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The course aims to provide the reader with a practical guide training
and education to develop skills to send and read thoughts from a
distance. As shown by the title, it is a guide, written in a more
accessible, which aims to provide overall guidance and direction to
the correct target, but only those who comply with all directions and

instructions that you find here and they treated seriously, but with
full confidence. The basis of this practical course is a series of
documentaries and experiments, including the following: •Almost all
classical literature in this area•Foundations scientific experiments
recorded in the last half century, including famous astronauts
experience, divers etc.•Own experienceSome experts believe that,
during prehistoric, man held a sixth sense, that of telepathy. He said
in this connection that only education objectives and conditions for
adaptation to survival of the human brain would have reduced the
importance of relationships and, like all human faculties were allowed
to transcendence sense of telepathy (mental communication), has
atrophied. The existence of telepathy in our everyday life but we are
always surprised by the evidence that we can meet often. Most often
these insights we received in the form of relatively more or less clear,
of some misfortune happened to those we hold dear, long sad news
before we can come to one of the other common ways of
communication. Although these messages "subtle" surprise us most
times we do not examine - then or afterwards - unique moments of
amazement, that I lived. As a result, there is no way to realize full
well that somehow there must be a law that governs these phenomena.
At the same time we cannot even grasp the advantage of such
communications. In conclusion, there is no way to understand the
content and the existence of forces that govern these processes, nor
know its power energy.Despite these careless conscious or not, the
results obtained until now researchers show us that we can easily
learn to practice this mode of communication and so we can take full
advantage of all the benefits that it offers.Telepathy could be defined
as the ability to communicate between two people through mind,
people remote from one another, so the lack of physical contact
visual, auditory or other known.As an act of communication, telepathy
is performed between a transmitter and a receiver. The ability to
issue or receive messages is more or less developed in different
people. But it can be improved with exercise. To communicate
telepathically is also necessary to know the person you wish to
contact telepathically.As we know, it is much easier to learn what
others already know, but to get to this knowledge through personal
experience. It is very true that statement. Well, if this course we will
approach this rule in two distinct ways which actually means just a
way to reach the intended purpose: you will learn first what we know
you will experience for yourself that fill the gained knowledge with
your own experience.The exercises in this course have been designed
in order to initiate the art of sending and receiving thoughts from a
distance. In short, almost all lessons that are presented in this course
are opted in initiating telepathic exercises.
Learn Step-by-step
Transmission of sixth
M Muzamal Naveed

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