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Effects of Utilizing Technology to the Senior

High School Students of The College of Maasin

An Action Research Presented to

the Senior High School Department
The College of Maasin

In Partial fulfillment of the Requirements

of Inquires, Investigation and Immersion

Ella G. Calapre

Joan M. Orito

Joshua C. Bihay

Rovelyn S. Javinez

Regiel A. Villegas
Effects of Utilizing Technology to the Senior
High School Students of The College of Maasin

An Action Research Presented to

the Senior High School Department
The College of Maasin

In Partial fulfillment of the Requirements

of Inquires, Investigation and Immersion

Ella G. Calapre

Joan M. Orito

Joshua C. Bihay

Rovelyn S. Javinez

Regiel A. Villegas

The College of Maasin

“Nisi Dominus Frustra”

Tunga-Tunga, Maasin City, Southern Leyte


It is not easy to do a research without the help of others. So, the researchers are thankful

to other people who helped and encouraged them.

The researchers would like to extend their sincerest gratitude towards the people who

have helped in this research. Without their help, guidance, and cooperation, this would not be


To their friends, who encouraged and helped them in completing this research;

To their classmates, for giving some ideas and tips for this study;

To their families, for their moral and financial support, for without those, this research

would not become a success;

To their Inquires, Investigation and Immersion teacher, Ms. Ethel Generan for her

guidance, monitoring, patience, and for answering their questions;

To the respondents, for their cooperation in answering the questionnaires;

To The College of Maasin, for giving the researchers the opportunity to learn and

experience this kind of project;

And to God Almighty, for without Him all these things would not be possible.
Table of Contents

Acknowledgment……………………………………………………………………... ii

Introduction………………………………………………………………..……...….. 1

Background of the study ……………………………………………………... 1-2

Statement of the Problem ………………………………………………….… 3

Objectives of the Study ………………………………………………….…... 3

Scope and Delimitation ………………………………………………….….. 4

Significance of the Study ………………………………………………......... 4

Review of Related Literature …………….…………………………….……………. 4-


Research Environment ……………………………………………….......

Research Respondents ………………………………………………………..

Research Instrument ……………………………………………................

Research Procedure……………………………………………………………

Results ……………………………………………………………………………...

Discussion ………………………………………………………………………….

Conclusion ………………………………………………………………………….. 15

Recommendation ……………………………………………………………………. 16

Bibliography ………………………………………………………………………….17-18

Appendices ………………………………………………………………………….. 19

Appendix A ………………………………………………………………….. 20
Frequency and Percentage on Choosing Generic and Brand Named Drugs

Appendix B ………………………………………………………………….. 21

Frequency of Reasons on Choosing Generic Drugs

Appendix C …………………………………………………………………. 22

Frequency of Reasons on Choosing Brand Named Drugs

Appendix D ………………………………………………………………… 23

Communication Letter

Appendix E ………………………………………………………………… 24

Study Questionnaire

The College of Maasin

“Nisi Dominus Frustra”

Tunga-Tunga, Maasin City, Southern Leyte


Background of the Study

The College of Maasin is located at Tunga- Tunga Maasin City, province of Southern

Leyte- wide system of higher education and lower laboratory schools. The College of Maasin is a

non- sectarian institution founded by the Rev. Dr. Angel C. Espina (

In the present globalized world, everyone is living in the era of advanced technology.

Every part of people’s life is related to technology in one or other way. Throughout the years,

The College of Maasin has growing its number of students, staffs, faculties and infrastructures.

With the school’s innovation

and development they needed to engage into technologies which comes a number of issues with

regards to its effects to the students, especially to the Senior High, that is why the researchers

conducted this study.

Technology is the collection of techniques, skills, methods, and processes used in the

production of goods and services or in the accomplishment of objectives, such as scientific

investigation. Technology can be the knowledge of techniques, processes, and the like, or it can

be embedded in machines to allow for operation without detailed knowledge of their working


There are so many advantages with improved technology in everybody’s daily life. On the other

hand, there are instances which show the problems with improved and advanced technology or

the solution for one problem with the help of technology is giving rise to another problem

3 2

The College of Maasin

“Nisi Dominus Frustra”

Tunga-Tunga, Maasin City, Southern Leyte

Statement of the Problem

This study aimed to know the Effects of Utilizing Technology to the Senior High School

Students of The College of Maasin. Specifically, it sought to answer the following questions:

1. What are the effects of utilizing technology to the Senior High students?

2. What is the mean of the effects of utilizing technology?

3. Which has more mean between the positive and negative effects of technology?

Objectives of the Study

1. To know the effects of utilizing technology to the Senior High students;

2. To know the mean of the effects of utilizing technology; and

3. To compare the mean between the positive and negative effects of technology

The College of Maasin

“Nisi Dominus Frustra”

Tunga-Tunga, Maasin City, Southern Leyte

Scope and Delimitation of the Study

This study focused on twenty- five (25) senior high school students, studying at The

College of Maasin. The questionnaires were given to the respondents as the source in gathering


Significance of the Study

This study is helpful to everybody, for they will be inform about the effects of utilizing

technology especially to the senior high school students. This would also enable the researchers

to determine the mean of the effects of utilizing technology and which among the positive and

negative effects has more effect to the students.

The College of Maasin

“Nisi Dominus Frustra”

Tunga-Tunga, Maasin City, Southern Leyte


Technology is a body of knowledge devoted to creating tools, processing actions

and extracting of materials. The term “Technology” is wide and everyone has their own way of

understanding the meaning of technology. We used technology to accomplish various tasks in

our daily lives, in brief; we can describe technology as products, processes or organizations. We

used technology to extend our abilities, and that makes people as the most important part of any

technological system. Technology is also an application of science to solve a problem. But what

you have to know is that technology and science are different subjects which work hand-in-hand

to accomplish a specific task or solve a particular problem. We apply technology in almost

everything we do in our lives, we use technology at work, we use it to extract materials, we use

technology for communication, transportation, learning, manufacturing, creating artifacts,

securing data, scaling businesses and so much more. Technology is human knowledge which

involves tools, materials and systems. The application of technology results in artifacts or

products. If technology is well applied, it can benefit humans, but if it is wrong applied, it can

cause harm to human beings. Many businesses are using technology to stay competitive, they

create new products and services by using technology, and they also used technology to deliver

those products and services to their customers on time. A good example is, mobile phones
companies like Apple and Samsung, these two electronics companies, use high end

technology to create new smartphones and other electronic devices to stay competitive. This

competitive edge is gained through employing advanced technology.

Furthermore, technology plays a vital role in education sector to enhance the learning

potential for students. It has to focus to be a supplemental teaching tool to do interactive

presentation using, video clips, graphics and other audio visual elements to make students

actively engage in lessons, as well as to keep lessons alive. This will motivate students to learn

further. Using Computers at home has been linked mildly positive effects on Academic

performance. This will assist children to understand language and numbers, to reason and

problem solve, and to learn and remember. Access to mobile devices lead to greater demand for

uninterrupted connectivity, involving communication, entertainment and knowledge acquisition.

From a point of view of multimedia, children interact not only with Family and wider

community through these devices in the sense of private and public, freedom and sociability.

Parents from a variety of backgrounds express ambivalent position to children. They indicate

their motivation to provide mobile devices to children as tools to enable parental control and

opportunities for digital inclusion. However they expressed the concern about their accesses to

content considered inappropriate, such as cyber-bullying, exposure to advertising, and contact

with strangers (Haddon and Vincent, 2014).With the smartphone it is also very easy to react to

this quickly, similarly to online bullying, children have the impression that mobile devices

facilitate taking and sharing pictures, also sexy pictures that may be misused.

1. Knowledge

Television allows for everyone to gain more knowledge. There are many educational

channels, such as the Discovery Channel, that can provide adolescents with valuable

information. News Channels keeps us updated on what is going on in the world.

Television allows us to keep up with important events such the presidential election.

There are also many educational and historical films.

2. Entertainment

Most adolescents usually watch television for entertainment purposes. Television shows,

movies, gossip shows, and more provide adolescents with something to watch and enjoy.

Many adolescents stay up to date on the latest celebrity gossip through shows like

“Extra” and “The Insider”. Adolescents can also enjoy a large number of different genres

of TV shows and movies, from comedy, action, criminal justice, and more.

3. Socialization

Much of adolescent conversation revolves around what happened on the last episode of a

television show, or how great the latest movie to come out was. Being able to access

these programs gives adolescents something to talk about each other. It also creates

opportunities for them to view the programs together. Many people come together to

enjoy events such as football games, the Olympics, and the other athletic games.
4. Important Issue Portrayed

Many television shows and movies portray very important messages that many

adolescents can benefit from. There are any that have positive messages to help

adolescents. Many things on television and in the movies involve common issues in the

adolescents, such as depression, suicide, dealing with death, drug abuse, and eating

disorders. Many of these programs can help inspire adolescents who are going through

similar problems to et ep. This can have a very positive impact on their health and lives.


1. Health Issues

Too much television can cause a number of health issues. Excessive television watching

is linked with obesity, since those that watch is so much most likely do not engage in

athletic activity, and would rather just watch TV. This can lead to strains in relationships

with family and friends, and essentially leave the person in isolation.

2. Violence

It is not uncommon to find violence in the media. This can sometimes lead to aggression

in adolescents, which in turn can damage relationships and health. Some adolescents

strive to be like television and movie characters, and since many of those characters are

violent, they in turn become more violent.

3. Inappropriate Programs

Other than violence, many shows that adolescents enjoy include other inappropriate story

lines. Many shows revolve around things such as sex and drugs and do not necessarily
portray them in a positive way. Many shows have adolescent’s characters that regularly

engage in these types of behavior. The media has a very large influence on the

adolescents today; therefore these types of behaviors may be repeated by those who

watch it. Some shows portray them as “cool”, and most adolescents strive to be just that.

Many adolescents are also hooked on “trashy” television shows and movies, such as

reality shows. Most of these shows have nothing important to offer, and yet they have

some highest ratings. It has been shown that some people even become depressed

because they feel their lives aren’t as good as those they have view on reality television,

when there actually isn’t much “reality” on reality TV.

4. Advertisements

Advertisements are a huge part of television. Someone who watches three to five hours of

television a day may view up to 40,000 commercials each year. These advertisements

tend to “hook” adolescents into desiring something that they otherwise would not have.

Many will desire more than needed and become extremely disappointed if those items are

not acquired. This can result in adolescents becoming greedy or ungrateful for what they

already have.

In conclusion, there are clearly both pros and cons of adolescent technology use. The fact

is, it is important for adolescents to learn and understand technology. It’s become a part of daily

life for all people to use a computer or a cell phone. It is necessary in most situations, especially

for when they are older and have jobs. However, technology use must not be excessive. Extreme

technological use in adolescents can cause all sorts of problems; socially and physically. It is

important for adolescents to understand that yes, technology is an amazing thing; but at the same
time, it should not be used all of the time. They should not be overly dependent on it.

Adolescents need to learn that sometimes, technology is not the right answer for a situation.

Most adolescents today could not imagine their lives without their cell phones, Facebook, video

games, and television. While some see new technology as a positive thing, others think that we

are becoming too dependent on it acknowledges negative health effects in can cause.

The College of Maasin

“Nisi Dominus Frustra”

Tunga-Tunga, Maasin City, Southern Leyte

Effects of Utilizing Technology to the Senior High School Students
of the College of Maasin
Please put a check on the box that corresponds to your answer.

Strongly Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly

Effects of Utilizing Technology Agree (A) (N) (D) Disagree
(SA) (SD)

1. Technology makes my life easier.

2. It causes me a number of health


3. I became dependent on

4. Technology enhances my learning


5. Technology is such a big help in

improving my abilities.

6. I cannot seem to live a day without


7. Technology enables me to improve

my socialization

8. I spend more time on technologies

than in my own family.

9. I cannot focus on my studies

because of technologies.

10. Technology gives me


The College of Maasin

“Nisi Dominus Frustra”

Tunga-Tunga, Maasin City, Southern Leyte

Table 2.2. Mean of the Negative Effects of Utilizing Technology

The Negative Effects of Utilizing Technology Median

2. It causes me a number of health issues. 3.55

3. I became dependent on technologies. 3.77

6. I cannot seem to live a day without technology. 4.38

8. I spend more time on technologies than in my own family. 2.82

9. I cannot focus on my studies because of technologies. 3.86

Total Mean 3.66

Table 2.2 shows the possible negative effects of utilizing technology.. The total mean of

the negative effects of utilizing technology is three point sixty- six (3.66).

The College of Maasin

“Nisi Dominus Frustra”

Tunga-Tunga, Maasin City, Southern Leyte

Table 1. Mean of the Effects of Utilizing Technology

Effects of Utilizing Technology Median

1. Technology makes my life easier. 4.75

2. It causes me a number of health issues. 3.55

3. I became dependent on technologies. 3.77

4. Technology enhances my learning potential. 3.92

5. Technology is such a big help in improving my abilities. 3.89

6. I cannot seem to live a day without technology. 4.38

7. Technology enables me to improve my socialization 3.55

8. I spend more time on technologies than in my own family. 2.82

9. I cannot focus on my studies because of technologies. 3.86

10. Technology gives me entertainment. 4.64

Table 1 shows the possible effects of utilizing technology. Statement number one (1) has

a median of four point seventy- five (4.75); number two (2) has a median of three point fifty-

five (3.55); number three (3) has a median of three point seventy- seven (3.77); number four (4)

has a median of three point ninety- two (3.92); number five (5) has a median of three point

eighty- nine (3.89); number six (6) has a median of four point thirty- eight (4.38); number seven

(7) has a median of three point fifty- five (3.55); number eight (8) has a median of two point

eighty- two (2.82); number nine (9) has a median of three point eighty- six (3.86) and lastly,

number ten (10) has a median of four point sixty- four (4.64).
Table 2.1. Mean of the Positive Effects of Utilizing Technology

The Positive Effects of Utilizing Technology Median

1. Technology makes my life easier. 4.75

4. Technology enhances my learning potential. 3.92

5. Technology is such a big help in improving my abilities. 3.89

7. Technology enables me to improve my socialization 3.55

10. Technology gives me entertainment. 4.64

Total Mean 4.15

Table 2.1 shows the possible positive effects of utilizing technology. The total mean of

the positive effects of utilizing technology is four point fifteen (4.15).

Table 1. Responses on the Positive Effects of Utilizing Technology

R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 R6 R7 R8 R9 R10 R11 R12 R13

1. Technology
makes my life
4. enhances my

Technology is
5. such a big help in
improving my

7. Technology
enables me to
improve my

10. Technology
gives me

R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 R6 R7 R8 R9 R10 R11 R12

1. Technology makes
my life easier.

4. Technology
enhances my
learning potential.

5. Technology is such
a big help in
improving my

7. Technology enables
me to improve my

10. Technology gives

me entertainment.
Table 1.1 Responses on the Negative Effects of Utilizing Technology

R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 R6 R7 R8 R9 R10 R11 R12 R13

It causes me a
2. number of
health issues.

I became
3. dependent on

6. I cannot seem
to live a day

8. I spend more
time on
than in my
own family.

9. I cannot focus
on my studies
because of

R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 R6 R7 R8 R9 R10 R11 R12

It causes me a
2. number of health

I became dependent
3. on technologies.

6. I cannot seem to live

a day without

8. I spend more time

on technologies than
in my own family.
9. I cannot focus on
my studies because
of technologies.

The College of Maasin

“Nisi Dominus Frustra”

Tunga-Tunga, Maasin City, Southern Leyte


Research Environment

The researchers conducted their study about The Effects of Utilizing Technology

to the Senior High School Students of The College of Maasin to the The College of Maasin


Research Respondents

There were twenty- five (25) respondents who were administered, all senior high

school students studying at The College of Maasin. Ten (10) ABM students, five (5) STEM

students, five (5) TVL students, and five (5) HUMMS students.

Research Instrument

This research used questionnaires to the senior high students to collect the data

needed in answering the problems of the study.

Research Procedure
The researchers administered the questionnaires to the twenty- five (25) Senior

High School Students who are attending at The College of Maasin.

The College of Maasin

“Nisi Dominus Frustra”

Tunga-Tunga, Maasin City, Southern Leyte


This study focused on the Effects of Utilizing Technology to the Senior High School

Students of The College of Maasin.

In knowing the mean of the effects of utilizing technology, the results have shown

that the first statement has a median of four point seventy- five (4.75). This means that the

respondents strongly agreed to the statement. The second statement has a median of three point

fifty- five (3.55); third statement has a median of three point seventy- seven (3.77); fourth, has a

median of three point ninety- two (3.92); fifth, has a median of three point eighty- nine (3.89);

sixth statement has a median of four point thirty- eight (4.38); seventh, has a median of three

point fifty- five (3.55). The respondents agreed to the second to the seventh statements. Eighth

statement has a median of two point eighty- two (2.82). The respondents’ answer to this is

neutral. Statement number nine has a median of three point eighty- six (3.86). The respondents

agreed to the statement. And lastly, statement number ten has a median of four point sixty- four

(4.64). The respondents strongly agreed to the statement.

In comparing the mean of the positive and negative effects of utilizing technology, the

results revealed that positive effects has more mean than negative effects. Positive effects got

four point fifteen (4.15) while negative effects only got three point sixty- six (3.66).

The College of Maasin

“Nisi Dominus Frustra”

Tunga-Tunga, Maasin City, Southern Leyte


This research was about the Effects of Utilizing Technology to the Senior High School

Students of The College of Maasin. This was conducted in The College of Maasin. The

respondents were the senior high students from the mentioned school. This study has three (3)

objectives: to know the effects of utilizing technology to the senior high students; to know the

mean of the effects of utilizing technology; and to compare the mean between the positive and

negative effects of technology.

The evolution of technology has changed the lives of people in both positive and

negative ways. People all over the world use and benefit from modern technology however,

using it too often has its drawbacks as well. People are the deciders and have to choose how to

use it. If people will use it for positive things, it will have positive effect on their lives and vice


Based on the overall results, it shows that the total mean of the positive effects is four

point fifteen (4.15) and the total mean for negative effects is three point sixty-six (3.66).
Therefore, the respondents agreed that technology has more positive effects over its

negative effects to the senior high school students of The College of Maasin.

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