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The lesson is all about our culture and society.Cultural

variation is owning the culture that the society
accept.Also the individual can be known by doing this
while social differences is the actor that affects
interaction between people on the society.It includes
gender socioeconomic status and etc. We also discuss
about the changes that happens in our culture,society
and political.Also Social Science is discussed but only
three disciplines are given. Social Science isa scientipic
study of human and social relationship.The first discipline
is Anthropology the study of human biological and
physiological characteristics and their evolution.Next
is Sociology the study of the development, structure,
and functioning of human society.Its include Macro
and Micro Sociology.The last one is Polotocal
Science Political science is a social study
concerning the allocation and transfer of power of
decision making

Name:Capili Ace E Grade&Section:12D


The lesson is all about our culture and society.Cultural

variation is owning the culture that the society
accept.Also the individual can be known by doing this
while social differences is the actor that affects
interaction between people on the society.It includes
gender socioeconomic status and etc. We also discuss
about the changes that happens in our culture,society
and political.Also Social Science is discussed but only
three disciplines are given. Social Science isa scientipic
study of human and social relationship.The first discipline
is Anthropology the study of human biological and
physiological characteristics and their evolution.Next
is Sociology the study of the development, structure,
and functioning of human society.Its include Macro
and Micro Sociology.The last one is Polotocal
Science Political science is a social study
concerning the allocation and transfer of power of
decision making

Name:Yape Yannick A Grade&Section:12D


The lesson is all about our culture and society.Cultural

variation is owning the culture that the society
accept.Also the individual can be known by doing this
while social differences is the actor that affects
interaction between people on the society.It includes
gender socioeconomic status and etc. We also discuss
about the changes that happens in our culture,society
and political.Also Social Science is discussed but only
three disciplines are given. Social Science isa scientipic
study of human and social relationship.The first discipline
is Anthropology the study of human biological and
physiological characteristics and their evolution.Next
is Sociology the study of the development, structure,
and functioning of human society.Its include Macro
and Micro Sociology.The last one is Polotocal
Science Political science is a social study
concerning the allocation and transfer of power of
decision making

Name:Nenez Russel A Grade&Section:12D

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