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ae Loop ' baus| oy CONF008495 DYKES_|_006366 Plaintiff's Exhibit 466 Page 1 of 11 @ covrrevrras aecono seer @ REGISTRATION AND SUBSCRLFTION SERVICE BOY SCOUTS OF AMERICA DATE. 6/29/78. FULL NAME, Mark Thomas Sul she (No initials if you can possibly get full name) ADDRESS__37 Fuller Street CITY_North Adams. STATE_Hassachusetts ZR cODE_01247 DATE OF BIRTH June 22, 1094 GThis' is important and should be exact) APPROXIMATE AGE___2>2 (To be used ONLY when date of birth is not known) RELIGION, Catholic NATIONALITY, American OCCUPATION____ Production Department - Sprayve Electric Company EDUCATION__Graduate - Drury Hiah School, Worth Adams wercar. 180 ips. _conoR__white HEIGHT sae COLOR OF HAIR___3rown COLOR OF EYES__S1ue-Grav OUTSTANDING CHARACTERISTICS OR INTERESTS one MARRIED OR SINGLE___Sionle. CHTLDREN, ‘one - “Giasber, ages, and anes, if possible) WIFE'S NAME SCOUTING CONNECTION: UNIT # cry STATE OFFICE DATE REGISTERED DATE RESTGNED See attached li SPECIAL RECOGNITION___Eacle Scout RECOMMENDED FOR CONFIDENTIAL FILE FOR FOLLOWING REASONS: SUBSTANTIATED REPORTS (_ convtctios oF camMrNaL, conouct (C]_oFFrctat CHARGES OF GRINTNAL coNDuCT (REVIEW) [[]__UNSUBSTANTTATED REPORTS SPECIEY THE FACTS WHICH LEAD YOU TO RECOMMEND INDIVIDUAL FOR CONFIDENTIAL FILE AND LIST SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS. ius COUNCIL, inc. T TRA ae MAIN STREET Signed DALTON, MASS: 91226 ‘SCOOT EXECUTIVE Council, CONF008496 DYKES_|_006367 Plaintiff's Exhibit 466 Page 2 of 11 ating Connections: Veoop 34 Troop 34 ‘Troop 108 Troop 125 North North North North Adams, Adams, Adams, Adams, Scour 10/65 = 10/72 ' Assistant Scoutmaster 10/72 = 1/73 12/73 - 2/75 Scoutmaster 2/78 ~ 6/9/76 CONF008497 DYKES_|_006368 Plaintiff's Exhibit 466 Page 3 of 11 July 16, 1976 Mr. Robert B. Wood Scout Executive Great Trails Co. No. 2k3 PERSONAL AND CONFIDENTIAL Re: Mark Thowas Bulshey Scoutmster, Troop 125 Dear tr. Wood: ‘Thank you for the detailed letter, signed statements and the confidential record sheet ve received from Mr. David Fool, District Executive of your Council. We have placed’ the information on file pertaining to Mark Thomss Bulshey. ‘This is exactly the type of material ve require for our Confidential File and we appreciate Mfr. Pool getting it for us. Sincerely, - Paul I. Ernst, Director at Registration % Subscription Service CONFo08498 DYKES_|_006369 Plaintiff's Exhibit 466 Page 4 of 11 e e a? GREAT TRAILS COUNCIL, INC. + “ we BOY SCOUTS OF AMERICA 413.684.3542 B t July 1976 Paul I. Exnst, Director Registration and Sunscription Service Boy Scouts of America North Grunswick, KJ 0890? Dear Paul, MS 21122 xe on suine 7, 1976 (the dates in my first letter were wrong) and explained that he was aware of Sexual advances made by Hack Bulshey to nis son, ili = made arrangements to meet with them on June Fen. ee I reeves that Marc had talked with her about ecoming the S.P.L. about 3 months ago. Since that time, he has called very frequently and talked for long periods. she felt that this was strange. she explained that two months ago, the troop changed its meeting place from the American Legion Post to a barn at Al E. Hain Street Ext. MMMM chen cold me that Mark would occassionally sin g up the bacn. Mark, an: ere fil Jana @ most of the work patrol lease: was not sure if Merk to the other boys while they were working. The three boys are er did the same om: wont camping Hesoriat weekend, May 2R=31- Since ae che wes’ allowed Fo slegp ap Mark’ s camper tracier. No otner aduits were aicng. MMMM seid that Mark wanted to give him gccub down. While Re was Going this, he co get in MMMM bunk with his sleening bag. Finally, Gave in ontrack pull down his underwesr apd mastur~ bate nim even though he had protested. Mark wanted lll to ao the sane fo him, but he refused. This was the and of the in- Stoenes (GH seis that the next day he told! that he wouldn't os taeeeaijer any Lond aid that possibly Inad been involved with Mark, but Agter about a geek! told his mos She andaen husband called in feels that the and the he was not were not aware of what was happening. CONFo08499 DYKES_|_006370 Plaintiff's Exhibit 466 Page 5 of 11 Mr. Paul Ernst July 1976 Page 2 Mark id not threaten fJrot to tett anyone. Bert Sprague, Commander of Post 17S. and I talked with Mark on the 9th in the evening. Bert relieved Hark ef heing the Scout- master. Mark immediately denied everything and went to call his parents and the committee chairman, Mr. Carol Barry. { felt I Should talk with another boy at this point. eee eer fo tell ne about Hoemard onything unuavel chat aight have Maps pened Between him and Marks TT cevorned ehis several’ thass, Bet Finslty hed Co" evpinin ahak hounsecual ity weet” he finaly under ~ Stoo" and told me thar finrk often genhives hie yonitale am chose of Qingeovilag ay ange biage. Noghing nappencd gMMMMinite rey vere, 212, working on the barn. He did remember Felling him that he did not want to steep in Mark's trailer aqain. MMMM 150 said that Mark would grab the boys’ breasts occassionally. ee Oe workeng on the harn. = > lial and he mentioned he thought that Ngek's cempse ‘had caused noct &m 5 te lawe the trggges the troop has lost thizvesn Scouts in the tact months T 9<%e4 All Garlier about this and he felt they nan net tart hecause of sexual advances marie by tack ing to wan ithe Urthennm. they pas khem in his sleeping bag at Mark's uryi AIL the Govg were sank ta Lheir kets and told ro sing and mab. Bee that would nok hear the toads until he returned. vi returned, uf och undressed and got in his sleeping i mar inuahing ak the toaas and Hark heyan placiag them in his irk and truierpant, Hork cabbie Gunes: the A PEM curs not tet nom colk’ co lil” imimiigdd :"Scoet tse Seen sts noe gure ahy. Finally, Rese rarey calieds Laan taleing with ner oven Mark’ > Fether goton the Line’ “I 'espiained to him what I had done In talking with the Scouts: ie wantei to know hae wes seids Boe t'sait it'was only Neck’ s husiness, He gant Hage ented thes to inoue Eithen called Gon Wood ond relayed all the information to him. It was £®lt 2 meetiny with tl head of the sponsor, the chairman, eee le oaeence grcery majuncel:[uestnenensnc (3 CONF008500 DYKES_|_006371 Plaintiff's Exhibit 466 Page 6 of 11 in. Paul Exnst July 1976 Page 3 I saw Bert Sprague the same evening and we set up the meeting for 10:00 p.m. the same evening. I explained the whole story to everyone. Hark denied everything hut the toad incident. Bert told Mark he was no longer Scoutmaster, ond that if he wished to pursue it any further, Ne would have to take the initiative. We have not heacd from Hark after this last meeting as to any other cause of action. There is gone questignag co which nighes these incidents cecured and how many nights igi slept in Mark*s trailer. The stories hy the two boys do collaborate somewhat, so I feel the placing of Mark's name In the confidential fie 48 neceasacy. Sincerely, On David D. Pool District Executive -nmb CONF008501 DYKES_|_006372 Plaintiff's Exhibit 466 Page 7 of 11 Me. and Mrs. Son - 16 Walker Street = Morth Adams, MA 01247 663-3010 te. ong es, I Mors Davia P01 met on June 8, 1976. This is basically whet was told to fr. Pool: Nics. MMMMMBexplained that Mark had talked with her about Joecoming the $.P.L. about 3 months ago. Since that time, he nas called very frequently and talked for long periods. she felt that this was strange. She explained that two months ago, the troop changed its meeting place from the American Legion Post to a barn at 681 E. MMI een, to1d me that Mark would occasstonel bie eaeats yore fixing up the noes. nore, lll lm ie... Bid nost of the wock. The thc oe patrol te ag aot sure if Hack ever sid the’ seme fo the other boys unite they were sozking. mmm 7220280 cmENG Nemorial Vieekend, May 28-31. Since Was S-Pel, he wae allowed tos Mark’ s camper trailer. No other adults were slong. fill sei inst Mere wanted to give himaucun down hile Newae roing tais. he tried to get in bunk with his sleeping bags gave in antMieenark pull down Ais underwest ap ore aim even though he had proteseed. ‘Hack wanced the same to him, but he refused. This ves the end Cotme incident. GMM ais enat the next day he told thet he wouldn't sleep in ipceeg pemsiae! ane tonne aid. that possibly Ail onc had been nvolvetettn slack, But he was not sure. After about a vgak told his mothers she and he: husband called me. —_. al were not aware of what was happening. Hark did not threaten [not to teit anyone. David D. Boot CONF008502 DYKES_|_006373 Plaintiff's Exhibit 466 Page 8 of 11 a son - North Adams, MA 01247 co nd David Pool met on June 9, 1976. This is basically whatwas fold to Mr. Poo 1 asked MMMM to tell me about Mark and anything unusual that might have happened hetwcen him and Mark. I reworded this several times, but finally had to explain what homosexuality was. He finally understood and told me that Mark often grabbed his genitals and those of other boys while on campouts. He said Mark made jokes abont "your ding-a-ling, my ding-a-Ling". Nothing nappened giMMMMMniie they were, all orking on the barn. He did remember felling him that he did not want to sleep in Mark's trailer again. MMNNMNp1so said that Hack would grab the boys! breasts occassionally. hen told me that duripg the Memorial Weekend campout they ed collected toads. Whi (slightly reterded according 0 Mr. AMM wos in the Dsenroom they ous them in his sleeping bag at Mark's urging. All the Wepeseent to their tents and told to sing and make noise so_that fuould not hear the toads until ne returned. 4 eturned, he got un- dressed and got in his sleeping hat aghing at the toads and Mark began placing ‘hem in his undershirt and underpants. aso B David D. Pool CONFo08503 DYKES_|_006374 Plaintiff's Exhibit 466 Page 9 of 11 June 25, 1976 Me. Robert B, Wood Scout Erecutive Great Trails Co, 10.243 PERSONAL AND CONFIDENTIAL rT. Salsbey Dear Mr. Wood: Thank you for your letter of June 21, concerning Mark 7. Bulshey. We bave placed this information in our file. Ke do, however, need more substantisting information that All support our placing this mn on the Confidential File. Please send us a more detailed letter concerning the facts in this case and also ve would appreciate a signed statenent from the people involved. This informtion is important for future reference purposes and it would certainly strengthen our position of refusing to accept any future application for registration we might receive fron this individual. Enclosed 1@ a confidential record sheet which ve would appreciate your filling cut and returning to us as soon aa possible, together with the above requested material. — Unless we receive this material, it will te difficult to keep this min's name on the Confidential File. Sincerely, Paul I, Ernst, Director af Registration & Subscription Service acl. . CONF008504 DYKES_|_006375 Plaintiff's Exhibit 466 Page 10 of 11 e GREAT TRAILS COUNCIL, INC. => BOY SCOUTS OF AMERICA 413.684.3542 June 71, 1976 Paul Ernest Registration Service National Council, BSA North Brunswick, WJ 9897 Dear Paul, I would like to recommend that Mack T. Sulshey. 37 Fuller 3 North Adams, Hass. be placed in the confidential file. Mark is 21 years old, an Eagle ccout, and works for Sprague Electric in North adams. contgeb ene on ps oe on June 9th, he told me that & had sevuaily moleste’ him white on a troop weekend campout Hay He also said thet Hark had made gestures and seyual contacts at other time: Une 8, Lee cen FLAGS WEEP Re accoraing to eed anothe : iF son| 4 BO have knowledye of this. MMMM «wich nis gether present. said that lM come oo him capuccay, tratter anymore. sic Kh and refused to sleep int not kraw what had happene?, but in lurther discussion said that Mark, on several occasions, male sexual contacts with him and other Scouts. - This along with several other incidents that happened that weekend, prompred Bert Sprague, Commander of the American Legion Pest 175, sponser of Tromp 17S, ko relieve Merk of any authority with the Troop. He also instructed him not to have anything to do with the Troop in the future. The committee chairperson and Mark's parents are awace of this situacion at Mark's choosing. Mark has denied all this, but to date has taken no action on the accusations. Ln fees ff LR SI he an Q CONF008505 DYKES_|_006376 Plaintiff's Exhibit 466 Page 11 of 11

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