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Daft Punk Live Chat

November 27, 2007

Hosted by TheMusic.FM (original source is
now down)

Moderator - Daft Punk are on their way !!! Be ready!

tuningz - DAFT PUNK !!!
Aerodynamic - Hello Daft Punk
Jean-Go - salut a vous
Thomas - hello
PotterSys - hi there!
pablolibo - when do you think go back to argentina?
Thomas - Bonjour
Teza - Hello Daft Punk!
Kouty - Salut tout le monde !
Rooster128 - yay its on!
busyp - Hello les daft
Ryan Laser - Hello Daft Punk, you have truly inspired me! my
friend Dave who couldn't be here says hi.
KidzbyColette - Bonjour à vous Thomas & Guy-Man
JohnAOchoa - Good morning DP
TOCKYN - bonjour thomas, im from cancun mexico ¨¨
RoBoT - yoooooooooooooo
Guy-Manuel - hello tout le monde
Marty - Is Guy-Manuel here? michielster - Hi
Dia Aren Marie - Hello Daft Punk, from everyone at and!
Amstereo Galaxy - hello from Amsterdam than13 - hi this is jack
Daft Punk 4ver - ON VOUS AIMEE
EdoBs - you really rules the nations...
dj dekoi - U.S. Loves you !
Nax - saludos de argentina!!!
michielster - Bonjour les dafts comment ca va?
florian - vive daft punk!!!!!!!!!!!
MDloveTS - WahOUUU
daft_lad - Hello from Glasgow!
Deamon - Bonjour à vous ! Merci pour tout ce que vous avez fait,
en premier lieu, un mot : RESPECT !
street - hello!!from Japan
Anthony - Thomas and Guy-Manuel, i really would like to say how
much your music means to me but i just cant put it to words..
tuningz - France love you too
Kenneth-DK- - Hello From Denmark :D
Rooster128 - this is simply amazing to be in even the same chat
as the masterminds behind my favorite music
Thomas - hello everybody
Guy-Manuel - hello le monde!
Guy-Manuel - hello the world!
bilal - HELLO! You guys are amazing etc
CloneDaft - I was wondering if you guys have ever thought of
making a TV show/ or series?
Hazbullah - Oi Tom/Guy...mainly Tom... any plans to play any
normal clubs again? I saw you in Fabric in 2001 it was cool...
also, all the rumours are you are playing Paris on NYE??? Is this
just a scandalous rumour??
kev-FTF - Your concert performances during these 2 last years
and the alive CD out railled in a cycle...What are your next
projects, what's about your sound?
Thomas - no plans for clubs in 2008
daflop - ça va ?
Deamon - D?où vient l?idée de la pyramide et de tout ce show
light ? Comment cette idée vous à-t-elle traversé l?esprit ? john -
hey hey, what did u guys use for the guitar distortion on robot
Thomas - we are finishing the tour now, going to japan in 4 days
destroyx - Vous Aimez la Tecktonik ?
RoBoT - are u going to make a dvd of alive 2007?
Guy-Manuel - modt of the guitars sound are made with synths!
Dia Aren Marie - Do you guys have any words of advice for
aspiring artists like me, visual, musical or otherwise?
Thomas - on robot rock, moog synthesizer and guitar pedals
Guy-Manuel - la tektonik ca lfait
DJ VAN KARL - 1e question pour les DJs: y aura-t-il une version
"studio" du Harder Faster... Alive? Ce morceau est terrible mais
les lives passent mal en club...
psyron - do you plan a new album or a new Film, or both?
matt_austin_tx - do you have plans for a new album?
KidzbyColette - Qui chante en général au vocoder ?
Vivien - qu'allez vous faire de la pyramide ensuite ?
Thomas - more films and more music for the future
Lorenz - WIll you release an Alive DVD ?
kev-FTF - What's your point of view about the evolution of the
electro mondial scene and do you think there is still place to
Thomas - les 2 au vocoder, ca depend
Thomas - its getting harder to innovate
Thomas - true
theDSM - I would like to thank you guys for being the soundtrack
the loss of my virginity!
Thomas - no alive dvd
Guy-Manuel - no alive dvd planned, videos on the net are the
closest to the live experience
Martig - What does the future hold for Daft Punk?
Thomas - ....
daft_lad - what gigs did you enjoy the most apart from bercy on
the alive tour?
david-ikoz - je voudrais vraiment que vous me donniez 2 noms
de chacunes de vos machines préférées : synthés, effets et
Guy-Manuel - all gigs were great, too good ones to mention!
Thanks the fans!
Thomas - every show of the tour was great
Landry France - In which place do you had prefer to play your
concert ?
Dan NYC - As an anime fan, I got into Daft Punkbecause of your
colaboration with Leiji Matsumoto. Any thoughts on future
Thomas - many different experiences
Thomas - no manga animation plans
Guy-Manuel - moog synthesizers
thomasgibbons - What do you guys want for christmas?
Thomas - we try to do different things each time
ISPJ - Ypu use ableton live for Alive 2007, don't you?
Sticks - Do you two have any future shows in store in 2008?
Thomas - a new silver polish for me
Guy-Manuel - yes ableton
David909 - j'aimerais telleme,t vous rencontrer pour boire un
Thomas - no shows in 2008
theDSM - What type of midi controllers do you use in your live
Guy-Manuel - last shows japan and australia
frickinmuck - who are some of your current fave producers these
Thomas - bcr2000 behringer and moog voyager
Guy-Manuel - timbaland,kanye;pharrell
tmr5555 - any chanse of licensed helmets? :')
Thomas - sebastian , kavinsky
Martig - If you could go back and do it all again, what would you
do differently?
Thomas - nothing
Guy-Manuel - dr.dre of course..waiting for Detox
street - Are there any surprises in Japan?
Starwax - will you release a music soundtrack CD to from
Thomas - no
KidzbyColette - - Thomas, tu a dis un jour que le format CD est
devenu obsolËte... Donc quel sera le nouveau format pour le
futur album ?
Thomas - no
Thomas - diificile a dire
Guy-Manuel - we wouldnt do things differently..all good like that
psyron - wasnt it hard with those helmets on the tour, especially
in summertime?
Spinal09 - have you already started a new album????
Thomas - very hot, very hard summer inside the helmets
Guy-Manuel - its like formula one but standing up without water
Jack - Thomas, Guy, where are you now?
Guy-Manuel - paris
Thomas - we are in paris
iarla - will Roule & Crydamoure rise from the ashes?
KidzbyColette - Que pensez vous de la comparaison avec
Justice ?
Thomas - justice fait de la bonne musique
psyron - Are there any writer you like?
Guy-Manuel - its avalialbale on the limlited edition
TechnoSexMonkey - What is you favorite album and song?
Guy-Manuel - pourkoi comparer?
MiguelB - Thomas and Guy-Manual! love you guys! is there a
story behind "something about us" ?
erina - hi i'm in Tokyo.i cant wait next weeeeeek!
tmr5555 - Whats your favorite rock band?
Thomas - beach boys - pet sounds favorite album
bougeman - what arttis did you see recently on stage?
Guy-Manuel - kanye west in paris
Tony_N - How long did it take you to set up the pyramid?
Thomas - we saw kanye perform in paris last week
Thomas - 3 months to rehearse and set up the pyramid
DJ VAN KARL - je trouve chez vous une influence de KLF... Vrai
ou faux?
ssushi - Où trouvez-vous vos vetements ?
Devin Packer - Where did you guys get the idea for the pyramid
stage setup?
Guy-Manuel - klf were on the edge
Toxick - any informaton about the so called free concert at new
years eve? is it just a romour?
Thomas - on doit avoir des influences subliminales de klf
Guy-Manuel - great concept+ good music
Thomas - no concert at new years eve
Thomas - fake rumour
Marty - I suppose you enjoy Kanye, eh Guy-Manuel?
Thomas - sorry
Dia Aren Marie - Does the track after Crescendolls in the live
show have any specific title or name?
Guy-Manuel - yes kanye 's great
Lee - Is there unity between robot and pyramid?
Thomas - the tracklisting is on the cd
Deamon - Qui à designé les casques ?
Thomas - alex et martin
Thomas - ont designe les casques
matt_austin_tx - do you use sublimnal techniques?
Thomas - what you see is what you get
R10 - Après Alive 2007...quesqu'y vous manquera le plus ?
Faby30 - Regrettez vous l'ampleur des vidéos de vos concerts sur
le web ?
Stan - est-ce que le succès est difficile à vivre ?
Thomas - nous sommes heureux de voir ttes ces videos sur le
Guy-Manuel - no videos on the web are the closest to the live
Lee - Are you two robot telepathically linked to one another?
Lari - Want to do some more film as electroma? MathieuMalo -
Why do you like robots ?
Guy-Manuel - more films yeah,or more images
Guy-Manuel - more combinations
Landry France - Can you speak between you to during the
Live ???
Guy-Manuel - yes we speak
Thomas - but we try to not repeat ourselves
Thomas - intercom between helmets
ohmseven - what did you listen to as kids?
ARSTRON - Do you guys realize how awesome you are?
Guy-Manuel - we listened to everything, we're fans of music in
teeth - favorite venue in PARIS?
Thomas - prince hendrix michael jackson etc
Thomas - etc
nuitde87 - After the Alive tour will you continue to use the
1v159 - qui à eu l'idée des 250 caméras durant le concert pour le
Guy-Manuel - beatles beach boys velvet
ThomG - Vous utilisez beaucoup la TB303 pour vos zik,Vous a-t-il
été diffici de ous procurer une TB 303? que pensez-vous de se
john - what did u use for your vocoding on harder better faster
DVNO - Kolby - Do you produce all of your tracks yourselves, or
do you get producers to work on them with you?
MiguelB - does "something about us" have a story behind it?
Guy-Manuel - we produce ourselves
Thomas - la 303 est une machine mythique oui
AiriX - Quel est le sample original de High Life ?
Daft boy - Do you like iPod ?
Daft boy - Have you got an iPhone ?
Spinal09 - why did you not use DIGITAL LOVE on your tour - it's
my fav song ((((
Thomas - no i dont have an iphone
DJ-Necriptos - do you use internet on comunity site likes forums
messenger or other ?
Guy-Manuel - all this technology gadgets are fun yeah
actarus - une anecdote sur alive ?
djezza - what are you most proud of, up to now?
sandoro - And I think everyon will be interested, in you musical
education? anu background!!!
LeeNZ - are there any Daft Punk unreleased songs from the
Homework sessions?
Thomas - welcome back
Aero5555 - do you guys hear us when we scream and roar during
the show? love you guys, thanks for the memories! greetz from
saudi arabia
Thomas - technology cannot be trusted
Thomas - the system is overloading
Jack - yes... when you will return in Italy? music 49 - thomas, will
you ever resurrect stardust, or start something alike?
Thomas - no plans for stardust
Thomas - we love italy
musique - how much formal musical training do you guys have?
Marcuzzz - What can you see in the future for Daft Punk?
jorg_mx - o you guys hear us when we scream and roar during
the show? love you guys yeah!!!!!
polo - Un mars et ça repart !
Thomas - ahah
piroteki - could you talk about some of your visual inspirations?
Thomas - it seems to work again
Mikael - do you still find the inspiration in paris or do you work
yor music abroad ?
patrick joswig – which writer you guys lke most?
Thomas – pas de platines

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