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Popcoms Allout minors

accass to contracePtives compelling reason then to aI' ed approach would bolster ef-
By lvlaGthew R€Ysio.Cruz Perez said at a press confer-
ence that removal of the Provi- low minors to secure birth con- forts to contain teenage Preg-
@MatthewlNQ nancy, as one in six of those cases
sion had complicated efforts to trol without Parental consent'
curb teenage Pregnancy rates. "Now that we're seeing an each year are repeat pregnancies.
Congress should restore a Provi-
sion of the reproductive health Popcom has urged the Sen- emergenry, there is now a com-
pelling reason," he told the' In- No access
law that allowed certain minors ate and House of Representa-
to access contraceptives even tives to pass a law recognizing qlter.tso in a way, it wil update "In the Past ttrose minors
the gravity of the situation and the Responsible Parenthood and would have been able to access
without parental consent the
commission on Population and detailing a comprehensive Plan Reproductive Healtl [Act], recog- services, but since that
Development (Popcom) execu- ofactionto address it. nizing the situation :rmong teen lsupr€me Court] decision, they
pregnancy as an emergency." have beenbarred." he said. "And
tive director, Undersecretary they get pregnant again, Partly
Juan Perez III, said on Monday. Teenage pregnancy some reproductive health
Perez said on Monday that advocates have Protested that . because they have no access to
The landmark law odginal-
such an act could reinstate the the discarded provision does family planning services."
ly. allowed minors who already
had children to access family scrapped clause. not go far enough, saying all Meanwhile, Perez advised
planning sewices without con- Asked whether congress adolescents should be allowed Senate President Vicento Sotto
could pass a policy that was to access family planning ser- I1I to listen to the exPerts after
sent from their Parents-one
tossed out by the Supreme vices without parental consent the senator Proposed in a budget
of just eight provisions struck
down by the Supreme Court in Court, Perez said it was only regardless of whether or not hearing last week t}Iat the Pro-
2014 when it ruled the overall struck down because in the they had been pregnant before. curement of progestin subder-
court's view, there had been no ButPerez said even the limit- mal implants be scrapped. INQ
law was constitutional.

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