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Since the dawn of modern civilization warfare started to evolve at a drastic rate from using gunpowder

to using the energy stored within atoms. But, warfare isn’t only about weapons it is the combination of
strategies and sacrifices from both sides fueled by the mutual hate in both sides created due to clash of
agendas. So is the case with the ongoing war in Donbas Ukraine.

The war was sparked in March of 2014 when the Russian Special Forces stormed in and occupied
Chimea peninsula claiming to protect its port access to the Black Sea. Conflicts with the separatist
groups started to turn violent starting the years of hell for the people living nearby.

There are about a hundred thousand fighters stationed here making this region one of the most heavily
militarized regions on Earth with Ukrainian forces to the west and Russian backed Separatist militias to
the east.

The conflicts with these communities with the agenda of either joining the European Union or the
Russian community has claimed the lives of over ten thousand people with a quarter being children.

After the Russian Special Forces took control of Chimea the pro-Russian separatists in Donbas seized the
cities of Luhansk and Donetsk declaring them independent from Ukraine. The attempts of taking this
region back by Ukraine failed due to the separatists getting help from Russia leading to heavy fighting in
the following months.

In February, 2015 a peace agreement called MINSK2 was issued by the Ukrainian government for
ceasefire as a response to the countless lives of civilians, soldiers and children being taken away. This
allowed the creation of a ‘security zone’ but the ceasefire is violated almost every single day putting the
lives of about a hundred thousand civilians in danger making it one of the most violent place in Ukraine.

The agreement acknowledged Luhansk and Donetsk being independent from Ukraine and also
mentioned method of future integration.

Russia benefits its actions as these successfully destabilized Ukraine preventing it from joining the
European Union meanwhile the Ukrainian forces are forced to devote resources to its defense being
completely frozen in the case of economic matters.

Both sides fire heavy artilleries on a daily basis to showcase power with energy, water, food supplies
being the prime targets. In between the war of these two giants the heaviest price is paid by the civilian
lives that live here every day knowing it might be their last.

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