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NAME:______________________________________ COURSE/YR:_____________
Circle the letter of the BEST answer.

1. The transcription /daIn/ represents the word________.

a. Dan b. dane c. din d. dine
2. The transcription /rIʧ/ represents the ________.
a. Reach b. rich c. ridged. reich
3. The transcription /ði:z/ represents the word_________.
a. Thighs b. these c. this d. tease
4. Which of the following words contain a voiced “th” /ð/ sound?
a. Thoughtfulb. thermometer c. thinkers d. therefore
5. Which of the following has a glottal segment?
a. Hot b. sad c. mat d. dam
6. Filipino learners of English who cannot correctly produce the initial sound of the word
“thin” are likely to replace it with______.
a. /d/ b. /t/ c. /θ/ d. /s/
7. The English consonant that corresponds to the following distinctive features is _____.
+ voiced

a. /z/ b. / Ʒ/ c. /ʧ/ d. / ʃ/
8. When teaching pluralization of regular nouns, the teacher may include a pronunciation
lesson on plural nouns ending in _______.
a. /s/, /z/, / əz/ c. /d/, /t/, /əd/
b. / ʃ/, /ʧ/, / Ʒ/ d. /t/, /d/, /dəd/
9. The IPA transcription that represents the word “peace” is ______.
a. /pi:s/ b. / piz/ c. /pez/ d. /pIs/
10. Showing the contrast between vowels /i:/ and /I/, as in “heat” and “hit”, is best presented
by using _____.
a. Analogous pairs b. dyadic pairs c. minimal pairs d. word pairs
11. Which wound is not a realization of the simple past tense?
a. /d/ b. /əd/ c. /t/ d. /ed/
12. Which of the following plural forms ends in /əz/?
a. Giraffes b. means c. garages d. handcuffs
13. The English consonant that corresponds to the following distinctive features is _____.
+ voiced

b. /z/ b. / b/ c. /p/ d. / ʃ/
14. The English consonant that corresponds to the following distinctive features is _____.
+ voiceless

c. /g/ b. / l/ c. /ʧ/ d. / k/
15. Sounds produced with some restriction/closure in the vocal tract as the air flow the lungs
is pushed through the glottis out the mouth.
a. Vowel sounds c. monothongs
b. Diphthongs d. consonants sounds
16. Sounds that are produced with little obstruction in the vocal tract and are generally
a. Vowel sounds c. monothongs
b. Diphthongs d. consonants sounds
17. . Language began when humans started naming objects, actions and phenomena after a
recognizable sound associated with it in real life. This hypothesis holds that the first
human words were a type of verbal icon, a sign whose form is an exact image of its
a. Ding dong hypothesis c. pooh pooh hypothesis
b. Tata hypothesis d. bow wow hypothesis
18. The organs of speech were used to imitate the gestures of the hand. In other words,
language developed from gestures that began to be imitated by the organs of speech--the
first words were lip icons of hand gestures.
a. Ding dong hypothesis c. pooh pooh hypothesis
b. Tata hypothesis d. bow wow hypothesis
19. The first words came from involuntary exclamations of dislike, hunger, pain, or pleasure,
eventually leading to the expression of more developed ideas and emotions.
a. Ding dong hypothesis c. pooh pooh hypothesis
b. Tata hypothesis d. bow wow hypothesis
20. The most famous and therefore the most ridiculed hypothesis holds that vocabulary
developed from imitations of animal noises.
a. Ding dong hypothesis c. pooh pooh hypothesis
b. Tata hypothesis d. bow wow hypothesis
21. The earliest language was chanting to simulate collective effort, whether moving great
stones to block off cave entrances from roving carnivores or repeating warlike phrases to
inflame the fighting spirit.
a. Ding dong hypothesis c. pooh pooh hypothesis
b. Yo-he-ho hypothesis d. bow wow hypothesis
22. Studies the combination of sounds into organized units of speech, the combination of
syllables and larger units. It describes the sound system of a particular language and
distribution of sounds which occur in that language.
a. Morphology c. phoneme
b. Phonology d. phones
23. Which of the following plural forms ends in /z/?
b. Giraffes b. cats c. garages d. cars
24. The smallest unit of sound of any language that causes a difference in meaning. It is a
phone segment that has a contrastive status.
a. Morphology c. phoneme
b. Phonology d. phones
25. Which of the following plural forms ends in /s/?
a. jobs b. gloves c. garages d. handcuffs
II. Complete the table below.


1. /p/ bilabial Stops/plosives voiceless
2. /θ/
3. /ŋ/
4. /ʤ/
5. /s/
6. /v/
7. /b/
8. /ð/
9. /ʧ/
10. /m/
11. /w/

III. Identify the following and WRITE YOUR ANSWER BEFORE THE
1. The act or process of using words, sounds, signs, or behaviors to
express or exchange information or to express your idea, thoughts,
feelings, etc., to someone else.
2. The system of words or signs that people use to express thoughts and
feelings to each other.
3. The study of language and of the way languages work.
4. Communication characterized by the absence of feedback from the
5. An agent who starts the process of communication.
6. Communication expressed through self talk.
7. Refers to the form of communication in which messages is transmitted
verbally, communication is done by word, mouth and any piece of
8. Communication between two or more people.
9. A system of hand signals created by individuals with limited
communication or used by the deaf community.
10. Refers to the personal space the individual maintains with other


extremely important aspect of communication.
1. Computer skills are generally more important than communication skills in the
2. The setting, as well as noise, can interfere with successful communication.
3. The degree of confidence and trust the receiver has in the sender or the source of the
message is called source credibility.
4. Communication reduces misunderstanding and solves troubles among people.
5. Positive feedback happens when there is a lack of understanding.
6. Sign languages are used in the absence of the spoken word.
7. Intrapersonal communication is expressed through self talk.
8. Use oral communication when discussion is needed.
9. Verbal communication can’t stand without non- verbal communication.
10. In formal communication less attention is given to nonverbal cues like clothing,
posture, and eye contact.
11. Communication is complex.
12. The message is the reason behind any interaction. It is the meaning shared between
the sender and the receiver.
13. Clothes and personal appearance provide a quick personal surveillance of the
person’s age, interest, personality, sex, attitude, social standing, or religious
14. Proxemics will not only show relationships and objectives in communication but
detail other cultural undertakings like how the town is arranged and the living spaces

V. Circle the letter of the best answer.

1. If informative speaking aims to inform, what is the aim of demonstrative speaking?
a. To shift the opinions or behaviors of the audience
b. To entertain the audience
c. To share some fact and opinions
d. To show audience how to perform a task
2. Which of the following is NOT an example of a persuasive speech?
a. A politician asking people to vote for him/her
b. A student trying to get a patient to stop smoking
c. A tour guide explaining the floor plan of a larger art museum
d. An environmentalist trying to get people to start thinking about the environment.
3. To complete the communication process, the receiver of a message must provide the
a. Medium b. feedback c. Gesture d. stimulus
4. The speaker can convey his interest in communicating with the audience
a. Dressing up for the occasion c. Lowering the pitch of the voice
b. Making overly dramatic gesture d. Establishing eye contact
5. Self-talking is an example of_______
a. Interpersonal communication
b. Intrapersonal communication
c. Extrapersonal communication
d. Mass communication
6. Which of the following is correct?
a. Non-verbal communication can go without verbal communication.
b. Non-verbal communication cannot go without verbal communication.
c. Verbal communication can go without non-verbal communication.
d. Verbal communication uses signs and symbols to transmit messages.
7. Which of these is a communication skill?
a. talking at the same time as someone else
b. listening to what people say
c. putting your fingers in your ears
d. listening while texting
8. What body language shows you are listening?
a. turning away from the speaker
b. nodding and making eye contact
c. looking out of the window
d. talking while others are talking
9. If you want to complain, what's the best way to behave?
a. stay calm but stick to your point c. get very angry
b. get ready to cry d. Don’t talk
10. The content of the communication is called:
a. a message. b. noise c. Source d. Context
11. To convert a message into groups of words, symbols, gestures, or sounds that present
ideas or concepts is called:
a. Encoding b. feedback b. Noise D. media richness.
12. Which of the following is an example of non verbal communication media?
a. Time b. bulletin board c. space D. A & C.
13. A certain look or glance is an example of:
a. verbal communication C. oral communication.
b. written communication d. non verbal communication
14. _______symbols used by the source of the message by converting them into concepts
and ideas.
a. decoding. C. listing
b. encoding d. none of the above.
15. Noise is not a problem at which stage of the communication process?
a. Source c. receiver.
b. Decoding d. none of the above
16. The process of detecting lies has become increasingly sophisticated; the ability to
analyze speech in this way is possible because nonverbal communication________
a. Is largely unconscious.
b. Has the potential to conflict with verbal communication.
c. Shows the sender's feelings and attitudes.
d. has all of the above characteristics which can help determine the truthfulness of
the speaker
17. Which of the following is NOT an aspect of paralanguage?
a. facial expressions
b. rate of speech
c. pitch of voice
d. volume of voice
18. Which of the following statements best describes paralanguage?
a. It involves the speaker's choice of words.
b. It can create a distinct impression of the speaker.
c. Its main component is body language.
d. It exists beside language and interacts with it.
19. The term kinesics refers to
a. paralinguistic cues that are used to persuade.
b. vocal fillers that regulate the flow of speaking.
c. body movements that directly translate into words.
d. all forms of body movement other than physical contact with another person.
20. Which statement about adaptors is NOT correct?
a. They are habits that are not intended to communicate.
b. People use them when they are uncomfortable or nervous.
c. They are uniform to most communicators and easy to classify.
d. They are behaviors that satisfy physical or psychological needs.
21. Which of the following is NOT an aspect of paralanguage?
a. facial expressions b. rate of speech
c. pitch of voice d. volume of voice
22. Which statement concerning chronemics, or the use of time, is incorrect?
a. Across cultures, the attitude towards time is more universal than the attitude
towards touch.
b. The degree of control a person has over time changes with age and status.
c. A person can communicate nonverbally by being on time or late.
d. The way time is divided is an indication of the value placed on it.
23. Which statement about touch is FALSE?
a. Touch is the first of the five senses to develop.
b. Social-polite touch is the intimate of the categories listed in the chapter.
c. A physician touching a patient for a physical exam is an example of functional-
professional touch.
d. The situation at hand is one factor that influences touch.

24. Compared to all other types of adornment, clothing gives the largest number of cues
about a wearer. Which of the following areas is NOT likely to be judged, based on
a. Intelligence b. educational level c. level of success d. moral
25. Theory of non-verbal communication used in the absence of the spoken word.
a. Chronemics b. semiotics Kinesics d. haptics

What are your ways/strategies to communicate effectively?


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