be the fix.
Change the time ATO releases orders

Start ATO configuration>Features tab> edit release time> save


You will find back up dated subs in bootdrv>aloha>LP>Dsub

Log viewer

Open log viewer>brows to trans.log>manual view>choose first option [38] Dumplog.exe

Cutting logs
Find transactions numbers from start to finish>give the translog a new name>special copy

Jason's Deli invoices

Edit contact info boodrv>ATO>data - InvoiceLayoutFirst.xaml

Edit business name and address - boodrv>ATO>data - Aloha ToGoConfig.xml

Jason's Deli - kiosk menu

Get new rssui file from other location in that franchise group that isn't having this problem or
from JD corporate. Paste into Data on Kiosk, and Data and Newdate on BOH. Reboot kiosk.

Upgrade dated subs

You can run it from the Bin folder and open DBConfig.exe and put the dates you want to
Merge log with employee clock ins.
Rename trans.log in Data on BOH and Data on master terminal. Refresh. Clock in employees
on FOH. Rename trans.log on BOH to trans1.log and delete trans.log on master. Refresh.
Rename trans.log on dated sub that needs the clockins to trans2.log and copy trans1.log to that
dated sub. Run command to merge logs. Gride dated sub and run DSR to verify.

RMA Install error ecardpos.dll file not found

Reboot terminal over and over until error goes away.

Deleting KS logs - (When AKI version does not match AK version message)

1) BOH>BOotDrv>Aloha Kitchen>Data> delete AK(date).log

2) Kitchen Screen>BOotDrv>Aloha Kitchen>Data> delete AK(date).log
Log in as Admin on terminal with new RAL

1) In CMC create support user and make admin

NET USER support T3xas.POS! /add
net localgroup administrators support /add
WMIC USERACCOUNT WHERE "Name='support'" SET PasswordExpires=FALSE

2) run this command in CMD - runas /noprofile /user:support cmd

3)It will prompt you for the support password (T3xas.POS!) and open a CMD prompt as an
4)Run regedit from CMD
5)Go to Hkey_local_Machine>software>microsoft>windows nt>Windows logon - Change Force
Admin Log on from 1 to 0 and change Auto Admin Log on from 1 to 0.
6)Log off and log on as Support user. You are now logged into Windwos as an admin and can
do what you need to do, such as, edit the environmental variales.
7) Now you can go back into regeit and change the 0s back to 1s.
8)log off and term should log back in as limited user

Loyalty offline - KK
1) Restart ATG
2) Reboot BOH or After file server recovery layalty may show offline eventhough all services are
running. Kill iber and reload.

RMA KK term IP

Mobile Tablets WiFi

Key: T3xas.POS!

Tip Share
Tip share shows undistributed in reports but doesn't show up as a date that can be distributed.
Delete Adjtime.dbf and and regrind dated sub. There are more fixes that deleting
adjtime.dbf will working on ask Kim.
Grind will not complete
Run grind with /debout and check the debout.g01. If debout will not open becuase it is too large.
delete the debout and run grind again. Kill it as soon as it hangs up and recheck the debout.

ATG - KK loyalty and mobile pay

Services - should be running

NCR Aloha Transaction Gateway - BOH
NCR Aloha Transaction Gateway Helper - BOH
NCR Aloha Transaction Gateway Helper - FOH
NCR ATG Helpter on term will not start
Aloha Store Value FOH - unistall on terminal
Reregister ATG, delete all ATG files in the bin on the term
ATG should show in programs and features
Install ATG
-----store value will not start error
Delete c:\program files\radiant systems\aloha store value foh\data\edardpos.s3db

Global Policy - term will not auto log on

run gpedit.msc
computer>windows>security>local policy>user rights: Deny Logon Locally - remove term#

Register / unregister EDC

Un-register EDC Server

To un-register EDC Server, open a command prompt and navigate to the BIN folder. Type the
following commands:

Register EDC Server Versions as a Service

To register EDC Server to run as a service, open a command prompt and navigate to the BIN
folder. Type the following commands:
EDC Server prompts you for the user configuration. This is the user with which EDC Server will
log in. You can instruct EDC Server to use the Windows local system account or you can
configure a specific user name and password. You must configure a specific login in instances
where the operating system on the FOH terminals does not enable network access by the
Windows local system account.
You can use the /LOCALACCOUNT command line variable to instruct EDC Server to register
using the Windows local system account without prompting the user. For example:
You can use the /ACCOUNTNAME and /PASSWORD command line variables to instruct EDC
Server to register using a specific user name and password. For example:
If you are using a domain account, you can specify the domain name using the following
command line:

The batch file automatically created by the Aloha application software setup application (as
explained previously in this document) uses the /SNAME and /SPWD command line variables
instead of the /ACCOUNTNAME and /PASSWORD variables to designate that the user name
and password in the batch file are encrypted. For example:

EDCSVR.EXE /SERVICE /SNAME [encrypted user name] /SPWD [encrypted password]

Register EDC Server not as a Service

To register EDC Server to not run as a service, open a command prompt and navigate to the
BIN folder. Type the following commands:


Report Discrepancy

grind with balance> %iberdir%\bin\grind.exe /date 20180714 /balance

Adds balance.txt file to dated sub
Search for $ amount of discrepancy in file and you will have your check number.

EDCsvr stock stopping

Kill EDC process in the task manager.

Online ordering log error

Clear the password on the FOH for the web interface user.
Restart Radiant Heartbeat.

Customer display MSR

Reboot terminal
Reseat the USB / change USB ports on the terminal
Uninstall / Reinstall Radiant ICD C1200
Test in ICD Hardware Settings in Control Panel

Log viewer

Log Viewer will not load. Copy nethasp file from eauto machine into log Viewer folder. Reboot
the eauto machine.
POS stuck grinding
Upload into dated sub

Terminal not sending to Kitchen

Regedit>HKLM>software>ibertech>iberadmin>register - deleted register folder and restart iber.

To set up FOH COM2 in Aloha Manager or CFC go to Maintenance > System Settings > Debug
If needed add event
at the bottom using the down arrow select FOH COM2 mark as active
Then go to Utilities>POS>Create Diagnostic files

Reimage 1535
Reboot, red power button, pressing and holding black reset button
Let go of reset button once you see select language
Enter password Recovery1234
Press the up arrow next to local drive
Choose factory
Wait 3 - 5 mintues
Select ok on image load complete
Term will reboot

Opos Install

Choices during install

Choose CCO
Parallel no
USB no

U220 Ethernet - U220BE

EMV offline transactions not processing

check setup file - if missing data copy from another term
Should point to BOH ip address
Kill APS, copy new setup file, restart APS

If transactions continue
Kill APS
Delete lastupdate.ini
Restart APS
Check the journal and you should see the offline transactions processing

EMV troubleshooting

Reader shows downloading time out after reboot. Wait 5-10 minutes and message should go
away and you can test the reader.

Older orders showing in ATO

Takeout consol>future orders>select orders>cancel orders

In ATO>future orders>select order>order detail>cancel order

Dip switch

T88 serial - DSW1 on 3,5,6,7 DSW2 all off

Disable UAC

Run this from CMD and then reboot BOH

C:\Windows\System32\cmd.exe /k %windir%\System32\reg.exe ADD

HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\System /v EnableLUA /t
REG_DWORD /d 0 /f

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