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Importance of feedback

1. Complete the process of communication: Two-way communication requires

feedback from the receiver. Through the feedback, sender can understand the
attitude of the receiver. Without a feedback, communication will become one way
and omit the perspective of the receiver about the message.
2. Measuring the effectiveness of communication: Feedback ensures the sender
regarding the effectiveness of his communication. By means of feedback, sender can
be sure that the receiver received the message and understood it in the proper way.
Sender needs feedback in order to determine the success or failure of
communication. It also helps the sender to improve his communication skills in
future based on the feedback of the receiver.
3. Understanding the receiver’s view: Feedback helps to understand the receiver’s
view and opinion about the sender’s message. With this understanding, sender can
determine the next course of action based on receiver’s knowledge and
interpretation of the message.
4. Measuring the appropriateness of media: Message can be transmitted using various
medias. Improper media cannot convey the message to the receiver properly. So
proper understanding of the message by the receiver and his feedback proves that
the sender has selected the right media or help the sender to change the media for
more effective communication.

For e.g., an employee in a company may find it difficult to absorb everything in a face
to face communication, in such a case, manager may email the necessary
information to the employee so that nothing important can be missed out.

5. Making correct decision: Feedback communicates the receiver’s opinion to the

sender. Considering this opinion, the communicator can take proper decision.
Information of the receiver can also improve the quality of decision.
6. Collection of information: One-way communication only sends information. If
communicator wants to gather information, he must seek feedback.

For e.g., A salesman seeks to know how the customers like the product, in such a
case, customer’s feedback becomes a valuable information for the salesman.

7. Problem solving: There are situations where the sender of the message seeks
answers to some problem. In such cases, feedback becomes an important input for
problem solving.

For e.g., a person may consult his friend or family for an advice to choose career stream
after schooling. Good feedback (feasible career options) can act as a great input for that
person to pursue his career.

8. Democratic approach: It is a democratic approach to communication. It involves

participation of the receiver and therefore provides receiver with a chance to express
his opinion.
Thus, feedback is an essential element of communication process. Through feedback, the
sender and receiver can know each other and accordingly create a mutual understanding.

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