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What are your strengths?

In the bar graph presented, my strengths include: Care, Clarify, Confer, Consolidate, and

How do you display these strengths in class?

In the classroom, I personally feel that I display these strengths throughout the entire day.
Whether it be during morning work, morning meeting, group work, individual work, math
instruction, ELA instruction, or simply lining up to leave the classroom, I am constantly caring
about the children, clarifying, conferring with them, consolidating, and captivating. In
kindergarten, there is always room for improvement and to let students know that you genuinely
care about their well-being and success both in and out of the classroom. I make it a goal of mine
every day to ensure that every child had a positive and trusting relationship with me and that they
know I would never do anything to hurt them in any way, shape, or form. I make it known that
we come to school to learn, work, behave, and be there for one another no matter how big or

What areas are weaker for you?

In the bar graph presented, my weaknesses include: Control and Challenge.

What can you do to grow in these areas?

Having good control of your classroom is in my opinion, key to successful learning. If

your classroom is not well managed, students will be out of hand causing distractions for the
other students in the classroom. In order for a classroom to be sufficient for learning, the teacher
needs to have good strategies and techniques that keep the students focused, engaged, and on
task. I personally feel that control is not a weakness of mine. I feel that I am stern enough, yet I
have a good rapport with each student. I feel that the techniques I use to engage the students, get
them back on track, and model teaching have been working great through the semester.
However, as a future educator, it is important to always reflect and learn from experiences. I feel
that I could improve my class control by really knowing what each student needs and takes. By
this I mean personally engaging in conversation with each student and hearing them out.
Knowing who they are as an individual, how they learn best, what they respond and do not
respond to will allow me to know how to approach any situation that may ever be out of hand
and becoming out of control. Also, making sure that set rules and boundaries are always clear to
the students and reminding and practicing them.
Furthermore, ensuring that students are being challenge appropriately is important in any
classroom. If students aren’t challenged, how will one know what they truly are capable. You
never want to set limits. I feel that I could better my way of challenging students by
incorporating more extension activities into each lesson. Sometimes, students finish work right
away because it was an easy ask. Instead of just giving them more work that entails the same
effort, give them something more challenging and above level. It is important to be aware that
every child’s level of challenge is different. This is where differentiation will be really important
and thought through.

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