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Three Phase Induction Motors

The three phase induction motors are an electromechanical device
which converts electrical energy into a mechanical energy. In case of
three phase AC operation, the most widely used motors are Three phase
induction motors. These types of motors don't require any starting
device, or we can say they are self-starting induction motors, simple in
construction, rugged, low cost and easy to maintain. They run at a
constant speed from no-load to the full load. Therefore, these motors are
frequently used in industry.

The three phase induction motor is the most widely used electrical
motor. Almost 80% of the mechanical power used by industries is
provided by three phase induction motors because of its simple and
rugged construction, low cost, good operating characteristics, the absence
of commutator and good speed regulation. In three phase induction
motor, the power is transferred from stator to rotor winding through
induction. The induction motor is also called a synchronous motor as it
runs at a speed other than the synchronous speed.

Like any other electrical motor induction motor also have two main parts:

1- Stator: consisting of a steel frame that supports a hollow cylindrical
core of stacked laminations. Slots are on the internal circumference of the
2- Rotor: Also composed of punched laminations with rotor slots for
rotor winding.



Figure 1: Induction Motor Parts.

Types of Induction Motors:

The rotor of the 3-phase induction motor is further classified as:

1- Squirrel Cage winding, which produce a squirrel cage induction motor

(most common).
2- Conventional 3 phase windings made of industrial wire, which produce
a wound-rotor induction motor.

For squirrel cage rotor it consists of copper bars, slightly longer than
the rotor, which are pushed into slots. The ends are welded to copper and
rings so that all bars are short circuited.

Figure 2: Squirrel Cage Rotor.

A wound rotor has a 3-phase winding like the stator winding. The
rotor terminals are connected to three slip rings which turn with the rotor.
The slip (and brushes) allow external resistors to be connected in series
with the winding.

The external resistors are mainly used during start up and under
normal running conditions, the windings are short circuited externally.

Figure 3: Wound Rotor.

The other parts, which are required to complete the induction motor, are:

1- Shaft for transmitting the torque to the load. This shaft is made up of
2- Bearings for supporting the rotating shaft.
3- One of the problems with electrical motor is the production of heat
during its rotation. To overcome this problem, we need a fan for
4- For receiving external electrical connection Terminal box is needed.
5- There is a small distance between rotor and stator which usually varies
from 0.4 mm to 4 mm. Such a distance is called air gap.

Operating Principle of Induction Motors:

The operation of a 3-phase I.M. is based upon the application of
Faraday's law and the Lorentz force on a conductor. Consider Figure 4
where a series of conductors (Length L) whose external ends are shorted
by bars.

Figure 4: Operating principle.

A permanent magnet moves at speed V, so that its magnetic field
sweeps the conductors. The following sequence of events takes place:

1- A voltage (E = B.L.V.) is induced in each conductor while it's being

cut by the flux (Faraday's law).
2- The induced voltage produces currents which circulate in a loop
around the conductors (through the bars).
3- Since the current-carrying conductors lie in a magnetic field, they
experience a mechanical force (Lorentz force).
4- The force always acts in a direction to drag the conductor along with
the magnetic field.

Synchronous Speed and the Slip:

The synchronous speed (Nsyc.) of the magnetic field is given by:

Nsyc. = (𝟏𝟐𝟎 𝒇)/𝒑 in rpm
Where: f is the frequency of the supply (stator).
p is the number of poles.

If Nr is the speed of the rotor (in rpm) then the difference between the
synchronous speed and rotor speed is called the (slip) and is defined in
per unit as:

S = (𝑵𝒔𝒚𝒄. – 𝑵𝒓)/𝑵𝒔𝒚𝒄. unit less

 For induction motors Nsyc. > Nr and the slip is always positive.
 At no-load the slip is nearly zero.

The Operation of 3-Phase IM:

As the magnetic flux rotates, it cuts the rotor conductors. Hence, a

voltage is induced in the conductors. This voltage will circulate a current
in the rotor conductors (shorted by two rings). This current interacts with
the air gap flux to produce torque.

The torque is maintained if the rotating flux and rotor current is

present. The rotor will always rotate in the direction of the rotating field
at the speed Nr (Nr < Nsyc.). The operation of an induction motor is divided
into two parts, stand still and running periods. At stand still Nr = 0 and

Due to relative speed between rotating flux and stationary conductors,

an e.m.f is induced in the latter (Faraday's law). The frequency of this
rotor e.m.f is the same as the stator frequency (supply).

While the magnitude of this e.m.f is proportional to the relative

velocity between flux and rotor conductors, the direction is determined by
right hand rule (RHR). This e.m.f will set up current in the rotor
conductors, whose direction is determined by Lenz's law.

Modes of Operation of 3-Phase IM:

1- At starting S = 1, Nr = 0
fr = f s

2- Nr < Nsyc., S positive (0 < S < 1)

The machine is an induction motor

fr = S * fs

3- Nr = Nsyc., S = 0, Er = 0, Ir = 0
fr = S * f s = 0
Where: Er: rotor induced e.m.f.
Ir: rotor induced current.

4- Nr > Nsyc., S negative (S < 0)

The machine is an induction generator

fr = S * fs

5- Nr negative (opposite direction)

S = [𝑵𝒔𝒚𝒄. −(− 𝑵𝒓)]/𝑵𝒔𝒚𝒄. = (𝑵𝒔𝒚𝒄.+ 𝑵𝒓)/𝑵𝒔𝒚𝒄.
The machine is in breaking mode (frequency multipliers).

1- Beaty, H. Wayne (Ed.) (2006). "Section 5 - Three-Phase Induction Motors by Hashem
2- Hameyer, Kay (2001). "Electrical Machine I: Basics, Design, Function, Operation"
3- "Induction Motors".

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