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Vol. 55, No. 8, August 2017

Alternative Aerodynamic Uncertainty Modeling Approaches

for Flutter Reliability Analysis

Sang Wu∗ and Eli Livne†

University of Washington, Seattle, Washington 98195-2400
DOI: 10.2514/1.J055334
A newly developed Monte Carlo simulation-based computational capability for uncertain aeroelastic and
aeroservoelastic systems is used to study flutter prediction statistics, accounting for aerodynamic and structural
uncertainties. In the aerodynamics area an element-by-element aerodynamic influence coefficients based uncertainty
scheme is introduced and is used to study the uncertainty of flutter predictions in the case of the historical AGARD
445.6 wing-test configuration at a sequence of transonic Mach numbers. Exploring the possibility that in an
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aerodynamic influence coefficient-based flutter predictions uncertainty is strongly linked to the Mach number zones
in which corresponding aerodynamic boxes reside, the relative importance to the flutter velocity and frequency
uncertainties of contribution of uncertainties associated with defined Mach number zones on the wing is ranked by
using the method of global sensitivity analysis. An alternative approach to aerodynamic uncertainty modeling,
focusing on rational function approximation matrix uncertainties, allows examination of the relative impact of
uncertainty in aerodynamic stiffness, damping, inertia, or lag terms. The two approaches complement each other
regarding the insights they provide into the nature of unsteady aerodynamic uncertainty. With the inclusion of
structural uncertainties, the contributions of structural and aerodynamic variation to the uncertainties in flutter
predictions for the AGARD 445.6 wing are compared and quantitatively ranked.

Nomenclature I. Introduction


matrix of aerodynamic influence coefficients [see
Eqs. (6–9)]
reference semichord
T HE importance of accounting for the variations in system
characteristics and their uncertainty in aeroservoelastic design
and certification has long been widely recognized [1]. Numerous
Cp = pressure coefficient basic research papers focused on low-computational-cost simple
f = frequency, Hz representative problems have added to the understanding and
K = kernel function of the unsteady aerodynamic integral insight in this area. Reliability and uncertainty analysis of full-scale
equation [Eq. (1)] aircraft, represented by industry-level mathematical models, is
k = reduced frequency more demanding and difficult due to the modeling challenges
Li = lift force at box i and high computational costs involved. Common practice in
fLg = vector of aerodynamic normal forces such cases, regarding the analysis required, has been to cover
M∞ = Mach number of incoming flow uncertainty and configuration variations by well-planned para-
Pl  = Roger approximation matrices metric studies that drive a large but manageable number of
p = pressure computer simulations [2,3]. The growing power in recent years of
Q = generalized aerodynamic forces matrix computer hardware and parallel-processing plus advancements in
qD = dynamic pressure aeroservoelastic modeling and order-reduction techniques have
S = configuration reference area made comprehensive probabilistic approaches to the reliability and
Si = area of the ith aerodynamic box on a panel based uncertainty evaluation of real aeroservoelastic systems more
aerodynamic mesh within reach. Styuart et al. [4] and Wu and Livne [5,6] describe new
U∞ = flight velocity probabilistic-based aeroservoelastic simulation capabilities for
w = upwash (due to shape and motion of the configuration) full-scale systems of industry complexity and scale and for the
xDi , yDi = location of upwash point at aerodynamic box i associated reliability and uncertainty analyses that they make
xLi , yLi = location of load point at aerodynamic box i possible. From the nonprobabilistic perspective, the results of
γ = aerodynamic lag term attempts to adapt methods for robust design developed by the
~εi; j = ratios of aerodynamic influence coefficients relative controls community for analyzing aeroservoelastic system have
to baseline values been reported in [7–13].
εl i; j = ratios of aerodynamic influence coefficients of case l Significant work to date has been dedicated to the accounting in
to the baseline case aeroelastic uncertainty analysis of uncertainty in the structural
ω = frequency, rad∕s dynamic modeling of the system: stiffness and inertia variations
due to manufacturing uncertainties, degradation during service,
maintenance quality and procedures, damage and repair, etc. [4]. The
difficulty in modeling structural damping and its possible variation
Received 4 May 2016; revision received 31 January 2017; accepted for with time and motion is still a challenge, although the structural
publication 1 April 2017; published online 16 June 2017. Copyright © 2017 damping effects on flutter depend on the type of flutter mechanisms
by S. Wu and E. Livne. Published by the American Institute of Aeronautics present, whether explosive or mild (also known as hard and soft
and Astronautics, Inc., with permission. All requests for copying and flutter [14]). Similar difficulties are encountered when structural
permission to reprint should be submitted to CCC at; nonlinearities are present.
employ the ISSN 0001-1452 (print) or 1533-385X (online) to initiate your But structural dynamic uncertainty in the mathematical models can
request. See also AIAA Rights and Permissions
be reduced via ground vibration tests and static loads tests.
*Ph.D. Candidate, William E. Boeing Department of Aeronautics and
Astronautics; Aerodynamic uncertainty and in particular unsteady aerodynamic

Boeing Endowed Professor of Aeronautics and Astronautics, William E. uncertainty, on the other side, are more difficult to capture by analysis
Boeing Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics; eli@aa.washington. or mitigated by testing but are still extremely important and remain
edu. Fellow AIAA. a major challenge. This work presents and compares two new

approaches used to account for aerodynamic uncertainties in aeroservoelastic uncertainty analysis by studying ways that would
aeroservoelasticity. link uncertainties to mathematical entities of physical significance
Recent years have seen some progress in this area. Computational using current panel and CFD modeling methods. Assigning
fluid dynamics (CFD) based unsteady aerodynamic modeling may uncertainties to such physical entities may give the engineer more
address uncertainty by calculating unsteady aerodynamic loads for insight regarding the relative importance, in reliability analysis, of
configurations with uncertain surface shapes. Uncertainty, in such a key physical parameters as well as the interactions of uncertainties in
case, would cover three-dimensional surface shape uncertainty plus such physical parameters as they propagate through the aeroelastic
uncertainty in the capacity of any reduced structural bases to capture system.
actual structural motion. Variations in Mach number, viscosity, A brief review of linear panel method is presented first to explain
turbulence models, reduced frequency, and discretization details can the physical significance of aerodynamic influence coefficients
be added. But given the current computing power, the creation of matrices and the way their uncertainties are accounted for. An
reliable uncertain CFD-based unsteady aerodynamic models this AIC-based pure aerodynamic uncertainty scheme and a Roger-
way is still prohibitive. approximation-based uncertainty scheme are introduced. Both
Recent efforts to harness CFD modeling technology or flight schemes are then used to study uncertainties in flutter predictions for
flutter test results for the task of evaluating unsteady aerodynamic the AGARD 445.6 test wing. With the capability to independently
uncertainties and their effects on aeroelastic instability are described account for structural uncertainties and aerodynamic uncertainties, a
in [15–23]. Although progress has been made on CFD-based comparison of the effects of aerodynamic and structural uncertainty
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unsteady aerodynamic order reduction, CFD-based aerodynamic sources on the flutter behavior of the AGARD 445.6 wing can be
uncertainty quantification still faces major challenges due to the made. The statistical global sensitivity analysis method is used in all
substantial computational efforts needed and difficulties of state-of- the cases studied to find the relative significance of the various
the art CFD modeling methods in capturing accurately unsteady flow uncertainty sources in the AGARD 445.6 wing case.
behavior such as shock-induced separation, shock–boundary-layer
interaction, and (in the case of separated flows) separation and vortex II. Unsteady Aerodynamic by Linear Panel Methods
dynamics and burst. Modern CFD technology, although significantly Aerodynamic influence coefficients in an aerodynamic panel
ahead of the linear panel methods [24–32] that have been the method relate normal wash on a panel and the corresponding loads on
backbone of aeroelastic analysis, design, and certification for years in all other panels. In a typical lifting surface panel method such as the
its capability to capture nonlinear flow mechanisms (especially in the doublet-lattice method (DLM) with a mesh shown in Fig. 1, for
transonic regime), still encounters uncertainty due to its inherent example, a lifting surface is placed in its local (x, y) plane and divided
deficiencies in CFD models that may miss important physical into trapezoidal boxes. Each box has an area Si , an upwash point
behavior that would require careful attention [33,34]. (xDi , yDi ) and a load point (xLi , yLi ). A pressure differential (lower
A common practice in aeroelastic analysis and certification is to surface pressure minus upper surface pressure) Δpς; η at point
linearize the equations of motion relative to key steady-state (ς, η) on the lifting surface is associated with upwash wx; y, which
conditions. Linear unsteady aerodynamic panel methods have proven depends on shape and motion, at point (x, y) according to a panel-to-
themselves to be reliable and quite accurate for aircraft in the low- panel relation:
angle-of-attack (AOA) subsonic and supersonic flow regimes, where
theory based on linear potential aerodynamics works well. To account  
wx; y 1 x−ς y−η Δpς; η
for deviations from linear unsteady aerodynamic theory due to viscous ∼ K ; ; k; M∞ (1)
U∞ 8π b b qD
effects or transonic compressibility effects, correction factors [16] are
commonly used, based on wind-tunnel load measurements and CFD
where U∞ and qD are the flight speed and dynamic pressure,
analysis, to fine tune the predictions of the linear theory. When
respectively. k  ωb∕U∞ is the reduced frequency, b is a reference
linearized CFD results are the basis for the unsteady aerodynamic
semichord, and M∞ is the Mach number of the incoming flow [24].
math modeling, they are used to calculate matrices of generalized
The integral equation relating upwash to pressures over the lifting
aerodynamic forces corresponding to selected reduced bases (in the
surface can be written as
form of structural mode shapes). Uncertainty may be assigned to the
elements of the generalized force matrices. ZZ
Whether unsteady aerodynamic loads in linear aeroelastic analysis wx; y  Kx − ξ; y − ηΔpξ; η dξ dη (2)
are CFD-based or panel-code-based but corrected by either CFD or 4πρU∞ s
by experiments, it is desirable from an engineering perspective, when
uncertainties have to be accounted for, to assign uncertainties to The kernel function of the integral equation
entities of some clear physical meaning.  
x − ξ y − η
Aerodynamic panel models are based on covering the surface of a K ; ; k; M∞
configuration with small aerodynamic “boxes” and establishing b b
aerodynamic influence coefficients (AICs) to model how those boxes
communicate with each other. The relations between boundary
conditions (upwash) in one box and pressures (loads) in another are
captured by the AIC matrix for all pairs of panels. When uncertainties
are assigned to elements of the AIC matrix, they can be viewed as
uncertainties in the modeling of how aerodynamic boxes exchange
information. Because AICs are functions of the shape of the
configuration, Mach number, and reduced frequency but not the
actual small perturbation structural dynamic motion (the mode
shapes that would be used for aeroelastic analysis), uncertainties in
the AICs can be considered purely aerodynamic. Load Point
At the same time, unsteady aerodynamic effects never act alone in Line of
aeroelasticity because it is their integrated effect, weighted by Doublets
structural motions, that determines aeroelastic behavior. Resulting x
generalized aerodynamic forces also have a certain physical meaning
when the effects of their aerodynamic inertia, damping, stiffness, or
Upwash Point
lag terms are examined.
This paper is aimed at contributing to uncertainty modeling of Fig. 1 Example of panel method meshing: DLM mesh definition of
unsteady aerodynamic forces in the context of aeroelastic and upwash and load points.

8 8 9 9
determines upwash–pressure relations for all pairs of panels over the   < <1= =
lifting surface. Δp .
fΔcp g   AIC fα0 g  .. α (11)
Discretization of the integral equation in a panel method leads to a qD : : ; ;
set of linear algebraic equations relating pressures at all boxes to 1
upwash at all boxes in the matrix form:
where the {α0 } vector contains local geometric angles of attack of
different panels when the AOA of the configuration, α, is zero. Each
fwg  AfΔpg (3)
column j of the AIC matrix is thus the pressure distributions due to
unit total AOA at a box j with total AOAs at all other boxes being
where fwg  f w1 w2 : : : wn gT is the vector of upwash values zero. For a unit total AOA at box j and zero total AOA at all other
at the upwash points of all boxes, and fΔpg  f Δp1 Δp2 boxes, the pressure distribution over the wing is
: : : Δpn gT is the vector of pressure differences at the load points.
If a relationship between upwash at boxes at their upwash points Δp
and lift forces Li at boxes is desired with the lift forces acting at the fΔcp gj   fcolumn j of AIC matrixg (12)
qD j
load point of each box,
An examination of AICs at given reduced frequency, Mach, and
fΔpg  A−1 fwg (4) Reynolds (Re) numbers can be insightful regarding the way different
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aerodynamic boxes communicate with each other. In supersonic

then the vector of lift forces can be written as flow, for example, aerodynamic boxes affect only the boxes within
8 9 2 3 their Mach cones [35]. Uncertainty in flight Mach number and in
> L1 > > S1 local Mach numbers can determine whether boxes on the boundary of
> >
> 6 7 a certain Mach cone may move in or out of it, thus affecting or not
> >
> 6 7
< L2 = 6 S2 7 affecting other boxes or being or not being affected by other boxes.
fLg  6 7fΔpg
> .. >  6 .. 7 In addition to the spatial interconnections of AIC elements and the
> . >
> 6 . 7
> >
> > 4 5 way each single box is related to all others, the frequency dependency
:L >
> ; of AICs can provide important insight. In general AICs are
n Sn
transcendental functions of the reduced frequency. But when rational
2 3
S1 function approximations are used to convert unsteady aerodynamic
6 7 AICs or generalized forces from the frequency to the Laplace and
6 S2 7
6 7 −1 time domains (in the form of Roger [36] and minimum-state
66 ..
7A fwg
7 (5) approximations [37,38], for example), their distinct aerodynamic
6 . 7 stiffness, damping, inertia, and time lag contributions can be
4 5
Sn identified, and the effects of uncertainties in each of those can be
In the case of using the Roger approximation to express the
The entries Si in Eq. (5) are the areas of the boxes. The preceding dependency of generalized aerodynamic forces (or full AICs) on
formulation assumes constant pressures over panels but can be reduced frequency (with i in the following equation being the pure
generalized, using integration matrices, to represent higher-order imaginary number),
approximations of downwash and pressure distributions over panels.
A general boundary-element approach to unsteady aerodynamic ik ik
Q≈P0 ikP1 ik2 P2  P  P  ::: (13)
modeling would lead to normal wash-load relations among all nodes ikγ 1 3 ikγ 2 4
used to define elements on the surface of the configuration.
The aerodynamic influence coefficient (AIC) matrix in the Finding the relative contributions to aeroelastic uncertainty by the
preceding example can be defined by different Pl  matrices may provide useful insights regarding the
relative effects of aerodynamic inertia (P2 ), damping (P1 ), stiffness
fΔpg  AICfwg (6) (P0 ), and time-lag (P3 ; P4 ; : : : ) on both the physical behavior
and the quality of the fitting expressed by Eq. (13). Different flutter
or, in nondimensional form, by mechanisms may be sensitive in different ways to uncertainties in
aerodynamic inertia, damping, stiffness, and lag, as aeroservoelastic
    uncertainty studies of such effects using fixed-base generalized
Δp w
 AIC (7) aerodynamic matrices have shown in [5]. A particular flutter
qD U∞ mechanism may be more sensitive to aerodynamic damping or
aerodynamic stiffness or aerodynamic lag. Insight regarding such
or, alternatively, relating normal wash to loads: sensitivity can guide unsteady aerodynamic modeling and related
uncertainty analysis.
fLg  AICfwg (8)

which, in nondimensional form, leads to III. Accounting for Aerodynamic Uncertainty

A. Aerodynamic Influence Coefficient-Based Aerodynamic
L w
 AIC (9) The availability of AICs obtained directly from CFD after
qD S U∞
linearization (another way of obtaining AICs in cases where linear
panel based AICs do not work well) offers an opportunity for
For linear or linearized small-perturbation flow, the AICs are evaluation of modeling errors and uncertainty at the local, panel-by-
purely aerodynamic and dependent on flight conditions and on panel mesh level.
configuration reference shape but not its small-perturbation motions: Considering the uncertainty of numerical aerodynamic simulation
only, one possibility is to calculate CFD-based AICs using different
AIC  AICM∞ ; k; Re; Reference Shape (10) CFD codes and different CFD models (mesh size, turbulence models,
etc.) and to use differences in the AICs between different simulations
For the whole configuration at the same angle of attack [adopting to guide assignment of uncertainty to the AICs relating different
Eq. (7)], mesh points or aerodynamic boxes. Such comparison of box to box

aerodynamic communication by different mathematical models can elements directly or by ratios with respect to the mean of the sample
be expected to identify areas on the configurations in which or of i, j elements to avoid division by zero.
between which AICs are more sensitive regarding simulation In the absence of test results, the baseline AIC matrix can be
accuracy: regions of large pressure gradients, separation, boundaries selected to be the mean of all AIC matrices or an AIC matrix produced
between subsonic and supersonic flows, etc. by experience-based analysis processes used by an organization for
For the exploratory studies reported here, the field-panel approach flutter analysis. If multiple flutter mechanisms are involved, added
to AIC generation based on CFD simulations has been used in its samples of AICs created by different simulation models at a number
ZTRAN implementation [39], which can generate CFD-based AICs of reduced frequencies close to the predicted flutter reduced
on an aerodynamic panel method mesh. ZTRAN is based on small frequencies can be used.
disturbance transonic flow theory and full reference steady-state CFD Physically, note that uncertainty assigned to a whole column
solutions, and it leads to AICs that capture transonic effects such as reflects, depending on the Mach number at the associated box,
shocks. More advanced CFD-based simulation capabilities can be accuracy regarding the way that motion of that box is
used to generate AICs. Conceivably, in a way similar to obtaining the aerodynamically “communicated” to all other boxes in the form of
many simulation results using different CFD capabilities for the same pressures or forces at those boxes. Uncertainty assigned to a whole
configurations in aerodynamic prediction workshops [19–21], row accounts for the accuracy in modeling of the capacity, in the math
enough different CFD simulations of the unsteady aerodynamic load model, of the associated box to aerodynamically “respond”
distributions as well as linear predictions on a configuration of accurately to motions of all other boxes. The assignment of
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interest can be produced to guide the assignment of uncertainty to the uncertainty to different elements of the AIC matrix described
various elements of the resulting AICs. previously is based on physical interpretation of the differences
Comparison of ZTRAN AICs calculated by using a number of between different CFD-predicted AICs or panel code-predicted and
CFD models as bases and assigning uncertainties based on these CFD-predicted AICs on the same aerodynamic box mesh.
AICs can account the uncertainties due to different CFD modeling Availability of steady and unsteady aerodynamic loads distributions
techniques, discretization and convergence criteria, etc. Similarly, from wind-tunnel or flight tests would enrich the sample space of
comparing the CFD based AICs with AICs created by a compressible AICs used in aeroelastic uncertainty analysis.
subsonic method such as the doublet-lattice method (DLM, [24,25]), The flutter uncertainty analysis based on AIC uncertainties is
doublet-point method [29,30], and ZAERO ZONA6 [31,32] can carried out by the following steps.
teach us where differences between potential flow-based theory and 1) For any given Mach number, carry out flutter analysis using
nonlinear CFD are more pronounced and guide uncertainty modeling frequency domain tabulated AIC matrices with selection of as many
of the related AICs. different linear-panel method (DLM, ZONA6, etc.) and linearized
One possible approach to the AICs mathematical uncertainty CFD-based unsteady aerodynamic simulations (CFL3D, ZEUS, etc.)
problem, if wind-tunnel or flight-test results are available, is to select as possible. Select a tabulated reduced frequency close to the flutter
from among the unsteady aerodynamic models used (including the reduced frequency. If flutter test results are available, select the
case where AIC matrices had been already corrected by steady or unsteady aerodynamic AICs that lead to flutter predictions close to
unsteady aerodynamic information using correction factors [16]) a the measured result and make them the baseline AICs. Otherwise,
mathematical model that predicts the closest behavior to the select the baseline AICs based on engineering experience.
measured flutter results. This unsteady aerodynamic simulation then 2) Next, for the reduced frequency selected, sweep over all AIC
becomes the baseline simulation used as a reference against which all matrices available; find the relative differences between AIC
other aerodynamic predictions would be measured. A column to prediction methods column by column for real and imaginary parts
column comparison can now be made between the baseline AICs and separately; and assign probability distribution functions (PDFs) to
all the other AICs (on the same panel model) at a reduced frequency both real and imaginary parts of the elements in this column
close to the predicted baseline flutter reduced frequency calculated by independently. If flutter mechanisms involving more than one
different CFD simulations and or linear panel methods. reduced frequency are present, add samples of the AIC matrices at
Equation (14) defines ratios of elements of the AIC matrices to the those reduced frequencies to the AIC sample based on which the AIC
baseline AIC simulation: probability density functions are created.
3) Using the AIC PDFs and the baseline AICs tabulated matrices,
εn :; j  AICn :; j:∕AICbase :; j (14) now proceed to run Monte Carlo flutter-solution simulations,
accounting for unsteady aerodynamic uncertainty in both real and
imaginary parts (with added structural uncertainties, when both
where AICn :; j is the jth column of AIC that is calculated by nth
aerodynamic and structural uncertainty is accounted for).
method or model; AICbase :; j is the jth column of AIC that is
4) Use the resulting samples of flutter speed and flutter frequency
calculated by the baseline method or model; and “./” represents
to study uncertainty in flutter prediction.
column element-by-element division.
For each element i in the jth column comparison, uncertainties
can be established by comparison of the ratios ε1 i; j; B. Aerodynamic Uncertainty via Rational Function Approximation
ε2 i; j; : : : ; εn i; j. Development of a probability distribution Assigning uncertainty distributions to the real and imaginary parts
for ~εi; j can be then guided by using the mean and variance of the set of frequency domain AICs is one way to model unsteady
ε1 i; j; ε2 i; j; : : : ; εn i; j. Generally, a distribution shape that aerodynamic uncertainty in aeroelastic analysis. Another way is to
has the closest representation of the sample ratios found is examine the effects of uncertainties in rational function matrices used
recommended to establish the probability distribution for each to model unsteady aerodynamic AIC matrices or generalized force
individual aerodynamic influence coefficient. If only a limited number matrices in the Laplace or time domains. Wu and Livne [5]
of samples is available, a uniform distribution of ~εi; j that introduced an approach to aeroelastic unsteady aerodynamic
maximizes the statistical entropy can be used to represent a uncertainty in which the elements of the Pl  matrices in the Roger
conservative approach to aeroelastic uncertainty analysis [18]. When approximation [Eq. (13)] of the unsteady generalized forces
an element i, j of the reference AICbase  matrix is close to zero, an associated with the modal basis used are taken to be uncertain. The
additional check is performed on the corresponding i, j element in the fixed-modes approach used in [5] is, practically, a generalized AIC
AICn  matrix. If the i, j elements in both AICbase  and AICn  matrices approach. Treating elements of the Roger Pl  matrices as uncertain
are close to zero, no uncertainty is associated with this element, variables allows separate accounting for uncertainty in the
and εn i; j  1. aerodynamic stiffness, damping, and inertia, as well as the
If element i, j is very close to zero in the baseline AICs but not in contributions by aerodynamic time lag terms. This is another way of
some of the AIC matrices obtained by other aerodynamic gaining insight regarding the aerodynamic uncertainty and how it
simulations, a distribution for that element is determined by the i, j affects different systems with different flutter mechanisms. This can

also direct refining and improving unsteady aerodynamic modeling aerodynamic AICs on a panel grid. More advanced CFD methods
in a way that would improve flutter boundary predictions. would, of course, capture more of the flow physics involved.
Uncertainty of the generalized AIC Pl  matrices also covers the
combined effects of aerodynamic uncertainties in the theory and A. Nominal Flutter Analysis
model geometry and discretization used, the effect of interpolation Flutter analysis is performed first with the baseline model
uncertainty, and the uncertainties introduced by the conversion of
without uncertainties using a University of Washington developed
unsteady aerodynamic loads from the frequency to the time domain
(the Roger series fitting process). The uncertainty due to Mach
number effects and variations is also included. Finally, a Roger
approximation of the full AIC matrix can be used for the analysis of
aerodynamic uncertainty, with probability distributions functions
assigned to the elements of those full-order Roger matrices.
Results produced by the proposed methodologies will be presented
in the next section for one of the most well known transonic
aeroelastic systems: the AGARD 445.6 wing [40,41], for which
wind-tunnel flutter test results are available. This case has been
central, as a test case, to the development of unsteady transonic
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aerodynamic models for flutter analysis. Some of the mismatches

between computational results over the years and the test results are
still intriguing researchers.

IV. Numerical Example

The AGARD 445.6 weakened wing [40–42] is considered here for
subsonic and transonic flutter simulation. Four test cases are covered
in the following section. The deterministic nominal flutter analysis
for this platform is performed and compared to tests using several
mathematical models. Then, the two aerodynamic uncertainty
modeling schemes, as introduced in the prior section, are applied to Fig. 3 Aerodynamic panel model.
perform the uncertainty analysis for the AGARD 445.6 wing
followed by the analysis of the effect of combination of structure
uncertainty and aerodynamic uncertainty.
With the capability to carry out a large number of simulations
rapidly, global sensitivity analysis becomes the technique of choice
for ranking the sensitivities of the overall flutter behavior to the
different uncertainty sources.
The structural finite element method (FEM) model and
aerodynamic panel model are shown in Figs. 2 and 3. The structure
FEM of the wing is made of composite plate elements with varied
thickness. The FE model has 200 elements, and the first five structural
mode shapes (Figs. 4–8) are used in the flutter analysis.
The aerodynamic model has 100 panels. A reference chord of
22.0 in. is used with a 30 in. semispan length. Unsteady aerodynamic
analysis is performed at reduced frequencies ranging from 0.0 to 0.8.
Three Mach numbers, 0.678, 0.901 and 0.954, are selected for
numerical studies. Linear subsonic panel methods cannot capture the
physics of the flow deep into the transonic regime with geometries
that lead to transonic effects that cannot be neglected. CFD-based
panel-field simulations are used here to capture transonic effects
because of their built-in capability to convert CFD results to Fig. 4 Structure mode 1.

Fig. 2 Structure FEM model. Fig. 5 Structure mode 2.


aerodynamic codes that solve the small disturbance potential

equation, whereas ZTRAN [39] is an unsteady field–panel method
that solves the linearized transonic small disturbance equations using
steady background flow from the high-fidelity CFD simulations. Two
CFD steady-states solutions are used for ZTRAN: CFL3D, a NASA
code that solves the Navier–Stokes equations [43], and ZEUS
[44,45], which solves the Euler equations with interactive boundary-
layer simulation. Those are denoted in the following: ZTRAN-
CFL3D and ZTRAN-ZEUS. As stated in the previous section, all the
four methods used here can generate AIC matrices on the same
aerodynamic panel mesh.
The nominal flutter index and flutter frequency ratio are calculated
first without consideration of uncertainty. The numerical results are
shown in Table 1 together with the experimental results. Figures 9–11
are the V-g and V-ω plots for the nominal cases using a DLM
unsteady aerodynamic model. They offer insight regarding the type
and severity of the flutter mechanisms. It can be seen from the V-g
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plot that, at M  0.678 (Fig. 9), the flutter mechanism is less mild
than those at M  0.901 (Fig. 10) and 0.954 (Fig. 11). The mild
flutter behavior at M  0.901 and 0.954 may make the flutter
Fig. 6 Structure mode 3.
velocity index more sensitive to model uncertainty. Figures 12 and 13
show correlation of the flutter predictions by the various methods
used here with experimental results and differences between the
various predictions. Recent papers on the subject report thorough
correlation studies between analysis and tests using different
aerodynamic simulation methods [41,46]. The following brief
discussion of AGARD 445.6 flutter predictions results by the
methods used here is aimed at highlighting major features of the
flutter behavior of this system that would guide and help interpret
the uncertainty analysis presented here.
Comparing the numerical simulation with the experiment
measurements at M  0.678, it can be seen that, although all of the
methods used here predict the flutter velocity index and flutter
frequency higher than the experiment results, all predict flutter index
reasonably well (less than 4% difference). However, for flutter
frequency, at least 15% difference is observed. Comparing the
numerical simulations with the four unsteady aerodynamic modeling
to one another, all these simulations show very close results for both
flutter velocity and flutter frequency. Because the flow is expected to
be fully subsonic, it is not surprising that all these four numerical
methods show similar results. These four unsteady aerodynamic
Fig. 7 Structure mode 4. modeling techniques are all well studied and validated in the subsonic
flow regime. The large differences in flutter frequency predicted by
the analysis methods used here and the experimental results at this
relatively low transonic Mach number are interesting and reflect
limitation of those methods or, possibly, uncertainty in experimental
results (see [41], Fig. 5).
When the Mach number increases to 0.901, all four unsteady
aerodynamic modeling methods still show a reasonably good
correlation with the experiment results, with a difference of less
than 5% for both flutter velocity and flutter frequency. The
subsonic panel methods, DLM and ZONA6, show better
correlation with experiment than transonic panel method in terms
of flutter velocity index. The two transonic unsteady aerodynamic
models predict the flutter frequency better than DLM and ZONA6.
It seems that when the Mach number is 0.901, the nonlinear
transonic effects, to the extent that they exist, on the flutter
boundary are still not significant.
A large difference between DLM and ZONA6 predictions and
experimental results can be seen when the Mach number increases
further to 0.954. Differences of about 10% are observed with both
DLM and ZONA6 aerodynamic model. The two transonic
aerodynamic panel models, ZTRAN-CFL3D and ZTRAN-ZEUS,
show good correlation with experiment results, with differences of
Fig. 8 Structure mode 5. less than 4%. All four aerodynamic models predict a less than 5%
difference in flutter frequency relative to experiment.
Note that the two field-panel aerodynamic models used here to
aeroservoelastic simulation capability [5]. Four unsteady aerody- represent CFD-based unsteady aerodynamic prediction use steady-
namic calculation techniques are used to calculate the flutter velocity state “background flow” CFD results [39] to develop AICs; therefore,
index U∕bωα μ and flutter frequency ratio ω∕ωα . The doublet- it is possible that they do not benefit from the full dynamic response
lattice method and ZAERO ZONA 6 are linear panel-based unsteady simulation available from time domain or linearized frequency-domain

Table 1 Summary of flutter solutions with different unsteady aerodynamic models

M  0.678 M  0.901 M  0.954
p p p
Aerodynamic model U∕bωα μ ω∕ωα U∕bωα μ ω∕ωα U∕bωα μ ω∕ωα
Experiment 0.4174 0.4722 0.3700 0.4225 0.3059 0.3807
Doublet-lattice method (DLM) 0.4305 0.5516 0.3693 0.4408 0.3357 0.3989
ZONA 6 0.4279 0.5494 0.3655 0.4374 0.3317 0.3956
ZTRAN-CFL3D 0.4251 0.5468 0.3535 0.4252 0.2942 0.3628
ZTRAN-ZEUS 0.4254 0.5472 0.3549 0.4265 0.2972 0.3656

CFD field simulation codes. AICs based on such codes may better and several statistical aeroelastic simulations will be performed and
capture the unsteadiness of the flow over the range of reduced- compared with the deterministic simulations and test results.
frequencies of interest, and when AICs based on such codes would be
included in the AICs samples reflecting the results of many simulation
methods, such samples would contain more statistical information B. Aeroelastic Simulation Subject to Aerodynamic Uncertainty
regarding the uncertainty of the AICs. Following the steps in the approach presented earlier, the
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It can be seen, as expected, that aerodynamic modeling techniques unsteady aerodynamic AIC uncertainty is modeled using
can play a significant role in accurately predicting the flutter uniformly distributed multipliers ~εi; j. The baseline model is
behavior, especially in the deep transonic region. In the following selected to be the ZTRAN-ZEUS model because this model
section, the system-predicted uncertainty, especially due to predicts the flutter velocity index and flutter frequency reasonably
numerical unsteady aerodynamic uncertainty, will be considered, well in both the subsonic and transonic flow regions. For

Fig. 9 V-g and V-ω plots at M  0.567.

Fig. 10 V-g and V-ω plots at M  0.901.

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Fig. 11 V-g and V-ω plots at M  0.954.

Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics computer cluster at

University of Washington with 16 cores for parallel computing.

1. Mach Number Equal to 0.678

Following the method introduced in Sec. III, a Monte Carlo
simulation with 10,000 runs was performed at M  0.678 first. The
histograms of the distributions of the flutter velocity and flutter
frequency are shown in Figs. 14 and 15. Although the aerodynamic
uncertainties are assumed uniformly distributed, the distributions of
flutter velocity and flutter frequency show a normal distribution
trend. The mean value of the distributed flutter velocity index is
0.4258, with coefficient of variation (COV) equal to 0.0004,
whereas for flutter frequency ratio, the mean value is 0.5476 and
COV  0.00038. The distributions also reveal that, at subsonic
flow field, the COV of the resulting flutter velocity and flutter
frequency based on the proposed approach presented here are
extremely small. However, this is expected because the nominal
flutter simulation at M  0.678 shows that all the three unsteady
aerodynamic models predict relatively close flutter results. As noted
Fig. 12 Mach number vs flutter velocity index.
earlier, additional CFD-based AIC unsteady aerodynamic models
can be added to the sample of unsteady aerodynamic methods to
capture the uncertainty levels better. Or, inversely, based on the
resulting uncertainty distributions here and the experimental
results, other sources of uncertainties, such as structural or

Fig. 13 Mach number vs flutter frequency ratio.

exploratory studies, ZONA6 and ZTRAN-CFL3D unsteady

aerodynamic models are also selected and compared with the
ZTRAN-ZEUS model to guide the uncertainty estimation. The
Monte Carlo simulations are performed on the William E. Boeing Fig. 14 Histogram of V f index with M  0.678.
Downloaded by CALIFORNIA STATE POLY UNIVERSITY on June 27, 2019 | | DOI: 10.2514/1.J055334

Fig. 17 Histogram of frequency ratio with M  0.901.

Fig. 15 Histogram of frequency ratio with M  0.678.

experimental, may be found to have a more significant effect on

flutter behavior.

2. Mach Number Equal to 0.901

The Mach number of the simulation is increased to 0.901, where
some transonic and supersonic effects are expected. With the same
setup as in the M  0.678 case, a Monte Carlo simulation with
10,000 runs is performed with the uncertainties defined in Sec. III.
The histograms of the distribution of the flutter velocity index and
frequency ratio in the M  0.901 case are shown in Figs. 16 and 17.
Distributions similar to normal are again observed. The mean value of
the distributed flutter index is 0.3573 with COV equal to 0.0024,
whereas for flutter frequency, the mean value is 0.4283 with
COV  0.003. Similar to the M  0.678 case, because all these
three aerodynamic models predict very close nominal flutter index
and flutter frequency ratio, the COVs of the distributed results are
small again.

3. Mach Number Equal to 0.954 Fig. 18 Histogram of V f index with M  0.954.

The Mach number of the simulation is increased to 0.954, where
more transonic and supersonic flow can be seen.
The histograms of the distribution of the flutter index and flutter
frequency ratio at M  0.954 are shown in Figs. 18 and 19. The mean
value of the distributed flutter index is 0.3026 with COV equal to
0.0408, whereas for flutter frequency, the mean value is 0.3687
with COV  0.0331. Because the subsonic ZONA6 unsteady

Fig. 19 Histogram of frequency ratio with M  0.954.

aerodynamic model shows significant deviation from the experiment

and the transonic aerodynamic model predicted flutter behavior in
the nominal flutter simulation, the COV of the flutter index and
flutter frequency in the statistical uncertainty simulation increased
Fig. 16 Histogram of V f index with M  0.901. significantly (almost 100 times comparing with M  0.678 case).

Comparing the two subsonic cases with the deep transonic case
at M  0.956, it can be seen that when transonic and supersonic
effects became more dominant, the probabilistic variations of the
flutter velocity and flutter frequency become larger. When basing
flutter analysis on ZTRAN-ZEUS transonic aerodynamic model,
uncertainties due to areas on the wing in which linear theory does not
apply and CFD analysis may face challenges can be identified and
modeled, and their effects on the distribution of flutter results may
provide important insights.
Figures 20 and 21 show results of the uncertainty aeroelastic
simulations at all three Mach numbers compared with the experimental
and nominal results that have been showed in Figs. 12 and 13.
It is interesting, in any flutter uncertainty studies, to account, in
addition to the uncertainty captured by uncertain flutter analysis,
for the uncertainty in experimental values, which is affected by
uncertainty in flutter speed and frequency determination due to
uncertainties in test flight conditions, wind-tunnel flight or
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turbulence levels, and extrapolated flutter conditions based on

subcritical testing. Heeg [47] and Zeng and Kukreja [48], among Fig. 22 Mach number vs flutter velocity index aero and experiment
uncertainty included (experimental distribution shown on left of vertical
others, address this issue. Heeg [47] analyzed the uncertainty
behavior of several flutter interpolation methodologies to determine
the stochastic characteristic of experimental flutter velocity and
flutter frequency determination and showed that the COV of flutter
velocity due to experimental data uncertainty can be as large as
0.047. Figures 22 and 23 (using the higher value of the COV for
experimental uncertainty based on [47]) show the flutter index and
flutter frequency distributions obtained by the Monte Carlo
simulations alongside possible experimental flutter speed and
frequency distributions plotted on the left side. Note the relative high

Fig. 23 Mach number vs flutter frequency ratio aero and experiment

uncertainty included (experimental distribution shown on right of
vertical lines).

overlap between the Monte Carlo-based computational simulation

and the assumed distributions, based on [47], of the experimental
results except for the case of the flutter frequency at M  0.678. A
better assignment of probability density functions to the real and
Fig. 20 Mach number vs flutter velocity index aero uncertainty imaginary parts of the AICs (using additional CFD-based AICs from
included (distribution shown on right of vertical lines. additional CFD simulations) or the addition to the uncertainty
modeling of uncertainty in structural dynamic parameters may better
capture the uncertainty in flutter predictions in this case. This will be
discussed in the following sections. In any case, the results presented
here, based on the limited CFD-based AICs samples used for this
exploratory work, provide interesting insights.

C. Prioritization of Wing Flow-Zone Effects Using Statistical

Sensitivity Analysis
Monte Carlo simulations combined with statistical sensitivity
analysis provide a powerful tool for identifying those uncertain
parameters of a problem that have the largest impact on the
uncertainty of its results. A variety of approaches can be used to
perform statistical sensitivity analysis. In this paper, the global
sensitivity analysis of [49], which uses the variance as a measurement
of uncertainty, was used. Beyond obtaining estimates of the
distributions of flutter analysis results due to modeling uncertainty,
we are interested in those elements of the aerodynamic and structural
models that have the highest impact.
Fig. 21 Mach number vs flutter frequency ratio aero uncertainty When working with AICs on a panel aerodynamic mesh, and not
included (distribution shown on right of vertical lines). with generalized AICs as in [50], insight regarding pure aerodynamic




Fig. 24 Mach zone definition for the M  0.678 case. Fig. 26 Surface mach zone definition for the M  0.901 case.
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behavior, and not aerodynamic behavior weighted by modal motions, sensitivity analysis here (which is based on comparison of variances) had
may be gained. It was suggested in the early 1970s that accounting convergence difficulty in this case. To examine the relative zone priority
for Mach zones and local Mach numbers on the surface of a in affecting overall flutter uncertainty, the COVs of the input
configuration might be used, heuristically, in some way to improve aerodynamic uncertainties were amplified 10 times to obtain the results
lifting surface predictions [51]. With CFD-based AICs, available in of the global sensitivity analysis for the flutter index–velocity and flutter
the cases studied here from a field-panel method, it is tempting to use frequency ratio, as shown in the pie charts in Fig. 25.
stochastic sensitivity analysis to understand the relative importance The pie chart in this particular example shows that the
(and contribution to aeroelastic uncertainty) of the aerodynamic aerodynamic uncertainties near the leading-edge and midwing
“communication” between aerodynamic boxes as affected by the section of the outer span area, represented in zone 1, zone 2, and zone
local Mach numbers involved. Are flutter predictions more sensitive 3, dominate the output variances for flutter velocity. This is not
to communication (that is, to downwash–pressure relations) between surprising, given the thinness of the airfoil and the fact that most
pairs of boxes in a particular flow zone on the wing compared to other twisting deformation in the case studied here is in the trailing- and
zones? Are such flutter predictions more sensitive to uncertainty in leading-edge areas of the wing. The midsections of the wing, in
downwash–pressure relations between boxes in certain particular particular zone 4 and zone 5, have more influence on the flutter
different zones? And, if so, what is the flow physics that drives such frequency ratio than flutter velocity index.
effects, and how can modeling be improved to reduce uncertainty in
flutter prediction?
The flutter analysis and associated unsteady aerodynamics and 2. Mach Number Equal to 0.901
AICs used for the present study are based on linearization with The division of the wing surface into Mach zones in the
respect to a steady reference state. In general a configuration panel M  0.901 case based on the steady background reference flow is
model can be divided into surface zones in any selected way to study, shown in Fig. 26. It is interesting to see that, even at M  0.901 at a
by sensitivity analysis, the relative importance of uncertainty in the zero angle of attack, the flow is still subsonic on the entire test wing,
aerodynamic communication inside and among zones on the a result of the thinness of the wing. The result of the global
resulting aeroelastic uncertainty. Intrigued by the ideas presented in sensitivity analysis with respect to the AICs in the different Mach
[51], a Mach zone surface division is studied in this paper, where the number zones is shown in Fig. 27. The pie chart indicates that the
wing is divided into a number of zones based on CFD-predicted uncertainty in zone 3 dominates more than 50% of the uncertainty in
surface Mach number distributions. For exploratory studies, the flutter behavior. Because the leading edges of the midspan area and
sensitivity analysis is performed using the uncertainty scheme middle section of the outer span area display the largest modal
introduced previously with 10,000 samples. The Sobol [49] sequence deformations in the modes contributing to flutter, it is not surprising
of sampling is used to increase the rate of convergence. to see again that these areas have the highest influence on the flutter
behavior. A certain impact of the mode shapes involved (structural)
1. Mach Number Equal to 0.678 on the uncertainty effects of AIC zones is inevitable when flutter
Figure 24 shows the division of the wing into zones based on the results are studied because it is the generalized force matrix that
distribution of local upper-surface Mach numbers in the steady reference determines the aerodynamic contribution. Nevertheless, the zone
background flow for this case. Because the resulting variance of the sensitivities identified here for the AGARD 445.6 wing case are not
flutter index and flutter frequency with the proposed aerodynamic trivial, and the approach may guide in other cases zone-by-zone
uncertainty scheme are relatively small (Figs. 14 and 15), the global instrumentation of wind-tunnel and flight-test articles and study of

Fig. 25 Flutter index (left) and frequency (right) sensitivity to zone discretization for the M  0.678 case.

Fig. 27 Flutter index (left) and frequency (right) sensitivity to zone discretization for the M  0.901 case.

CFD results in ways that would lead to less uncertainty of the variance of the flutter index and flutter frequency. However, in the
aerodynamic prediction. deeper transonic M  0.954 case, the contribution of aerodynamic
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transonic effects exceeds the structural modal motion effects on the

3. Mach Number Equal to 0.954 overall uncertainty of flutter behavior.
Figure 28 shows the discretization of the wing at M  0.954. Now
most of the area of the upper surface of the wing in the reference D. Aerodynamic Uncertainty via Rational Function Approximation
steady background flow “sees” supersonic flow mixed with the In an approach to unsteady aerodynamic uncertainty different from
subsonic flow. The sensitivity analysis, shown in Fig. 29, indicates the AIC zonal approach described previously, the uncertainty is
that the uncertainty in the supersonic region, mainly included in zone added to the Roger Pl  matrices here by defining a sequence of
5, now has more influence than uncertainty in the area that has the diagonal correction matrices that multiply the Pl  matrices. For the
largest deformation on both the variation of flutter velocity and flutter
frequency. Because the supersonic region shows more influence on
the flutter behavior, the sensitivity analysis also helps to explain the
fact that two transonic unsteady aerodynamic models, ZTRAN-
CFL3D and ZTRAN-ZEUS, matched the experimental flutter
behavior better than subsonic models.
In conclusion, different aerodynamic models can be expected to
lead to AIC element prediction differences that would be larger in
areas involving shock-wave fronts and mixed supersonic transonic
flows. The effect of modal deformation in the critical modes would
add relative weights to the different aerodynamic uncertainty
contributions. The M  0.678 and M  0.901 cases have shown that
the area that encounters the most deformation has the largest effect on



Fig. 30 Histogram of V f index with Roger approximation uncertainty.


Fig. 28 Surface zone definition at the M  0.954 case.

Fig. 29 Flutter index (left) and frequency (right) sensitivity to zone Fig. 31 Histogram of frequency ratio with Roger approximation
discretization for the M  0.954 case. uncertainty.

Fig. 32 Flutter index (left) and flutter frequency (right) sensitivity to Roger terms for the M  0.954 case.
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Fig. 33 Histogram of V f index with aero and structural uncertainty at Fig. 35 Histogram of V f index with aero and structural uncertainty at
the detailed element by element level. higher (natural frequencies) level.

Fig. 34 Histogram of flutter frequency ratio with aero and structural Fig. 36 Histogram of frequency ratio with aero and structural
uncertainty at the detailed element by element level. uncertainty at higher (natural frequencies) level.

exploratory studies presented here, each element of the correction damping P1 , and aerodynamic lags effects P3 ; P4 ; : : : . The pie
matrices is a separate uniformly distributed random variable with chart in Fig. 32 shows that the aerodynamic damping terms have the
mean value equal to 1.0 and COV equal to 0.05. A Monte Carlo largest influence, in the AGARD 445.6 case, on the variance of the
simulation with 10,000 runs was performed for M  0.954. The flutter index and flutter frequency. This makes sense because the V-g
histograms of flutter velocity index and flutter frequency are shown in plot for the nominal flutter simulation at M  0.954 (Fig. 11) shows
Figs. 30 and 31. that the flutter mechanism is relatively mild, and thus the
Global sensitivity analysis is performed with the Roger matrices aerodynamic damping, which can shift g vs V branches up and down
uncertainty scheme to rank the relative importance of generalized slightly, can affect the flutter speed significantly. The aerodynamic
aerodynamic stiffness P0 , aerodynamic mass P2 , aerodynamic stiffness is ranked as the second parameter of importance influencing

modeling the “pure” aerodynamic uncertainty), the final study that

this paper presents includes comparison of the effects of structural
uncertainties in the flutter Monte Carlo simulations together with
aerodynamic uncertainties modeled by the AIC uncertainty
modeling approach.
The structural uncertainties here are first modeled at the fine level
of detail; the plate’s thickness and material density spatial
distributions that are modeled by the wing structural finite element
model (FEM) are assumed to be normally distributed with COVequal
to 0.2. A complete new FEM eigenvalue analysis was performed with
each Monte Carlo run to capture the structural modal behavior
accurately in case the variations of structural properties from sample
case to sample case would lead to modal behavior not well captured if
a fixed-mode approach would be used. For exploratory studies, the
transonic flow condition M  0.954 case is selected.
The histograms of the distribution of the flutter velocity and flutter
frequency due to uncertainties in both structure and aerodynamics are
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shown in Figs. 33 and 34. The mean value of the distributed flutter
velocity index is 0.3029 with COV equal to 0.0411, whereas for
Fig. 37 Histogram of V f index with damping uncertainty. flutter frequency, the mean value is 0.3691 with COV  0.0334.
Comparing this with the aerodynamic-uncertainty-only cases, for
which the COV equals 0.0408 for flutter index and 0.0331 for flutter
frequency, the structural uncertainty in this case has insignificant
Following the modeling of structural uncertainty at the element-
by-element detailed level (in the finite element model), a second
structural dynamic uncertainty modeling approach in which the
system’s natural frequencies are treated as uncertain variables was
tested [52]. Because the focus was on the effects of variations
(uncertainty) in natural frequencies, a fixed-mode approach was
used. To allow for more refinement in the capacity of the modal base
used to capture the flutter behavior of the wing, the number of modes
in the fixed-mode basis used was increased to 20 from 5. The
uncertainties were added to the first five natural frequencies and
modal damping ratios with the nominal values taken to be the mean
and with 0.5 COVassumed. The histograms of the distribution of the
flutter velocity and flutter frequency due to uncertainties in both
structure and aerodynamic are shown in Figs. 35 and 36. The results
show that the effects of structural dynamic uncertainties on the flutter
behavior in the case here are very low.
Fig. 38 Histogram of frequency ratio with damping uncertainty. To add an element of uncertainty to the sources of uncertainty in
the structure (which, thus far, included mass and stiffness uncertainty
sources), we next study the effects of structural damping uncertainties
on the flutter velocity index and flutter frequency ratio. The
the flutter index in this case, followed by the lag terms. In the flutter M  0.954 case is selected, again, because the V-g plot (Fig. 11)
frequency case, the aerodynamic lags ranked as the second parameter shows that the flutter mechanism is relatively mild, and the structural
of influence. The pie charts for flutter index and flutter frequency damping may have a large effect to the flutter behavior. The structural
both show that the aerodynamic mass terms P2  have a very small damping is added mode by mode, uniformly distributed between
influence in the AGARD 445.6 wing case. 0 and 0.08, and represented by a generalized diagonal damping
matrix. As in the nominal analysis, five modes are included in the
E. Considering Structural Uncertainty numerical simulations, and thus five damping ratios are used.
With the capability to separate and independently consider the The distributions of flutter index and flutter ratio are shown in
aerodynamic uncertainty and structure uncertainty when AIC- Figs. 37 and 38. It can be seen that the influence of the structural
based aerodynamic uncertainty approach is used (which allows modal damping on the flutter boundary behavior is still relatively

Fig. 39 Flutter index and frequency sensitivity to structural modal damping for the M  0.954 case.

small (COV  0.0014 and 0.001) compared with the influence of models of the detail and complexity that allow modeling real modern
aerodynamic uncertainty (COV  0.0408 and 0.0331). Although the aircraft. It adds insight regarding the uncertainty in analysis and tests
structural modal damping has insignificant influence on the flutter of the very important AGARD 445.6 wing case. The work will,
behavior in our case, the aerodynamic damping affects it dramatically hopefully, motivate more research in the aeroservoelastic uncertainty
(Fig. 30). The distribution shape of flutter index and frequency is area regarding method development in general and studies of
found to be a uniform distribution rather than the normal distribution uncertainty and reliability of particular flight vehicle configurations
shown in the aerodynamic uncertainty cases. However, these results of interest.
are limited and case-dependent.
A global sensitivity analysis is performed with the structural modal
damping uncertainty covered to find the most influential structural Acknowledgments
modes regarding flutter index and frequency. The pie chart in Fig. 39 The authors would like to thank ZONA technology, Inc., for its
shows that mode 1 completely dominates the flutter index and flutter generous software support; Walt Silva, from NASA Langley
frequency. All the other modes, as well as modal interactions, have Research Center, for providing the AGARD wing model; and the
total influence of less than 2%. The results indicate that the first support of the Boeing Endowed Professorship in Aeronautics and
structural mode is one of the primary modes that contribute to the Astronautics at the University of Washington.
flutter mechanism.
Downloaded by CALIFORNIA STATE POLY UNIVERSITY on June 27, 2019 | | DOI: 10.2514/1.J055334

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