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LEQ Rubric

6 points
Point(s) Explanation
Category Scoring Criteria Rules
Earned (Why did they earn/not earn the point)
Thesis must make a claim that responds to the
1 pt: Responds to the prompt with
prompt rather than restating or rephrasing the
a historically defensible Most essays had some form of thesis, although when
A- Thesis (0-1 pt) prompt. The Thesis must consist of one or more
thesis/claim that establishes a line was left out.
sentences located in one place, either in the
of reasoning.
introduction or the conclusion.
The response must relate to the topic of the
prompt to broader historical events,
B- Contextualization 1 pt: Describes broader historical developments, or processes that occure before, Most essays did not have or had irrelevent
(0-1 pt) context relevant to the prompt. during, or continue after the time frame of the contextextualization
question. This point is not awarded for merely a
phrase or reference.
1 pt: Provides specific examples of The response must identify specific historical
Most students earned only 1 point, but they still need
evidence relevant to the topic of examples of evidence relevant to the topic of the
work on using the evidence and how to write it.
the prompt. prompt.
C- Evidence (0-2 pts) 2 pts: Supports an argument in
response to the prompt using The response must specific historical evidence to 5 students from all essays earned 2 points with their
specific and relevant examples of support an argument in response to the prompt. evidence.
1pt: Uses historical reasoning (e.g.
The response must demonstrate the use of
comparison, causation, continuity
historical reasoning to frame or structure an A large portion of students did not have sufficient
and change) to frame or structure
argument, although the reasoning might be analysis or reasoning, despite the use of the flow chart.
an argument that addresses the
uneven or imbalanced.
A Response may demonstrate a complex
understanding in a variety of ways, such as:
*Explaining nuance of an issue by analyzing
multiple variables
*Explaining both similarity and difference, or
D- Analysis and 1 pt: Demonstrates a complex explaining both continuity and change, or
Reasoning (0-2 pts) understanding of the historical explaining multiple cuases, or explaining both
development that is the focus of cause and effect
the prompt, using evidence to *Explaining relevant and insightful connections 3 Students in total earned 2 points for their analsys.
corroborate, qualify, or modify an within and across periods
argument that addresses the *Confirming the validity of an argument by
question. corroborating multiple perspectives across themes.
*Qualifying or an argument by considering diverse
or alternative views or evidence.

This understanding must be part of the

argument, not merely a phrase or reference.

Total Score Majority of students earned 1-3 points

Addition Comments

_____ Nice thesis _____ Weak understanding of prompt _____ Very insightful
_____ Thesis it too simplistic _____ Use only Change _____ Very vague
_____ No thesis/argument _____ Use only Continuity _____ Good subject knowledge
_____ Did not address all parts of ? _____ Did not compare _____ Some facts are inaccurate
_____ Nice writing skills _____ Did not use Causation _____ Strong conclusion
_____ Well organized _____ Great Contextualization _____ Weak conclusion
_____ Good transitions _____ Weak Contextualization _____ No conclusion
_____ Poor grammar _____ Organization all over the place _____ Did not finish essay
_____ Do not use I-You-Our-We _____ Rambling _____ Weak argument
_____ Quotes used – paraphrase instead _____ Used contractions _____ You’re getting there!

Most frequent comments used when reveiwing student's work

Comments used on the better LEQ responses

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