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Jesus Christ Superstar I Heaven On Their Minds soon will be. soon will strt-ed to be - liewe things they say of you. You eal = ly do be- lieve this all the good you've done Soon get. swept a= Way. You've be-gun to mat-er more than Jesus Crist Superstar is- ten Je~ sus 1 don't tke what I” see, AL Task is that you Fe 50 juts 3 He been your right hand man You have set them all on fire, they think they've found the new Mes - si - ah Jesus Christ Superstar : fhurt you when they find theyre bE 1 re-mem-ber when this whole thing be - gan No tlk of God then we my ad mi - ra ton lor Jou But ev'- ry word you say 10- day Jesus Christ Superstar ‘roundsome 0 - ther way hurt you if they think you've should have stayed great un - known would have suit - ed "Je - sus best, He'd have made good flo - one a - farm, Jesus Christ Superstar «paw ( — — Us-ten Je-sus do you care for your race? Don't you see we must keep in our place? 37 We are oc-cu-pied have you for-got-ten how put down we are? fright-ened by the crowd setting much too loud ‘nd they! crush us if we go too Us-ten Je- sus to the Jesus Christ Superstar But its sad to see Please re- mem-ber that 1 cour chan ces weak ening With Jesus Christ Superstar All your fol-low- ers are blind Too much Se hhea- ven on their minds twas beau-ti-ful but now it's sour Jesus Christ Superstar

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