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The pictures illustrate the how a road to a city hospital changed in three-year-period starting from

2007.Overall, the road witnessed considerable transformations after the construction of many new

In 2007, there were six bus stops located along the Hospital Road, three on each side, which helped
people to get to the hospital by bus. Additionally, people could also drive their car to the clinic and park
in a place situated near the right-side bus stations. This garage was available to both staff and public and
adjacent to the City Road, which was to the eastern side of the Hospital one. From the bus stop or car
park, people could walk straight to the hospital, which was surrounded by the Ring Road.

In the following three years, the way to the city hospital underwent some major changes. The six bus
stops were converted into a big one on the left-hand side of the Hospital Road, where two roundabouts
were erected from the beginning to the end of it. In addition, the original garage was divided into two
parts: the place for staff was to the right of the Hospital Road, while the one for public use lied on the
western side of the City Hospital. The reverse was true for Ring Road and City Road, which remained the
same throughout the period.
Task 2. Some people say History is one of the most important school subjects. Other people think
that in today’s world, subjects like Science and Technology are more important than History.
Discuss both views and give your own opinion.
Every school subject has its own advantages, and the answer to the question which ones are the most
important varies. Some people believe that History is a part of important subject areas, while it is claimed
by others subjects such as Science and Technology are more crucial. While I admit there are some
benefits of studying History, it is my strong belief that the two latter subjects brings more significant
On the one hand, learning History provides students with two main advantages. Undoubtedly, when being
taught this subject, pupils could know a number of historical events and people, which means their social
knowledge could be widened. For instance, they could understand the meaning of a famous place’s name
or simply how their hometown has developed. More importantly, History enables students to imagine the
way their ancestors lived and survived, which could give them valuable life lessons and experiences such
as how to make fire or live in harmony with others.
On the other hand, although the benefits History offers are notable, subjects such as Science and History
would be of more necessity. First and foremost, these subject areas could assist students in keeping up
with the modern world, where technology is the leading element. That is to say, studying these supplies
pupils of knowledge about the science technology world so that they would not be stone-blind or fallen
behind the modern society. In addition, subjects related to Science and Technology also helped students
in their career. To be more specific, as nowadays employers tend to look for high-tech workers, pupils
could secure a career if having profound knowledge of technological or scientific area.
To conclude, despite some remarkable advantages of studying History, Science and Technology and other
related subject brings more outstanding merits in terms of job security and keeping pace with the world.

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