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Hand Book 6

Week 6
“Conjunction &

Lia P N Anis U N

Anthony P W Devi R I

1. Siswa wajib mempunyai/mendownload handbook yang telah dikirim di
2. Setiap siswa wajib mengikuti kegiatan OLL yang diadakan setiap hari
Sabtu, pukul 8.40 - 10.20.
3. Bagi siswa yang berhalangan mengikuti kegiatan OLL wajib memberitahu
admin grup.
4. Demi kelancaran proses pembelajaran siswa harus mempersiapkan diri
dan sudah ready 2 menit sebelum pembelajaran OLL berlangsung.
5. Siswa wajib mengerjakan exercise yang terdapat di handbook
6. Siswa wajib mengerjakan Question of the Day yang akan diberikan setiap
hari Rabu, pukul 19.00 – 19.30.
7. Siswa harus mengumpulkan tugas/jawaban tepat waktu.
Conjunctions. A conjunction is a word that connects individual words or groups
of words. In fact, the word conjunction literally means “the act of joining” or


Dawn like mystery, adventure, and suspence in what she read.

(The conjunction, and, connects the three words.)


I was going to write to you, but I decide to call instead.

(the conjunction, but, connects the two groups of words.)

Kinds of Conjunctions

There are three kinds of conjunctions : coordinating, correlative, and


1. Coordinating Conjunctions
A Coordinating conjunction connects words or groups of words that
perform the same function in a sentence. The coordinating conjunctions
are in the following list :

And for or

But nor yet

 A coordinating conjunction may connect individual nouns.

e.g : I saw a bucket and ladder on the sidewalk.
(The coordinating conjunction, and, connects bucket and
 A coordinating may connect two or more independent clause,
which are groups of words that can stand by themselves as a
complete sentences.
e.g : Janet will meet you at the airport, or you can take a bus.
(The coordinating conjunction, or, connects teo

 A coordinating conjunction connect verbs, verb phrase, adjectives,

adverbs, prepositional phrase, ad other sentence elements. Each
coordinating conjunction show a different relationship between the
words that it connects.
e.g : Sabrina was tiny yet strong.
(yet, shows the contrast between tiny and strong.)
The shampoo is in the hallway or under the sink.
(or, shows choice.)
Brad cannot mow the lawn, for the lawn mower is broken.
(for, shows a cause-and-effect relationshop.)
 Conjunction help you to avoid relation by bringing separete items
together into one sentence.
e.g : Carol is a sophomore, Sid is a sophomore.
Carol and Sid is a sophomore.

2. Correlative Conjunctions
A correlative conjunction consists of two or more words that work
together as a set. It is connect words that perform equal functions in a
sentence. Following list :

Either........or...... whether....... or............

Neither.....or...... not only..... but (also).....

e.g : we had both wind and rain.

You should neither spoiler your pat nor be too strict with it.
Not only were we lost, but we were also wothout supllies.

3. Subordinating Conjunctions
Subordinating Conjunctions connect subordinate clause to independent
clause. Subordinate clauses are clauses that cannot stand by themselves as
complete sentence.
e.g :
Indep. clause Sub. clause

Jenny got the role because she can sing well.

(subordinating conjunction, because, intriduces the subordinate

clause, she can sing well. Because connects the subordinate clause
to independent clause, Jenny got the role.)

Subordinating conjunctions usually express relationships of time,

manner, cause, condition, comparison or purpose.

Time after, as, as long as, as soon as, before, since, until,
when, whenever, while
Manner as, as if, as though
Cause because
Condition although, as long as, even if, even though, if, provided
that, though, unless, while
Comparison as, than
Purpose in order that, so that, that

e.g : I ate dinner after the show was over.

If you want to, we will go to the carnival.

We were late for the meeting because our car broke down.
Conjunctive Adverb

A conjunctive adverb is an adverb that functions similarly to a

coordinating conjungtion to connect independent clause, which can stand by
themselves as complete sentences. A simicolon precodes the conjunctive adverb,
and a comma usually follows it.


I had the engine repaired; also, I bought new tires.


I had the engine repaired, and I bought some new tires.

The following list contains frequently used conjunctive adverbs.

accordingly finally instead otherwise

also furthermore later still
besides however moreover therefore
consequently indeed nevertheless thus
Conjuntion or Preposition

Certain words can function as either conjunction or prepositions.

However, there are two important differences between a word used as a
preposition and one used as a conjunction.

 First, a preposition is always followed by an object, but conjunction is

e.g : - preposition : We should leave before noon.
- conjunction : Before you leave, tell me the story.
 Second, a preposition introduces a prepositional phrase. A
conjunction, in the other hand, connects words or groups of words.
e.g :- preposition : He went jogging after work. (after work, is a
- conjunction : Meet me after the game is over.
INTERJECTIONS. An interjection is an exclamatory word or phrase that can
stand by it self, although it may also appear in sentences. Many interjections
express strong emotions. They are followed by exclamation points.

e.g : My goodness !

Wow ! That was the greatest hook shot I’ve ever seen !

When an interjection appears within a sentence, you should set it off with

e.g: Oh, I beg your pardon.

Well, I knew I was right.

You use interjections often in speech, but you should use them only
occasionally in writing. You will find them most often in dialogue.
Task 1

Read the question below and choose the best answer correctly !

1. What did your father say when you told him you had lost all your money?
He was so angry ... he couldn't say anything
a. Therefore c. That
b. After d. So

Pembahasan :
Terjemahan dari soal : Apa yang ayahmu katakan ketika kamu mengatakan
kepadanya bahwa kamu telah kehilangan uang?.
Dia begitu marah ... dia tidak bisa mengatakan apa-apa.
Jadi kata yang tepat untuk mengisi titik-titik adalah 'sehingga'. Pada soal
terdapat kata 'so' atau 'sehingga', jadi untuk melengkapi soal diatas cukup
ditambah kata 'that'. Jadi jawabannya adalah C

2. Why didn't you print your report at home?

I ran out of ink for my printer. It's .... expensive that I can't afford it.
a. Such c. So
b. Very d. Very much

Pembahasan :
Pada soal diatas terdapat kata 'that' sehingga untuk mengisi titik-titik adalah
'so'. Jadi jawabannya adalah C

3. Mom, why do you insist on my wearing a jacket?

.... I'm sure it's going to be very cold
a. Until c. Although
b. Since d. So that
Pembahasan :
Terjemahan soal: Ibu, mengapa ibu bersikeras agar saya menggunakan jaket?
.... Ibu yakin itu sangat dingin
Jadi kata yang tepat untuk mengisi titik-titik adalah 'karena' atau 'since'.
Sehingga jawaban yang benar adalah B

4. A :........... that’s a wonderful view

B : Yeah I agree with you
a. Wow ! c. Looking for
b. Yes d. See

Pembahasan :

Kalimat pertama merupakan sebuah ekspresi kagum akan sebuah

pemandangan yang indah, maka pasti menggunakan interjection Wow !. jadi
jawaban yang benar adalah A.

5. A : what are you looking for ?

B :...........! I forgot bring my book
a. My godness ! c. No
b. I just d. I think

Pembahasan :

Pertanyaan pertaman menanyakan apa yang sedang orang B lakukan dan

orang B menjawab jika dia lupa membawa buku, maka ekspresi yang cocok
adalah “My godness!”. Maka jawaban yang benar adalah A.
1. Jawaban yang tepat adalah B “inside”. Gambar disamping menunjukkan
seekor domba sedang berada didalam box, maka preposition of place nya
yang tepat adalah Inside “didalam”.

2. Jawaban yang tepat adalah B “on”. Mengapa memakai on?, karena dalm
konteks kalimat diatas tanggalnya pasti, pada tanggal 18 pada bulan januari.
Dan “on” digubakan untuk menyatakan tanggal dan hari. Kenapa tidak
memakai “in”? , karena “in” digunakan kalau Cuma menyebut bulannya saja
seperti “I was born on january”.

3. Jawabannya adalah A “before”. Dalam kalimat diatas yang menunjukkan

preposition adalah before, before merupakan preposition of time. Sedangkan
pada bagian B merupakan noun, bagian C merupakan noun dan pada bagian
D merupakan Verb.

4. Jawaban yang tepat adalah C, preposition yang tepat adalah between karena
dalam konteks kalimat diatas menyatakan posisi kue diantara 2 benda yaitu
jus dan coffe.

5. Jawaban yang tepat adalah A. pada bagian A menunjukkan preposition of

place. Sedangkan pada bagian B terdapat adjective yaitu old, pada bagian C
terdapat adverb dan verb yaitu beautifully dan shopping, pada bagian D
terdapat to be yaitu is.
Task 1

Read the question below and choose the best answer correctly !

1. ... there people have died of cholera, the old people of the village refused to
get an injection against it.
a. Although c. In spite of
b. Because d. Since

2. All the members of the parliament applauded ... the president was walking to
his seat.
a. Even though c. While
b. Although d. Otherwise

3. He said that he had spent all his money on books, ..... , he could have taken
his girlfriend to a good restaurant.
a. Moreover c. Therefore
b. Otherwise d. Besides

4. Which one of the sentences below that does not express uncertain feeling /
a. “Umm.. I am still not sure about the decision.”
b. “Hold on, I will call you later about the schedule. It is not fixed yet.”
c. “Hmm.. The meeting room is .. er .. beside the manager’s room.”
d. “Heyaa! Look at these cute penguins!”

5. “ … , it is the movie that I have ever watched.” Which is the best interjection
to complete the sentence?
a. Hufft
b. Pfft
c. Oh
d. Mmm

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