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American Journal of Pharmaceutical Education 2007; 71 (4) Article 78.

Physiology of the Autonomic Nervous System
Laurie Kelly McCorry, PhD
Bay State College
Submitted November 27, 2006; accepted March 10, 2007; published August 15, 2007.

This manuscript discusses the physiology of the autonomic nervous system (ANS). The following
topics are presented: regulation of activity; efferent pathways; sympathetic and parasympathetic divi-
sions; neurotransmitters, their receptors and the termination of their activity; functions of the ANS; and
the adrenal medullae. In addition, the application of this material to the practice of pharmacy is of
special interest. Two case studies regarding insecticide poisoning and pheochromocytoma are in-
cluded. The ANS and the accompanying case studies are discussed over 5 lectures and 2 recitation
sections during a 2-semester course in Human Physiology. The students are in the first-professional
year of the doctor of pharmacy program.
Keywords: autonomic nervous system, sympathetic, parasympathetic, adrenergic, cholinergic, physiology

INTRODUCTION a significant contribution to homeostasis. The regulation

This manuscript presents a detailed review of the au- of blood pressure, gastrointestinal responses to food, con-
tonomic nervous system (ANS). A thorough knowledge traction of the urinary bladder, focusing of the eyes, and
of this system is quite important as it prepares the phar- thermoregulation are just a few of the many homeostatic
macy student for further studies in pathophysiology, phar- functions regulated by the ANS.
macology, and therapeutics. The ANS plays a crucial role At this point in the class discussion, we take a break
in the maintenance of homeostasis. Furthermore, this sys- from our traditional classroom format for a story about my
tem may play a role in many systemic diseases (eg, heart next door neighbor, Joe, and my skeleton, Matilda. In-
failure) and drugs that affect this system may improve (eg, terestingly, the ANS is discussed in this Human Physiol-
b2-adrenergic agonists and asthma) or exacerbate (eg, a1- ogy course in mid to late October (ie, around Halloween
adrenergic agonists and hypertension) various disease time). Joe leaves for work at 5:00 AM when it is still quite
symptoms and processes. Although this manuscript fo- dark outside. On Halloween Eve, we placed Matilda in the
cuses primarily on the basic anatomy and physiology of driver’s seat of Joe’s pickup truck. Halloween morning,
the ANS, references to diseases and medications involv- we arose at 4:45 AM, poured coffee, and waited patiently
ing the ANS are included to illustrate the application of by the window located nearest to Joe’s truck. Completely
this system to the practice of pharmacy. unsuspecting, Joe came walking down the driveway at his
The ANS and the accompanying case studies are usual time. When he opened the truck door, the sound of
discussed over 5 lectures and 2 recitation sections during ‘‘Aghhhh!!!’’ shattered the quiet of the morning. Poor Joe
a 2-semester course in Human Physiology. The lectures stood by his truck wide-eyed and clutching his chest.
typically include 300-325 students, although the recita- Upon opening our window, we cheerfully wished our
tion sections are much smaller with 20-30 students. The friend a ‘‘Happy Halloween!’’ Although Joe’s response
students are in the first professional year of a doctor of to our holiday greeting cannot be published in this article,
pharmacy program. suffice it to say that the students always enjoy it
Also known as the visceral or involuntary nervous immensely.
system, the ANS functions without conscious, voluntary I now ask the class ‘‘What happened to Joe?’’ Several
control. Because it innervates cardiac muscle, smooth events occurred in his body at once. His heart began rac-
muscle, and various endocrine and exocrine glands, this ing, his blood pressure increased, his pupils dilated, he
nervous system influences the activity of most tissues and began sweating, the hair on his arms and the back of his
organ systems in the body. Therefore, the ANS makes neck stood on end, and he felt a surge of adrenaline. These
are some of the effects of sympathetic nervous activity in
Corresponding author: Laurie Kelly McCorry, PhD. Joe’s body. Meanwhile, as we waited for Joe’s early
Bay State College, 122 Commonwealth Avenue, Boston, morning arrival, the events occurring in my body were
MA 02116. quite different. My heart rate was comparatively slower
American Journal of Pharmaceutical Education 2007; 71 (4) Article 78.

and my digestive system was processing the cream and centers, in particular, those located in the hypothalamus
sugar in my coffee. These are some of the effects of para- and brainstem. Much of the sensory input from the thoracic
sympathetic nervous activity. I tell my students that dur- and abdominal viscera is transmitted to the brainstem by
ing the next several class periods they will learn in great afferent fibers of cranial nerve X, the vagus nerve. Other
detail about the many functions of the sympathetic and cranial nerves also contribute sensory input to the hypo-
parasympathetic nervous systems, the neurotransmitters thalamus and the brainstem. This input is integrated and
released by their neurons, the receptors to which they a response is carried out by the transmission of nerve sig-
bind, and how it is all regulated. At this point, the students nals that modify the activity of preganglionic autonomic
often look as afraid as Joe did that Halloween morning. I neurons. Many important variables in the body are moni-
reassure them (and remind them repeatedly) that it is not tored and regulated in the hypothalamus and the brainstem
necessary to memorize very much at all. I encourage them including heart rate, blood pressure, gastrointestinal peri-
to let it make sense. The sympathetic system controls stalsis and glandular secretion, body temperature, hunger,
‘‘fight-or-flight’’ responses. In other words, this system thirst, plasma volume, and plasma osmolarity.
prepares the body for strenuous physical activity. The An example of this type of autonomic reflex is the
events that we would expect to occur within the body to baroreceptor reflex. Baroreceptors located in some of the
allow this to happen do, in fact, occur. The parasympa- major systemic arteries are sensory receptors that monitor
thetic system regulates ‘‘rest and digest’’ functions. In blood pressure. If blood pressure decreases, the number of
other words, this system controls basic bodily functions sensory impulses transmitted from the baroreceptors to
while one is sitting quietly reading a book. the vasomotor center in the brainstem also decreases.
Specific learning objectives for the discussion of the As a result of this change in baroreceptor stimulation
autonomic nervous system include the following: and sensory input to the brainstem, ANS activity to the
heart and blood vessels is adjusted to increase heart rate
d Explain how various regions of the central ner- and vascular resistance so that blood pressure increases to
vous system regulate autonomic nervous system its normal value.
function; These neural control centers in the hypothalamus and
d Explain how autonomic reflexes contribute to the brainstem may also be influenced by higher brain
homeostasis; areas. Specifically, the cerebral cortex and the limbic sys-
d Describe how the neuroeffector junction in the tem influence ANS activities associated with emotional
autonomic nervous system differs from that of responses by way of hypothalamic-brainstem pathways.
a neuron-to-neuron synapse; For example, blushing during an embarrassing moment,
d Compare and contrast the anatomical features of a response most likely originating in the frontal associa-
the sympathetic and parasympathetic systems; tion cortex, involves vasodilation of blood vessels to the
d For each neurotransmitter in the autonomic ner- face. Other emotional responses influenced by these
vous system, list the neurons that release them higher brain areas include fainting, breaking out in a cold
and the type and location of receptors that bind sweat, and a racing heart rate.
with them; Some autonomic reflexes may be processed at the
d Describe the mechanism by which neurotrans- level of the spinal cord. These include the micturition
mitters are removed; reflex (urination) and the defecation reflex. Although
d Distinguish between cholinergic and adrenergic these reflexes are subject to influence from higher ner-
receptors; vous centers, they may occur without input from the brain.
d Describe the overall and specific functions of the
sympathetic system; Efferent Pathways of the Autonomic Nervous System
d Describe the overall and specific functions of the The efferent pathways of the ANS consist of 2 neu-
parasympathetic system; and rons that transmit impulses from the CNS to the effector
d Explain how the effects of the catecholamines dif- tissue. The preganglionic neuron originates in the CNS
fer from those of direct sympathetic stimulation. with its cell body in the lateral horn of the gray matter of
the spinal cord or in the brainstem. The axon of this neu-
DESIGN AND COURSE CONTENT ron travels to an autonomic ganglion located outside the
Regulation of Autonomic Nervous System Activity CNS, where it synapses with a postganglionic neuron.
The efferent nervous activity of the ANS is largely This neuron innervates the effector tissue.
regulated by autonomic reflexes. In many of these reflexes, Synapses between the autonomic postganglionic neu-
sensory information is transmitted to homeostatic control ron and effector tissue—the neuroeffector junction—differ
American Journal of Pharmaceutical Education 2007; 71 (4) Article 78.

greatly from neuron-to-neuron synapses. The postgangli- increasing the activity of one system while simulta-
onic fibers in the ANS do not terminate in a single swell- neously decreasing the activity of the other results in very
ing like the synaptic knob, nor do they synapse directly rapid and precise control of a tissue’s function. Several
with the cells of a tissue. Instead, where the axons of these distinguishing features of these 2 divisions of the ANS are
fibers enter a given tissue, they contain multiple swellings summarized in Table 1.
called varicosities. When the neuron is stimulated, these Each system is dominant under certain conditions.
varicosities release neurotransmitters along a significant The sympathetic system predominates during emergency
length of the axon and, therefore, over a large surface area ‘‘fight-or-flight’’ reactions and during exercise. The over-
of the effector tissue. The neurotransmitter diffuses all effect of the sympathetic system under these condi-
through the interstitial fluid to wherever its receptors tions is to prepare the body for strenuous physical activity.
are located in the tissue. This diffuse release of the neu- More specifically, sympathetic nervous activity will in-
rotransmitter affects many tissue cells simultaneously. crease the flow of blood that is well-oxygenated and rich
Furthermore, cardiac muscle and most smooth muscle in nutrients to the tissues that need it, in particular, the
have gap junctions between cells. These specialized in- working skeletal muscles. The parasympathetic system
tercellular communications allow for the spread of elec- predominates during quiet, resting conditions. The over-
trical activity from one cell to the next. As a result, the all effect of the parasympathetic system under these con-
discharge of a single autonomic nerve fiber to an effector ditions is to conserve and store energy and to regulate
tissue may alter the activity of the entire tissue. basic body functions such as digestion and urination.

Divisions of the Autonomic Nervous System Sympathetic Division

The ANS is composed of 2 anatomically and func- The preganglionic neurons of the sympathetic system
tionally distinct divisions, the sympathetic system and the arise from the thoracic and lumbar regions of the spinal
parasympathetic system. Both systems are tonically ac- cord (segments T1 through L2). Most of these pregangli-
tive. In other words, they provide some degree of nervous onic axons are short and synapse with postganglionic
input to a given tissue at all times. Therefore, the fre- neurons within ganglia found in the sympathetic ganglion
quency of discharge of neurons in both systems can either chains. These ganglion chains, which run parallel imme-
increase or decrease. As a result, tissue activity may be diately along either side of the spinal cord, each consist of
either enhanced or inhibited. This characteristic of the 22 ganglia. The preganglionic neuron may exit the spinal
ANS improves its ability to more precisely regulate a tis- cord and synapse with a postganglionic neuron in a gan-
sue’s function. Without tonic activity, nervous input to glion at the same spinal cord level from which it arises.
a tissue could only increase. The preganglionic neuron may also travel more rostrally
Many tissues are innervated by both systems. Be- or caudally (upward or downward) in the ganglion chain
cause the sympathetic system and the parasympathetic to synapse with postganglionic neurons in ganglia at other
system typically have opposing effects on a given tissue, levels. In fact, a single preganglionic neuron may synapse

Table 1. Distinguishing Features of the Sympathetic and Parasympathetic Systems

Sympathetic System Parasympathetic Systems
Originates in thoracic and lumbar regions of the spinal Originates in brainstem (cranial nerves III, VII, IX, and X) and
cord (T1-L2) sacral region of spinal cord (S2-S4)
Ganglia located in paravertebral sympathetic ganglion Terminal ganglia located near or embedded within target tissue
chain or collateral ganglia
Short cholinergic preganglionic fibers; long adrenergic Long cholinergic preganglionic fibers; short cholinergic
postganglionic fibers postganglionic fibers
Ratio of preganglionic fibers to postganglionic fibers is 1:20 Ratio of preganglionic fibers to postganglionic fibers is 1:3
Divergence coordinates activity of neurons at multiple Limited divergence
levels of spinal cord
Activity often involves mass discharge of the entire system Activity normally to discrete organs
Primary neurotransmitter of postganglionic neurons is Primary neurotransmitter of postganglionic neurons is
norepinephrine acetylcholine
Predominates during emergency ‘‘fight-or-flight’’ reactions Predominates during quiet resting conditions
and exercise

American Journal of Pharmaceutical Education 2007; 71 (4) Article 78.

with several postganglionic neurons in many different are very short, then provide input to the cells of that ef-
ganglia. Overall, the ratio of preganglionic fibers to post- fector tissue.
ganglionic fibers is about 1:20. The long postganglionic The preganglionic neurons that arise from the brain-
neurons originating in the ganglion chain then travel out- stem exit the CNS through the cranial nerves. The occu-
ward and terminate on the effector tissues. This diver- lomotor nerve (III) innervates the eyes; the facial nerve
gence of the preganglionic neuron results in coordinated (VII) innervates the lacrimal gland, the salivary glands
sympathetic stimulation to tissues throughout the body. and the mucus membranes of the nasal cavity; the glosso-
The concurrent stimulation of many organs and tissues in pharyngeal nerve (IX) innervates the parotid (salivary)
the body is referred to as a mass sympathetic discharge. gland; and the vagus nerve (X) innervates the viscera of
Other preganglionic neurons exit the spinal cord and the thorax and the abdomen (eg, heart, lungs, stomach,
pass through the ganglion chain without synapsing with pancreas, small intestine, upper half of the large intestine,
a postganglionic neuron. Instead, the axons of these and liver). The physiological significance of this nerve
neurons travel more peripherally and synapse with post- in terms of the influence of the parasympathetic system
ganglionic neurons in one of the sympathetic collateral is clearly illustrated by its widespread distribution and
ganglia. These ganglia are located about halfway between the fact that 75% of all parasympathetic fibers are in the
the CNS and the effector tissue. vagus nerve. The preganglionic neurons that arise from
Finally, the preganglionic neuron may travel to the the sacral region of the spinal cord exit the CNS and join
adrenal medulla and synapse directly with this glandular together to form the pelvic nerves. These nerves innervate
tissue. The cells of the adrenal medulla have the same the viscera of the pelvic cavity (eg, lower half of the
embryonic origin as neural tissue and, in fact, function large intestine and organs of the renal and reproductive
as modified postganglionic neurons. Instead of the release systems).
of neurotransmitter directly at the synapse with an effec- Because the terminal ganglia are located within the
tor tissue, the secretory products of the adrenal medulla innervated tissue, there is typically little divergence in the
are picked up by the blood and travel throughout the body parasympathetic system compared to the sympathetic
to all of the effector tissues of the sympathetic system. system. In many organs, there is a 1:1 ratio of pregangli-
An important feature of this system, which is quite onic fibers to postganglionic fibers. Therefore, the effects
distinct from the parasympathetic system, is that the post- of the parasympathetic system tend to be more discrete
ganglionic neurons of the sympathetic system travel and localized, with only specific tissues being stimulated
within each of the 31 pairs of spinal nerves. Interestingly, at any given moment, compared to the sympathetic sys-
8% of the fibers that constitute a spinal nerve are sympa- tem where a more diffuse discharge is possible.
thetic fibers. This allows for the distribution of sympa-
thetic nerve fibers to the effectors of the skin including Neurotransmitters of the Autonomic Nervous System
blood vessels and sweat glands. In fact, most innervated The 2 most common neurotransmitters released by
blood vessels in the entire body, primarily arterioles and neurons of the ANS are acetylcholine and norepinephrine.
veins, receive only sympathetic nerve fibers. Therefore, Neurotransmitters are synthesized in the axon varicosities
vascular smooth muscle tone and sweating are regulated and stored in vesicles for subsequent release. Several dis-
by the sympathetic system only. In addition, the sympa- tinguishing features of these neurotransmitters are sum-
thetic system innervates structures of the head (eye, sal- marized in Table 2. Nerve fibers that release acetylcholine
ivary glands, mucus membranes of the nasal cavity), are referred to as cholinergic fibers. These include all
thoracic viscera (heart, lungs) and viscera of the abdom- preganglionic fibers of the ANS, both sympathetic and
inal and pelvic cavities (eg, stomach, intestines, pancreas, parasympathetic systems; all postganglionic fibers of the
spleen, adrenal medulla, urinary bladder). parasympathetic system; and sympathetic postgangli-
onic fibers innervating sweat glands. Nerve fibers that
Parasympathetic Division release norepinephrine are referred to as adrenergic
The preganglionic neurons of the parasympathetic fibers. Most sympathetic postganglionic fibers release
system arise from several nuclei of the brainstem and norepinephrine.
from the sacral region of the spinal cord (segments S2- As previously mentioned, the cells of the adrenal me-
S4). The axons of the preganglionic neurons are quite dulla are considered modified sympathetic postgangli-
long compared to those of the sympathetic system and onic neurons. Instead of a neurotransmitter, these cells
synapse with postganglionic neurons within terminal gan- release hormones into the blood. Approximately 20%
glia which are close to or embedded within the effector of the hormonal output of the adrenal medulla is norepi-
tissues. The axons of the postganglionic neurons, which nephrine. The remaining 80% is epinephrine. Unlike true
American Journal of Pharmaceutical Education 2007; 71 (4) Article 78.

Table 2. Distinguishing Features of Neurotransmitters of the Autonomic Nervous System

Feature Acetylcholine Norepinephrine Epinephrine
Site of release All preganglionic neurons of Most sympathetic Adrenal medulla
ANS; all postganglionic neurons postganglionic neurons; (80% of secretion)
of parasympathetic system; adrenal medulla
some sympathetic postganglionic (20% of secretion)
neurons to sweat glands
Receptor Nicotinic, muscarinic a1, a2, b1 (adrenergic) a1, a2, b1, b2 (adrenergic)
Termination of Enzymatic degradation by Reuptake into nerve terminals; Metabolic transformation by
activity cholinesterase diffusion out of synaptic cleft, catechol-O-methyl-transferase
metabolic transformation by within liver
monoamine oxidase
(within nerve terminal) or
within liver

postganglionic neurons in the sympathetic system, the some tissues and inhibit activity in others. How can this
adrenal medulla contains an enzyme that methylates nor- wide variety of effects on many different tissues be car-
epinephrine to form epinephrine. The synthesis of epineph- ried out by so few neurotransmitters or hormones? The
rine, also known as adrenaline, is enhanced under conditions effect caused by any of these substances is determined by
of stress. These 2 hormones released by the adrenal me- the receptor distribution in a particular tissue and the bio-
dulla are collectively referred to as the catecholamines. chemical properties of the cells in that tissue, specifically,
the second messenger and enzyme systems present within
Termination of Neurotransmitter Activity the cell.
For any substance to serve effectively as a neurotrans- The neurotransmitters of the ANS and the circulating
mitter, it must be rapidly inactivated or removed from the catecholamines bind to specific receptors on the cell
synapse or, in this case, the neuroeffector junction. This is membranes of the effector tissue. All adrenergic receptors
necessary in order to allow new signals to get through and and muscarinic receptors are coupled to G proteins which
influence effector tissue function. are also embedded within the plasma membrane. Recep-
The primary mechanism used by cholinergic synap- tor stimulation causes activation of the G protein and the
ses is enzymatic degradation. Acetylcholinesterase hydro- formation of an intracellular chemical, the second mes-
lyzes acetylcholine to its component choline and acetate. senger. (The neurotransmitter molecule, which cannot
It is one of the fastest acting enzymes in the body and enter the cell itself, is the first messenger.) The function
acetylcholine removal occurs in less than 1 msec. The of the intracellular second messenger molecules is to
most important mechanism for the removal of norepi- elicit tissue-specific biochemical events within the cell
nephrine from the neuroeffector junction is the reuptake which alter the cell’s activity. In this way, a given neuro-
of this neurotransmitter into the sympathetic nerve that transmitter may stimulate the same type of receptor on 2
released it. Norepinephrine may then be metabolized different types of tissue and cause 2 different responses
intraneuronally by monoamine oxidase (MAO). The cir- due to the presence of different biochemical pathways
culating catecholamines, epinephrine and norepineph- within each tissue.
rine, are inactivated by catechol-O-methyltransferase Acetylcholine binds to 2 types of cholinergic recep-
(COMT) in the liver. tors. Nicotinic receptors are found on the cell bodies of all
postganglionic neurons, both sympathetic and parasym-
Receptors for Autonomic Neurotransmitters pathetic, in the ganglia of the ANS. Acetylcholine released
As discussed in the previous section, all of the effects from the preganglionic neurons binds to these nicotinic
of the ANS in tissues and organs throughout the body, receptors and causes a rapid increase in the cellular-
including smooth muscle contraction or relaxation, alter- permeability to Na1 ions and Ca11 ions. The resulting
ation of myocardial activity, and increased or decreased influx of these 2 cations causes depolarization and excita-
glandular secretion, are carried out by only 3 substances, tion of the postganglionic neurons the ANS pathways.
acetylcholine, norepinephrine, and epinephrine. Further- Muscarinic receptors are found on the cell mem-
more, each of these substances may stimulate activity in branes of the effector tissues and are linked to G proteins
American Journal of Pharmaceutical Education 2007; 71 (4) Article 78.

and second messenger systems which carry out the intra- sympathetic postganglionic neuron and controls its own
cellular effects. Acetylcholine released from all parasym- activity. Both a1 and a2 receptors have equal affinity for
pathetic postganglionic neurons and some sympathetic norepinephrine released directly from sympathetic neu-
postganglionic neurons traveling to sweat glands binds rons as well as circulating epinephrine released from the
to these receptors. Muscarinic receptors may be either adrenal medulla.
inhibitory or excitatory, depending on the tissue upon Stimulation of each type of b receptor leads to an in-
which they are found. For example, muscarinic receptor crease in intracellular cAMP. Whether this results in an
stimulation in the myocardium is inhibitory and decreases excitatory or an inhibitory response depends upon the
heart rate while stimulation of these receptors in the lungs specific cell type. As with a receptors, b receptors are
is excitatory, causing contraction of airway smooth mus- also unevenly distributed with b2 receptors, the more
cle and bronchoconstriction. common subtype on the effector tissues. Beta 2 receptors
There are 2 classes of adrenergic receptors for nor- tend to be inhibitory. For example, b2 receptor stimulation
epinephrine and epinephrine, alpha (a) and beta (b). Fur- causes relaxation of vascular smooth muscle and airway
thermore, there are at least 2 subtypes of receptors in each smooth muscle resulting in vasodilation and bronchodila-
class: a1, a2, b1 and b2. All of these receptors are linked to tion, respectively. Beta 2 receptors have a significantly
G proteins and second messenger systems which carry out greater affinity for epinephrine than for norepinephrine.
the intracellular effects. Furthermore, terminations of sympathetic pathways are
Alpha receptors are the more abundant of the adren- not found near these receptors. Therefore, b2 receptors are
ergic receptors. Of the 2 subtypes, a1 receptors are more stimulated only indirectly by circulating epinephrine in-
widely distributed on the effector tissues. Alpha one re- stead of by direct sympathetic nervous activity.
ceptor stimulation leads to an increase in intracellular Beta 1 receptors are the primary adrenergic receptor
calcium. As a result, these receptors tend to be excitatory. on the heart (a small percentage of the adrenergic recep-
For example, stimulation of a1 receptors causes contrac- tors on the myocardium are b2). Both subtypes of b recep-
tion of vascular smooth muscle resulting in vasoconstric- tors on the heart are excitatory and stimulation leads to
tion and increased glandular secretion by way of an increase in cardiac activity. Beta 1 receptors are also
exocytosis. found on certain cells in the kidney. Epinephrine and nor-
Pharmacy Application: Alpha One Adrenergic epinephrine have equal affinity for b1 receptors.
Receptor Antagonists. Hypertension, or a chronic ele- Beta three (b3) receptors are found primarily in adi-
vation in blood pressure, is a major risk factor for coro- pose tissue. Stimulation of these receptors, which have
nary artery disease, congestive heart failure, stroke, a stronger affinity for norepinephrine, causes lipolysis.
kidney failure, and retinopathy. An important cause of Pharmacy Application: Sympathomimetic Drugs.
hypertension is excessive vascular smooth muscle tone Sympathomimetic drugs are those that produce effects
or vasoconstriction. Prazosin, an a1-adrenergic receptor in a tissue resembling those caused from stimulation by
antagonist, is very effective in the management of hyper- the sympathetic nervous system. An important use for
tension. Because a1-receptor stimulation causes vasocon- these drugs is in the treatment of bronchial asthma which
striction, drugs that block these receptors result in is characterized by bronchospasm. As discussed, bron-
vasodilation and a decrease in blood pressure. chodilation occurs following b2-adrenergic receptor
Compared to a1 receptors, a2 receptors have only stimulation. Non-selective b receptor agonists, such as
moderate distribution on the effector tissues. Alpha 2 re- epinephrine and isoproterenol, are capable of causing
ceptor stimulation causes a decrease in cAMP and, there- bronchodilation. However, a potential problem with these
fore, inhibitory effects such as smooth muscle relaxation drugs is that they stimulate all b-receptors including b1
and decreased glandular secretion. However, a2 receptors receptors on the heart. Therefore, in patients with bron-
have important presynaptic effects. Where a1 receptors chospasm, an undesirable side effect of treatment with
are found on the effector tissue cells at the neuroeffector these non-selective agents is an increase in heart rate. In-
junction, the a2 receptors are found on the varicosities of stead, b2-selective drugs, such as albuterol, are chosen for
the postganglionic neuron. Norepinephrine released from this therapy. They are equally effective in causing bron-
this neuron binds to not only the a1 receptors on the ef- chodilation with a much lower risk of adverse cardiovas-
fector tissue to cause some physiological effect; it also cular effects.
binds to the a2 receptors on the neuron itself. Alpha
2 receptor stimulation results in ‘‘presynaptic inhibition’’ Functions of the Autonomic Nervous System
or in a decrease in the release of norepinephrine. In this The 2 divisions of the ANS are dominant under dif-
way, norepinephrine inhibits its own release from the ferent conditions. As stated previously, the sympathetic
American Journal of Pharmaceutical Education 2007; 71 (4) Article 78.

system is activated during emergency ‘‘fight-or-flight’’ ing and to facilitate the absorption of these nutrients. Both
reactions and during exercise. The parasympathetic exocrine and endocrine secretion from the pancreas is
system is predominant during quiet conditions (‘‘rest promoted. Enzymes released from the exocrine glands
and digest’’). As such, the physiological effects caused of the pancreas contribute to the chemical breakdown of
by each system are quite predictable. In other words, the food in the intestine and insulin released from the
all of the changes in organ and tissue function induced pancreatic islets promotes the storage of nutrient mole-
by the sympathetic system work together to support cules within the tissues once they are absorbed into
strenuous physical activity and the changes induced the body. Another bodily maintenance type of function
by the parasympathetic system are appropriate for caused by the parasympathetic system is contraction of
when the body is resting. Several of the specific the urinary bladder which results in urination. Finally, the
effects elicited by sympathetic and parasympathetic stim- eye is adjusted such that the pupil contracts (miosis) and
ulation of various organs and tissues are summarized the lens adapts for near vision.
in Table 3. Pharmacy application: cholinomimetic drugs.
The ‘‘fight-or-flight’’ reaction elicited by the sym- Cholinomimetic drugs are those that produce effects in
pathetic system is essentially a whole body response. a tissue resembling those caused from stimulation by the
Changes in organ and tissue function throughout the body parasympathetic nervous system. These drugs have many
are coordinated so that there is an increase in the delivery important uses including the treatment of gastrointesti-
of well-oxygenated, nutrient-rich blood to the working nal and urinary tract disorders that involve depressed
skeletal muscles. Both heart rate and myocardial contrac- smooth muscle activity without obstruction. For example,
tility are increased so that the heart pumps more blood per postoperative ileus is characterized by a loss of tone or
minute. Sympathetic stimulation of vascular smooth mus- paralysis of the stomach or bowel following surgical
cle causes widespread vasoconstriction, particularly in manipulation. Urinary retention may also occur postop-
the organs of the gastrointestinal system and in the kid- eratively or it may be secondary to spinal cord injury or
neys. This vasoconstriction serves to ‘‘redirect’’ or redis- disease (neurogenic bladder). Normally, parasympathetic
tribute the blood away from these metabolically inactive stimulation of the smooth muscle in each of these organ
tissues and toward the contracting muscles. Bronchodila- systems causes contraction to maintain gastrointestinal
tion in the lungs facilitates the movement of air in and out motility as well as urination. There are 2 different appro-
of the lungs so that the uptake of oxygen from the atmo- aches in the pharmacotherapy of these disorders. One type
sphere and the elimination of carbon dioxide from the of agent would be a muscarinic receptor agonist which
body are maximized. An enhanced rate of glycogenolysis would mimic the effect of the parasympathetic neuro-
(breakdown of glycogen into its component glucose mol- transmitter, acetylcholine, and stimulate smooth muscle
ecules) and gluconeogenesis (formation of new glucose contraction. One of the more commonly used agents in
from noncarbohydrate sources) in the liver increases the this category is bethanechol which can be given subcuta-
concentration of glucose molecules in the blood. This is neously. Another approach is to increase the concentra-
necessary for the brain as glucose is the only nutrient tion and, therefore, activity of endogenously produced
molecule that it can utilize to form metabolic energy. acetylcholine in the neuroeffector junction. Administra-
An enhanced rate of lipolysis in adipose tissue increases tion of an acetylcholinesterase inhibitor prevents the deg-
the concentration of fatty acid molecules in the blood. radation and removal of neuronally-released acetylcholine.
Skeletal muscles then utilize these fatty acids to form In this case, neostigmine is the most widely used agent.
metabolic energy for contraction. Generalized sweating Neostigmine may be given intramuscularly, subcutane-
elicited by the sympathetic system enables the individual ously, or orally.
to thermoregulate during these conditions of increased Pharmacy application: muscarinic receptor
physical activity and heat production. Finally, the eye is antagonists. Inspection of the retina during an ophthal-
adjusted such that the pupil dilates letting more light in moscopic examination is greatly facilitated by mydriasis,
toward the retina (mydriasis) and the lens adapts for dis- or the dilation of the pupil. Parasympathetic stimulation
tance vision. of the circular muscle layer in the iris causes contraction
The parasympathetic system decreases heart rate and a decrease in the diameter of the pupil. Administra-
which helps to conserve energy under resting conditions. tion of a muscarinic receptor antagonist, such as atropine
Salivary secretion is enhanced to facilitate the swallowing or scopolamine, prevents this smooth muscle contraction.
of food. Gastric motility and secretion are stimulated to As a result, sympathetic stimulation of the radial muscle
begin the processing of ingested food. Intestinal motility layer is unopposed. This causes an increase in the diam-
and secretion are also stimulated to continue the process- eter of the pupil. These agents are given in the form of eye
American Journal of Pharmaceutical Education 2007; 71 (4) Article 78.

Table 3. Effects of Autonomic Nerve Activity on Some Effector Tissue

Tissue Sympathetic Receptor Sympathetic Stimulation Parasympathetic Stimulation
Radial muscle of iris a1 Contraction (dilation of –
pupil; mydriasis)
Sphincter muscle of iris – Contraction (constriction
of pupil; miosis)
Ciliary muscle b2 Relaxation for far vision Contraction for near vision
Heart b1, b2 [ Heart rate Y Heart rate
[ Force of contraction Y Rate of conduction
[ Rate of conduction
Skin a1 Strong constriction –
Abdominal viscera a1 Strong constriction –
Kidney a1 Strong constriction –
Skeletal muscle a1, b2 Weak constriction –
Spleen a1 Contraction
Airways b2 Bronchodilation Bronchoconstriction
Glands a1, b2 Y Secretion [ Secretion
Liver a1, b2 Glycogenolysis –
Gluconeogenesis –
Adipose tissue b3 Lipolysis –
Sweat glands Muscarinic; Generalized sweating –
a1 Localized sweating –
Piloerector muscles a1 Contraction (erection of –
hair, goose bumps)
Adrenal medullae Nicotinic [ Secretion of epinephrine, –
Salivary glands a1, b2 Small volume K1 and Large volume K1 and
water secretion water secretion;
amylase secretion
Motility a1, b2 Decreased Increased
Sphincters a1 Contraction Relaxation
Secretion Stimulation
Motility a1, b2 Decreased Increased
Sphincters a1 Contraction Relaxation
Secretion Stimulation
Gallbladder b2 Relaxation Contraction
Exocrine a Y Enzyme secretion [ Enzyme secretion
Endocrine (Islets b cells) a Y Insulin secretion [ Insulin secretion
Urinary bladder
Detrusor muscle (bladder wall) b2 Relaxation Contraction
Urethra sphincter Contraction Relaxation
Kidney b1 [ Renin secretion –

American Journal of Pharmaceutical Education 2007; 71 (4) Article 78.

drops which act locally and limit the possibility of sys- excitatory. Therefore, epinephrine is capable of stimulat-
temic side effects. ing a greater number of receptors and of causing a greater
stimulatory effect on the myocardium.
Adrenal Medulla Beta two adrenergic receptors are also found on
A mass sympathetic discharge, which typically smooth muscle in several organ systems. These receptors
occurs during the ‘‘fight-or-flight’’ response and during tend to be inhibitory and cause relaxation of the smooth
exercise, involves the simultaneous stimulation of organs muscle. Vascular smooth muscle in skeletal muscle con-
and tissues throughout the body. Included among these tains both a1 and b2 receptors. Norepinephrine, which
tissues are the adrenal medullae which release epineph- stimulates only the excitatory a1 receptors, causes strong
rine and norepinephrine into the blood. In large part, the vasoconstriction. However, epinephrine, which stimu-
indirect effects of these catecholamines are similar to and, lates both types of receptors, causes only weak vasocon-
therefore, reinforce those of direct sympathetic stimula- striction. The vasodilation resulting from b2 receptor
tion. However, there are some important differences in the stimulation opposes and, therefore, weakens the vasocon-
effects of the circulating catecholamines and those of striction resulting from a1 receptor stimulation. Given
norepinephrine released from sympathetic nerves. that skeletal muscle may account for 40% of an adult’s
The duration of activity of the catecholamines is sig- body weight, the potential difference in vasoconstriction,
nificantly longer than that of neuronally released norepi- blood pressure, and the distribution of blood flow could be
nephrine. Therefore, the effects on the tissues are more quite significant.
prolonged. This difference has to do with the mechanism Another noteworthy example of the relaxation of
of inactivation of these substances. Norepinephrine is im- smooth muscle by way of b2 receptor stimulation
mediately removed from the neuroeffector synapse by involves the airways. Bronchodilation, or the opening of
way of reuptake into the postganglionic neuron. This the airways, facilitates airflow in the lungs. Any direct
rapid removal limits the duration of the effect of this sympathetic innervation to the lungs is irrelevant in this
neurotransmitter. In contrast, there are no enzymes in respect, as only circulating epinephrine is capable of stim-
the blood to degrade the catecholamines. Instead, the cat- ulating these receptors on airway smooth muscle.
echolamines are inactivated by COMT in the liver. As one
Application of the ANS to Pharmacy
might expect, the hepatic clearance of these hormones
In addition to the ‘‘Pharmacy Application’’ sections
from the blood would require several passes through the
found throughout the discussion, further application of
circulation. Therefore, the catecholamines are available
the lecture material to the practice of pharmacy is pro-
to cause their effects for a comparatively longer period of
vided by required case studies. The case studies are then
time (up to 1-2 minutes as opposed to milliseconds).
discussed in recitation sections. These exercises serve to
Because they travel in the blood, organs and tissues
separate students who have simply memorized aspects of
throughout the body are exposed to the catecholamines.
the ANS from students who have a more thorough un-
Therefore, they are capable of stimulating tissues that are
derstanding of this system. Successful completion of the
not directly innervated by sympathetic nerve fibers: air-
case studies requires higher level critical-thinking and
way smooth muscle, hepatocytes, and adipose tissue, in
problem-solving skills.
particular. As a result, the catecholamines have a much
wider breadth of activity compared to norepinephrine re- Case #1: Insecticide Poisoning
leased from sympathetic nerves. CD is a 44-year-old woman who had spent much
The third important feature that distinguishes the cat- of the day working in her garden. A blustery wind caused
echolamines from neuronally released norepinephrine her to unintentionally inhale the insecticide that she
involves epinephrine’s affinity for b2 receptors. Norepi- was spraying throughout the garden. When she began
nephrine has a very limited affinity for these receptors. wheezing severely, she was taken to the emergency room.
Therefore, circulating epinephrine causes effects that dif- The attending physician observed other symptoms in-
fer from those of direct sympathetic innervation including cluding constricted pupils and a slowed heart rate. CD
a greater stimulatory effect on the heart and relaxation of was treated with the intravenous administration of atro-
smooth muscle (vascular, bronchial, gastrointestinal, and pine sulfate.
genitourinary). 1. Insecticides contain organophosphates which
Epinephrine and norepinephrine have equal affinity inhibit acetylcholinesterase. What is the func-
for b1 receptors, the predominant adrenergic receptor on tion of acetylcholinesterase?
the heart. However, the human heart also contains a small 2. Which types of autonomic receptors are exces-
percentage of b2 receptors which, like b1 receptors are sively stimulated as a result of this inhibition?
American Journal of Pharmaceutical Education 2007; 71 (4) Article 78.

3. Which division of the ANS has been primarily 7. Describe the mechanism of excessive sweating
affected, the sympathetic or the parasympathetic? in the patient. What autonomic receptors are in-
4. Under what conditions does this division of the volved with this sweating?
ANS normally predominate? 8. Would you expect the patient’s pupils to be con-
5. Explain how the insecticide resulted in her pre- stricted or dilated when her other symptoms are
senting symptoms. at a peak? What is the clinical term used to de-
6. What effects may the insecticide have on the scribe this condition?
gastrointestinal system? Explain. 9. How does the duration of activity of the circu-
7. What effect may the insecticide have on gener- lating catecholamines compare to that of
alized sweating in this patient? Localized sweat- neuronally released norepinephrine? Explain.
ing? Explain. 10. How does the breadth of activity of the circu-
8. If exposed to high enough doses, what effect lating catecholamines compare to that of neuro-
might the insecticide have on the patient’s skel- nally released norepinephrine? Explain.
etal muscles? 11. In order to prepare the patient for surgery, what
9. Would the administration of a b-adrenergic re- types of autonomic nervous system medications
ceptor antagonist be useful in the treatment of may be used to stabilize her blood pressure
this patient? Why or why not? within the normal range?
10. Would the administration of a b-adrenergic re-
ceptor agonist be useful in the treatment of this SUMMARY
patient? Why or why not? An in depth understanding of the autonomic nervous
11. Why is atropine an appropriate treatment? system is critical for pharmacy students as they progress
12. The ‘‘nerve gas,’’ sarin, is a potent, irreversible through the curriculum to advanced courses such as path-
organophosphate. What is the likely cause of ophysiology, pharmacology, and therapeutics. Frequent
death resulting from exposure to this extremely reference to disease processes and pharmacology (as ba-
toxic agent? sic as it is at this level) is appreciated by the students as
they begin to understand how physiological concepts may
Case Study #2: Pheochromocytoma be applied to the practice of pharmacy. The inclusion of
AF is a 55-year-old woman who had been experienc- case studies in the Human Physiology courses has been
ing heart palpitations, a throbbing headache, sweating, particularly beneficial in this respect. Students find the
pain in the abdomen, nausea and vomiting. Because these opportunity to apply their knowledge and problem solve
symptoms had failed to subside, she went to see her pri- both enjoyable and academically rewarding.
mary care physician. A urinalysis revealed the presence of
catecholamines and their metabolites, including vanillyl- REFERENCES
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