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Marxism and a novel animal farm which

is related to this Marxism

Marxism is the creation of both Friedrich Engels and Karl Marx. Marxism is a complete set of
political and economical ideas. The aim is to create a classless society. This is a materialist
philosophy, it talks about our world life, and here there is no place of spirituality. Here we find
about the struggle for power and it is progressing. We also find class struggle, difference
between two different classes. In Marxist political area we can find capitalism, socialism and
communism. So there some people show their objection toward this and said how Marxist
society should be organized. Marxism is a philosophy that puts the government in complete
control over society; providing minimums for everyone and eliminating private ownership of

We can find some reflection of Marxism in the work of Hegel. Marx suggested some of his
opinion like

1. Basic structure (production, distribution, changes).

2. Super structure (cultural world of art religion, idea, low and so on).

3 Economic structures if basic is sound then it will develop auto superstructure.

The essential Marxist view is that the latter things are not innocent but are determined by the
nature of the economic base. This belief about culture known as economic determinism is a
central part of traditional Marxist thinking.

Marxists not only follow Marx's teachings on economics, but also on a variety of other beliefs
about morality and history. Marx was a historical determinist who believed that the world would
inevitably move toward a communist political and economic system through a series of social
revolutions.Marx thought that this class struggle would result in workers taking power. He
believed that no one should have power over another, that everyone should be equal. His most
famous book was the Communist Manifesto. He wrote it with Friedrich Engels in 1848.Karl
Marx helped to create the system of social thought now called Marxism. Socialists critique
capitalism, arguing that it derives wealth from a system of labor exploitation and then
concentrates wealth and power within a small segment of society that controls the means of

Marxism is an economic school of thought whose main aim is to discredit capitalism and
individualism and to promote socialism and an even distribution of resources in a community.
The aim of Marxism is to highlight how the bourgeoisie exploit the working class. Marxist
philosophy may be broadly divided into Western Marxism, which drew out of various sources,
and the official philosophy in the Soviet Union, which enforced a rigid reading of Marx called
dialectical materialism, in particular during the 1930s.

The purpose of Marxism was to show that it doesn't matter how much reforming you do to
Capitalism, it can never be run in the interest of the majority ,the working class because it is the
unpaid part of their labor the surplus value that Marx called it, that goes to the Capitalist while
the worker only gets paid enough for his subsistence. Now Marx showed that over time the lot of
the worker does get better in a material sense, but nowhere near as much compared to his
employer and the gap between them forever increases, so relatively the worker becomes poorer
over time. His critique of Capitalism vols 1, 2 & 3 show how this situation in reality is illusory
and can only be kept going with the help of the state, that is why he called for the workers of the
world to unite for the overthrow of Capitalism which he could prove was the cause of the worlds
ills, war, unemployment, poverty, famine, pollution etc. He saw that some time in the future just
as Feudalism gave way to Capitalism, Capitalism would give way to Socialism /Communism but
only when the material conditions existed and when the workers had become conscious of their
class position in society.
Here Marx spent his maximum life in a very poor situation and his father was a lawyer. Engels
father was an industrialist and he had so many knowledge about capitalism. The main keystone
of capitalism is individual success is main for social and individual success. In capitalism it
matters to position. In capitalism it even considers human as machine, separated from own
comfort zone and doing uninterested works. This is the trend of capitalist society. In Pre
industrial era they were directly contacted with workers or customer but now the situation is like
even workers do not know the customers who work in the factory.

Karl Marx was against of capitalism cause it discusses about class difference here they also
bring communism. In communism it said that government owns the means of production. They
own the farm, machinery etc. Here it seems like everyone gets everything from it and all are state
of property.

When we talk about socialism then it is something like the government controls the means of
production. It seems like when they cannot own it, then they starting to control it.

Now I am going to relate this Marxism with a novel Animal farm written by George Orwell. In
the first few pages of the book, a boar named Old Major says he "had a dream" and gives the
animals a long speech. This speech explains to the farm animals the oppression by Mr. Jones and
persuades them to bring about a revolution instead of staying as his slaves. A Marxist would
have liked this, as it shows how the animals were planning to get rid of the tyrannical leader and
put up their own governing system where everyone would be equal and not have to life in
poverty and oppression.
When the pigs have to milk the cows, it is noted that the buckets of milk disappear. Later it is
said that the milk is mixed into the pigs’ mash every day, along with apples that had been picked.
This directly defies the commandment of Animal Farm, all animals are equal, but Squealer is
able to convince the other animals that it is for the benefit of the other animals in the long run.
A Marxist would dislike this greatly, as it defies the very purpose of Marxism, in that the pigs
are receiving special treatment, which leads the pigs to think that they are better than the other
animals and continue to cause more problems. Here we can see the class difference like upper
class and lower class, here pigs are getting special treatment but other animals are not getting it.
Pigs are always think themselves as special and the owner of capital and considered others as an
ordinary working people. Marx was totally against this class difference.

After the revolution happens, and the animals are settled down and figuring out what they are all
doing, Snowball writes the 7 commandments of animalism. One of these commandments shares
a large similarity with the ideals of Marxism. That commandment is 'All animals are equal', and
is the animal version of the main idea of Marxism. A Marxist would like this because it states
that all animals are equal, which was the biggest ideal of Marxism.

Mollie shows a lot of materialism and seems to have a mentality that she is above others, because
she does not do as much work as others, and is seen several times with the ribbons, and also
wants the sugar. This leads to her abandoning animalism for another farm where she gets the
ribbons and sugar she wants. A Marxist would dislike this because they try to get rid of
materialism as well as have the mentality that everyone is equal, which Mollie did not seem to
share with the other animals. Mollie could potentially create conflict among the animals, and if
there were others like her there would be competition, both of which a Marxist would not like.
A beast of England is a song that Old Major teaches the animals and is used to unite them all as
they sing a single song. It tells how the animals will utilize animalism and take control of the
farm from Mr. Jones, and encourages other animals to do so as well. A Marxist would like this,
as it unifies all the animals under one song, and sort of brings them all to the same level. It is
similar to the U.S.A.s National anthem.

The main aim of Marxism is to bring about a classless society, and ‘Animal Farm’ is generally
considered to be a Marxist novel, as all its characters share a similar ambition at the beginning.
Human history is man made and therefore humans must realize happiness in this life. Marx
realized, through Engels, the concrete conditions and misery of the working class. This helped
him realize all of history was a class struggle. Every class struggle is a political struggle,
therefore there is a connection of politics and the economy.
Society is divided into two major classes and they are
1. The working class

2. The owners of capital.

George Orwell's Animal Farm is a perfect representation of a Marxist view of society, and
parallels are intentionally made according with Karl Marx's ideals and philosophies.
Class Structure In Marxism, Marxian class theory states that an individual’s position within a
class hierarchy is determined by their role in the production process, and argues that political and
ideological consciousness is determined by class position.

In Marxist socio-political thought, the dictatorship of the working class refers to a state in which
the proletariat has control of political power. In Marxist theory, the dictatorship of the proletariat
is what exists between capitalism and communism. It is a democratic state characterized by the
existence of organs of class rule, where the whole of the public authority is elected. It is the
defeat of the owners of capital. State, but not yet of the capitalist mode of production. This is a
Marxist's ideal form of government.
In Animal Farm there are strong instances of class rule and separation, and a Marxist would
compare the separation to the government of today and feel it is unequal. A Marxist would say
that Animal Farm is a unequal dictatorship classified under The owners of capital. The pigs in
the novel are the owners of capital because they are the ruling class and own capital and all the
other animals would be the proletariat because they work towards the pigs' benefit In the novel
each side is exaggerated and portrays extremes within each side of the capitalist spectrum.

Karl Marx's ideas about the state can be divided into three subject areas: pre-capitalist states,
states in the capitalist era, and the state in post-capitalist society. Animal Farm starts off as a
Capitalist state, where the owner of capital of the farmer controls the animals and their product.

“Man is the only creature that consumes without producing. He does not give milk, he does not
lay eggs, he is too weak to pull the plough, and he cannot run fast enough to catch rabbits. Yet he
is lord of all the animals. He sets them to work, he gives back to them the bare minimum that
will prevent them from starving, and the rest he keeps for himself.”

Animal Farm then changes into a post-capitalist state. After the revolution the animals own the
farm and create a set of equal laws Although post capitalist states are described as anarchist and
radical, in Animal Farm, it is efficient and more equal .The farm then, progressively grows back
into a capitalist state, with the pigs as leaders Socialism in Animal Farm seems like Socialism is
a social and economic system characterized by social ownership of the means of production and
co-operative management of the economy.

Finally Now we can say that we find some important issues that is related to the Marxism and
those are represented very well in animal farm. Marxism is the idea of a society where everyone
is equal, everyone does the same amount of work according to the social role that fits them best,
gets the same amount of food, and is valued the same way as the next person. This is to try to
create a strong sense of unity. There is usually one leader that is of the same socioeconomic class
as everyone else, whom receives no special treatment at all as to avoid materialism, which leads
to conflict. This idea is considered a Utopia on paper, while in practice; human nature corrupts
this way of life with exploitation, stopping it from working as it should.

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