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We are grateful Gyan Ganga Institute of Technology and

Sciences, ECE Department, our Mentors, for their
valuable guidance and encouragement throughout the
duration of our minor project work. We were greatly
benefited from the technical discussions we shared with
them which helped us in understanding the finer aspects
of circuit design.
We thank Dr. Ravindra V Kshirsagar Principal, Gyan
Ganga Institute of Technology and Sciences, Engineering,
for helping us out continuously during the course of our
work. Without their help it would have been difficult to
complete this project on time.
Thanks to each and every one who helped us, some way
or the other, in successful completion of the project work.
Two-wheeler have high rate of accidents than cars or
trucks and buses. The aim of smart helmet is to provide
safety to the bike rider. With the help of Proper switch
Mounted in helmet the two-wheeler would not start
without helmet so safety of rider is assured and if
accident has occurred our system will give information to
the ambulance about the accident, so they can take
certain measures to save the life of the person who meet
with an accident. It is developed using Arduino. We place
sensors in different sides of helmet which is connected to
Arduino board. So when the bike rider crashes sensors
sense and the Arduino extract GPS location data using
the GPS which is interfaced with Arduino. When the
sensor data exceeds maximum limit of pressure then
GSM module automatically sends message to ambulance,
police and family members. In case of minor injuries, the
rider can stop sending of message by the SMS sending
stop switch.

Now-a-days, it is difficult to know that an accident has

happened and to locate the position of the rider, there
are many deaths occur due to lack of medical treatment.

The reasons for the accidents may vary such as no proper

driving knowledge, no fitness of the helmet, rash driving,
drink and drive etc. In some cases, the person injured
due to lack of medical treatment in time or late arrival of
ambulance, no person at place of accident to give
information to the Ambulance.
Our helmet ensures that the rider has were the helmet
and he/she has nonalcoholic breath and if accident has
occurred it will inform the ambulance on time even there
is no person to give information of the accident to the
1.1 Objectives of Paper
I. To design system that can improve bike rider
To design system that can improve bike rider
II. Number of accident To design system reduces to
design system reduces number of accident due to the
drink and drive.
III. To design system that ensure that the rider has to
design system that ensure that the rider has were the
IV. To design system that reduces the loss of life to
design system that reduces the loss of life due to late
arrival of the ambulance.
Working Principal
The aim of our smart helmet is to provide the safety to
the bike rider and give information location of the
accident tothe ambulance and family member. This is
done by using the GSM module. We are using SIM808 as
the GSM module.
But sending the message of that accident is not
enough. We have to send the location of the accident. So
we are using the SIM 808 as the GPS module it comes
with the GNSS receiver. When the accident has
happened the piezo-electric sensors sense the accident
and give signal to the Arduino. Then Arduino will take
location from the GPS and it will send the location of
accident in the form of the latitude and longitude but
normal user can’t understand how get location from the
latitude and longitude so we have implemented our
system to send the google map link. Which will open in
google maps and family members and the ambulance
can take certain actions to save the bikerider life.
But we don’t need to call ambulance every time
sometimes the bike rider has minor injuries but piezo
electric sensor will sense that as accident. In that case
bike rider can stop sending of the SMS this is done by
using the switch to stop accident. Before sending the
accident message to the ambulance and family members
the buzzer will ring for the 40 seconds if the bike rider
has minor injuries he/she can stop the sending of the
SMS simply by pressing the switch on helmet. If he/she
won’t press switch the SMS will be send to ambulance
and family members.
Above system mentioned was for the accident reporting.
Our system can also be used as accident prevention
system.This is done by using the Alcoholic sensor and the
Rider detection switch. Our system is designed to check
the rider has worn helmet and he/she has non-alcoholic
breath. If the both conditions are satisfied the Arduino
will send signal to vehicle unit to start or stop vehicle via
The vehicle part contains the micro-controller and the
relay to start or stop the ignition.
 Arduino Uno is a microcontroller board
developed by which is an open-source
electronics platform mainly based on AVR
microcontroller Atmega328.
 First Arduino project was started in Interaction
Design Institute Ivrea in 2003 by David Cuartielles
and Massimo Banzi with the intention of providing a
cheap and flexible way to students and
professional for controlling a number of devices in
the real world.
 The current version of Arduino Uno comes with
USB interface, 6 analog input pins, 14 I/O digital
ports that are used to connect with external
electronic circuits. Out of 14 I/O ports, 6 pins can
be used for PWM output.
 It allows the designers to control and sense the
external electronic devices in the real world.
Arduino Uno pinout
Arduino Uno is based on AVR microcontroller called
Atmega328. This controller comes with 2KB SRAM, 32KB
of flash memory, 1KB of EEPROM. Arduino Board comes
with 14 digital pins and 6 analog pins. ON-chip ADC is
used to sample these pins. A 16 MHz frequency crystal
oscillator is equipped on the board. Following figure
shows the pinout of the Arduino Uno Board.

Pin Description: There are several I/O digital and analog

pins placed on the board which operates at 5V. These pins
come with standard operating ratings ranging between
20mA to 40mA. Internal pull-up resistors are used in the
board that limits the current exceeding from the given
operating conditions. However, too much increase in
current makes these resisters useless and damages the
LED. Arduino Uno comes with built-in LED which is
connected through pin 13. Providing HIGH value to the
pin will turn it ON and LOW will turn it OFF.

Vin. It is the input voltage provided to the Arduino Board.

It is different than 5 V supplied through a USB port. This
pin is used to supply voltage. If a voltage is provided
through power jack, it can be accessed through this pin.

5V. This board comes with the ability to provide voltage

regulation. 5V pin is used to provide output regulated
voltage. The board is powered up using three ways i.e.
USB, Vin pin of the board or DC power jack.
USB supports voltage around 5V while Vin and Power
Jack support a voltage ranges between 7V to 20V. It is
recommended to operate the board on 5V. It is important
to note that, if a voltage is supplied through 5V or 3.3V
pins, they result in bypassing the voltage regulation that
can damage the board if voltage surpasses from its limit.
GND. These are ground pins. More than one ground pins
are provided on the board which can be used as per

Reset. This pin is incorporated on the board which resets

the program running on the board. Instead of physical
reset on the board, IDE comes with a feature of resetting
the board through programming.

IOREF. This pin is very useful for providing voltage

reference to the board. A shield is used to read the voltage
across this pin which then select the proper power source.
PWM. PWM is provided by 3,5,6,9,10, 11pins. These
pins are configured to provided 8-bit output PWM.

SPI. It is known as Serial Peripheral Interface. Four pins

10(SS), 11(MOSI), 12(MISO), 13(SCK) provide SPI
communication with the help of SPI library.

AREF. It is called Analog Reference. This pin is used for

providing a reference voltage to the analog inputs.

TWI. It is called Two-wire Interface. TWI

communication is accessed through Wire Library. A4 and
A5 pins are used for this purpose.

Serial Communication. Serial communication is carried

out through two pins called Pin 0 (Rx) and Pin 1 (Tx).
Rx pin is used to receive data while Tx pin is used to
transmit data.
External Interrupts. Pin 2 and 3 are used for providing
external interrupts. An interrupt is called by providing
LOW or changing value.
LiquidCrystal lcd(7,8,12,11,10,9);
int sensor=5;
int swtch=6;
int relay=4;
int s1,s2;
void setup() {
// put your setup code here, to run once:

void loop() {
// put your main code here, to run repeatedly:

if(s1==HIGH && s2==LOW)

Applications and future scope

5.1 Applications

I. it will useful for bike rider

II. it will protect the Bike rider life.
III. It will reduce the number of accident due to
the drink and drive.
IV. By wearing this helmet this helmet the rider
will follow the basic rule of wearing helmet.

5.2 Future scope

I. Solar plates can be used in helmet for the

power - supply.
II. It can be used for location tracking.
III. GPRS can be used for the storing data online. GPRS
can be used for the storing data online.
IV. GPS can be programmed to calculate the speed
GPS can be programmed to calculate the speed
of the bike in case of over speeding the vehicle
can be stopped.
In future if there is a large demand of this type of
helmets we can manufacture the whole circuit in printed
circuit board, so that circuit becomes smaller and can be
easily fitted into helmet. The circuit can also be powered
by solar energy so that it uses green energy and does no
harm to environment .The flexible solar panels can fixed
all along surface of helmet. This type of helmet
technology can be implemented for the combat helmets
used by the soldiers working under extreme
This project has a good real life scope, if it is
implemented by the government. It can help to reduce
lot of road accidents of two wheelers as it is the major
cause of deaths in the whole world. It can also help to
prevent the damage occurred to the vehicles by the
accidents. So this helps in curbing the road accidents by
implementing mandatory Helmet protection and
detection of alcohol content during the starting on of the
bike. This project here is undertaken keeping in view of
traffic ,the traffic rules and also the safety of people.
Implementation of this type of project by the
government saves a lot of time for the traffic police and
most importantly saves the precious life of a person as
one cannot run a motor vehicle once he is drunk and if
the helmet is not present. Family members will be
informed as well.

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