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The Adaptive Immune System 3.

A hapten is a low-molecular-weight substance

that cannot cause the formation of antibodies
1. Adaptive immunity is the body’s ability to react
unless combines with a carrier molecule,
specifically to a microbial infection.
haptens reacts with their antibodies
2. The body’s response to the first contact with an
independently of the carrier molecule.
antigen is called the primary response.
3. Subsequent contact with the same antigen
results in a secondary or memory response to
4. An antibody, or immunoglobulin, is a protein
that antigen.
produced by B cells in response to an antigen
and is capable of combining specifically with
Dual Nature of the Adaptive that antigen.
Immune System 5. Typical monomers consist of four polypeptide
1. Humoral immunity involves antibodies, which chains: two heavy chains and two light chains.
are found in serum and lymph and are They have two antigen-binding sites.
produced by B cells. 6. Within each chain is a variable (V) region that
2. Lymphocytes that mature in red bone marrow binds the epitope and a constant (C) region that
become B cells. distinguishes the different classes of antibodies.
3. Cellular immunity involves T cells. 7. An antibody monomer is Y-shaped or T-shaped:
4. Lymphocytes that migrate through the thymus the V regions form the tips, and the C regions
become T cells. form the base and Fc (stem) region.
5. T cell receptors recognize antigens presented 8. The Fc region can attach to a host cell or to a
on MHC. complement.
6. Cellular immunity responds to intracellular 9. IgG antibodies are the most prevalent in serum;
antigens; humoral immunity responds to they provide naturally acquired passive
antigens in body fluids. immunity, neutralize bacterial toxins, participate
in complement fixation, and enhance
Cytokines: Chemical 10. IgM antibodies consist of five monomers held
Messengers of Immune Cells by a joining chain; they are involved in
1. Cells of the immune system communicate with agglutination an complement fixation.
each other by means of chemicals called 11. Serum IgA antibodies are monomers; secretory
cytokines. IgA antibodies are dimers that protect mucosal
2. Interleukins (IL) are cytokines that serve as surfaces from invasion by pathogens.
communicators between leukocytes. 12. IgD antibodies are on B cells; they may delete
3. Chemokines cause leukocytes to migrate to an B cells that produce antibodies against self.
infection. 13. IgE antibodies bind to mast cells and basophils
4. Some interferons stimulate the immune and are involved in allergic reactions.
response; others protect cells against viruses.
5. Tumor necrosis factor promotes the Humoral Immunity Response
inflammatory reaction.
6. Hematopoietic cytokines promote development
of the white blood cells. 1. B cells have antibodies on their surfaces, which
7. Overproduction of cytokines leads to a cytokine recognize specific epitopes.
storm, which results in tissue damage. 2. For T-independent antigens: a clone of B cells
is selected by free antigens.
3. For T-dependent antigens: the B cell’s
Antigens and Antibodies immunoglobulins combine with an antigen, and
Antigens the antigen fragments, combined with MHC
1. An antigen (or immunogen) is a chemical class II, activate TH cells. The TH cells activate a
substance that causes the body to produce B cell.
specific antibodies. 4. Activated B cells differentiate into plasma cells
2. As a rule, antigens are proteins or large and memory cells.
polysaccharides. Antibodies are formed against 5. Plasma cells produce IgM antibodies and then
specific regions on antigens called epitopes, or produce other classes, usually IgG.
antigenic determinants.
The Adaptive Immune System
6. B cells that recognize self are eliminated by 11. Cytotoxic lymphocytes (CTLs), or CD8+ cells are
clonal deletion. activated by endogenous antigens and MHC
7. Immunoglobulin genes in B cells recombine so class I on a target cell and are transformed into
that mature B cells each have different genes effector and memory CTLs.
for the V regions of their antibodies. 12. CTLs lyse or induce apoptosis in the target cell.

Antigen-Antibody Binding and Extracellular Killing by the

Its Results Immune System
1. Natural killer (NK) cells lyse virus-infected cells,
1. An antigen-antibody complex forms when an
tumor cells, and parasites. They kill cells that do
antibody binds to its specific epitopes on an
not express MHC class I antigens.
2. Agglutination results when an antibody
combines with epitopes on two different cells. Antibody-Dependent Cell-
3. Opsonization enhances phagocytosis of the Mediated Cytotoxicity
1. In antibody-dependent cell-mediated
4. Antibodies that attach to microbes or toxins and
cytotoxicity (ADCC), NK cells and macrophages
prevent them gaining access to the host or
lyse antibody-coated cells.
performing their action cause neutralization.
5. Complement activation results in cell lysis.
Immunological Memory
1. The relative amount of antibody in serum is
Cellular Immunity Response called the antibody titer.
Process 2. The peak IgG titer in the primary response
1. T cells mature in the thymus gland. Thymic occurs 10-17 days after exposure to an antigen.
selection removes T cell that don’t recognize 3. The peak titer in the secondary response
MHC molecules of the host and T cells that will occurs 2-7 days after exposure.
attach host cells presenting self proteins in
MHC. Types of Adaptive Immunity
2. Helper T cells recognize antigens processed by
1. Immunity resulting from infection is called
antigen-presenting cells and presented in MHC
naturally acquired active immunity; this type of
immunity may be long-lasting.
3. Cytotoxic T cells recognize antigens processed
2. Antibodies transferred from a mother to a fetus
by all host cells and presented in MHC I.
(transplacental transfer) or to a newborn in
colostrum results in naturally acquired passive
Antigen-Presenting Cells (APCs)
immunity in the newborn; this type of immunity
4. APCs include B cells, dendritic cells, and
can last up to a few months.
3. Immunity resulting from vaccination is called
5. Dendritic cells are the primary APCs.
artificially acquired active immunity and can be
6. Activated macrophages are effective
phagocytes and APCs.
4. Artificially acquired passive immunity refers to a
7. APCs carry antigens to lymphoid tissues where
humoral antibodies acquired by injection; this
T cells that recognize the antigen are located.
type of immunity can last for a few weeks.
5. Serum containing antibodies is often called
Classes of T Cells
8. T cells are classified according to their functions
6. When serum is separated by gel
and cell-surface glycoproteins called CDs.
electrophoresis, antibodies are found in the
9. T helper (CD4*T) cells differentiate into TH1
gamma fraction of the serum and are termed
cells, which are involved in cellular immunity;
immune serum globulin, or gamma globulin.
TH2 cells, which are involved in humoral
immunity and are associated with allergic
reactions and parasitic infections; and TH17
cells, which activate innate immunity.
10. T regulatory cells (Treg) suppress T cells against
The Adaptive Immune System
 The adaptive immune system is divided into two parts, each responsible for dealing with
pathogens in different ways. These two systems function interdependently to keep the body free
from pathogens.
 Humoral immunity, also called antibody-mediated immunity, is directed at freely circulating
pathogens and depends on B cells.
 Cellular immunity, also called cell-mediated immunity, depends on T cells to eliminate
intracellular pathogens, reject foreign tissue recognized as nonself, and destroy tumor cells.


The Adaptive Immune System

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