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A Study of Analysis from Students in Writing

Arranged by:

Marcelino Hasiholan Sarumpaet (2192520003)

Supporting Lecturer : Anna Riana Suryanti Tambunan, SS., M.Hum.






First of All, Praise to The God because His help, The Author finishes Mini
Research(MR) with Titled “A Study of Analysis from Students in Writing”
right in the calculated time

The purpose in writing this MR is to fulfill the assignment that given By

Dr. Anna Riana Suryanti.T. ,M.Hum. as lecturer in General Writing

In arranging this MR, the Author trully get lots challenges and
obstructions but with help of many indiviuals, those obstructions could passed.
Author also realized there are still many mistakes in process of writing this MR.

Because of that, the Author says thank you to all individuals who helps in
the process of writing this MR. Hopefully God replies all helps and bless you all.
The Author realized this MR still imperfect in arrangment and the content. Then
the Author hope the criticism from the readers can help the Author in perfecting
another assignment about MR. Last but not the least Hopefully, this MR can helps
the readers to gain more knowledge about Writing.

Medan, November 2019


Marcelino Hasiholan Sarumpaet

Table of Contents
PREFACE .................................................................................................................................... 0
ABSTRACT.................................................................................................................................. 3
CHAPTER I .............................................................................................................................. 4
INTRODUCTION .................................................................................................................... 4
CHAPTER II............................................................................................................................. 6
REVIEW OF LITERATURE ................................................................................................... 6
CHAPTER III ........................................................................................................................... 9
RESEARCH METODOLOGY................................................................................................. 9
3.2. Instrument of Study ....................................................................................................... 9
3.3. The Technique of Collecting Data .................................................................................. 9
CHAPTER IV ......................................................................................................................... 10
FINDINGS AND DISCUSSION ............................................................................................ 10
4.1. Research Findings ........................................................................................................ 10
4.2. Discussion..................................................................................................................... 13
CHAPTER V .......................................................................................................................... 16
CONCLUSION ....................................................................................................................... 16
5.1. The Conclusion ............................................................................................................. 16
REFERENCES ....................................................................................................................... 17
APPENDIX ............................................................................................................................. 18


This research is focused on analyzing student writing performance. It aims to ensure

students' ability to use grammar, vocabulary, punctuation, spelling, coherence and
cohesion. To measure students' writing skills, we conducted interviews with 20
people from faculties and universities. From the results of these questions we can find
out where their difficulties are in writing. However, apart from problems faced by
students in writing, overall their writing results are quite good despite errors. In this
mini research, the writer and her members of group analyzed all the data to know
what are the difficulties that college students face in writing. The writer collected the
data by interviewing all the participants. There are various answers that the writer got
from the participants. All the participants have different difficulties, suggestion and
the way they deal with the difficulties.




1.1 Background of The Study

Writing as one of the four language skills is the most difficult skill to master
for foreign language learners. Writing due not only to the need to generate and
organize ideas using an appropriate choice of vocabulary, sentence, grammar, and
paragraph organization but also to turn such ideas into a readable text (Richards &
Renandya, 2002: 303). To make the teaching writing successful, the lecturers should
give their attention about the strategies in makingthe teaching writing effective.
Lecturers also should pay attention to the other skills that the student need before
because teaching writing is a complex.

Learning about writing is not an easy thing to do. There are so many
difficulties we have to face in writing especially in English. In primary school of
Indonesia, we only study English twice a week. How can students be good at writing
English if they only learn twice a week. They only have limit time. That is why most
students in Indonesia still have difficulties in writing. There are also many rules that
must be followed by the writers. Without following the rules, the text or paragraph
will be incoherent.

Through this research the writer sees that participants still have difficulty
writing in English. Even though they have been studying English for more than 10
years. They suggested that the teacher improvise again to teach writing to students.

1.2 The Problem of The Study

Based on the background of the study, the problems of the study are:
1) How long have you been learning English?
2) In your opinion, what are the main difficulties in writing?

3) How do you deal with the difficulties?
4) What do you suggest to be done by the teachers to improve students’
writing ability?
5) What kind of environment do you think will support English writing?

1.3 Scope of The Study

In collecting data for this research, the writer will limit this research to
only focus on describing the difficulties faced by students in writing English.
By reading this mini research, the students are able to know the suggestions
from the participants to improve their skills. The writer hopes this mini
research can be useful to the readers. The writer also hopes this study can be a
reference to the readers to make the mini research



2.1 The Definition of Writing

Writing is an activity expressing one's thoughts, ideas, and feelings expressed

in written language. In another sense, writing is an activity to express thoughts and
feelings in written form which is expected to be understood by the reader and serves
as an indirect means of communication.

Every person has different ability in writing, based on the writer’s

background. This is why not all writing has good quality. People usually just write
what they want and what comes through their minds. They do not think about the
structure of the paragraph, or even the grammatical used.

Someone writes not only describe the graphs of certain languages but that
person must understand the meaning of the symbols. Whereas people who paint
graphic symbols are not required to understand the meaning of the graphic symbols
they describe, because paintings are not for others to read but for their beauty to be
enjoyed. Writing can be said as a process of thinking and expressing thoughts in the
form of essays. Thus writing is a series of activities to express opinions or ideas or
ideas in the form of written language symbols so that they can be read by others.
Writing requires the complexity of activities to compose essays properly because they
involve regular thinking and various requirements related to writing techniques.
These requirements are:

(1) there is a unity of ideas;

(2) use of clear sentences;

(3) paragraphs are arranged well;

(4) applying the correct spelling rules;

(5) adequate vocabulary mastery.

Based on the description above, it can be defined writing is a series of

complex activity processes that require stages and pour it into written form so that the
reader can understand the contents of the ideas conveyed.

2.2 The Characteristic of Writing

Characteristic is something that people or things have. Characteristic is able to

make a difference between two or more things. Characteristic can be a specific thing
that people have and it is related to a lifestyle.

In making a writing, it takes several elements that must be considered.

According to The Liang Gie, the writing element consists of ideas, speech, order and


Topics in the form of opinions, experiences or knowledge of someone. Ideas depend

on past experience or knowledge.


Is the expression of ideas that can be understood by readers. There are various kinds
of utterances, including: description, persuasion, narration, argumentation and


Order is a rule that must be heeded when expressing ideas. Means writing is not just
writing, must heed the rules in writing, for example the use of the correct spelling


Rides are also often referred to as tools. Rides in the form of grammar, vocabulary
and rhetoric (the art of using language). In novice writers, rides often become a
problem. They use vocabulary, grammar and rhetoric that are still as simple and
limited. To overcome this the author must enrich the unknown meaning. A writer
must be diligent in writing and reading.

From the description above, it can be seen that the elements of writing consist
of the expression of ideas, speech used by the writer in delivering his writing, order in
writing and a vehicle in the form of vocabulary and grammar. Where to create a good
descriptive writing must include all of these elements.

2.3. The Difficulties in Writing

We usually find difficulties in writing. All the participants admit that they still
have some difficulties in English writing. Even though they have been learning
English for more than 5 years. There are various difficulties they face in doing this

There are some things that make writing is difficult. First, the structure of
sentences and paragraph. If we want to write and make sentences or paragraph, there
is structure that needs to be followed. The second is, how to use language effectively.
Some people do not know how to use language effectively. Most people are still
doing redundancy in writing. The last is most people still have less vocabulary. If we
have less vocabulary, it will be hard for us to build a sentence or paragraph. We will
be hard to develop our writing and make our thought become writing.



3.1. Object of Research

The writer chooses some college students in Medan. There are 20 college
students were chosen. The college students come from different faculty or even
different university. The objects of this study are also from different gender.

3.2. Instrument of Study

For this mini research, the writer does an interview to all the participants. The
writer gives the following questions:

1) How long have you been learning English?

2) In your opinion, what are the main difficulties in writing?
3) How do you deal with the difficulties?
4) What do you suggest to be done by the teachers to improve students’
writing ability?
5) What kind of environment do you think will support English writing?

3.3. The Technique of Collecting Data

The writer uses 2 technique in this mini research

1) The first is by recording the participants’ voice as a proof.

2) The second is by writing their answers on the paper.



4.1. Research Findings

The writer collected the data for mini research by interviewing all the
participants. The writer analyzed the data with the group to get the conclusion for the
mini research. Based on this study, the writer got some answers from the participants.
The data was analyzed to get the conclusion for the mini research.

Tabel . Gender of Participants

No. Gender Total Frequency (%)

1. Male 8 40%
2. Female 12 60%
20 100%

This table tells us how many participants by their genders.

Tabel. University

No. Name of University Total Frequency (%)

1. Universitas Negeri Medan 14 70%

2. Universitas Sumatera Utara 3 15%

3. Universitas Islam Negeri 1 5%
Sumatera Utara

4. Universitas Muhammadiyah 1 5%
Sumatera Utara

5. Universitas Medan Area 1 5%

20 100%

This table tells us which university that the participants from.

Tabel. Faculty

No. Name of Faculty Total Frequency (%)

1. Fakultas Bahasa dan Seni 9 45%

2. Fakultas Matematika dan 5 25%

Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam

3. Fakultas Ilmu Budaya 1 5%

4. Fakultas Teknik 2 10%

5. Fakultas Ilmu Sosial 1 5%

6. Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan 1 5%


7. Fakultas Ekonomi 1 5%

20 100%

The table shows us what faculty that the participants from.

Tabel. Year of Entry

No. Year of Entry Total Frequency (%)

1. 2018 3 15%

2. 2019 17 85%

20 100%

This table tells us what year that the participants entry the university.

4.2. Discussion
Based on this mini research, we can get various answers from all the
participants. The participants have their own suggestion to improve the students’
writing ability. They also have their own way to deal with the difficulties. Each
person has different time in studying English.

Table of question 1. How long have you been learning English?

No. Years Total Frequency (%)

1 3–8 14 70%
2 10 > 6 30%

From this table, we can conclude that every participant has different
years in learning English.

Table of question 2. In your opinion, what are the main difficulties in


No. The Difficulties Total Frequency (%)

1 Grammar 6 30%
2 Punctuations 3 15%
3 Tenses 4 20%
4 New Vocabulary 7 35%

This table shows us the different difficulties that the participants face
in writing English.

Table of question 3. How do you deal with the difficulties?

No. The Deal Total Frequency (%)

1 Trying 6 30%
2 Finding 9 45%
3 Memorized 5 25%

This table tells us that every participants has their own way to deal
with the difficulties.

Table of question 4. What do you suggest to be done by the teachers to

improve students’ writing ability?

No, The ability Total Frequency (%)

1 Practice 10 60%
2 Asking 4 20%
3 Telling 6 20%

The table above shows us that every participant has different

suggestion to improve students’ ability in writing English.

Table of question 5. What kind of environment do you think will support

English writing?

No. The Support Total Frequency (%)

1 Environment 13 65%
2 Competition 2 10%

3 Practice 5 25%

This table tells us what kind of environment that the participants think
will support English writing.



5.1. The Conclusion

The writer can conclude that even though most people have been learning
English for more than 3 years, they still find difficulties in writing. The participants
also have various difficulties in writing. However, the participants have some ways to
solve their own problems. Most of them suggest that the readers need more practice
than give the students only theory. The participants also give the writer the answers
what kind of environment that will support English writing. This mini research gives
us information about the difficulties in writing that college students usually face.


Munawwaroh, M. (2014). The Effectiveness of Applying Photograph from Natinal

Geographic to Improve Students' Ability in Writting Descriptive Text
Richard, & Renandya. (2002). Methodology in Language Teaching : An Anthology
of Current Practice . Cambridge University.

Rosidi, I. (2019). Menulis, Siapa Takut? Yogyakarta: Kansius.

No Participant Question 1 Question 2 Question 3 Question 4 Question 5


How long In your How do What do What kind of
have you opinion, you deal you suggest environment
been what are the with the to be done do you think
learning main difficulties by teachers will support
english? difficulties in ? of english english
writing? to improve writing?
1 Salsabilla Kindergarte New Listening a Practice to Practice with
Azzahra n vocabulary song with listening conversation
a many and writing s
new the new
vocabulary vocabulary
2 Nurrahman Kindergarte Nothing hard His not His don't Living in
Al-Furqon n want to know yet western who
study used english
english in daily
3 Drajat Trie Elementary New Finding Practice the Taking a
Cahya school vocabulary the new student practice
vocabulary with listen and
writing writing
4 Siti For 6 years When the Stop write Practice The daily
Nurhumairo teacher that word and with practice
h speak about memorize to writing
the new the new english
word, she's vocabulary
get a trouble

to write
5 Mutiara Since she Tenses Memorize Makes The
Hani was young d the more environment
Tambunan tenses practice for who often
his used english
students in speaking
6 Risa For 12 years The Deal with Ask the The
Ad'dhalia structure of the students to environment
grammar difficulties make a that think
of words, writing about future
vocabulary practice
, and idea
7 Sri Rahayu For 7 years Finding idea Read Giving The
for her text some more environment
inspiring exercises of university,
paragraph and telling museum,
stories and the view
from news, of country.
stories, etc.
8 Yogi Prawira Since he Spelling the Search Tell the Where
was born words online students to people
read loudly, speak
also play English often
spelling bee
9 Vini Qonita Since Spelling, it is Read Asking the If her
Permata primary a bit tiring some texts students to surrounding
Hariyati time to in English do practice can speak
improve her and try to such as English

ability memorize singing, fluently
it building
10 Nuranisyah In high Because of Trying Teacher Environment
school the way of hard to must say that most
speaking and grow her that living people
writing in will to in this age speak in
English are read some we have to English
different book in improve
English our English
11 Risky Agassy Since Writing Learn Making Her
primary tenses and more and some environment
school memorizing study hard practices using English
grammar to and group everyday
memorize discuss and it
the pushes her
grammar to do the
12 Anisa Salsa Since Determining Doing a lot Giving Environment
primary a good of some that is
school grammar practices practice accustomed
in writing and train to use
them how English
to use the
13 Aditya Dwi For 10 years Choosing the Reading a Providing An
Prasetyo words lot lots of environment

books with like a library
14 Johanes Since Grammatical Learning Giving The
Saragih kindergarte structure, and some environment
n tenses, learning practices that make
punctuation, again not just competition
subject of theory and
agreement workshop
15 Marvina Since she Grammar, Write a Doing more Held a
Misda Wanti was kid the lack of book exercises competition
verb, the about about
topic, and writing writing
conjunction and try to
find he
16 Novia Since The Doing Doing Making
Ardinta primary structure of practice practice competition
school grammar, and and about
tenses, reading practice writing
punctuation, some
conjunction, books
and idea about
17 Dina Glenia Since Rememberin Seeing her Making The
primary g the dictionary some tests environment
vocabularies and to improve where
mastering the writing people
it speak and
write in

18 Dian Purba For 13 years How to write Learning A good A good
or spell the how to education environment
words she write that makes is a place
never read goodly students where we
before more wise can improve
than before our English
19 William Since 5 Keeping the Trying Giving An literature
years old main idea as more more time environment
same as the focused in to practice
contain involving
the main
idea first
20 Joshua Since 4t Writing the Finding Ordering An
Lumban grade in words out about the environment
Gaol primary what he students to that support
school does not read and English
understan write writing


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