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es snafus


THE Philippines, the host ofthis year's South-

east Asian (SEA) Games, came under lire on
Sunday over the shabby welcome given to
arriving athletes from four countries
Delegares from
Thailand, Nlyar QIte fflcuils Ciintes
j /]lrstr r:li!
@lseffiunila @imps mar, Cambodia
b\d \s w" rgx & r] * i a t i m s's .net
and Timor-Leste
had complained '
that they waited
hou$ at the airyoft

I News M0NDAY November 25, 201 9

or were driven to
the wrong hotel.
Athletes have begun flying into Manila
ahead of the November 30 opening of the
Games, but for Cambodia ?nd East Timor's
football squads, the ardval was notwhat they


Fhd hie
were elipectilrg.
"We had to r,vait naybe like
eight, nir}e hours to get to our
F! ftST lV{ ffi D I A B K I E F I F,l 6 (ambodia's rootbau team (oa(h Fetix Datmas (left )
speaks as Myanmar's coach Velizar P0pov (second fiom left), the Philippines'coa(h G0ran Milojevic (third from
hotel, "-coach |elix Dalrnas of
left), Malaysia's coa(h 0ng Kim Swee (foulth from l€ft) and East Timorl (oa(h tabiano Flora listen during a news
Cau.rbodia said il
a irelrs confer
(onference in Manila. Airp ?t-ici-o
ence Sunday. I Ie added that rher.
also had to wait for hours for the "For those foreign teams, \!e are nodadons," he added. rJ mrr-rtdb ,l.lsba5h. Ipwin nYo
shuttle sen,ice. apologizing for the inconvenienc- "\le are noi promising that the na lang 'nn, n at:,u ngSL\ Caures. . .

llast llno/s teau was drivetr to es or if I may call inefficiencies or Cames lvill run without a hitdr, Pilipinas ksi ang auntaa,r (Lels help
dre wrong hotel, conrplicating their miscoordinations,' he said. givel the coundess athletes who kfs not reson to basling
eadr other
anival and uaining schedules. ivlalacanang also issued ar apol- wiil participate and represent their becausethe Philipphes i.vill suffer).
"All lations deserve resprct ogy to the concemed atliletes. respective countrles, but we rvill I'm appealing ibr understanding"
and rvhat happeired yeslerday "The Office of the Presidenr erercise due diligence ir making Cavemo added.
(SatuLday) rvas not so bcautiful," ivill not offer any excuses. As host sure everyone rr'iil have a oleasant. .\teanwhile, Chief Opeiating
East'llmor's coach l:abiaro FIora couDtry, we apologize for the productive and memorable stal in otncer Ramon Suzara denied that
told reporters. unintentional inconvenience suf- dre Philippines," Panelo said. there are irfomation technology
Philippine Southeasi Asiar lired bl our athlete guests, " Palace Cayetano said Phisgoc officials (lT) related problems that night
Canes Orgaliziug Comnittee spokesnan Salavador Panelo said are doing *reir best to address compromise the games.
(Pbisgoc) Ohainnar Alan Peter ill a staterDent on Sunda] probierns that may arise. "l don't hear [ofl anv IT issues.
Cayetano apolog,ized for the chaos "What is nore irnportant and "We alwals hope aa m aayos (that Polo was oka lfthere's any issue I
and appealed [or rLrdersLanding. nore pressing is Phisgoc has things will run smoothly). But we will check it widr the II depanment
cayeLaro nored dral the Pltis, colrnitted to do better il ensur- are human, arpeo ra day to day and tire sports depa,-nnent. I didn't
goc officials had rallied rvith the ing proper coordiration from nra.i,mga mini crisis '1ar like traffic receive any nerts or repors, " he said.
delegates from Nl)'arlDat lilnor the arrival of the athleres to dreir (there rr'ill be mini'crises)," he said. WITH DIVINA NOVA JOY
Lesrg Cambodia ard 'ihailand. 'Magatlong'n ong na lang \fag DELA CRUZ
transponadon and hotei accom

\:Fao^lr pAe€ tj

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