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2. Sound waves cannot travel in ______ 1. Refers to how soft or how intense the sound is as perceived by the
3. Wave that need a medium in order to propagate ear and interpreted by the brain.
7. Unwanted or damaging sound 4. Wave whose motion is parallel to the motion of the particles of the
9. Vibrational frequencies above 20 000 Hz medium
10. Considered as a disturbance that travels through a medium. 5. Vibrational frequencies below 20 Hz
13. Human can hear from 20 Hz-20000 Hz 6. Is a mechanical wave that requires a medium to travel
14. Collects the sound waves and focuses them into the ear canal. 8. It refers to the amount of energy a sound wave.
15. Refers to the highness or lowness of sound 11. Describes those characteristics of sound which allow the ear to
distinguish sounds which have the same pitch and loudness.
12. It is a special sound that forms patterns and are appealing to our
sense of hearing.

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