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XIV to create the pattern of High-Come- and which were not appropriate to the
dy in "Tartuffe" and the "Misanthrope" theatre of the nineteenth century, widely
and the "Femmes Savantes,"—the pat- different in its size, and in its scenic ap-
tern which was to serve Congreve for the pliances. The English poets apparently
"Way of the World," Sheridan for the despised the stage of their own time, and
"School for Scandal," Augier and San- they made no effort to master its meth-
deau for the "Gendre de Monsieur Poi- ods. As a result they wrote dramatic
rier." And Moliere really created the poems and not poetic dramas. They did
formula, with little or no help from any not follow the example of Victor Hugo,
earher dramatists, either Greek or Latin. and they scorned to accept any of the
Neither in Athens nor in Rome was there popular patterns. Stevenson, in his un-
the atmosphere of good breeding which fortunate adventures into play-making,
might have stimulated Menander or made .the unpardonable mistake of trying
Terence to the composition of comedies to varnish with style a dramatic formula
of this distinction. It is the more remark- which had long ceased to be popular.
able that Moliere should have accom- In the past half-century the men of
plished this feat, since he sought no orig- letters of our language have seen a great
inality of form in his earher efforts, light. They have no contempt for the
contenting himself with the loose and lib- patterns of approved popularity, and of
eral framework of the Italian improvised these there are now a great many, suit-
plays, the Comedy-of-Masks. able for every purpose and adjustable to
One of the many reasons for the steril- every need. They have found out how-
ity of the English drama in the middle to be theatrically effective without ceas-
of the nineteenth century is that the ing to be literary in the best sense of the
dramatists of our language seem to have word—that is to say, they are not relying
believed it their duty to abide by the on fine writing, but on clear thinking and
patterns which had been acceptable to on the honest presentation of human na-
the Jacobean and Restoration audiences, ture as they severally see it.

Old Ships
Author of "Anchors Aweigh," etc.

HE trained nurse cov- stared with unseeing eyes across the dim
ered the electric-light room. Ever since his second stroke, a
^.-j~^ |h^ globe with d a r k - week before, he had wandered dumbly
I 1 ^ colored tissue-paper, through strange, confusing mazes of pain.
gave the admiral his His power of speech was gone; only by
m i d n i g h t ration of signs could he make his wants known, or
medicine7 smoothed raise his deep voice in an inarticulate
the bedclothes, shook growl of impatience and exasperation at
up the pillows, turned her patient into a the unintelligence of the people who min-
new position, opened the window which istered to his needs.
looked out across the harbor, closed the His widowed sister, who kept house for'
window near the bed to stop the draft him, had wept unrestrainedly following
from the rising wind; then, leaning above the conference of the physicians that
the sick man, she asked if there was any- afternoon: " I can't help feeling that we're
thing he wanted. Getting no response bothering Ned! He never could bear to
she returned to her chair, and in a few have any one fuss around him—except
minutes dropped into a light sleep. Lois. He's like a wounded hon—and he
The old admiral, lying upon his side, roars at us hke a hon, too!" The doctors


had murmured assurances concerning the shalled before him long imaginary lines of
achievements of science which, in these poppies, cornflowers, and verbenas. So
hard cases, made it possible to dull the firmly had she implanted the idea that,
pain and make the short time remaining when his time for unwilling idleness came, '
more bearable. a garden was his one requirement . . .
The admiral had given no sign that and now the offshore wind was making
their low-pitched voices had reached him free with his flowers, and blowing across
across the wavering borderland of con- the surf which broke against the sea-wall
sciousness—^but he had heard; now, star- •opposite his house.
ing wide-eyed across the shadowy room, The wind was freshening; the pound of
his mind slowly shook off its enveloping the waves came clearly through the open
lethargy and faced its problems with a window. The admiral frowned. Like
haK-forgotten keenness. all sailormen the sound of breakers held
Outside, the rising wind whisked buoy- only a message of menace for him: no one
antly around the corners of the house. but a fool would want to get his vessel
He could hear it whispering, and could near enough to a beach to hear the surf.
picture it tossing the heavy-headed hy- . . . With a little pang he realized that,
drangeas, swinging the festoons of climb- for a long time, the sea had meant nothing
ing roses and honeysuckle, bending the to him: an unappealing painted immen-
tall, dark cypresses which protected the sity above which contentious gulls sailed
flower-beds, and running down the long on leisurely wings, into which peUcans
borders of blossoming Shasta daisies with dropped with stone-like hea-^nness. . .
a mischievous joyousness. The admiral His frown deepened. How had this in-
recognized daisies when he saw them, but difference come into being?
claimed no acquaintance with the other Alert memory supplied a vision of
tenants of his garden. "The red ones, groups of destroyers—veterans of Queens-
that lot of blue spikes, those bright-yellow town days—flagless, deserted, tethered to
flowers," were as far as he went in gen- buoys. A junior officer, son of one of the
eralization; but he loved, with a strange admiral's classmates—paying a duty call
unspoken intensity, to spend long silent —had enthusiastically described the or-
hours among the riot of fragrance and derly procedure attendant upon decom-
color which the Californian climate made missioning the ships: the cleaning, oiling,
possible. Why had it seemed to be his scraping, painting, and greasing of guns,
only wish that the landlocked port of his hoists, torpedo-tubes, decks, and machin-
last voyage must be brave with sunshine, ery; the packing and removing of stores
bright with blossoms? and all portable and perishable gear to
He moved a httle. The nurse was in- storehouses. The admiral had listened in
stantly alert; when she had returned to aghast silence. The gift of picturesque
her chair his brooding thoughts went back language and vivid descriptive profanity
to their problem. Just why, after his re- were admittedly his—but the sight and
tirement by age from active service, had sound of this new spirit rendered him
he felt so insistently that he must have a speechless. He ran a temperature that
garden? I t was a favorite and long-con- evening.
tested grievance of his sister's that he For this latter-day babble concerning
spent an entirely disproportionate amount the value of aircraft and submarines he
of his retired pay upon fertihzers, pkints, had no interest and less sympathy. '' The
and seeds—to produce masses of flowers navy's the fleet!" had been his slogan for
of which he did not know the names! He many eventful years; he refused to amend
admitted the truth and logic of her com- it now to fit any of the new-fangled ideas
plaint—and ordered more plants. Why voiced by youngsters who could look, un-
had he persisted? moved, upon the passing of the old ships.
Gropingly his mind went back over the Uneasily the admiral tried to change his
stretching track of the long years. He position: was his irritation caused by the
had never searched for a reason before— fact that he, like the ships, vras obsolete,
but it was easy to find. Lois! Always decommissioned, junked; out of touch and
Lois had talked of gardens, and had mar- comprehension with the new ways and


methods of reasoning? . . . What was mouth, dumped the fires and hoisted her
that word you heard so much nowadays ? faithful sails, as did all the vessels of that
. . . Oh, yes: psychology! The admiral early fleet—"Rappahannock, Boston, Ga-
snorted. He had dipped surreptitiously lena, Philadelphia, Yantic, Qiiinnehog,
into a book which his sister had been in- Swatara"—the admiral named them over
terested in, and had emerged from his to himself like a well-beloved rosary, and
orgy roaring defiance: "According to that exulted in the precious memory of those
blankety blankety blank imbecile, a man gallant years when sails were still spread,
couldn't get an innocent spot on his adventure still flourished, and fighting
clothes without being insulted by the men still looked their adversaries in the
most baleful suspicions!" In these later eyes—instead of shooting impersonally at
years the admiral had become addicted to them from twelve miles away!
a few pet spots; his sister and he had "I've lived too long!" decided the ad-
threshed that subject entirely out. About miral with grimness; then smiled ruefully
spots there were no honors left to be gar- at the sudden remembrance of his first
nered by the cleverest and most analytical cruise aboard the Bear: detailed to search
of psychologists. . . . around Alaska for Greeley's missing ship.
He snorted again. . . . What had lie During one of his first periods as watch-
been thinking of when that tomfoolery in- officer a terrific storm came up; gigantic
truded? Oh, yes: the ships! rushing walls of icy water towered above
His forty-six years in the service were the tiny Bear, and, as the fury of the gale
spent during the navy's transitional increased and the laboring ship trembled
times. When he entered the Nayal Acad- like an exhausted horse, the watch-of-
emy all of our war-vessels were wooden ficer's spirit quailed; summoning a mes-
sailing ships; his midshipman's cruises senger he sent word to the captain: " The
were made aboard the Constellation—she sea is getting up, sir!" The answer came
was so low between decks that only a quickly back: "Keep to your course."
half-grown boy could stand erect; so badly The admiral recalled the long climb, the
ventilated through her tiny port-holes swift descent of those mountainous comb-
that one's mouth tasted Uke a copper ers; the icicles that formed on his eye-
penny in the morning—but, oh, the satis- brows; the brackish drinking-water; the
fying beauty of those old full-rigged sailing steady diet of hardtack and salt-horse;
ships! The admiral's thoughts went and the three members of the crew who
yearningly back to the memory of tower- went violently insane from the monotony
ing, sun-drenched, white sails and color- and danger of that long cruise. . . . What
ful old hulls coming up like gulls across did these soft new men know about the
the horizon Hne over the rim of the world: real navy that he had helped to make ? . . .
the ultimate perfection of grace, sym- A small smile lighted his thin old face as
metry, and romance. he remembered the uproar caused by the
"The navy's always been conserva- aspirants desiring to have the honor of
tive !" decided the admiral, affectionately bagging the first polar bear. The officers
remembering the old-time commodores were at luncheon when an orderly came
who, through wide and varied experience, with the message that a bear was sighted
had come to have a ripe knowledge and —and the mess, arising as one man, made
respect for the ways of the wind, and who for the deck with guns and cameras on tri-
entertained neither interest nor enthu- pods—to be jammed in the passageway, a
siasm where innovations were concerned. struggling vociferous rabble.
Steam did not intrigue them; they rais- Those good old days of adventure, of
trusted it and took grudging chances with privation, of danger, of enjoyment, and of
this new motive power; sails were retained vivid picturesqueness: thank fortune he
as a guarantee of sanity and safety long had known them instead of these new
after the use of steam had progressed far smug neat years! . . . Once the Bear's
beyond the experimental stage. . . . The doctor, going on two weeks' leave, in-
admiral chuckled, recalling the old Ten- trusted him with the keys and the duties
nessee—which carried just enough coal to of the medicine-chest. " If any one gets
steam out of port; then, at the harbor's sick with a high fever, a bad chill, measles,


smallpox, or a broken leg—give 'em two to sleep was unprofitable business; he

of those big black pills, then make for the couldn't tell how long it might be before
nearest medico," directed the doctor. he was permitted to awaken again—and
"You fed me one of those pills once! now that the nagging pain had unaccount-
If you ask me, I'd say that they were the ably taken its departure, what profit
last thing to give to a man with a broken could there be in oblivion? He felt
leg " strangely exhilarated. If only he could
" I didn't ask you!" blithely com- sit up in bed and look out across the har-
mented the doctor, making for the shore bor toward the fitful gleam of the light-
boat. house, and hear the faint clanging chime
The admiral chuckled aloud; then, of the bell-buoys. . . . Curious, when
as the nurse stirred, guiltily closed his he came to think about it, how things seen
eyes. . . . and heard at sea take hold of your imagi-
Outside, the offshorewindhad strength- nation and affection: the hum of the wind
ened; it was no longer playful, but blew through the rigging, the rush and whisper
with a sturdy determination that matched of deep-sea rain, the peace and silence of
the increased roar of the surf. The ad- the vast spaces, the friendly nearness of
miral opened his eyes and smiled—recall- the stars—what solaces have the dwellers
ing his early Naval Academy days, when in clamorous man-made cities to compare
the whims of winds and tides had been as with these ?
a closed book to him. At the time of his But the stanch old frigates on which
appointment his hopes and desires were he had served were only a fading memory
centred in a longing to possess, and wear now. . . . The proudest battleship of
to Annapolis, a straw hat displayed as the to-day becomes the "pile of junk" of
piece de resistance of the haberdasher's to-morrow; to-day's junior lieutenant
stock in his home town. The hat was conceals his mirth behind an air of re-
black and highly glazed; it had an infini- spectful impassivity when yesterday's
tesimal brim, a towering crown, and was commander-in-chief proudly recalls the
further embeUished by a wide, candy- names of coveted commands, long since
striped band. His father bought it for towed to their last anchorage en route to
him, and he proudly displayed it about the salvagers. "Old age is something
Annapolis until the day when the gates of that neither men nor ships can dodge,
the Naval Academy definitely closed be- and at least it's honorable—^but not this
hind him. Ten feet inside the walls the decommissioning: healthy, able-bodied
cherished hat left his head—and never re- vessels tidied up and closed like summer
alighted there. cottages 1" No need to tell him that this,
" I t figured on the end-man of every like the transition from sails to steam,
minstrel show we staged," thought the marked the onward march of progress.
admiral, and chuckled. Drowsily he de- Progress, indeed—when any red-blooded
cided that, while the latter-day naval man knew that the sailing ships were
officers were different, the midshipmen best!
could still be counted on; only recently he Perhaps, though—thinking it over—his
had heard that those embryo flag-officers ships had meant more to him than they
had proof that the body resting in state did to most sailors. Through the years
beneath the academy chapel was really when he was fighting down his loneliness
that of John Paul Jones: some of the girls in a futile effort at forgetting, other offi-
who still frequented the dances had recog- cers had growing famiUesand were voicing
nized and identified him. . . . that unceasing navy wail concerning their
The admiral was almost asleep. De- children's educations: "If you run them
terminedly he roused himself. This was in and out of every school from Cavite to
the first time in weeks that he had been Guantanamo—how are the)^ going to
able to think clearly; he enjoyed remem- learn anything ? And if you put them in
bering those years before he knew Lois, as a good school and keep them, there, you
much as he dreaded recalling his loneli- never see them!" He had heard these
ness after she had gone—he never allowed questions and assertions a hundred times
himself to dwell on that, . . . But going while he was concentrating upon his work.


stubbornly fixing his mind upon each cepted rations of vegetable parings, then
small detail of his daily tasks in a blind moved swiftly on to the vegetables, and
effort to shut out Lois—and the children later could only be cajoled by offerings of
that might have been. But the ships had peeled carrots, turnips, and potatoes.
become his very existence, and they re- Oranges, apples, and bananas fared the
paid his interest; he was universally ac- same way, his sophisticated taste moving
knowledged to be the best sea-going offi- on from the skins to the fruit; from crusts
cer in the service; when he cHmbed to the to buttered bread; from celery-tops to
bridge he entered his undisputed king- celery hearts; his career aboard ship ended
dom; his crew would have followed him suddenly on the day when he was discov-
anywhere. They testified to their belief ered nonchalantly devouring the log.
in his guidance when, during each period "Billy moves ashore! Knowing his
in port, at the hour when the Stars and progressive appetite I realize that, having
Stripes takes second place under the tasted of the ship's activities, nothing but
church flag, the chaplain would request special orders from the Secretary of the
"those having babies to be baptized, Navy will appeal to him by next week.
please step forward," and the admiral, The zoo for his!" the executive officer de-
Sunday after Sunday, faced the proud cided.
sailor-fathers across the improvised bap- The admiral, lost in his recollections,
tismal fonts. Not for any known bribe forgot his mentor and chuckled aloud.
would he have held one of the tiny babies The nurse was quickly at his side.
—^for fear of breaking it—but he won- " Water ? . . . His position changed ? . . .
dered wistfully how far the little company The window closed ? . . . His pillows
of his godchildren had fared; he knew shaken?" She glanced sharply at him.
that five of them had ended their voyage " What is the matter ? . . . Well, anyhow,
and rested beneath the wooden crosses in it is time for some medicine I"
French wheat-fields, but found it impos-
sible to reconcile his memory of the small, Obediently he tried to take the dose she
helpless, huddled figures wrapped in pale prepared, noting, with a dull bewilder-
pink or blue knitted blankets with any ment, how difficult swallowing had be-
partakers in the recent grim business of come. What if his throat should refuse
war. . . . to function, he wondered with a httle cold
shiver of panic. The nurse moved about
" War ? " Well, of course that rumpus for a few moments; rearranged the tissue-
in Cuba didn't seem very large compared paper covering over the electric light;
with this other carnage—but bullets are raised the window-shade to the top to look
bullets—and the Spanish ships looked out across the harbor. "In another hour
menacing enough! He thought of the or so it will be dawn. . . . Shall I read to
sinking of the Don Jorge Juan, the rescue you? . . . Can't you get to sleep? . . .
of her crew, and his discovery of the ship's Would you like a powder ? "
cat struggling in the water. Carmencita, He shook his head. He wanted to be
as they christened her, never conde- left to the quiet company of his thoughts
scended to answer to her name, but she and memories; they were very clear—
lived to a respected and adipose old age— clearer than the blurred details of the dark
a contented recruit to the United States months through which he had so recently,
Navy. painfully, and laboriously fared. Now
Whimsically his memory lingered over why was that: that far-away, half-for-
a long list of mascots and pets: kangaroos, gotten years should seem nearer than yes-
bears, seals, parrots, monkeys, dogs, cats, terday?
goats—nearly all of them succumbed The nurse went reluctantly back to her
through spontaneous combustion from chair. She had neglected to lower the
overfeeding—and one deer, Billy Oregon. shade; through the upper window-pane
Billy was a shy, meek, gentle, retiring, the admiral could see a narrow strip of
fawn-and-white creature when the people star-sprinkled sky; he drew a deep breath
of his State presented him to their name- and stared in amazement at the quiet
ship—but arrogance soon overtook him. points of light. Had they been there
At first he gratefully and greedily ac- every night during these dragging months:


brave, friendly pledges of the regard of a things you have ceased to want into your
ministering Providence—exhibited for his Ustless grasp. . . . It had worked that
contemplation, solace, and assurance—• way for him all of his life. Long ago, as a
while he cowered low in fear and loneli- lad, he had collected butterflies, and had
ness, and never even lifted up his CAz-es ? ardently longed for a specimen of the
" I guess I've had all the help that my great, pale-green moths. He " never
special brand of intelligence warrants," caught one. But years afterward, sitting
thought the admiral grimly; but he found at his desk aboard ship in the harbor of
a strange, new warmth and comfort in the Nagasaki, a superb and perfect luna had
sight of the constant stars. floated in through the open port, airily
From outside there sounded the clear alighted upon the blotter, submitted
monody of the waves against the sea- fearlessly to his gentle handling, and de-
wall, and the murmur of the offshore parted unhindered upon its blithe w a y -
wind. Their very activity soothed him leaving the admiral to ponder over the
into a half doze. What had he been problems of futility and disillusionment,
thinking about before the nurse inter- and dubiously to review the accumulated
rupted him? . . . Gardens? . . . Lois? testimony of people who claim to have
. . . His ships? . . . evolved philosophies which place them
The gardens and Lois were beyond the beyond the fever and stress of untoward
reach of his wistful ponderings—but not events. Epictetus, for instan.ce, was
the ships. Always, in the old navy, you much quoted by one of the admiral's
could get the commands or the shore bil- friends. . . . But none of Epictetus's
lets you wanted—when you didn't want neighbors have left a chronicle of how, in
them any more. . . . He wondered if their unbiassed opinion, he stood up under
they managed better nowadays, or his EifSictions; and the admiral required
whether details were still apparently given their corroboration.
out according to the ideas of an old com- The testimony of his own life was not
modore with whom he had served, back comforting; he had laboriously gained
in the mist-obscured days when signalling control of the kingdom of his mind, and
was first being tried out. The commo- had exercised that control by rigidly ex-
dore had his enthusiasm for innovations cluding from his thoughts those things
under perfect control; when a frigate which were beyond his power of altering.
came into the harbor and her signalman His face was very sober as he recalled his
commenced asking for the courtesy- first cruise after Lois had gone. His ship
permission to anchor, the old commodore was designated to take the President upon
turned to his officer of the deck. " Find an official journey, and something in his
out what they want. Then wiggle-waggle miinute, tense, calculated attention to his
back that they can't have it 1" was his work had attracted the Chief Executive's
order. . . . notice. Perhaps the reason for the rigid
The admiral smiled; then sobered. quietness in the young officer's face had
Lois had never thought that story funny. been explained to the President, for twice,
She had always wanted a house with a during the latter part of the journey, he
garden—but apply as he would, affairs asked if there was anything he could do
never shaped themselves that way. in the way of getting him any special duty.
Cities, boarding-houses, and dust and The question held the promise of gardens
noise had been their portion—and yet, —so easy is achievement when desire is
just as soon as Lois was gone, opportuni- gone—but the admiral racked his mind in
ties to pick and choose desirable shore a futile effort to think up one request.
duty came thick and fast. "I'm afraid, sir, that I'm like Captain
Strange . . . how the things you plan Percival—a very bow-legged officer we
for don't work out—as if in nature, as had in President Pierce's time. The
well as in the conscious effort to direct President wanted to do something special
human will, there should always be the for Percival, but, like me, Percival didn't
elements of caprice and impermanence want anything. Finally, to satisfy Mr.
which deny you as long as you ask ; then", Pierce, he requested that an order be
when hope deferred and disappointment passed for his especial benefit: 'I'd hke to
have done their numbing work, force the be allowed to have the wide gold braid

on my full-dress trousers transferred from to a book-shop to buy some long-coveted
the outside to the inside seam—so I can volumes, and paused to look into the win-
see it myself! Six months ago I knew dow of a bird-store where, for weeks, a
exactly what I wanted—but not now. I gaudy macaw had blinked wicked eyes at
shouldn't know what to do with myself if the passers-by. The macaw was gone—
I went ashore." a purchaser had been found who relished
And yet—though he would not let him- picturesque profanity—and in his place a
self think of Lois—just as soon as he went thrush, with gaping bill, was hopelessly
again on shore duty he commenced mak- beating its wings against the bars of its
ing the first of a series of gardens. All of cage; already the soft feathers on its
his billets since had been marked by gar- breast were worn thin. . . .
dens. In many a clanging, grimy navy- Lois admitted afterward that, five
yard and noisy shore station young times, she walked away from that window
people to whom he was only a name re- and went on toward the bookstore-—
joiced in small plots adorned by his flciwer- sternly reminding herself as she went that
ing bushes and hardy shrubs; his gardens it wasn't her world; that all the ten dollars
stretched behind him like the lengthening she could raise wouldn't go far toward
shadow of a great rock; every place where combating avarice and cruelty—and five
he could appropriate a few feet of ground times she returned. . . . Her only joy
he had builded an altar. . . . Glancing in the transaction which followed was that
now through the window at the friendly the bird-dealer—who couldn't make out
stars the admiral allowed himself volun- why she wanted to buy a bird and not a
tarily to face the fact which, during all cage—evinced a lively desire to get the
these years, he had consistently evaded: lunatic he was' dealing with harmlessly
except when he was planting Lois's flowers out of his shop when, after paying her
he had been desperately lonely. But why money, Lois released the thrush and
couldn't he admit it before—instead of watched him make his true straight flight
groping along in an obhque effort to make to the free air above the house-tops. . . .
up to her for the garden she never had? There was no trace of mawkishness about
Lois and he had confidently counted her reaction: she regretted her much-
upon long years together, had discussed wanted books, and raged at the cruelty
the various merits of the places where, which made the thrush's imprisonment
when his next thirty years of service were possible. " I told that dealery^if what I
over, they would settle down. He had thought of him!"
drawn dozens of plans for houses, while The admiral smiled. " I guess, 'then,
she wandered conversationally in her gar- that you, he, and the thrush have had
dens where the larkspur always bloomed your full ten dollars' worth—and we'll still
and the cornflowers were no bluer than do our old familiar tack back and forth
her eyes. . . . Lois never did anything to the hbrary!" he had said. Well, the
that he expected her to do. There was books wouldn't have done her much good.
always a hilarious element of uncertainty She died that autumn, after an illness of
about her that made other women seem only five days. . . . Even now, after all
flat and colorless. At Nanking, in those these years, he lived over again the an-
days of the Boxer uprising, he had gone guish of those hours and the moment
ashore to look for her accompanied by a when, groping for a ray of light, he reached
guard—to insure her safe-conduct back blindly for the book of that teacher who
through the native city—and had passed never spoke a false or an idle word, and
two hideous hours vainly searching for her opened it at random. Austerely an ad-
and imagining all sorts of ghastly and monition looked up at him: " . . . and
gruesome things. He found her at last shall I be inquired of by you . . . ? As I
having tea with the priest among the live, saith the Lord God, I will not be
amazing images in the Temple of Hell— inquired of by you." With a Httle gasp
in an atmosphere of serenity and peace- he closed the book. If he might not rebel
fulness not to be equalled outside of a nor question, he dared not think or re-
Quaker meeting-house! . . . Then there member. . . . Sternly he barred her from
was that time when, with her birthday his thoughts—but somewhere in his con-
present of ten dollars, she was on her way sciousness a resilient spring had snapped;


life ceased to be a radiant adventure. He end, would have joined in her mirth—•
moaned, remembering. though who else ever had dared to laugh
The nurse was instantly by Iris side. athira?
"What is it that you want? Can't jrou And then, quite suddenly, he knew how
point to it ? I'll be glad to help you—^if blind he had been. During the long years
you'll let me! What are you thinking while he had avoided speaking her name,
about?" she had been close beside him,. He had
He shook his head. What was he ruled her from his life-^but she had never
thinking about? Thinking, he had de- gone; when he had laughed, or worked,
cided, was a pure loss of time and energy stood godfather to the wee babies, or
. . . and yet, was it? He remembered made a garden for her—pondering over
once, long ago, passing through the ruined the flowers of red, yellow, and blue—she
imperial city at Nanking and seeing an had been nearest of all. Only in the
itinerant, mendicant priest so lost in medi- bleak hours of blind loneliness had he ef-
tation that he was oblivious to the chance fectually barred her way. What must
to ask for the alms he so evidently she have thought of him during these last
needed. There had been only a momen- few months when he had clung to hfe
tary glimpse through a vase-shaped gate with a frantic slipping grasp—instead of
—^but each detail of the stone-paved hurrying to tell her all the carefully cher-
courtyard, the broken marble bench, the ished remembrances which, unconsciously
thin, tranquil old face as fragile as the up to now, he had treasured awaiting her
shadows of the vine leaves behind his sympathy and her approval?
head—was permanently engraved upon If Lois were watching, he must give her
the admiral's memory. every reason to be proud of 'him; it was
Suppose that he had allowed himself to her just due that he should not fail her.
think so of Lois; to make her a vital part Not for him the ignominy of the rusty,
of the lonely years? What if . . . like [imping steamer towed in from profitless
the stars, she had been with him all the sojournings among far-flung anchorages.
time . . . waiting for the wistful chance . . . Instead, stanch, seaworthy, with
of an open window in his thoughts to call colors flying and all sails set, he would
a message of cheer: "Happy voyage! fare blithely homeward—flag-bearer of
Happy voyage, you!" the old ships. . . .
If that was so, what must she think of The room was vibrant with her pres-
him? Like a man cautiously testing thin ence. . . . In a second he would hear
ice, he tentatively advanced. Wincing, the sound of her voice, the gay ring of her
he waited for the expected pang of pain, laughter; he Hstened hungrily, but she did
but none came; instead he felt an increas- not laugh. Instead, gentle, patient, and
ing content. The feeling grew. He was serene she waited in the deep shadow.
bewildered, breathless, appalled. Could Why didn't she speak? What was she wait-
he have thought of her before without an ing for ? Why should she hold herself aloof
overwhelming sense of irreparable loss? from him? He tried to stretch out his
Had she always seemed as near as now? arms to her, to call out—and could not;
Would he have found inspiration in his strange little appealing sounds were his
work instead of dull endurance; pleasure only achievement. . . . Well, then, since
in his relaxations instead of boredom? she would not come nearer, he would go
He wondered if she knew of her gardens— to her; taking her dear face between his
then branded the thought as preposterous hands he would tell her of the bleak drear-
—but it persisted; Lois had known so iness of the long years since she went,
many unexpected things! He wanted to and humbly ask her forgiveness. . . .
ask her what they were doing to his navy: With a prodigious effort he raised him-
"Built up, madam, from the wooden sail- self upright . . . swayed unsteadily . . .
ing ships to the steel superdreadnoughts!" and fell back. . . .
Probably she would laugh at his vocifer- But not before he saw the harbor lights
ous and belHgerent disapproval of the new gleaming clearly beneath the paling stars,
times and ways—"Noah-talk," she used and heard—above the soft monody of the
to call it when he growled—but she would waves—the singing lilt ot the offshore
have understood him too, and he, in the wind.'

Heads Up!


HEN Captain Andrew Andy's father, though he was considerate

Nichols of the A. E.F., enough to say little about that when he
who looked far too put the son to work.
merry to be a soldier, Sharpies was known in the big Duane
c a m e h o m e from Street store as " the old screw," but even
F r a n c e and caught Andy Nichols, who hated hardware with
his wife to his arms in a holy hate, came to respect his fairness.
the old house on Mur- More than ever did he approve of the
ray Hill, it seemed as though all New York Sharpies judgment when he was promoted
could not hold the overflow of his happi- to take charge of the fancy new branch in
ness. When the division paraded up fashionable Fifty-seventh Street. Andy
Fifth Avenue and then Uncle Sam dis- was more at home up there than he was
charged them all, the captain was happily down in Duane Street. When he opened
content to see the old uniform put away the branch he decided it was time to
in camphor. He settled gracefully into popularize hardware.
civies, as he became just Andy Nichols " I beheve there's poetry in those damn
again. He was home. Then he went gimlets if I can find it," he had said to his
with Nance on their second honeymoon, friend Jimmy Van Tassel, who had gone
and it seemed even more precious than through the Argonne with him, but still
the first. had his patrimony. Jimmy was an alder-
It was after that—even after the little man—had been, before the war. Then
Andy came, to make his young father he became an alderman all over again,
happier than ever—that fate came down and his friends said he was still crazy.
on easy-going Andy Nichols, of Murray Andy had said so himself.
Hill and the Argonne, and with one stroke " Don't believe it," replied the Honor-
wiped out the fortune that had been his able James Van Tassel, with proper polit-
from birth. It mattered not that some ical caution;" may be rhythm in hammers
who had chosen to turn the war into —but not in gimlets."
profit had made their pile out of the na- "Yes, even in saws—ugh!" Andy
tion's need and had kept it. Fate has groaned.
strange fancies, and it was Andy, who had But now the day of proof had dawned.
soldiered in France, that she picked for a The new store had opened, that very
fall. morning, and Andy, rounding the corner
First they moved into the little apart- into Fifty-seventh Street after a good
ment down in Eleventh Street, where lunch, smiled with amused anticipation
Nance wrestled with all the petty com- as he thought of Jimmy's promised visit
pressions and annoyances of flat hfe. of inspection. There was a childlike com-
Then, for the first time in his leisure-lov- pleteness to Andy's smile that not even
ing existence, Andy set out to hunt for a the grimness of his army experience had
job. It was lucky that Mr. Thomas worn off. It disarmed suspicion and pro-
Sharpies, of the ancient firm of Sharpies voked affection, just as the clean-cut set
& Staples, fine hardware, thought more of of his chin suggested ability to command.
Andy's war record than he did of his own Old Sharpies had done well to send him
hammers and saw:s. He thought even up to Fifty-seventh Street to sell hard-
more of the memory of his friendship with ware. . People liked Andy Nichols on
VOL. L X X I V . — I S


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