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Magic English Learning School

7th Class
Verb Bangla Meaning Present Past P. Participle
know Rvbv, †Pbv know knew known
remain _vKv, Aewkó _vKv, we`¨gvb _vKv, evwK _vKv remain remained remained
want PvIqv, (n) cÖ‡qvRb, Afve, `vwi`ª want wanted wanted
sentence `Û †`Iqv, evK¨ MVb Kiv, (n) `Û, kvw¯Í, evK¨ sentence sentenced sentenced
include A¯Íf©~³ Kiv, MY¨ Kiv include included included
disguise Qχek aviY Kiv, (n) Q›`‡ek disguise disguised disguised
provide mieivn Kiv provide provided provided
create m„wó Kiv, Rb¥ †`Iqv create created created
consider we‡ePbv Kiv consider considered considered
develop DbœZ Kiv develop developed developed
remember ¯§iY Kiv, g‡b Kiv, g‡b cov, g‡b _vKv remember remembered remembered
define wbf©~jfv‡e eY©bv Kiv define defined defined
determine `„pmsKí Kiv determine determined determined
supply me©ivn Kiv, †RvMv‡bv supply supplied supplied
bring Avbv, Avbqb Kiv bring brought brought
improve DbœwZ jvf Kiv, (n) DbœwZmvab improve improved improved
maintain i¶vYv‡e¶Y Kiv,eRvq ivLv, A¶zYœ ivLv maintain maintained maintained
exist wU‡K _vKv, we`¨gvb _vKv exist existed existed
tend hZœ †bIqv, ZË¡veavb Kiv tend tended tended
identify mbv³ Kiv identify identified identified
continue Pj‡Z _vKv ev Pvjv‡Z _vKv continue continued continued
protect i¶v Kiv, msi¶Y Kiv protect protected protected
require cÖ‡qvRb‡eva Kiv, `iKvi cov require required required
occur NUv ev NUv‡bv occur occurred occurred
perform m¤úbœ Kiv perform performed performed
grow Rb¥v‡bv grow grew grown
approach wbK‡U Avmv, mgK¶ nIqv (n) cÖ‡ek c_ approach approached approached
avoid Gwo‡q Pjv, eR©b ev cwinvi Kiv avoid avoided avoided
prepare cÖ¯‘Z Kiv ev nIqv, •Zwi Kiv ev nIqv prepare prepared prepared
achieve AR©b Kiv, cª‡Pó Øviv jvf Kiv achieve achieved achieved
believe wek¦vm Kiv, Av¯’v ivLv believe believed believed
receive MÖnY Kiv, cvIqv, Af¨_©bv Kiv receive received received
seem g‡b nIqv, aviYv nIqv, cÖZxqgvb nIqv seem seemed seemed
realize Dcjwã Kiv, ü`q½g Kiv| realize realized realized
contain aviY Kiv ev _vKv contain contained contained
follow AbymiY Kiv, AbyKiY Kiv follow followed followed
solve mgvavb Kiv, gxgvsmv Kiv solve solved solved
describe eY©bv Kiv, e¨vL¨v Kiv describe described described
prefer AwaKZi cQ›` Kiv prefer preferred preferred
prevent evav †`Iqv, cÖwZ‡iva Kiv prevent prevented prevented
discover Avwe®‥vi Kiv, D˜NvUb Kiv discover discovered discovered
ensure wbwðZ Kiv, wbivc` Kiv ensure ensured ensured
expect Avkv ev cÖZ¨vkv Kiv expect expected expected
invest wewb‡qvM Kiv, jwMœ Kiv invest invested invested
reduce Kgv‡bv ev n«vm Kiv reduce reduced reduced
speak K_v ejv, Avjvc Kiv speak spoke spoken
explain e¨vL¨v Kiv explain explained explained
explore AbymÜvb Kiv explore explored explored
involve Rov‡bv ev RwoZ Kiv involve involved involved
afford e¨qfvi enb Kiv, mvg_© _vKv afford afforded afforded
1st. 2nd. 3rd. 4th. 5th.
Past Tense- Table no-6
Sentence Past Indefinite Past Continuous Past Perfect
A.S. Wh I was called. Wh I was being called. Wh I had done before you did.
N.S. Wh I wasn’t called. Wh I wasn’t being called. Wh I hadn’t done before you did.
I.S. Wh Was I called? Wh Was I being called? Wh Had I done before you did?
I.N.S Wh Wasn’t I called? Wh Wasn’t I being called? Wh Hadn’t I done before you did?

Avgv‡K WvKv n‡qwQj| Avgv‡K WvKv nw‛Qj| Zzwg Kivi c~‡e© Avwg K‡i wQjvg|
Avgv‡K WvKv n‡qwQj bv| Avgv‡K WvKv nw‛Qj bv| Zzwg Kivi c~‡e© wK Avwg Kwi bvB|
Avgv‡K wK WvKv n‡qwQj? Avgv‡K wK WvKv nw‛Qj? Zzwg Kivi c~‡e© wK Avwg K‡i wQjvg?
Avgv‡K wK WvKv nqwb? Avgv‡K wK WvKv nw‛Qj bv? Zzwg Kivi c~‡e© Avwg Kwi bvB?
Bangladesh was called. evsjv‡`k‡K WvKv n‡qwQj|
Bangladesh was made free. evsjv‡`k‡K ¯^vaxb Kiv n‡qwQj|
Water was called life. cvwb‡K Rxeb ejv n‡qwQj|
The matter was discussed. welqwU Av‡jvPbv Kiv n‡qwQj|
Jamuna bridge was built. hgybv †mZz wbg©vY Kiv n‡qwQj|
Computer was invented. Kw¤úDUvi Avwe®‥vi Kiv n‡qwQj|
The present world was considered. eZ©gvb wek¦‡K we‡ePbv Kiv n‡qwQj|
They were called politician. Zv‡`i‡K ivRbxwZwe` ejv n‡qwQj|
Present era was called era of science. eZ©gvb hyM‡K weÁv‡bi hyM ejv n‡qwQj|
It was called beautiful. Bnv‡K my›`i ejv n‡qwQj|
It was made of gold. Bnv ¯^Y© Øviv ‣Zwi Kiv n‡qwQj |
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1 2nd 3rd
Causative (KviYm~PK)
wb‡R wKQy Verb w`‡q KvR Kiv nq Zv‡K e‡j Simple Verb.
wKQy Verb w`‡q A‡b¨i Øviv Kiv‡bv nq Zv‡K e‡j Causative Verb.
Eat LvIqv Feed LvIqv‡bv
know Rvbv Inform Rvbv‡bv
Learn wkLv Teach wkLv‡bv
See ‡`Lv Show ‡`Lv‡bv
Rise DVv Raise DVv‡bv
Fall c‡o hvIqv Fell ‡d‡j ‡`Iqv
`ya LvIqv‡bv,
Suck `ya cvb Kiv, †Pvlv Suckle
Obey gvb¨ Kiv Enforce gvb¨ Kiv‡bv
Sleep Nygvb Repose Nyg cvov‡bv
Angry ivM Kiv Enrage ivMv‡bv
Ab¨‡K weRwiZ
Entangle Rwo‡q civ Enmesh
Understand eySv Convince Ab¨‡K eySv‡bv
Remember ¯§iY Kiv Remind ¯§iY Kiv‡bv
Move Nyiv Move Nyiv‡bv
burn ‡cvov Burn ‡cvov‡bv
fly Dov Fly Dov‡bv

‡h mKj Verb-Gi Causative Form ‡bB Zv‡`i Bs‡iRx Ki‡Z n‡j Have/get/make e‡m |
I had my hair (cut). Avwg Avgvi Pzj KvwU‡q wQjvg|
I have:had/get:got/make:made you presented the program. Avwg †Zvgvi Øviv AbyôvbwU cwiPvjbv Kwi‡q wQjvg|
I make you fish caught. Avwg †Zvgvi Øviv gvQ aivB|
I have you write. Avwg †Zvgv‡K w`‡q ‡jLvB|
I get you write. Avwg †Zvgv‡K w`‡q ‡jLvB|
I make you write. Avwg †Zvgv‡K w`‡q ‡jLvB|
I get it done.
I have it done. we¯ÍvwiZ Av‡jvPbv K¬v‡m Kiv n‡e|
I make it done.
Sentence Making by depending on indefinite, Continuous, and Perfect

evsjv evK¨ English Sentence

1. gqgbwmsn‡K †Kb wk¶vi bMix ejv n‡qwQj ?

D: wk¶vi DbœwZ mva‡bi Rb¨ gqgbwmsn‡K wk¶vi bMix ejv n‡qwQj|

2. cvwb‡K †Kb Rxeb ejv n‡qwQj ?

D: Rxeb evuPv‡bvi Rb¨ cvwb‡K Rxeb ejv n‡qwQj|

3. Kv‡K RvZxq Kwe ejv n‡qwQj ?

D: KvRx bRi‚j Bmjvg †K RvZxq Kwe ejv n‡qwQj|

4.Biv myB‡Uej Bswjk G wKfv‡e Bs‡iRx wkLv‡bv n‡qwQj ?

D: dig aivi gva¨‡g Biv myB‡Uej Bswjk G Bs‡iRx wkLv‡bv n‡qwQj|

5. ‡Kb Q·`i‡K Bs‡iRx wkLv‡bv nw‛Qj?

D: fvj PvKzix cvevi Rb¨ Qv·`i‡K Bs‡iRx wkLv‡bv nw‛Qj|

6. evsjv‡`k‡K wKfv‡e ¯^vaxb Kiv n‡qwQj?

D: A‡bK msMÖv‡gi ci evsjv‡`k‡K ¯^vaxb Kiv n‡qwQj|

7. Kv‡K ¯^vaxbZvi †NvlK ejv n‡qwQj?

D: e½eÜz‡K ¯^vaxbZvi †NvlK ejv n‡qwQj|

8. eZ©gvb hyM‡K ‡Kb weÁv‡bi hyM ejv nw‛Qj?

D: weÁv‡bi Ae`v‡bi Rb¨ eZ©gvb hyM‡K weÁv‡bi hyM ejv nwPQj|

9. ‡Kvb fvlv‡K Avš—R©vwZK fvlv ejv n‡qwQj?

D: Bs‡iRx‡K Avš—R©vwZK fvlv ejv nw‛Qj|

10. hgybv †mZz KLb wbg©vb Kiv n‡qwQj?

D: Avwg Rvwb bv, KLb hgybv †mZzwU wbg©vY Kiv n‡qwQj|

Adjective Gi mv‡_ ly ‡hvM Ki‡j Adverb Ges Noun Gi mv‡_ ly †hvM Ki‡j Adjective nq|
Verb Noun Adjective Adverb
Enable Ability Able Ably
mg_© Kiv mvg_© m¶g `¶Zvi mv‡_
Abound Abundance Abundant Abundantly
cÖPzi cwigv‡b _vKv cÖvPzh© cÖPzi, AwZwi³ cÖPzi cwigv‡b
Act Action Active Actively
Awfbq Kiv, fvb Kiv KvR, ZrciZv mwµq, Kg©V mwµqfv‡e
Adore Adoration Adorable Adorably
Lye fvjevmv fvjevmv, fw³ fv‡jvevmvi †hvM¨ fw³ K‡i
Amuse Amusement Amusing Amusingly
Avb›` †`Iqv ev Kiv Avb›`, Av‡gv` cÖ‡gv` nvm¨Ki, gRvavi Avb‡›`i mv‡_
Analyse Analysis Analytical Analytically
we‡k­lY Kiv we‡k­lY we‡k­lY g~jK we‡k­lY fv‡e
Apologize Apology Apologetic Apologetically
`ytL cÖKvk Kiv `ytL cÖKvk AvZ¥c¶ mg_©bKvix `yt‡Li mwnZ
Beautify Beauty Beautiful Beautifully
D¾¡j Kiv, my›`i Kiv †m․›`h©, jveY¨ my›`i, mykªx my›`ifv‡e
Brighten Brightness Bright Brighty
D¾¡j Kiv D¾jZv D¾¡j D¾¡jfv‡e
Broaden Breadth broad Broadly
cÖk¯Í Kiv cwimi, cÖk¯ÍfvM cÖk¯Í, we¯Í…Z cÖk¯Ífv‡e, we¯Í…Zfv‡e
Cheapen Cheapness cheap Cheaply
m¯Ív Kiv m¯Ív myje Kg`v‡g
Compare Comparison Comparative Comparatively
Zzjbv Kiv Zzjbv Zzjbvg~jK Zzjbvg~jKfv‡e
Continue Continuity Continuous Continuausly
Pvwj‡q hvIqv avivevwnKZv avivevwnK avivevwnK fv‡e
Corrupt Corruption Corruptible Corruptly
`~wlZ Kiv ‡`vl, weK…wZ `~wlZ Kiv `~wlZ fv‡e, weK…Z fv‡e
Create Creation Creative Creatively
m„wó Kiv m„wó m„Rbkxj m„Rbkxjfv‡e
Criticise Criticism Critical Critically
mgv‡jvPbv Kiv mgv‡jvPbv RwUj RwUjfv‡e
Encourage Courage Courageous Courageously
mvnm ‡`Iqv, Drmvn ‡`Iqv mvnm mvnmx, wbf©xK mvn‡mi mv‡_
Endanger Danger Dangerous Dangerously
wec`MÖ¯Í Kiv wec` wec`RbK wec`RbKfv‡e
Dramatize/se Drama Dramatic Dramatically
bvU‡K iƒcvšÍwiZ Kiv bvUK bvUKxq, bvUKxq fv‡e
Darken Darkness dark darkly
AÜKvi Kiv ev nIqv AÜKvi, AÁZv AÜKvi, welYœ AÁvZmv‡i
Deceive Deception Deceptive Deceptively
cÖZviYv Kiv cÖZviYv cÖZviYvc~Y©, åvwšÍRbK cÖZviYv c~Y©fv‡e
Mourn Mourner Mournful Mourning (n)
†kvK ev wejvc Kiv †kvKKvix/†kvKvZ© e¨w³ †kvKvZ©, †kvKvZzi wejvc, †kvK
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Learn Correct Spelling
‣mwbK Rq K‡iwQj m¤ú` A‡MvQv‡jv AZyjbxq
soldier conquered resource untidy incomparable

‡`k †cÖwgK cÖviw¤¢K MYZvwš¿K cÖwZwbwa wbi¶iZv, gZ, AÜKvi

patriots elementary democratic representative Ignorance similar darkness

Reading Practice with Correct Pronunciation.

He who loves the country is a patriot. Patriots love their countries more than their own lives. They are also ready to sacrifice their lives for the
welfare of the country. Everybody respects them. They live even after their death. Alexander became king after the death of his father. Ascending
the throne, he wanted to conquer the world. Collecting many soldiers, He trained them in warfare and conquered the whole of Greece. Bangladesh
is a small country. But our country is full of natural resources. Our development depends on the proper utilization of these resources. It is our duty
to build our country. So, we should work unitedly for the development of our country by shunning all differences. The role of a mother is
incomparable in human life. A mother, though uneducated, educates her child first. In the real sense, the lap of a mother is the first seat of
learning. Man gets the elementary education of all fundamental subjects from his mother. It is very difficult to achieve success without hearty
care, affection and contribution of mother. Even in many cases, it is no doubt impossible. Therefore, the importance of female education in
unbounded for the sake of national development. Education is a backbone of a nation. No nation can prosper in life without education. Ignorance
is similar to darkness. Therefore, the society needs the light of education. All have to realize this truth. Our education system is dependent only on
memorizing. But in the current world the increase of efficiency is require. The export of human resources is one of the major sources of our
foreign exchange. But we are being deprived of deserving remuneration in the absence of skilled human resources. This small village is now
overcrowded. Many students study in educational institutions from this village. Unless we are educated and honest, the country will not
prosper/develop. Education and honesty are indispensable for the development of the country. It was the 16th December of 1971. The Pakistani
armies surrendered on this day. It is a memorable day in the history of Bangladesh. It is our Victory Day. The real development of the people is
not possible without the system of democratic rule. The people of Bangladesh have struggled many times to establish democracy. They have also
elected their representatives quite several times through election/ casting their votes. But it is not true that the rule of people in the real sense of
the term has been established. The right of people has not yet been established in various fields.
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