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Technological Infrastructure Project

Project Charter

Project Name: Integrating a new technological infrastructure in the Acqualina Hotel.

Project Sponsor: Mike Vorm.

Project Manager: Dave Houston.

Document review history.

Date Version Description Preparer

19/11/2019 0.1 Initial charter draft Dave Houston

19/12/2019 0.2 Updating with changes Dean Henderson

Geoffrey Dagher

5/1/2020 0.3 Draft revisions, final edits. Dave Houston

Table of Contents

1.0 PROJECT DESCRIPTION AND JUSTIFICATION. ................................................. 1

2.0 PROJECT OBJECTIVES ......................................................................................... 1

3.0 PROJECT SCOPE .................................................................................................... 2

3.1 IN-SCOPE. .................................................................................................................. 2

3.2 OUT-OF-SCOPE: ......................................................................................................... 2

4.0 SUMMARY MILESTONE SCHEDULE ................................................................... 3

5.0 ASSUMPTIONS AND CONSTRAINTS .................................................................... 4

5.1 ASSUMPTIONS. ...................................................................................................... 4

5.2 CONSTRAINTS. ...................................................................................................... 4

6.0 PROJECT SUCCESS CRITERIA. ............................................................................ 5

7.0 KEY STAKEHOLDERS. .......................................................................................... 5

8.0 PROJECT CHARTER APPROVAL ......................................................................... 6

1.0 Project Description and Justification.

The purpose of this project is to introduce a new high-quality software and hardware solution for

the Acqualina hotel. The hospitality industry has not been able to integrate newly invented data

processing and management technology. This project will update the hotel with the market’s new

network infrastructure trends. The first thing is to come up with modern technological

architecture for the hotel network system. Next thing, we will come up with a project plan. The

new infrastructure will give the hotel a revolution of system capabilities and provide a

centralized solution for all data. The proportionate technological infrastructure will also offer

advanced data storage and management solutions for the hotel offices. Upon completion of the

project, the new technology will raise the standards of the hotel, and revenue will increase.

2.0 Project Objectives

The aim of this project is to deliver state-of-the- art IT equipment to the client. The new IT

infrastructure will aim to provide a cost effective and efficient data management and storage

system for the hotel. The project will also help the hotel in increasing its capacity for future

expansion. Every implementation will be carried out with regard to possible future improvements.

 Increase efficiency and effectiveness in hotel operations.

 Improve customer service.

 Introduce uniformity in the arrangement of hotel operations.

 Introduce a better quality to adapt to the rapidly growing technology.

3.0 Project Scope

3.1 In-scope.

High-Level Descriptive Scope.

 The initial implementation effort is set to commence in January 2020 and is scheduled to

take 10 months.

 Activities to be implemented:

 Set up a new network infrastructure in all hotel buildings. Implement pervasive

connectivity and proper risk analysis strategies. Provide offline data processing

solutions for easy access and retrieval.

 Install modern IT software and hardware.

 LAN Technologies Infrastructure.

 WAN Technologies Infrastructure.

 Video Technologies.

 Voice Technologies.

 Train the current staff on how to operate and maintain the new network


 Ensure up-to-date system capability such that all the data from every part of the

hotel can be centralized and run from one location to promote ease of storage and


3.2 Out-of-Scope:

 Removal of obsolete equipment and software applications.

 Responsibility for the physical security of the hotel's buildings.

4.0 Summary Milestone Schedule.

Estimated cost: $1.2 million.

Estimated duration: 10 months.

Milestone Projected Deliverable(s)

completion date

Gap analysis 5/1/2020  Report on possible best system


Baseline current system 14/1/2020  Current state report.


Design new network 5/2/2020  Design a blueprint of the work.


Project plan and structure 19/2/2020  Schedule

 Project charter

WBS diagram 2/3/2020  WBS tree structure

Hardware and software installed 13/7/2020  Actual Implementation

Quality and Change plans 1/8/2020  Quality and change management


Staff training 24/8/2020  Train the staff on the system.

Final review and approval 14/9/2020  Assessment and approval of the

new infrastructure.

Project closure 5/10/2020  Hand over the new system to the


5.0 Assumptions and Constraints.

5.1 Assumptions.

 The project stakeholders will be prepared for regular assessment sessions.

 There will be excellent participation by all designated project participants.

 A consensus agreement among stakeholders regarding the objectives and work plan will

be reached.

 Core resources will be available during project implementation.

 Other priorities in the stakeholder’s schedule will not derail project delivery.

5.2 Constraints.

 Possible delays due to upgrades on initial hardware and software.

 Budget.

 Possible hardware or software limitations.

 Time.

 Date deadlines.

6.0 Project Success Criteria.

 100% hardware and software implementation.

 Correspondence to BigData.

 The project delivered as demonstrated on the project baseline schedule.

 Project completed within the budget.

7.0 Key Stakeholders.

Stakeholder Position How are they participating?

Mike Vorm Project Sponsor Provide resources for the completion of

the project

Dave Houston Project Manager Deliver the project

Maria Sakara IT Liaison, network, and Oversee proper network services

security administrator

Stuart Alexander Standards Coordinator Monitor network Infrastructure

Geoffrey Dagher Lead designer Develop infrastructure design

Dean Henderson Subject Matter Expert (SME) Ensure facts and details meet the

objectives of the project

8.0 Project Charter Approval

Charter Approvals will be collected via email approval. Approvers include:

Signature Authority

Role Member

Project Sponsor Mike Vorm

Project Manager Dave Houston

Subject Matter Expert Dean Henderson

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