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About Bureaucracy

In the general English concept, another name for bureaucracy can be called "civil
service". Besides that it is also often referred to as public sector, public service or public

If seen from empirical, Bureaucracy is a system of government run by government

employees because it has adhered to hierarchies and levels of position. The bureaucratic
phenomenon is always with us in our daily lives and many people complain about the way the
bureaucracy functions so that in the end they conclude that the bureaucracy has no benefit
because it is misused by government officials who are considered very detrimental to society.

However, the tendency towards bureaucratic concepts and practices has undergone significant
changes since the last hundred years. In a modern society, the bureaucracy has become an
important organization or institution. In the past, the size of the country was generally very
small, but in the present modern countries have a large area, scope of organization, and
administration with millions of people.

The bureaucracy in Indonesia underwent reforms since Jokowi's administration as

Indonesia's president to realize good governance and open government. One such innovation is
e-government programs. E-government is governance by using technology as a tool to provide
information and services for the community, business, and other matters related to government.
Therefore, IT applications in e-government are only a small part of the main component of
business processes from government.

The main objective of an e-government program is to improve the quality of the service process
from government institutions to the public through an online service system.

The benefits obtained in the form of time and cost efficiency. The government can save a few
percent of the initial costs if doing e-government, so that these costs can be allocated for
additional prioritized development costs. The community can also save time used to take care of
public administration activities such as licensing, making ID cards, drive licenses, and so on.

Problem of Bereaucracy in Indonesia

There are several problems in the bureaucracy in Indonesia for example like Public
Service performance in Indonesia which is famous for its ugliness has been running for a long
time and has become a public secret. Optimal public services in Indonesia are limited to
discourse on the political elite. Our bureaucracy does suffer from corrupt mental illness. All
matters relating to the bureaucracy are always in contact with the adage "if it can be complicated
why it is facilitated" and this is where the corruption occurs.

It can be concluded that what causes such conditions is based on several things.First, the
bureaucracy is still dominated by apparatus of king-minded bureaucrats. this nature always
positions itself as a person who must get the services of his servants (community). The desire to
reverse the bureaucratic paradigm from being served to serving is like being very difficult,
because this problem has become a hereditary culture in Indonesia.

Secondly, their commitment which is actually supposed to be a public servant is still lacking.
This happened due to polarization carried out by the bureaucratic elite either intentionally or not.

Third, in our bureaucracy there are still many officials who develop or carry out the mechanism
of closing down others' disgrace. This "code of ethics" seems to have become a consensus or
habit among bureaucrats to close each other if they are smelt by the public or the clean
bureaucrats because they are corrupt.

Fourth, the apparatus placement system in positions in the Indonesian bureaucracy still does not
use Job Analysis as a reference in placing people in certain positions, what happens is like or not,
agree or disagree with the authorities in the Region, so it is not based on competence, so
structural positions that is filled with people who are not right based on their competence, so it's
not the right man on the right place.

Fifth, the recruitment of bureaucratic members still has various problems. Acceptance of
applicants of civil servants turned out to still leave a variety of major problems. So that raises
doubts about the quality of applicants of civil servants who will become part of the bureaucracy
itself. What's worse, the bureaucracy is filled by candidates who are not based on competence
but accepted as applicants of civil servants due to humanitarian factors such as length of work,

scarcity of candidates, or even because of kinship and bribes aka internship products. The
measuring instrument used to select applicants of civil servants is the same, so that the apparatus
becomes unclear in their competence.

The second problem in the bureaucracy in Indonesia refers to implementation. Both

problems in the internal environment of the government as public servants and the external
environment are the Indonesian people as users of public services.

Low quality of public services which further exacerbates the image of the bureaucracy and
increasingly loses trust from the public. Along with the implementation of the decentralization
system through regional autonomy, many regions have been able to innovate, improve their
bureaucratic culture, and show changes and improvements in providing services to the
community. Even there are many regions in Indonesia that still have not implemented e-
government. This is because the role of local governments in each district / city because the use
of e-government is a policy of each region and has not been integrated and realized nationally.

In addition there are cultural gaps in the internal government such as government employees in
the older generation need more time than the younger generation to understand e-government.
While the problems in the community are in the form of participation. Active community
participation is needed to support clean bureaucratic reform.

The system is an example of government action that aims so that people can easily participate,
control, complain, report, and inform all public service activities easily. However, the application
system is considered useless if in its implementation the community acts passively. The lack of
socialization from the government regarding the use of IT systems is one of the causes.

And also a strong political influence on the bureaucracy, as well as contributing to the still
hampered performance of the bureaucracy so that it is weak in responding to the agenda and
challenges in national development.

This condition cannot be avoided because indeed conditions like this have been passed down
through generations of government systems run by Indonesia. The party system adopted by
Indonesia, more or less has an impact on the performance of the apparatus that is not neutral. The

state apparatus is connoted and intervened by the interests of the party which is deemed
meritorious in carrying its name to the state apparatus.

Suggestion to solve this problem

Establishing a bureaucratic apparatus supervisory body. Which means even though there
is still a lot of homework to be done to create a clean and ideal bureaucracy, it is not impossible
that everything can be solved by various processes and stages through the creation of a
supervisory institution as I have described above. and there are things that the government can
continue to do to support the establishment of these institutions, among others, first, improving
supervision and accountability in government administration by providing access to the public,
participating in monitoring the bureaucrats, so that the community is facilitated to initiate checks
and balance between the community and the state apparatus.

Access provided is not only limited to complaints boxes or online aspiration uptake, because in
reality, this method is not effective as a form of complaint or supervision. The government can
provide easy access by establishing complaints institutions such as the bureaucratic apparatus
supervisory body or can also maximize the functions of existing institutions / commissions such
as the Corruption Eradication Commission, supervisory and development bodies, the police and
other complaints institutions.

This body also has the right to revoke or depose the bureaucratic apparatus which does not
receive bad feedback from the community, this activity is aimed at improving the annoying
bureaucratic apparatus every time they serve the community in a complicated manner.

Increasing or enforcing law enforcement institutions through improvements to the internal work
system and harmony between law enforcement agencies and oversight institutions. but also need
more understanding of the concept of accountability itself. The success of the government is not
limited to absorbing the budget through government programs or achieving output, but the most
important is the outcome achieved through the program.

Secondly, increasing the commitment of the government apparatus to provide maximum service
to the community by giving more appreciation to the apparatus who receive good feedback from
the community. This links us to the existence of checks and balances between the community

and the bureaucratic apparatus which does not sound easy, considering this is related to the
mentality, ethics, awareness and empathy of each bureaucrat. But this can be achieved by
making a system which then requires the apparatus to be able to provide services and carry out
their duties in accordance with applicable regulations. For example, through the assessment of
the performance of each employee in accordance with what is done. The recruitment of
employees in accordance with the competency and job analysis is carried out in accordance with
the educational background.

The last one, improve the quality of public services, in accordance with the needs of the
community. Public services provided by the government can be pursued by providing easy
access for the community, fixing the bureaucratic process, speeding up service time, providing
comfortable service places by adding comfortable room facilities, and changing the service
culture by providing training to bureaucrats to provide appropriate services to consumers. The
important thing is to establish a standard operating procedure so that clearly the standard of
service provided to the community. Besides that what is not less important is, all must be
arranged in the form of a written regulation, which involves sanctions if the standard operating
procedure is not carried out in accordance with the provisions. Not only people who get
sanctions but also bureaucrats / employees are also obliged to receive sanctions if they get bad
feedback from the community or do not provide services according to the provisions.


Agung, Anak Agung Gde Putra,2001, Peralihan Sistem Birokrasi dari Tradisional ke Kolonial,
Yogyakarta, Pustaka Pelajar.

Article by Hanna Syabrina, Birokrasi Indonesia, 2017

Research Report, Perkembangan Sejarah Birokrasi di Indonesia,Agus Suryono Pendekatan

Kultural Dan Struktural Dalam Realitas Birokrasi Di Indonesia, 2011.

Article by Madi Muaragrafika. Birokrasi Indonesia dari masa ke masa, 2015.

Pandji Santosa, Administrasi Publik Teori dan Aplikasi Good Governance, Refika Aditama,

Article by Rilyan S. Handini Permasalahan Birokrasi di Indonesia dan Tantangannya, 2014.

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