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The HDFC School

Sushant Lok-III Sector-57, Gurgaon


1. Water-water everywhere

Water! Water! Everywhere,

Waste no water anywhere.
Drops of water,
Falling down,
It’s raining and pouring,
In my town.
Water! Water!
All around.
Splash! Splash!
On the ground.
2. Water-water everywhere

Water, Water everywhere, water all around,

Water in the ocean, water in the ground.
Water in a river, water in a creek,
Water in a tap, with a drip drip leak!
Water in a fountain, water in a lake,
Water on a flower, as day begins to break.
Water from a waterfall, rushing down from high,
Water from a dark cloud, raining from the sky.
Water boiling hot, water frozen ice,
Water in a blue lagoon, clean and clear and nice.
Water at a fire, gushing through a hose,
Water in a garden, so every flower grows.
Water for the animals swimming in the sea,
Water, Water everywhere for you and for me!
3. Water Cycle Rhyme

Water travels in a cycle, yes it does!!

Water travels in a cycle, yes it does!!
It goes up as Evaporation,
Forms clouds as Condensation,
Then comes down as Precipitation,
Yes it does, yes it does!!!

4. Water Cycle

The sun in the sky

Heats up the ground, Heats up the ground, Heats up the ground
The sun in the sky
Heats up the ground and starts the water cycle.
The water on the ground
Evaporates up, evaporates up, evaporates up
The water on the ground
Evaporates up and turns into a gas.
The vapours in the cloud
Condenses, condenses, condenses
The vapors in the clouds
Condenses and becomes a liquid again.
The droplets in the clouds
Precipitate down, Precipitate down, Precipitate down
And we call it rain.
The water cycles goes round and round and it all begins again.

5. Air

I am all around you see,

I am all around you see,
Invisible though I be
Invisible though I be.
Many gases mix to form me
Many gases mix to form me.
Guess who I am?
I am air so free.
6. Life is a Breath of fresh air
Life is a breath of fresh air.
It’s a precious gift, so handle with care,
Let’s all do our share for cleaner air
‘Cause life is a breath of fresh air!
Share a ride a take a bus
Walk or peddle a bike
Driving less will reduce emissions
So park those cars and take a hike!
Life is a breath of fresh air
It’s a precious gift, so handle with care
Let’s all do our share for cleaner air
‘cause life is a breath of fresh air!
Mow your grass after 6:00 pm
Pump your gas then too
Set your thermostat at 78
Conserving energy is good to do!
Life is a breath of fresh air
It’s a precious gift, so handle with care,
Ozone time it’s May through September
When the sun is hot
Do your part, to protect our air
The time is now for us to start!
Life is a breath of fresh air
It’s a precious gift, so handle with care.

7.ववववव वव वववव वव ववव वव

छछ छछ छछ छछ छछछछछछछ छछ,
छछछ छछछछछछ छछछ छछछछछ,

छछछ छछ छछछछ छछछ छछछछछ,

छछछछछ छछछ छछछ-छछछछछछ,
छछछछछछछछछ छछछछछ छछ छछछ,
छछछछछ छछ छछ छछछछ छछछछछछ,
छछछछ छछछछ छछछ छछछछछ |

8.छछछ छछछछ छछ छछछछ

छछछछछ छछ छछछछछ छछ
छछछ छछछ छछछछ छछ छछछछ
छछछछ छछछछ छछछछछ छछछ
छछछ छछछ छछछछछछछ

छछ छछ छछछछ छछछछ छछछछ

छछ छछछछ छछछ छछछछ
छछछछछ छछ छछछ छछछछछ छछ
छछछछ छछछ छछछछछछछछ

छछछछ-छछछछ छछछ छछ-छछ छछछछ

छछ-छछ छछछछछ छछछछ
छछछछछछ छछ छछछछ छछछ
छछछ छछछछ छछ छछछछ

छछ-छछ-छछ-छछ छछछ छछछ,
छछ-छछ-छछ-छछ छछछ छछछ,
छछछ छछछछ छछ छछछ छछछ,
छछछछछ छछछछ छछछछ छछछ,
छछछछछछछछ छछछ छछछ छछछ,
छछछछ छछ छछ छछछछ छछछ,

छछछछछ छछछछ छछछछ छछछ,

छछ छछछछछछ छछछ छछछ,
छछछछ छछ छछछछ छछछ छछछ,
छछछछछ छछछछ छछछछ छछछ |

10. ववववव ववव वववव वववव

छछछछछ छछछछ छछछ छछछछ
छछ-छछ, छछ-छछ छछ छछछ छछछ
छछछ- छछछछछ छछछछ छछछछ

छछछछछ छछछछ छछ-छछ, छछ-छछ

छछ-छछ छछछ छछछछछ छछछछ
छछछ छछछछछ छछ-छछ, छछ-छछ
छछछछ छछछ छछछछछछ छछछछ

छछछछछ छछछछ छछ-छछ ,छछ-छछ,

छछछछछ छछ छछछछछ छछछछ
छछछछ छछछछ छछ-छछ,छछ-छछ
छछछछछ छछछछ छछछछ छछछछ

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