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BS 1st
Prepared By: Aftab Ahmed
11/12/2019 Prepared By: Aftab Ahmed Chaudhry

Linear Equations in Two Variables

A linear equation in two variables, x and y, can be written in
the form 𝒂𝒙 + 𝒃𝒚 = 𝒄,

where 𝒙 and 𝒚 are real numbers and, a and b both are not

For example, 3𝑥 + 2𝑦 = 8 is a linear equation in two

11/12/2019 Prepared By: Aftab Ahmed Chaudhry

Solving Methods…
There are more than two methods for solving systems of
linear equations,

1. by substitution
2. by elimination
3. by graphing
11/12/2019 Prepared By: Aftab Ahmed Chaudhry

Substitution Method…
In the substitution method, one equation is used to express
one variable in terms of the other. Then the expression is
substituted in the other equation.

e.g, to solve the system of equations

𝟑𝒙 + 𝟐𝒚 = 𝟐
𝒚 + 𝟖 = 𝟑𝒙

Isolate the variable y in the 2nd equation

𝒚 = 𝟑𝒙 − 𝟖

Now, substitute 3x – 8 for y into the 1st equation

𝟑𝒙 + 𝟐 𝟑𝒙 − 𝟖 = 𝟐
11/12/2019 Prepared By: Aftab Ahmed Chaudhry

3𝑥 + 2 3𝑥 − 8 = 2
3𝑥 + 6𝑥 − 16 = 2
9𝑥 = 2 + 16
9𝑥 = 18
Divide both sides by 9
Now, Substitute 𝑥 = 2 into 𝒚 = 𝟑𝒙 − 𝟖
𝑦 =3 2 −8
𝑦 = −2
Answer is, 𝒙 = 𝟐 and 𝒚 = −𝟐
11/12/2019 Prepared By: Aftab Ahmed Chaudhry

Practice…. Substitution Method

• Solve
𝑥 + 3𝑦 = 8
2𝑥 − 9 = 𝑦

• Solve
3𝑥 − 2𝑦 = 6
𝑥−𝑦 =1
• Solve
3 1
𝑥 + 𝑦 = −3
2 2
1 3
𝑦 =− 𝑥+2
2 2
11/12/2019 Prepared By: Aftab Ahmed Chaudhry

Elimination Methods
As the name suggests, in the elimination method, we try to
eliminate one of the variables from the given set of equations.

• Example
3𝑥 + 2𝑦 = 78
8𝑥 + 5𝑦 = 200
…..Multiply one or both equations by a number that will create
opposite coefficients for either x or y if needed.

….we multiply the first equation by 5 and the second equation by -

2, this would create a 10 and a -10 in front of the 𝒚′ 𝑠 and we will have
our opposites

5 3𝑥 + 2𝑦 = 5(78), 15𝑥 + 10𝑦 = 390

−2 8𝑥 + 5𝑦 = −2(200), −16𝑥 − 10𝑦 = −400
11/12/2019 Prepared By: Aftab Ahmed Chaudhry

Now Add equations

15𝑥 + 10𝑦 = 390
−16𝑥 − 10𝑦 = −400
Note: y is eliminated here…

−𝑥 = −10, 𝒙 = 𝟏𝟎

Solve for the 2nd variable

𝟑𝒙 + 𝟐𝒚 = 𝟕𝟖

Put x=10, 3 10 + 2𝑦 = 78
30 + 2𝑦 = 78
2𝑦 = 48
𝑦 = 24
Answer is, 𝒙 = 𝟏𝟎, 𝒚 = 𝟐𝟒
11/12/2019 Prepared By: Aftab Ahmed Chaudhry

Practice Problem… substitution or elimination method

• Solve
1 1 2
𝑥+ 𝑦=
2 3 3
1 1 7
𝑥+ 𝑦=
3 5 15

• Solve
𝑦 = 2𝑥 − 5
4𝑥 − 2𝑦 = 10

• Solve
2𝑥 − 5𝑦 = 3
−4𝑥 + 10𝑦 = 3
11/12/2019 Prepared By: Aftab Ahmed Chaudhry

• Solve
5𝑥 + 3𝑦 = 10
10𝑥 + 6𝑦 = 0
we proposed that we multiply the first equation by -2,

−2 5𝑥 + 3𝑦 = −2(10)
−10𝑥 − 6𝑦 = −20

Add both equations

−10𝑥 − 6𝑦 = −20
10𝑥 + 6𝑦 = 0
0 = −20
There is no solution
11/12/2019 Prepared By: Aftab Ahmed Chaudhry

Even and Odd, Exponential,

Logarithm and
Trigonometric Functions
11/12/2019 Prepared By: Aftab Ahmed Chaudhry

Even Functions
• A function is "even" when:

𝒇 𝒙 = 𝒇(−𝒙), for all "𝑥“

𝒇 𝒙 = 𝒙𝟐 + 𝟏, for every value of “x”,
calculated value will always positive
with equal output.

Consider 𝑥 = 2 & − 2

They got called "even" functions

because the functions 𝒙𝟐 , 𝒙𝟒 , 𝒙𝟔 , 𝒙𝟖 etc
behave like that
11/12/2019 Prepared By: Aftab Ahmed Chaudhry

Odd Functions
• A function is "odd" when:

−𝒇 𝒙 = 𝒇 −𝒙 𝑓𝑜𝑟 𝑎𝑙𝑙 "𝑥“

𝒇 𝒙 = 𝒙𝟑 − 𝒙,
if we put any “–ve” value for “x” we
always get a “-ve” outcome and
equal but opposite outcome.

Consider 𝑥 = 2, −2

They got called "odd" because the functions 𝒙, 𝒙𝟑 , 𝒙𝟓 , 𝒙𝟕 , 𝒙𝟗

etc behave like that
11/12/2019 Prepared By: Aftab Ahmed Chaudhry

Neither Odd nor Even

Note: Don't be confused by the
names "odd" and "even" .... they
are just names ... and a function
does not have to be even or odd.

In fact most functions are neither

odd nor even.

Just adding 1 to the above odd

• 𝑓 𝑥 = 𝑥3 − 𝑥 + 1
11/12/2019 Prepared By: Aftab Ahmed Chaudhry

Even or Odd?... Practical

Example: is 𝒇 𝒙 = , Even or Odd or neither?
𝒙𝟐 −𝟏

Let's see what happens when we substitute "𝒙“, with " − 𝒙":

𝑓 −𝑥 =
(−𝑥)2 −1
= 2
𝑥 −1
= −𝑓(𝑥)

So, 𝑓 −𝑥 = −𝑓(𝑥), which makes it an Odd Function

Put 𝒙 = −𝟐, −𝟑, −𝟒 and check the answer

11/12/2019 Prepared By: Aftab Ahmed Chaudhry

Special Properties

• The sum of two even functions is even

• The sum of two odd functions is odd

• The product of two even functions is an even function.
• The product of two odd functions is an even function.
• The product of an even function and an odd function is an
odd function
11/12/2019 Prepared By: Aftab Ahmed Chaudhry

Exponential Functions
A function in the form
𝒇 𝒙 = 𝒃𝒙 , is an exponential function
If 𝒃 > 𝟎, but 𝒃 ≠ 𝟏
1. we avoid 𝒃 = 𝟏 because that would give the constant function, 𝒇 𝒙 = 𝟏.
2. We avoid 𝒃 = 𝟎, since this would also give a constant function and
3. we avoid negative values of for the following reason.

suppose that we did allow to be negative

𝒈 𝒙 = (−𝟒)𝒙
Solve at 𝒙 = 𝟐 and 𝒙 =
𝑔 2 = (−4)2 ,and 𝑔 = (−4) 2

𝒈 𝟐 = 𝟏𝟔, and 𝒈 = 𝟐i
11/12/2019 Prepared By: Aftab Ahmed Chaudhry

Sketch the graph of 𝑓 𝑥 = 2𝑥 and 𝑔 𝑥 = (2)𝑥
• First get a table of values for these two functions,
11/12/2019 Prepared By: Aftab Ahmed Chaudhry

Logarithm Functions….
If b is any number such as 𝒃 > 𝟎, and 𝒃 ≠ 𝟏, and 𝒙 > 𝟎,
𝒚 = 𝐥𝐨𝐠 𝒃 𝒙, is equivalent to 𝒃𝒚 = 𝒙

And We usually read this as

“log base 𝒃 of 𝒙” or “𝒍𝒐𝒈 − 𝒃 − 𝒙”

In this definition 𝒚 = 𝒍𝒐𝒈𝒃 𝒙 is called the logarithm form

and 𝒃𝒚 = 𝒙 is called the exponential form.
11/12/2019 Prepared By: Aftab Ahmed Chaudhry

Logarithm Functions…. Cont.

1. It is very important to remember that we can’t
take the logarithm of zero or a negative
2. 𝒃 > 𝟎, and 𝒙 > 𝟎
11/12/2019 Prepared By: Aftab Ahmed Chaudhry

11/12/2019 Prepared By: Aftab Ahmed Chaudhry

Solve a. 𝐥𝐨𝐠𝟒 𝟏𝟔…

𝒍𝒐𝒈𝟒 𝟏𝟔
What we are really looking here is
𝒍𝒐𝒈𝟒 𝟏𝟔 =?or ? = 𝒍𝒐𝒈𝟒 𝟏𝟔
Assume 𝒚 =?
let’s convert this to exponential form
𝟒? = 𝟏𝟔
Here we need to find the exponent of 4 to get 16, once we
do the exponentiation.
So, 𝟒𝟐 = 𝟏𝟔

So value of the logarithm is; 𝒍𝒐𝒈𝟒 𝟏𝟔 = 𝟐

11/12/2019 Prepared By: Aftab Ahmed Chaudhry

Solve: 𝐥𝐨𝐠𝟓 …
Solution, What we are really looking here is

𝟏 𝟏
𝒍𝒐𝒈𝟓 𝟏𝟐𝟓 =?, or ? = 𝒍𝒐𝒈𝟓 𝟏𝟐𝟓

Assume 𝒚 =?, let’s convert this to exponential form

𝟓 =
Now, find the exponent of 5 to get 125.
𝟑 −𝟑 𝟏
𝟓 = 𝟏𝟐𝟓, and in our case, 𝟓 =

𝟏 𝟏
That means 𝟓−𝟑 = 𝟏𝟐𝟓 So, 𝒍𝒐𝒈𝟓 𝟏𝟐𝟓 = −𝟑
11/12/2019 Prepared By: Aftab Ahmed Chaudhry

Solve 𝐥𝐨𝐠𝟏 𝟖𝟏…

First step: 𝒍𝒐𝒈𝟏 𝟖𝟏 =?, or ? = 𝒍𝒐𝒈𝟏 𝟖𝟏
𝟑 𝟑

Second Step: = 𝟖𝟏
Third step: find the exponent, 𝟑 = 𝟖𝟏
For our case, if 𝟑𝟒 , then we write this (𝟏)𝟒
𝟏 −𝟒
Next, ( 𝟑)
Hens, 𝒍𝒐𝒈𝟏 𝟖𝟏 = −𝟒
11/12/2019 Prepared By: Aftab Ahmed Chaudhry

Solve 𝐥𝐨𝐠𝟑 …
• Solution
𝟐𝟕 𝟐𝟕
𝐥𝐨𝐠 𝟑 =?, and ? = 𝐥𝐨𝐠 𝟑
𝟖 𝟐

𝟑? 𝟐𝟕
• Second Step: =
𝟐 𝟖

• find the exponents, 𝟑𝟑 = 𝟐𝟕, and 𝟐𝟑 = 𝟖

𝟑 𝟐𝟕
( 𝟐) 𝟑 = 𝟖
So, 𝐥𝐨𝐠 𝟑 = 𝟑
11/12/2019 Prepared By: Aftab Ahmed Chaudhry

Your Turn…
1. log 1000
2. log
3. log 34 34
11/12/2019 Prepared By: Aftab Ahmed Chaudhry

Trigonometry ... is all
about triangles

The little box in the corner

is called right angle as
shown in figure.

Trigonometry helps us
find angles and distances,
and is used a lot in
science, engineering,
video games, and more!
11/12/2019 Prepared By: Aftab Ahmed Chaudhry

The main functions in trigonometry are

i-Sine, ii-Cosine and iii-Tangent…

For any angle "θ":

11/12/2019 Prepared By: Aftab Ahmed Chaudhry

Practical Example…
What is the sine of 35°?....

Solution: we know 𝐬𝐢𝐧 𝜽 = 𝑯𝒚𝒑𝒐𝒕𝒆𝒏𝒖𝒔𝒆

𝟐. 𝟖
𝒔𝒊𝒏 𝟑𝟓° =
𝟒. 𝟗

=. 𝟓𝟕 …
11/12/2019 Prepared By: Aftab Ahmed Chaudhry

Example: How Tall is The Tree?

• We have to find “opposite” side of triangle.

we know 𝒔𝒊𝒏 𝜽 = 𝑯𝒚𝒑𝒐𝒕𝒆𝒏𝒖𝒔𝒆
𝒔𝒊𝒏 𝟒𝟓° = 𝟐𝟎, ?=Opposite
sin 45° = 0.7071 [use calculator]
0.7071 =
Multiply both side by “20”
𝟐𝟎 ∗ 𝟎. 𝟕𝟎𝟕𝟏 =?
11/12/2019 Prepared By: Aftab Ahmed Chaudhry

Trigonometric Function…
• Six trig functions

All the trig functions can be defined in terms of a right

11/12/2019 Prepared By: Aftab Ahmed Chaudhry

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