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J. Mass Spectrom. 34, 930–941 (1999)

Analysis of Phytochelatin–Cadmium Complexes

from Plant Tissue Culture Using
Nano-electrospray Ionization Tandem Mass
Spectrometry and Capillary Liquid
Chromatography/Electrospray Ionization
Tandem Mass Spectrometry

Ten-Yang Yen,1,2 Joseph A. Villa2 and Jane G. DeWitt2 *

1 Biomedical Research Mass Spectrometry Facility, Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, San Francisco State
University, San Francisco, California 94132-4163, USA
2 Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, San Francisco State University, San Francisco, California 94132-4163, USA

Phytochelatins (PCs, also known as class III metallothioneins), a family of sulfhydryl-rich peptides with the
formula (g-GluCys)n Gly(Pcn , n = 2–11), are induced in plants, yeast and fungi exposed to heavy metals,
and are thought to detoxify metals by forming PC–metal complexes. Although PCs have been detected,
PC–metal complexes have not been well characterized. In this work, nano-electrospray ionization tandem mass
spectrometry (nano-ESI-MS/MS) and capillary liquid chromatography/electrospray ionization tandem mass
spectrometry (capillary LC/ESI-MS/MS) methods were used to analyze PC–Cd complexes isolated from Datura
innoxia, also known as Jimsonweed, cell culture exposed to Cd. With nano-ESI-MS/MS and capillary LC/ESI-
MS/MS we could simultaneously detect the presence of PCs and PC–Cd complexes from plant cell extracts,
unambiguously identify these species and elucidate the nature of individual PC–Cd complexes. Phytochelatins
with n = 3–6 were detected, as were PC–Cd complexes with PC3 , PC4 and PC5 . This is the first study to report
the size and nature of native PC–Cd complexes from plant tissue samples. These results demonstrate that the
direct analysis of plant extracts using nano-ESI-MS/MS and capillary LC/ESI-MS/MS methods is simple and
sensitive to the range of PCs and PC–Cd complexes in plants. Hence these methods open up new opportunities
for further quantitative analysis of PCs and PC–metal complexes in cell culture and plant systems to understand
the relationship between the biosynthesis of these compounds and metal tolerance. Copyright  1999 John
Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
KEYWORDS: phytochelatins; cadmium; nanospray; electrospray ionization; liquid chromatography/tandem mass
spectrometry; tandem mass spectrometry

INTRODUCTION agricultural plants, there is a growing concern about the

levels of Cd in soil.
Phytochelatins (PCs, also known as class III metalloth-
ioneins), a family of sulfhydryl-rich peptides with the
Cadmium, a widely used metal in the metal plating indus- formula . -GluCys/n Gly.PCn , n D 2–11/, are induced
try, nickel-cadmium batteries and a contaminant in phos- in plants exposed to heavy metals, and function in
phate fertilizers, is known to be toxic to plants and humans the detoxification of metals.3 – 7 Plants exposed to Cd2C
(a probable human carcinogen).1,2 Acute exposure to Cd synthesize high levels of PCs and form PC–Cd com-
vapor in humans can result in pulmonary irritation and plexes which remove free Cd2C from solution, protecting
long-lasting impairment of lung function. Chronic expo- metal-sensitive enzymes. Studies on Cd-tolerant and Cd-
sure to Cd affects the function of the kidney and lung. sensitive lines of the plant Datura innoxia, also known as
Since one of major intake of Cd by humans is from
Jimsonweed, show that both lines accumulate similar lev-
els of PC–Cd complexes and synthesize similar amounts
of PCn .n D 2–4/ at similar rates, but the onset of synthe-
* Correspondence to: J. G. Dewitt, Department of Chemistry and sis of PC–Cd complexes is more rapid in metal-tolerant
Biochemistry, San Francisco State University, San Francisco, Cali- plant lines than metal-sensitive lines.16 Additionally, Cd is
fornia 94132-4163, USA. associated with higher PCn .n D 4 and 5) complexes in the
Contract/grant sponsor: National Center for Research Resources. tolerant lines than the sensitive lines based on gel filtration
Contract/grant sponsor: Office of Research on Minority Health, chromatography and high-performance liquid chromato-
National Institutes of Health; Contract/grant number: 5 P20 RR11805. graphic (HPLC) results. These studies suggest that it is

CCC 1076–5174/99/090930– 12 $17.50 Received 28 January 1999

Copyright  1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Accepted 1 June 1999

the assembly of the PC–Cd complexes that is important Isolation of the PC–Cd complex from D. innoxia
for metal tolerance in D. innoxia rather than the ability to
synthesize phytochelatins. A metal-tolerant D. innoxia tissue culture cell-line was
Several analytical methods such as chromatographic obtained from Dr Paul Jackson of Los Alamos National
separation (gel filtration or HPLC) coupled with UV Laboratory (Los Alamos, NM, USA). Cultures of 50 ml
detection, flame atomic absorption spectrometry (AAS), of D. innoxia tissue were grown according to published
radioactive labeling and inductively coupled plasma mass methods6 and exposed to 250 µM CdCl2 for 24 h. A
spectrometry (ICP-MS) have been used to analyze PCs detailed procedure for the isolation of PCs and PC–Cd
and PC–Cd complexes.5 – 7 These methods, however, do complexes is described elsewhere.21 In brief, cell culture
not directly provide structural information about PC–Cd and media were transferred into 50 ml sterilized conical
complexes. The PC–Cd complexes are generally isolated tubes and centrifuged at 800 g for 2 min. After centrifuga-
by gel filtration chromatography as a broad fraction of tion, the packed cells (8.5 ml) were collected. Cells were
Mr D 3000–6000. Analysis of the PC content in this frac- re-suspended, washed in 20 ml of ice-cold buffer (10 mM
tion involves acidification .pH  2/, which destroys the Tris–HCl, pH 7.4, 10 mM KCl and 1.5 mM MgCl2 ) and
metal complex,5 followed by HPLC to resolve the individ- centrifuged again. The buffer was decanted and the cells
ual PCn components in the PC–Cd fraction. The presence were washed twice more with the same buffer. Cells
of a range of PCn s as determined by HPLC suggests that were homogenized on ice in extraction buffer (10 mM
a range of PCn –Cd complexes may be formed; however, Tris–HCl, pH 7.4, 10 mM KCl, 1.5 mM MgCl2 , 20 mM
gel filtration does not have sufficient resolution to provide ˇ-mercaptoethanol) using a hand-held homogenizer. The
information about the types or nature of PC–Cd com- homogenate was centrifuged at 10 000 g for 15 min and
plexes present in the PC–Cd fraction. If the formation of the supernatant was removed and stored at 4 ° C.
PC–Cd complexes is the key factor in metal tolerance, PCs and PC–Cd complexes were isolated from the
then a technique with high mass resolution is required to supernatant by gel filtration chromatography using a Bio-
be able to detect complexes that may differ in size by only Rad (Hercules, CA, USA) Econo LC system. A 20 ml
a few hundred mass units. Additionally, a high-sensitivity volume of supernatant was loaded on to a Bio Gel P-6
technique is required to be able to detect compounds column (100 ð 2.5 cm i.d.) and eluted using Tris–HCl
that may be present at low levels in biological samples. (50 mM, pH 7.8) at a flow-rate of 0.6 ml min 1 . The elu-
The innovation of electrospray ionization mass spectrom- ate was monitored at 254 nm and 7.5 ml fractions were
etry (ESI-MS),8 a powerful technique for the analysis collected. The Cd content for each fraction was deter-
of proteins and peptides with a sensitivity of low fem- mined using a Unicam 929 atomic absorption spectrome-
tomole .10 15 mol/ to high attomole .10 18 mol/,9 has ter (ThermoJarrel Ash, Franklin, MA, USA) at 228.8 nm.
greatly enhanced our capability to analyze organometallic Fractions that both absorbed at 254 nm and contained Cd
complexes,10 including the interaction between a peptide by AAS were pooled (67.5 ml) and concentrated using
or protein and a metal ion.11 – 17 So far, few studies of an Amicon stirred-cell concentrator (Millipore, Bedford,
the use of ESI-MS in the analysis of PCs have been MA, USA) with a 500 MW cut-off membrane. A vol-
reported,16 and the direct analysis of PC–Cd complexes ume of 200–500 µl of concentrated extract was dried
has not been explored. using a SpeedVac (Savant Instruments, Hicksville, NY,
In this study, we applied nano-electrospray tandem USA) and re-suspended in either 20 µl of water or 50%
mass spectrometry (nano-ESI-MS/MS)18,19 and capillary methanol–water with 3% acetic acid prior to the ESI-
liquid chromatography/electrospray ionization tandem MS analysis (estimated concentration 1.6 ð 10 3 –4.0 ð
mass spectrometry (capillary LC/ESI-MS/MS)20 for the 10 3 M Cd2C as PC–Cd complex).
analysis of PCs and PC–Cd complexes induced in
Datura innoxia tissue culture exposed to Cd. Using these
ESI-MS/MS analyses
techniques, PCn s with n D 3–6 and Cd complexes with
each of these PCs were detected.
ESI-MS/MS analysis was performed using a Finnigan
(San Jose, CA, USA) LCQ ion trap mass spectrome-
ter. The chemical standard . -GluCys/5 Gly (10 3 M) or
EXPERIMENTAL . -GluCys/5 Gly (5 ð 10 4 M)–Cd (2.5 ð 10 4 M) mix-
tures were prepared and infused into the ESI source at
3 µl min 1 . A positive voltage of 4–5 kV was applied to
the needle and the temperature of the stainless-steel heat-
ing capillary was maintained at 180–250 ° C. An N2 sheath
flow (65 scale) was applied to stabilize ESI signal. The
HPLC-grade water, methanol (MeOH) and acetonitrile voltage at the exit of the heating capillary and the tube
(Mallinckrodt, Paris, KY, USA) were obtained from lens was held at 13 and 5 V, respectively, to minimize the
Fisher Scientific (Fair Lawn, NJ, USA). Cadmium chlo- source-induced dissociation and optimize the ESI signal of
ride .CdCl2 / was purchased from Aldrich (Milwaukee, the analyte. The ion injection was controlled by automatic
WI, USA). The chemical standard of . -GluCys/5 Gly was gain control to avoid the space charge effects.22 The full-
synthesized by Commonwealth Biotechnologies (Rich- scan mass spectrum was acquired from m/z 150 to 2000.
mond, VA, USA), and was used without further purifica- MS/MS and MSn experiments were executed with a rela-
tion. Other chemicals utilized, such as acetic acid (AcOH) tive collision energy of 32–39% (1.60–1.95 Vpeak to peak
and trifluoroacetic acid (TFA), were of analytical grade, of r.f. resonance excitation voltage). The charge state and
and were obtained from Fisher Scientific. isotopic abundance of the analyte were determined by an

Copyright  1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. J. Mass Spectrom. 34, 930–941 (1999)

LCQ high-resolution scan (zoom scan) with an isolation molecular mass of the Cd-containing fraction from
window of 10 Da. cell lysates occurred with time of exposure to Cd2C ,
The nano-ESI source was constructed according to suggesting the formation of a Cd complex of some
the method published by Davis and Lee.23 Briefly, the sort. Acidification of the Cd-containing fraction followed
nanospray needle, an uncoated fused-silica tip (360 µm by HPLC analysis showed the presence of four peaks
o.d., 75 µm i.d. with 8 or 30 µm tip) (New Objective, and amino acid analysis of those peaks confirmed their
Cambridge, MA, USA), was connected to one end of a identity as . -GluCys/n Gly with n D 2–5. This work
micro-Tee connector (Upchurch, Oak Harbor, WA, USA), demonstrated that the biosynthesis of phytochelatins was
and a platinum wire (350 µm o.d.) was connected to the induced in D. innoxia upon exposure to Cd2C , and that
vertical end of the Tee to apply voltage. The other end of PCs were involved in the Cd complex, but the size,
the Tee was connected to a 25 µl syringe using a fused- stoichiometry and nature of the PC–Cd complexes was
silica capillary tube (20 cm ð 50 µm i.d.). Sample was not elucidated. Nano-ESI/MS/MS should provide the
loaded into the syringe and the flow-rate was controlled resolution needed to detect and identify PCs and PC–Cd
using the syringe pump on the LCQ. The needle assem- complexes rapidly with greater sensitivity and with less
bly was mounted on a xyz multi-axis translational stage sample preparation.
(Newport, Irvine, CA, USA) to position the needle, and a
charge-coupled device (CCD) camera with a monitor was
used to guide the needle direction. Normally, the needle Analysis of a (g-GluCys)5 Gly standard
tip was positioned 1 mm away from the center of the pin-
hole of the heating capillary. A voltage of 0.8–1.3 kV To test the applicability of the nano-ESI-MS/MS method
was sufficient to maintain a stable ESI signal. In this for the analysis of PCs and PC–Cd complexes, a com-
work, we used a nanospray needle with a 30 µm tip size mercially synthesized . -GluCys/5 Gly.PC5 / standard, the
(0.2–0.3 µl min 1 ) because this size of needle is easy to largest PC found in D. innoxia,6 was analyzed. The nano-
use and is not to prone to clogging. Therefore, the needle ESI spectrum of PC5 (1 mM) in 3% AcOH–50% MeOH
can be re-used several times. Using a smaller (8 µm) tip is dominated by the singly charged [M C H]C ion at
size of the nanospray needle can further reduce the sample m/z 1236.2, which matches the elemental composition
flow-rate to less than 50 nl min 1 , but it is easily clogged. of PC5 .C42 H65 N11 O22 S5 / with a monoisotopic molecular
Capillary LC/MS/MS analysis was conducted using mass of 1235.3, as shown in Fig. 1(a). The high-resolution
a Hewlett-Packard (Palo Alto, CA, USA) Model 1050 (zoom) scan mode of PC5 demonstrated that not only
HPLC system coupled to the LCQ. The HPLC system was the analyte charge state, but also the distribution of ana-
operated at a flow-rate of 0.3 ml min 1 . The mobile phase lyte isotopic peaks [Fig. 1(b)] could be resolved. The
was split before the injector by a Tee-connector. One detected ion abundance ratio of the monoisotopic ion (m/z
end of the Tee was connected to a capillary C18 column 1236.1), [M C H]C , over the ion abundance ratio of the
(150 ð 0.18 mm i.d.) Nucleosil, 5 µm particle size) and a [M C H C 1]C or [M C H C 2]C peaks closely matched
flow-rate of 1.5 µl min 1 was established. The capillary the theoretical value.25 From five measurements includ-
column was packed according to the methods described ing that shown in Fig. 1(b), we obtained average ratios of
by Davis et al.,24 with the modification that a stainless- [M C H C 1]C /[M C H]C and [M C H C 2]C /[M C H]C
steel frit (2 µm) was used instead of a PVDF membrane of 0.49 š 0.02 and 0.34 š 0.02, respectively, in good
frit, and HPLC fittings were used for the connection to agreement with the theoretical values25 of 0.57 and 0.42,
eliminate the use of epoxy. Volumes of 1–5 µl of the respectively. The chemical identity of an analyte can be
D. innoxia extract were injected via a Valco (Houston, determined using the high-resolution MS technique.26,27
TX, USA) injector mounted on the LCQ, and eluted from With the resolution R.m/mFWHM / D 6000 obtained in
the column using 0.01 or 0.1% TFA in water (mobile our ion trap mass spectrometer, the ion formation of
phase A) and 0.1% TFA in acetonitrile (mobile phase B). PC–Cd complexes can be unambiguously determined by
PC–Cd complexes were eluted using a two-step linear their isotopic peak distribution (discussed below). It is also
gradient of 1–3% B in the first 10 min, followed by notable in the spectrum that ions of m/z 1234.3 and 1235.3
3–30% B in the next 30 min. The eluate from the capillary were detected. The difference of 2 Da between the ion at
column was connected via a fused-silica capillary (100 µm m/z 1236.3 [M C H]C and m/z 1237.3 [M C H C 1]C and
i.d., 165 µm o.d.) to the ESI source. The capillary LC/ESI- m/z 1234.3 and m/z 1235.3, respectively, suggests that a
MS/MS analysis was accomplished using an automated disulfide bond may form between two Cys residues in
data acquisition procedure, in which a cyclic series of the PC5 monomer (formation would be accompanied by a
three different scan modes were performed. The data loss of 2H). The disulfide bond was confirmed by MS/MS
acquisition was conducted using the full-scan mode to analysis (data not shown). The tandem mass spectrum of
obtain the most intense peak (signal >1.5 ð 105 counts) PC5 at m/z 1236 [Fig. 1(c)] revealed that both b- and y-
as the precursor ion, followed by a high-resolution scan terminus28 ions were the dominant fragment ions, which
to determine the charge state of the precursor ion and an served to confirm the identity of the analyte.
MS/MS scan to determine the structural fragment ions of
the precursor ion. Analysis of Cd complexes of (g-GluCys)5 Gly

To study PC5 –Cd complexes, we prepared a solution of

PC5 (0.5 mM) and Cd2C (0.25 mM) in 3% AcOH–50%
MeOH and analyzed the solution using the nano-ESI-
Previous investigations of the formation of PC–Cd MS/MS technique. This solution system optimized the
complexes in D. innoxia 6 showed that a shift to higher detection of the analyte signal while maintaining the

Copyright  1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. J. Mass Spectrom. 34, 930–941 (1999)

Figure 1. Nano-ESI-MS/MS of . -GluCys/5 Gly in 50% MeOH 47% H2 O 3% AcOH. The full-scan mass spectrum (a), the high-resolution
scan at m/z 1236 (b) and the tandem mass spectrum of the precursor ion at m/z 1236 with an isolation width m D 10 and a relative
collision energy of 35% (c) are presented.

Copyright  1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. J. Mass Spectrom. 34, 930–941 (1999)

Figure 1. (continued ).

PC–Cd complex. The intensities of PC5 and its Cd com- 112

Cd, 24.1%; 113 Cd, 12.2%; 114 Cd, 28.7%; 116 Cd, 7.5%).
plexes were greatly reduced in solution with the Cd2C To ascertain that the detected isotopic distribution pat-
concentration ½0.3 mM. Solutions with a ratio of PC5 tern is reproducible, a replicate of six measurements was
to Cd of 0.5 to 0.25 mM gave the optimal ESI signal performed, and the mean and standard deviation of the
for PC5 and PC5 –Cd complexes. Spectra are shown in observed intensity for each isotopic peak were calcu-
Fig. 2(a), (b) and (c). Cd2C is a thiophilic metal ion; the lated (each measurement represents an average of 50–80
formation of a phytochelatin–Cd2C complex is therefore zoom scans from experiment). These results are summa-
expected to involve the cysteine thiol groups of phy- rized in Table 1. Assignment of the isotope peaks (see
tochelatin with the loss of 2HC for each coordinated Cd2C Table 1) indicates the presence of two types of PC5 –Cd
ion. PC5 could accommodate up to two Cd2C ions involv- complexes, one with [PC5 C Cd-2 C H]C for the cysteine-
ing four of the five cysteine residues. The mass spectrum coordinated Cd2C complex, and the other with the for-
of the PC5 –Cd solution [Fig. 2(a)] shows three PC5 –Cd mula [PC5 C Cd-4 C H]C for a PC5 –Cd complex with
complexes at m/z 1346, 1458 and 1568, corresponding to an intramolecular disulfide bond involving two additional
PC5 –Cd, PC5 –Cd2 and PC5 –Cd3 , respectively. The m/z cysteine residues. Table 1 compares the expected ion
values for the first two complexes are consistent with the signal intensities calculated for the [PC5 C Cd-2 C H]C
loss of 2HC for each Cd2C , supporting the formation of complex and the [PC5 C Cd-4 C H]C complex with the
a covalent PC–Cd complex, while the m/z value for the observed intensity for each m/z peak obtained from exper-
third complex is consistent with a third Cd2C associated imental measurements. The m/z values for many of the
electrostatically with the PC5 –Cd2 complex. As shown peaks in Fig. 2(b) could be assigned to the presence of
in the inset zoom scan of PC5 in Fig. 2(a), it is also either [PC5 C Cd-2 C H]C or [PC5 C Cd-4 C H]C , but the
notable that there is an increase in the ion peak intensities peak at m/z 1342.2 and 1343.2 can only be assigned
at m/z 1234.2 and 1235.2 compared with those peaks in to the presence of [PC5 C Cd2C -4 C H]C with 110 Cd and
Fig. 1(b). This suggests that cysteine residues in PC5 are 111
Cd isotopes, confirming the presence of complexes
more readily oxidized to intramolecular disulfide bonds of this type. Similarly, the peak at m/z 1350 is mostly
owing to the presence of excess Cd2C in solution. attributed to the [PC5 C Cd-2 C H]C with 116 Cd, suggest-
Figure 2(b) is a representative spectrum obtained from ing that both types of complexes are present. Additionally,
an average of 50 zoom scans at m/z 1342–1352 to the calculated intensities for just [PC5 C Cd-2 C H]C or
show the isotope pattern of the PC5 –Cd complex. The [PC5 C Cd-4 C H]C do not match the observed intensi-
isotopic peak distribution of the PC5 –Cd complex is ties. If peak intensities are calculated for a mixture of the
complicated owing to the isotopic distribution for PC5 complexes consisting of 45% [PC5 C Cd-2 C H]C C 55%
[see Fig. 1(b)] coupled to the isotopic distribution of Cd [PC5 C Cd-4 C H]C , good agreement between the calcu-
(106 Cd, 1.25%; 108 Cd, 0.9%; 110 Cd, 12.5%; 111 Cd, 12.8%; lated intensities and the observed intensities for each m/z

Copyright  1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. J. Mass Spectrom. 34, 930–941 (1999)

Figure 2. Nano-ESI-MS/MS of a mixture of . -GluCys/5 Gly (0.5 mM) and Cd2C (0.25 mM) in 50% MeOH 47% H2 O 3% AcOH. The
full-scan mass spectrum (a) is presented with an inset zoom scan of m/z 1236 showing the presence of oxidized PC5 at m/z 1234 and
1235. The zoom scan of m/z 1347 (PC5 Cd complex) (b) corresponds to a mixture of Cd complexes with reduced and oxidized PC5 . The
tandem mass spectrum of PC5 Cd complex (c) with settings of the precursor ion at m/z 1346, isolation width m D 10 and a relative
collision energy of 35% shows that Cd2C remains with most of fragments generated (signified by an asterisk). Most of the unassigned
ions are either bŁ 18 or yŁ 18.

Copyright  1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. J. Mass Spectrom. 34, 930–941 (1999)

Figure 2. (continued ).

Table 1. Comparison of the observed ion peaks and intensities with the expected peaks and
intensities for [PC5 Y Cd−2 Y 1]Y and [PC5 Y Cd−4 Y 1]Y and for a mixture of
the two complexes
Expected ion signal intensities (%)
Observed ion 45% [PC5 C Cd-2 C H]C C
m/z signal intensitya (%) [PC5 C Cd-2 C H]C [PC5 C Cd-4 C H]C 55% [PC5 C Cd-4 C H]C

1342.2 18 š 4 3 26 18
1343.2 34 š 8 1 41 26
1344.2 70 š 7 26 75 60
1345.2 69 š 3 41 68 63
1346.2 100 75 100 100
1347.2 70 š 7 68 54 68
1348.2 81 š 11 100 48 81
1349.2 44 š 6 54 21 41
1350.2 36 š 7 48 11 31
1351.2 9š3 21 3 12
Values of the observed ion signal intensities represent the mean and standard deviation
obtained from six different measurements.

peak seen in Fig. 2(b) is obtained. We would like to point isolation window was set at š5 Da with respect to the
out that this calculation is not intended to serve as a precursor ion, m/z 1346, to accommodate the isotopic
quantitative assay but rather to indicate that the isotope peaks of the PC5 –Cd complexes. These settings generated
distribution of the PC5 –Cd complex has contributions reproducible tandem mass spectra. The dominant fragment
from both [PC5 C Cd-2 C H]C and [PC5 C Cd-4 C H]C ions are the [M C H 18]C ion .bŁ 11 / and the [M C H-
ions. The observation of the [PC5 C Cd-4 C H]C ion also Glu]C ion .yŁ 10 /, where M is the combination of .PC5 C
confirms the presence of the intramolecular disulfide bond Cd-2) and .PC5 C Cd-4) as described above, and the
in samples with the PC5 model compound. asterisk indicates the presence of Cd in the fragment.
We performed MS/MS analysis on the precursor ion The signal intensities of the fragment ions of the PC5 –Cd
at m/z 1346 to explore the structure of the PC5 –Cd complexes are lower than those of the fragment ions from
complex, and the spectrum is shown in Fig. 2(c). The the MS/MS analysis of PC5 shown in Fig. 1(c). Similar

Copyright  1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. J. Mass Spectrom. 34, 930–941 (1999)

observation of a decrease in the fragmentation efficiency PC–Cd complexes induced by Cd. The . -GluCys/n Gly–
of metal complexes has been reported by others.13,14 The Cd complexes for n D 4 and 5 are observed at m/z 1116
bn - and yn -terminal ions (n D 6–10 and b5 Ł as well as and 1348, with both peaks containing the complex isotopic
b4 Ł ) clearly contain the Cd isotopic pattern. Although the distribution pattern noted for the PC5 –Cd standard
tandem mass spectrum has an extensive fragmentation (data not shown). The signal intensities of the PC–Cd
pattern, interpretation of the data to resolve the exact complexes are much weaker .<10%/ than those of the
location of Cd coordination in the PC5 –Cd complexes PCs without Cd. In contrast to the much higher signal
remains a complicated task, since fragmentation from intensity of the [M C H]C ion for . -GluCys/4 Gly (m/z
either the N-or C-terminus of the peptide results in Cd- 1004) than that for . -GluCys/5 Gly (m/z 1236), the signal
bound peptide fragments. More likely, these yŁ and bŁ intensity of the . -GluCys/4 Gly–Cd complex ion is about
fragments suggest a mixture of Cd binding sites in PC5 . equal to that of the . -GluCys/5 Gly–Cd complex ion,
suggesting similar rates of complex formation. Moreover,
Analysis of PC–Cd complexes from plant tissue unlike the PC5 standard, PC–Cd2 and PC–Cd3 complexes
culture were not detected in D. innoxia. The lack of complexes
of other than 1 : 1 PC : Cd stoichiometry probably reflects
The goal of this research is to use nano-ESI-MS/MS the lower concentration of Cd and the competition for Cd
in the direct analysis of PC–Cd complexes isolated by other PCn s in vivo.
from D. innoxia tissue culture. To that end, the PC–Cd Figure 3(c) shows the tandem mass spectrum gener-
fraction was isolated using gel filtration chromatogra- ated from the . -GluCys/4 Gly–Cd complex with the pre-
phy and concentrated. A 500 µl aliquot of the con- cursor ion m/z 1115. As expected, the dominant frag-
centrated PC–Cd fraction was dried and dissolved in ments of the . -GluCys/4 Gly–Cd complex are either the
20 µl of 50% MeOH–3% AcOH prior to analysis by N- or C-terminal ions containing Cd (yŁ or bŁ ). The
nano-ESI-MS/MS. The full scan is shown in Fig. 3(a), MS/MS fragmentation pattern of the . -GluCys/4 Gly–Cd
and the peaks seen at m/z 540.1, 772.2, 1004.2, 1236.2 or . -GluCys/5 Gly–Cd complex from D. innoxia is sim-
and 1468.2 are assigned as . -GluCys/n Gly with n D ilar to that of the standard . -GluCys/5 Gly–Cd complex
2, 3, 4, 5 and 6, respectively. The inset zoom scan of PC5 shown in Fig. 2(c), except for the detailed isotope dis-
(m/z 1231–1241) in Fig. 3(a) shows that the ion signal tribution pattern of yŁ or bŁ . The differences seen are
intensities at m/z 1234 and 1235 are much lower than due to the lack of oxidized forms of the PCn s and their
those at m/z 1236 and 1237 in the cell extract sample com- Cd complexes from D. innoxia due to the presence of
pared with the PC5 –Cd model sample [see Fig. 2(a)]. This ˇ-mercaptoethanol (described for Fig. 3(a) above). The
indicates that oxidized forms of PC5 from D. innoxia were isotope pattern of yŁ and bŁ fragments from the PC5 –Cd
not formed, owing to the presence of ˇ-mercaptoethanol model [Fig. 2(c)] is composed of a mixture of .PC5 C Cd-
in the extraction buffer which protects sulfhydryl groups 2CH/ and .PC5 C Cd-4CH/, while the isotope pattern
from oxidation. Similar results were seen for PC3 , PC4 of yŁ and bŁ fragments from the D. innoxia extracts
and PC6 (data not shown). [Fig. 3(c)] is mainly composed of .PC4 C Cd-2CH/.
The presence of PC6 in D. innoxia has not been
reported previously.6 The structures of the PC3 –PC6 pep- LC/ESI-MS analysis of PC–Cd fraction from
tides were confirmed by MS/MS analysis and the tandem D. innoxia
mass spectrum for PC6 (m/z 1468) is shown in Fig. 3(b).
From the assigned y-terminal ions, the data clearly show To confirm the result obtained from nano-ESI-MS/MS
that PC6 fragments by losing successive -GluCys units, analysis, we employed capillary LC/ESI-MS to analyze
yielding the fragment ions . -GluCys/n GlyC with n D the PCs and the PC–Cd complexes from D. innoxia. A
2–5, at m/z 540, 772, 1004 and 1236. This was the custom-packed capillary C18 column (0.18 mm i.d.) was
same fragmentation pattern as seen for the PC5 standard used to enhance the sensitivity of LC/MS. The smaller
[Fig. 1(c)]. diameter of the LC column gives a higher analyte peak
The relative distributions of the different PCs deter- concentration for an equal amount of injected analyte.20
mined by nano-ESI-MS/MS is different from the dis- The ESI response depends on sample concentration;
tribution determined by HPLC reported previously.6 In samples with higher concentration generate more intense
Fig. 3(a), the most abundant form of the PCs is PC4 signals.29 We found that the sensitivity of LC/MS using
followed by PC5 , PC3 and PC6 , assuming similar ion- the 0.18 mm i.d. column was twofold higher than that
ization efficiencies for each PC. The level of PC2 may be using the 0.3 mm i.d. column. For the capillary LC/ESI-
reduced owing to loss of that peptide during concentration MS/MS analysis of D. innoxia extracts, 1–5 µl of the
of the PC–Cd fraction with the 500 Mr cut-off membrane. sample solution were injected and analyzed. A linear
By HPLC, PC2 was present in the greatest amount after gradient of water with 0.1 or 0.01% TFA and acetonitrile
24 h of growth, with decreasing amount of PC3 , PC4 and with 0.1% TFA was employed to elute the PCs and the
PC5 , suggesting that the longer chains are synthesized PC–Cd complexes. The elution profile of phytochelatins
more slowly and accumulate with time of exposure.6 The is dependent on their molecular mass, with the lowest
greater abundance of PC4 compared with PC3 seen by Mr PCs eluting first and the highest Mr PCs eluting last.
nano-ESI-MS/MS suggests that there may not be a corre- Each PC–Cd complex co-eluted with the corresponding
lation between time of Cd exposure and accumulation of PC. The shape of the . -GluCys/n Gly peaks was affected
PCs of large size; however, a time course study is needed by the percentage of TFA in the mobile phase. In a mobile
to elucidate this issue further. phase without TFA, the PCs did not separate according
The nano-ESI spectrum for the D. innoxia sample to molecular mass, and the peak shape was broadened.
[Fig. 3(a)] also contains rich information about the Using a gradient of 0.1% TFA in water (a) and 0.1% TFA

Copyright  1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. J. Mass Spectrom. 34, 930–941 (1999)

Figure 3. Nano-ESI-MS/MS of the Datura innoxia tissue culture sample. The full-scan mass spectrum from the D. innoxia extracts with
an inset zoom scan of m/z 1236 .PC5 / (a) show low levels of oxidized PC5 as evidenced by low peak intensity at m/z 1234 and 1235. The
tandem mass spectrum at m/z 1468 (b) corresponds to . -GluCys/6 Gly with settings of isolation width m D 10 and a relative collision
energy of 39%. The tandem mass spectrum for . -GluCys/4 Gly Cd complexes at m/z 1115 with isolation width m D 10 and a relative
collision energy of 35% (c) are presented. The asterisk denotes ions that contain Cd. Most of the unassigned ions are either bŁ 18
or yŁ 18.

Copyright  1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. J. Mass Spectrom. 34, 930–941 (1999)

Figure 3. (continued ).

in acetonitrile (b) resulted in a decrease in the signal for were detected using capillary LC/ESI-MS/MS, and had
the PC–Cd complexes compared with a TFA content of the same retention time as the corresponding PCn .
0.01%, suggesting the loss Cd from the complex under The signal ratio of the . -GluCys/n Gly–Cd complex to
conditions of low pH .2/, as has been noted before.5,30 . -GluCys/n Gly are similar to those results by obtained
We have optimized the LC/ESI-MS/MS separation of the nano-ESI-MS/MS (data not shown). Additionally, the cap-
PC–Cd complexes using a two-step linear gradient from illary LC/ESI-MS/MS analysis detected the presence of
1 to 3% B in the first 10 min and from 3 to 30% B a . -GluCys/3 Gly–Cd complex (shown in Fig. 4(e), m/z
in the next 30 min (A D 0.01% TFA–water, B D 0.1% 884), which was not detected using nano-ESI-MS/MS, as
TFA–acetonitrile). The elution peak shape of PCs using well as a peak at m/z 994, consistent with the presence
0.01% TFA in water was slightly broadened compared of a . -GluCys/3 Gly–Cd2 complex. These results indi-
with 0.1% TFA in water, but the signal for the PC–Cd cate that capillary LC/ESI-MS/MS is capable of detecting
complexes was greater, thus minimizing the loss of the the presence of low-level analytes in a complex mixture
PC–Cd complexes. whose signal is suppressed using nano-ESI-MS/MS.
Figure 4(a)–(d) show the reconstructed ion chro-
matograms (RIC) of the . -GluCys/n Gly peptides .n D
3–6/ from D. innoxia at m/z 772, 1004, 1232 and 1468.
The capillary LC/ESI-MS/MS data were acquired using CONCLUSION
an automatic collection sequence of full scan, high-
resolution scan and MS/MS scan. The jagged peak shape
observed in Fig. 4(a)–(d) is due to the intensity differ- Employment of nano-ESI-MS/MS has greatly enhanced
ence between the full-scan and the high-resolution scan, our ability to analyze PCs and PC–Cd complexes.
or between the high-resolution scan and the MS/MS scan For example, the [M C H]C ion response of the
(see Experimental). The lower molecular mass peptides . -GluCys/5 Gly–Cd complexes generated using nano-
PC3 [Fig. 4(a)] and PC4 [Fig. 4(b)] are eluted earlier ESI-MS/MS at 0.05–0.2 µl min 1 was three times more
on the C18 capillary column, and some of these pep- intense than that generated by conventional ESI at
tides elute in the solvent front at 4 min. The peaks at 3 µl min 1 . Because of the lower flow-rate used for nano-
18 and 21 min in Fig. 4(a) are the fragment ion peaks ESI-MS/MS, the amount of sample needed for the analysis
generated in the MS/MS analysis of . -GluCys/4 Gly was dramatically reduced. This will allow us to perform
[m/z 1004, Fig. 4(b)] and . -GluCys/5 Gly [m/z 1236, the series of full-scan, high-resolution scan and MSn scan
Fig. 4(c)], respectively. The most intense peak in the required to obtain structural information from a limited
capillary LC/ESI-MS/MS analysis for D. innoxia sam- amount of biological sample.
ple is PC4 [Fig. 4(b)], similar to the result from the This work demonstrates that the direct analysis
nano-ESI-MS/MS analysis. Both PC4 –Cd and PC5 –Cd of PCs and PC–Cd complexes from plant extracts

Copyright  1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. J. Mass Spectrom. 34, 930–941 (1999)

Figure 4. Analysis of the Datura innoxia tissue culture sample using capillary LC/ESI-MS/MS. The reconstructed ion chromatograms
(RIC) of . -GluCys/3 Gly at m/z 772 (a), . -GluCys/4 Gly at m/z 1004 (b), . -GluCys/5 Gly at m/z 1236 (c) and, . -GluCys/6 Gly at m/z 1468
(d) and the full-scan mass spectrum for the peaks between 14 and 16 min (e) are presented.

Copyright  1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. J. Mass Spectrom. 34, 930–941 (1999)

by nano-ESI-MS/MS and capillary LC/ESI-MS/MS complexes with PC3 , PC4 and PC5 is the first report on the
is simple and capable of detecting the PCs and nature of the individual PC–Cd complexes present in plant
PC–Cd complexes produced in plants in response tissue samples. The use of these methods to compare the
to metal stress. The nano-ESI-MS/MS trace revealed PC–Cd complexes isolated from metal-tolerant and metal-
comprehensive information about the range of PCs and sensitive plant tissue samples should provide a valuable
PC–Cd complexes induced in D. innoxia tissue culture insight into the role that PC–Cd complex formation plays
exposed to Cd. The capillary LC/ESI-MS/MS method in metal tolerance.
is complementary to the nano-ESI-MS/MS method and
is useful for detecting low-intensity peaks such as the Acknowledgements
. GluCys/3 Gly–Cd complex, which was only detected
by the capillary LC/ESI-MS/MS method. The nano-ESI- This research was supported by a Research Infrastructure in Minority
Institutions (RIMI) award from the National Center for Research
MS/MS and the capillary LC/ESI-MS/MS methods can Resources with funding from the Office of Research on Minority
be used to determine directly the size, stoichiometry Health, National Institutes of Health, USA, No. 5 P20 RR11805 (Mass
and number of PCn –Cd complexes in plant tissue Spectrometry Facility and T.-Y.Y). J.A.V. acknowledges support
extracts, information that is not available by conventional from the Graduate Assistance in Area of National Need fellowship
award from the Department of Education, USA, No. P200A70233.
methods of investigation.4 The resolution of gel filtration Additional support was provided by the Department of Chemistry and
chromatography, used to follow the production of the Biochemistry, San Francisco State University. J.G.D. thanks Dr Paul
PC–Cd complex, is insufficient to separate the individual Jackson, Los Alamos National Laboratory, for the gift of Datura
innoxia tissue culture. The authors also thank Dr Terry D. Lee, Ms
PCn –Cd complexes present in D. innoxia cells, but this Felicia Rusnak and Ms Denise Keen (Beckman Research Institute of
resolution is easily achieved using nano-ESI-MS/MS the City of Hope, Duarte, CA, USA) for their assistance with the
and capillary LC/ESI-MS/MS. The detection of PC–Cd construction of the nano-ESI source.


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