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Reduce your caloric intake.

While it's impossible to lose weight from only one part of

the body, people who lose overall body weight tend to lose belly fat first. [2]
 Cut down on sugar and starch. These types of foods tend to be stored as fat if the
calories are not burned off immediately, and provide little in the way of
nutrition.[3] Instead, eat a diet that is primarily composed of vegetables, fruits, whole
grains, and lean proteins like fish, chicken, turkey, and tofu.
 Keep a diet journal to help you keep track of the food you eat. Studies have shown that
people who keep diet and exercise y in between meals, munch on healthy things like
carrots, celery, nuts, or fruit.
 Reduce your portion sizes. Remember that all foods can be enjoyed in moderation, as
long as you don't overdo it.

Stay hydrated. Water keeps you full in between meals, and helps avoid mistaking thirst
for hunger. You should drink at least 8 glasses of water every day.
 Drink one full glass of water before every meal. This will fill up your stomach so that you
feel fuller faster.
 Skip the sugary sodas and fruit juices and opt for water instead. This will save you
hundreds of unneeded calories.

Exercise regularly. You should get half an hour of moderate to vigorous aerobic
exercise at least four times a week.[4] Ideal exercises include jogging, walking uphill,
cycling, and Zumba, among others.[5] Whatever exercise you choose, be sure that you
are getting your heart rate up.
 Choose an exercise that you genuinely enjoy. If you are having fun, you will be more
likely to stick with it.
 If you don't have time to go to the gym or get formal exercise, then find ways to
incorporate more physical activity into your daily life. Do chores around the house, walk
to your destination rather than driving, or go out dancing with friends. Remember that
exercise doesn't always have to feel like work!
Get enough sleep. People who are sleep deprived tend to feel sluggish, causing them
to overeat to compensate for the lack of energy.[6] Getting at least six to seven hours of
sleep a night is crucial to maintaining your overall health, and can help you manage
your weight in the long run.[7] In order to maintain a healthy sleep routine consider the
 Stick to the same bedtime and wake up time - this will train your body clock to know
when it needs to rest and be awake.
 Relax before bedtime - stay away from anything that will excite or exercise your brain
activity as this may prevent you to sleep.

Manage stress. While a certain amount of stress is unavoidable, too much stress can
increase the level of cortisol in the body, which is responsible for excess fat storage.[8]
 Regular exercise can help manage stress. If you struggle from chronic stress, consider
taking up yoga, meditation, or other mind-body activities that focus on breathing, good
posture, and relaxation.
 Eliminate stress-inducing people and/or things from your life, if possible. If your job is
the cause of your chronic stress, consider changing careers or cutting down on your
 Manage your time. Constantly running late and feeling pressed for time can be a major
cause of stress. Better manage your time by making a list of things you need to
accomplish in a given day, and check each one off as you go. Use a daily planner to
help organize your schedule and keep track of obligations.

Don't try to "spot-reduce." Crunches and other ab-busting workouts are great if you
are trying to build muscle, but if you have excess belly fat, these types of exercises will
build muscle underneath that fat without targeting the fat itself. Instead of trying to tone
up your stomach only, focus on total-body toning exercises that build overall muscle
 The more muscle you have, the more calories you will burn even when you are resting.
 Stay focused and think about the clothes that you want to be able to wear.

 Set your self a goal and when you reach it, award yourself.

 Track your progress by taking measurements, taking "before and after" pictures, and
weighing yourself at least once a week.

 Time how long you run/ do exercise daily.

 Cook meals at home when possible, and use olive oil or cooking spray rather than
butter. When eating out, opt for protein-rich foods over starchy foods like pasta. Ask for
dressings and sauces on the side to cut down on extra calories.

 Find an exercise or diet buddy to help keep you motivated.

 Consider hiring a nutritionist or personal trainer to help point you in the right direction
and keep you motivated.

 If you continue exercising weekly you will become skinner in time.

Beans and Legumes
Beans are low-cal and packed with protein and fiber, which help you tone up and lose
weight. Make a bean-heavy dish, such as burritos, instead of meat once a week. You'll
cut a lot of saturated fat and replace it with fiber.

Your morning snack attack is caused by a dip in blood sugar levels. Fiber-rich oatmeal
stays in your stomach for hours, staving off a doughnut run.

Almonds and Other Nuts

Go nuts! They slim your tummy by keeping it full. A Purdue University study showed
that people who ate nuts felt full longer than those who ate rice cakes. Stick to 24
almonds a day to satisfy your hunger pangs without overloading on calories.
Protein Powder
It's not just for gym rats! Protein powder contains amino acids that burn fat and build
muscle. Add two teaspoons to a smoothie for a fat-busting drink. Find it at health food

Olive Oil
Everyone needs a little fat — it controls hunger. Go for monounsaturated fats like olive
or canola oil. They will help keep your cholesterol under control and satisfy cravings.

Berries stuff a lot of filling fiber into a tiny package: Just one cup of raspberries has six

Eggs contain vitamin B12, which your body needs to metabolize fat. In fact, researchers
at Louisiana State University found that people who ate eggs for breakfast every day
lost more weight than those who ate bagels.

Lean Meats and Fish

Your body burns more calories digesting protein than carbs or fat. Want the leanest
meat out there? Opt for turkey, but to cut down even more on saturated fat, choose
fish. Go for tuna and salmon; they are full of omega-3s, which help prevent stress
chemicals that promote fat abs.

Whole Grains
The right kinds of carbs are actually good for you. Choose whole grains — their fiber
keeps you from getting hungry.

Watch out: Sometimes bread labeled "wheat" has been stripped of all of its fiber and
nutrients. Look for "whole grain" or "100 percent whole wheat."
Peanut Butter
Who would have guessed that a kid-friendly food could be waist-friendly, too? PB is
packed with niacin, which keeps the digestive system on track and prevents belly bloat.
Just keep an eye on portion size: Peanut butter does have a lot of fat, so limit yourself
to no more than two tablespoons a day.

Green Vegetables
If their vitamins and minerals don't persuade you, maybe their waist-whittling powers
will do the trick. Veggies like spinach and broccoli are loaded with fiber and very few
calories. Have a salad before a meal and you'll be satisfied with smaller portions later.

Watch out: Iceberg lettuce has almost no fiber. Fill your bowl with romaine, arugula, or
spinach instead.

There's a reason the woman in the yogurt commercial fits into her bikini: Calcium helps
break down fat and may even prevent it from forming!

In addition to containing lots of heart-healthy monounsaturated fats, avocados are a
terrific source of filling fiber (11 to 17 grams per avocado!), making them a great food
for staving off hunger, says Bowden.

Iced tea
"Tea, especially green tea, is rich in antioxidants that have been proven to speed
metabolism," explains Mark Ukra, author ofThe Ultimate Tea Diet.

In fact, according to Swiss researchers, tea-drinking subjects burn a whopping 266

more calories per day than those who abstain.

For consummate calorie-torching, skip bottled teas — processing has depleted them of
slimming nutrients. Instead, steep a tea bag in one cup of hot water for two minutes,
then cool with ice cubes. Enjoy four cups daily.
Parmigiano-Reggiano cheese
This low-cal, calcium-rich treat activates the body's fat-burning hormones, say
University of Wisconsin researchers. "Plus, because of its high protein content — it
contains more than any other dairy product — you'll stay full longer," notes Dr. La

His slimming Rx: "Grate one ounce on soups or salads daily."

Cannellini beans
When it comes to resistant starch, a unique fiber that resists digestion, these legumes
lead the pack.

Good news for you, because slower digestion means your body has to work harder —
that is, burn more calories — in order to process your meal, explains Janine Higgins,
Ph.D., lead author of a University of Colorado study on weight loss.

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