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Teng, Matthew Phillip C31 October 9, 2018

Journal #1

As a business student, it is safe to say that art is the least of my priority. I rarely show
interest when it comes to art. However, as I have been attending my HUMAART or art
appreciation class, I have been gaining insights that is sparking my curiosity towards art. For
starters, my impression on art is anything that is painted, acted or performed. But, in class I
have learned that art is an idea, which is expressed in several mediums such as art objects
and art performances. It is very important for one to be creative as art tends to be successful
if it is original and thought out first (if you are not first, then you are the last). We have also
talked about Ezra Pound who is an influential American Poet who had a plea to make
everything new! There are also credentials when doing an art, some practices are considered
art due to the artists, wherein if we are to do them ourselves, it is no longer considered art.

I have also learned that art is dialogic as there is an interaction between the art object/
art performance and the audience. The audience seek to find meaning to art in order to
understand what the art object is trying to say. Mr. Ayer also pointed out that “not everything
is art” something may look beautiful, but it is not art. I have also learned that art has three
parts which composed of form, content and context and to make it easily understandable, it
was compared to a glass of water. When you talk about form, it serves as a vessel or container
of the art such as a glass. When one talks about content, it is what is inside (water). And the
context are the circumstances or factors (saysay). It was also discussed the mimetic principle
of art, wherein art imitates or copies nature.

After several sessions, we have defined that art is the sum total of all the art objects
and performances that has been made, done and performed thus far. The last thing I have
learned are the 12 core aspects of art. The 12 core aspects are : direct pleasure, skill and
virtuosity, style, novelty and creativity, criticism, representation, special focus, expressive
individuality, emotional saturation, intellectual challenge, arts tradition and institutions and
imaginative experience.

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