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Returning to the divinity

Atheists with class (AWC) say appreciate and enjoy the goodness
of the reality that surrounds them, and their inner world, their
imagination, their spirituality. They say they do not feel constantly
watched or condemned, even for every thought that comes to
mind, they live without fear of the unknown. They say that the
basis of their human relationships is tolerance, respect and doing
all the good at their fingertips without expecting any

Naturally, AWCs recognize the evolutionary privilege of being

aware of their environment, but they do not feel superior to other
human beings or any of the existing species. They take naturally
their future absolute disappearance and also believe that our
universe will not leave even the smallest trace of our existence.
And none of this diminishes his joy of living.

However, there are atheists who have returned to divinity. Many

already deceased, such as Albert Einstein and Carl Sagan and
others present, such as Mark Zuckerberg of Facebook and Pedro
Sevsec commentator of America TV. All they adults, of solid
formation and almost at the end of their lives returned to the
divinity; with the exception of Mark, who does not reach three
decades of life, but who came from the nothingness to the
brotherhood of the billionaires. Some say that this brotherhood is
also a divinity; but it is very conservative and that in a very
diplomatic way it directs its members; in other words, it "scolds
them", for example, for keeping his atheism in public, such a
private matter! You must be publicly a believer!

Who returned ones say that here they find peace, love and
fraternity. The fear of God also influences the resignation with the
level of life reached; in the fidelity of the wives; in the supremacy
of man in the home. It avoid conflicts due to the social compulsion
of those who claim to be believers; this is better to keep his work;
to diminish the tormenting questions, that burst in our mind,
about politics, society and justice. They are relieved to know that
justice is in the great bag of God's purposes, incomprehensible to
the narrow minds that were granted to us.

The best thing, for what they have to do the greatest efforts, is for
the salvation and reach the divinity of glory, and there, feel
oneself like floating in a nimbus, in a pleasant ecstasy, with
celestial music, without memories of relatives neither friends nor
what oneself has lived; and praising in every moment to the Lord.
Well ... other believers expect an extraordinary and permanent
sexual power, for their satisfaction with the 72 virgins that
correspond to each one. Well ... it seems that these believers have
never had fun with television, art, the humor of excellent
comedians like Álvarez Guedes, Alexis Valdés, El Pible, Berto
Romero, Eugenio, Dante Gebel, Jeff Dunham and many others.

Let us discard the legacy of Voltaire, about three hundred years

ago, a philosopher of retrograde conservatism, when he wrote
that "the people must be given religion"; as a means to appease
their rebellion.

It seems that this brotherhood, the one of every moment, does not
discard to Voltaire, and can influence of some way on Einstein,
Sagan and Zuckerberg, by the unnecessary recommendation of
Voltaire for the present times.

About Pedro ... possible conservative self-determination ... for

personal reasons and for the loss of his previous job, better paid,
perhaps lost due to his atheism and/or his rebellion at the time.
Maybe, when he was an atheist, ¡poor man!, he believed in justice.

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