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(Please write your Roll No. lmmedlately) .Roll No. _

First Term Examination


1st Semester [B.Tech.] September, 2019

Paper Code: ETCH 113

Subject: Applied Chemistry

Time: 1.5 hours Max Marks: 30

Note: - Attempt three questions in total

Q.Nol. is compulsory and attempt any two more questions from the remaining.

Ql. Do any five parts

a) Define Octane and Ce~ane number.

~ Name the Catalyst and Promotor in Habers Process.

;:) For one component system, the triple point is invariant point. Discuss
d) What is the relationship between GCV and NCV? Under what conditions they are equal.
.....e) Why a good gasoline engine fuel is a bad fuel for diesel engines.
f) Define the term Component in regard to Phase Rule. Also give one example.
g) What is Catalytic Poisoning? Give example
10 marks

Q.2 a) How Calorific value of a fuel can be determined by Bomb·s Calorimeter?

,.,,. / Explain with the help of a neat diagram.
l5j' The composition by weight of a coal sample is C=80%, H=6%, 0=8%, 5=1%, N=2% and
ash=3%. Calculate the minimum air required fof'complete combustion of 1kg of fuel?
6, 4 marks

Q.3 a,}-Draw the neat and labelled phase diagram of water and explain th_e_qiagram in detail?
,,, b,J Calculate the degree of freedom in the following ·
Sulphur System, Srhombic ;d Smonoclin~ ~ S1iquld? Svapour
c) State the difference between Triple point and Critical point.
d) Predict the number of components for dissociation of KCI~ in a closed vessel.
5,2,2,1 marks

Q.4J ai Giv~ the mechilniSm. and kinetics ~f en;yme cata.lyzed readion. (Miihaelis Menten
Eq-uation)? Also determine the order of reaction at S>k~, 5< km ·and give the graphical

b} When acidic KMn04 solution is added to a hot solution of oxalic acid, the colour is
decolorized slowly in the beginning, but after sometime, it disappears rapidly. Why?

8, 2 marks

-------- ------------------------- ------------------------------------------------

(Please write your Exam Roll No:} F,xam Rr, 11 No: .. .••• ·· · ·· · .............. ..

MID Term Examination

First Semester (B.Tcch.J Sep. 2019

Paper Code: ETCS-111 Subject: Fundamentals of Computing

Time: lHr 30 l\,1in Max. Marks : 30

Note: Question No. 1 is compulsory. Attempt any two more questions from the rest.

QI. Answer the following: (2 X 5 =!OJ

(a) How many types of system file in DOS?
(b) \\'hat is the difference between XCOPY and DISKCOPY?
(c) What is an operating System? Write names of four different oper ating System?
(d) What is cache Memory?
(e) What is the difference between Application software and System software?

Q2. (a) What is memory hierarchy? Exp!ain ail types in details. (51

(b) Explain the architecture of Linux? Discuss the following com mands: (5

Cat , mv , cp, cbmod .

Q3, (a) How can we gr ant o: revoke the file access permission of m--~ "' a ~rou

(b) What is the difference between internal and exte rnal Dos .::..,mmi:inds? Explam

any five internal and external dos commands? [5]

Q4. (a) What is the advantage of using secondary memory? Give its characteristics. Explain
the different types of secondary storage available? ISi
(bJ Explain the difference between Multiprogramming, Multitasking, Multiprocessing
and Timesharing? .,., ., [SI

(Please write your Roll no. immediately)

Term Examinatjon
!~Semester {Il.TechJ Sej,t.2~19
Paper Code: ETEE-107 .,. Sub.: £le::'".ri..:al T ~ ~ f
Time: l ½ Hrs M.u. M.2rks: 30
Note: Attempt Q.No. l which is compulsory and any two more queifiOil.> from rro111=....~~g.
(Assume any missing data)

QI(a) Find the value of resistance

_~as shown in Fig,.l
so thot current drawn from th sowce is 250mA.
(b) Explain the mearung of t bandtt-idth of a
series resonant circuit.
(c) State the "Reciprocity theorem".
(d) Justify «average power consumption in a pure
inductor is zero when ac voltage is applied"'.
(e) Establish an expression for therms value of a
sinusoidal current in tenns of its maximum
value. [2x 5)

Q2 (a) Derive the condition for lll_l!.Ximum power transfer to a pcrcly re:.sisti-n: load.
shown in Fig.2 find Ri_ for ma.xi.mum power in it {5]

(b) For the circuit shown in Fig.3 find the voltage V1 by using analysis.
I \• I I
J t t i
~ •I i 11
l2Q 16Q
9,~v 2Q
Vi (;3Y1
Ftg.2 Hg.3
Q3(a) For the circuit shown in Fig.4 find the current in 3Q 4Q
2Q resistor using Thevenin's theorem.. [5] __}N1, 'f \i~

(b) A voltage v(t) = 120sin314t is applied to a series I

circuit consisting of l5Q resistance, 0.04H
inductance and a capacitance of 50µ.F.
i. Expression for the current i(t)
9,ov 2.Q
ii. Phase angle between voltage and current -- ~
[5] 5\1

4(a) A circuit having a resistance of 40, an inductance of0.5H and variable capaciuoce in series is
connected across lOOV, 50Hz supply. Calculate (i) the capacitance to gi,-e resoe:?.Dtt (u) lhe
Q-factor of the circuit. (5}

(b) Draw the phasor diagram to illustrate clearly the relation between v and i in case of {i) R-L-C
series circuit (i,) R-C parallel circuit. [5}


First Semester [B.Tech.) September 2019

Time: 1 Hour 30 Minutes Maximum Marks: 30

Note: Q. No. 1 is compulsory and attempt any two more questions.

Question No:1- (2 X 5)
a) What do mean by term "Interference"? Give the necessary conditions for obtaining
interference fringes.
b) Explain why interference fringes are circular in Newton's rings.
c) Distinguish between Fresnel and Fraunhofer classes of diffraction.
d) What is difference between p0larized and unpolarized light? Also define plane of vibration
and plane of polarization.
e) An optical fibre has a numerical aperture of 0.20 and a cladding refractive index of 1.59.
Determine the acceptance angle of fibre in water whose refractive index is 1.33.
Question No:Z-
a) Explain the formation of interference fringes by means of Fresnel biprism when
monochromatic light is used and derive the expression for the fringe width. How will you
measure the wavelength of monochromatic light using bi prism method? (7)
b) A wedge-shaped air film is il!uminated by light of wavelength 4650 A. The angle of wedge is
40 second. Calculate the fringe separation between two consecutive fringes. (3)
Question No:3-
a) Discuss the phenomenon of Fraunhofer diffraction at a single slit and show that the
intensities of successive maxima are in the ratio of 1; 4/9rr 2 ; 4/25rr 2 ; 4/49 rc 2 .. .. .....
b) In Fraunhofer diffraction at a single slit of width 1.2 x 10· m, find the half-angular width of
(7) I

the central bright maximum if slit is illuminated by light of wavelength 5890A. (3)

Question No:4-
a) Describe in brief the phenomenon of double refraction in Uniaxial crystals? Compare the
properties of ordinary and extraordinary rays. (3)
b) Explain the term 'absorption', spontaneous' and stimulated emission of radiation. Explain
why laser action cannot occur without population inversion between atomic levels. (4)
c) Describe the structure and principle of a typical optical fibre. Differentiate between step
index and graded index fibres. (3)

Your Roll. Number·. .. . ..

. B. Tech, Semester-I: September 2019

p Mid-term examination
a p er Code: ETMA-101: Subject: Applied Math-1
;. . . (Regular)
Time· 11 h
· 2 our Max:imwn Marks: 30 \
Ins t r u c tions· w ·t .
t0 f h. 0
· •. n e your roll number on the space prov1ded at the
: t page unmediately on receipt of this question paper.
: nswer three questions • Question Ko. 1 is compulsory.
(l)_,, (a) State Raabe's Test. [2 Mar~;
(b) Discuss the absolute convergence of the st:ries · (2 :\larks]

I ) - 1)" i
n= l , log(l + n) ·
(c) Find Taylor series e,q>ansion of the function 12 ).larks]
J(x) = el: log(l + x)
about the origin. .
..... _·. ..
(d) - Find th·e asympto.t es of the curve ~ + E!

(e) Evaluate Jsin5 0 d0.

. 'l

3: !I"'
= 1. • ~ Mar.ks]
:t2 Marks]
(: ) (a) Test the converge_nc~ of the series I:':2 ( 11
z1~~ "~. + 1). {5 ).far~
(b) If y = bcos(nlog(x/n)), show that [5 11arks]

r· (3) (a) Determine the asymptotes of the cun-e [5 hlarks]

-" x 3
+ x y + xy + y + 2:,? + 3xy -
2 2 3
4y2 + 1x + 2y = 0. . •
(b) Show that the radius of curvature at any point 6( the cun-e
x = a(0 + sin0),
y = a (l - cos 0)
' ..
(5 ).!arks]
(4) (~) Evahtate J; 12 Jtan x dx using Gamm~ function. {5 iiarks]
(b) Discuss pµe convergence of the series ~=0 (n+i)"' :z: 11
fur all (5 Mar~ ]
positive values of x . • ·
, Trace the·curve y (2a - x) = x3 .

• .. . ..
Complete University Roll No. (if provided), othcrw1,;c CU Kull No. ,\~!t1\~ ~o to 82..~
G. B. Pant Govt. Engg. College
(Govt. of NCT of Delhi)
Odd Semester 2019 - 20
Class Test
I Sem~fiter
Subject: Human u . ..
Ya 1ues and Professwnal Ethics Paper Code: ETHS-109
Paper ID:

Time: 1 hour 30 Minutes M.Marks: 30

In structions:

1. Write down your Roll No. at the top of question paper in space provided.
2. Question No. I is compulsory.
3. Attempt any TWO from remaining three questions.

1. Fill up the blanks/State True/False: lO Xl=lO

a. The mind is known as the ........ ........ . which represents a continuous flow of thoughts
Amities dri ve the modern man in the ... . : .... ... ............. .. .. .
Will power and self discipline are essential for .................. ... .
Self control is the abil.ity to control impulses and reaction , and is another name for ... ...... ?
Human need five essentials to ............... ... .
Com mon human values must include truth, peace-seeking, justice and human ri ghts (T/ F)
Love seeks many and various channels of realization. (T/F)
Technology does not mean to achieve only what is considered valuable in an effective and
efficient manner. (T/F)
1. Moral are the standards, norms or principles of right and wrong.(T/F)
J. The word value has been derived from the Latin word "Valere" (T/F)
2. Answer followings 2X5=]0
a. Define value education.
b. What do you mean by "Sukh" and "Suvidha"?
3. Answer followings 2xS=10
a. What is mean by Happiness and Prosperity? Explain.
b. Try not being become a man of success rather become a man of mora ls. Do yo u agree why?
Why not?
4. Answer follo·wings 2X5=JO
a. What are the characteristics of an ethical person?
b. What is ''Dharma" and "Adharma".
(llll'us, , 111r//11 pour Uol/ N I
· o, 111111,•dlttlely) Holl No .. , .. . ······ ... ····

. I.. 'f' (11'111

' I jl

l1'fr~! ~Olll(.)Sl<ll' IB.' l\1ch, I

S(•pkmhcr & 2019
J)ll/J<'I' <'urle.• lt1'/l4 U - I 05 Sllhj<!c:I: Man t!/i1t111ri111: Process
'l'imu: I ½ I lt·H.
Mu x. Mnrks: JO
Note: 1111,, 1111,, ') N 1 . . • · ,
~- o. 111 11l<'h is eo111put,,·m:,, and any /1110 more questlo11s.fro111 re111a 1111111,;,
C)l . ~
(2 X :>)

(tl). l)1.;/iiK' Con.: nnd slnt u its f'l11H.:Linns.

(b ). Wlrnl an: thw runutions oJ' Uuting Sys tum?

(c). Which Mcchnnicnl propl:rti es am mrnocialcd with the products made of Low Carbon Steel.

(d). What are the rt1nctio11s or Chills and Chaplets?

(c).What is Master Pattern?

(a). What are the objc;cli w~s of' Heat Treatment process. Ilow Tempering opera Lion is performed? (6)

(b). Design a Pattern for the Casting of size (30 x 30 x 30 cm 3) (cube) considering I % Machining
allowance, 0.8% Shrinkage allowance, 1.2° Draft allowance and 0.5 % Rapping allowance. (4)

(a). Describe brieDy about the different steps in Investment Casting. (6)

(b). Differcntia!e between 1Iot chamber and Cold chamber Die casting. (4)

(a). Describe with the help of a neat sketch the working of a Cupola furnace while considering
different temperature zones. (6)

(b ). Define Upsetting and Drawing down operations in forging. (4)

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