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Treatment of cosmetic wastewater by a full-scale membrane bioreactor (MBR)

Article  in  Environmental Science and Pollution Research · June 2014

DOI: 10.1007/s11356-014-3208-x · Source: PubMed


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4 authors, including:

Victor M Monsalvo Jesus Lopez

Universidad Autónoma de Madrid University of Redlands


Angel F Mohedano
Universidad Autónoma de Madrid


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Treatment of cosmetic wastewater by a full-
scale membrane bioreactor (MBR)

Victor M. Monsalvo, Jesus Lopez, Angel

F. Mohedano & Juan J. Rodriguez

Environmental Science and Pollution


ISSN 0944-1344

Environ Sci Pollut Res

DOI 10.1007/s11356-014-3208-x

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Environ Sci Pollut Res
DOI 10.1007/s11356-014-3208-x


Treatment of cosmetic wastewater by a full-scale membrane

bioreactor (MBR)
Victor M. Monsalvo & Jesus Lopez & Angel F. Mohedano &
Juan J. Rodriguez

Received: 11 February 2014 / Accepted: 13 June 2014

# Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2014

Abstract This work evaluates the treatment of wastewater Introduction

from a personal care products factory by a full-scale side-
stream membrane bioreactor (MBR) intermittently fed. The Wastewaters from the manufacture of cosmetics are
wastewater contained particulate and soluble chemical oxygen characterised by relatively high values of chemical oxygen
demand (COD) which is partially removed by physicochem- demand (COD) of around 35 g/L, suspended solids (8 g/L),
ical pretreatment. Steady removal efficiencies above 98 % and fats, oils and detergents (2 g/L) (Perdigón-Melón et al.
were achieved for BOD5, COD and suspended solids. Fats, 2010; Puyol et al. 2011). The main difficulty in treating
oils and grease present in the raw wastewater were also cosmetic wastewaters are the presence of detergents, surfac-
successfully removed. The MBR was operated at an average tants, personal care products (PPCP), pharmaceutical com-
permeate flux of 12 L/m2·h (LMH) working at a transmem- pounds, preservatives (normally phenol derivatives), dyes,
brane pressure of 272±97 mbar. The soluble microbial prod- fragrances and co-solvents, which are often nonbiodegradable
ucts concentration remained fairly stable at 175±25 and 85± and/or toxic to microorganisms in biological systems
15 mg/L for proteins and carbohydrates, respectively. This (Stackelberg et al. 2004, Aboulhassan et al. 2006, Bautista
maintained the filtration characteristics of the mixed liquor et al. 2007). These effluents have been commonly treated by
unaltered over a long-term basis, which was evidenced by a means of coagulation and flocculation (Meiners 1994;
constant permeability of 43±19 LMH/bar. Most of the trace Moggio 2000). However, the increasingly stringent require-
organics detected in the wastewater were completely removed ments concerning industrial wastewater treatment and reuse
and only some fragrances were detected in the permeate at demand the implementation of new or improved cost-effective
trace concentrations. technologies. In this sense, the application of activated carbon
adsorption (Catalán Lafuente et al. 1974), ultrafiltration
(Huisman 2004), and advanced oxidation processes
Keywords Cosmetic wastewater . Membrane bioreactor . (Bautista et al. 2007, 2010a, b; Naumczyk et al. 2013) has
Personal care products . Water reuse . Revamping been reported in the last years. The variable composition and
fluctuations in pollutant concentrations often make their treat-
ment by conventional activated sludge inefficient. Despite
Responsible editor: Bingcai Pan
this, the biological treatment of these effluents has scarcely
been studied. Anaerobic treatment in an upflow anaerobic
V. M. Monsalvo (*) : J. Lopez : A. F. Mohedano : J. J. Rodriguez
sludge blanket (UASB) reactor enabled COD removal effi-
Chemical Engineering Section, Universidad Autonoma de Madrid,
Francisco Tomas y Valiente 7, Madrid 28049, Spain ciencies close to 95 % (Puyol et al. 2011). However, this
e-mail: wastewater showed a low methanogenic potential due to the
J. Lopez presence of inhibiting toxic species. This fact has been
e-mail: claimed as the main limitation of industrial wastewater treat-
A. F. Mohedano ment by anaerobic digestion (Skouteris et al. 2012). Aerobic
e-mail: treatment in a sequencing batch reactors (SBR) has been also
J. J. Rodriguez tested. Total organic carbon (TOC) and COD reductions of 67
e-mail: and 74 %, respectively, were achieved with a sequence
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Environ Sci Pollut Res

including a 1-h anoxic stage at the beginning and the end of cleaning. Two other tanks contain acid citric and sodium
each cycle. Additionally, nutrients were removed satisfactorily hypochlorite solutions which are pumped to the membranes
by including anoxic stages along each cycle, allowing nitro- during chemical cleaning. Two large blowers supply the mem-
gen and phosphorous removal above 97 and 70 %, respec- brane modules with enough air to prevent fouling.
tively (Tobajas et al. 2014). The UF membrane system used for the revamped plant was
One of the most crucial and difficult-to-control issue in designed to allow high flexibility because there is a wide range
SBR is the separation of biosolids from the liquid phase. The of wastewater flow rates which can vary between 70 and
occurrence of sludge settleability problems in conventional 360 m3/day. The system uses a modular design which enables
activated sludge-based systems, and poor clarification can any part of the plant to be revamped easily. The effluent from
impede the re-use of the resulting effluent because of the the plant must be of proven quality for internal reuse. Online
presence of high concentration of organic matter, solids and monitoring and long-term logging of the water quality ensure
pathogens. Therefore, conventional settling can be replaced a reliable operation and water quality. Additionally, wastewa-
by membranes giving rise to membrane bioreactors (MBR). ter generation, energy consumption and the use of chemicals
This is currently a well-established technology for the treat- have to be minimised.
ment of industrial wastewaters with increasing potential for Raw wastewater is homogenized in underground sealed
future applications. The microfiltration membranes of the storage tanks. Under regular continuous flow conditions, the
MBR system provide a barrier for bacteria, and in the case quarry pool levels will fluctuate and so withdrawal from each
of ultrafiltration (UF) also for viruses, thereby allowing a high tank is automatically controlled. The full treatment setup
level of physical disinfection. A number of MBR plants are includes pre-treatment with coagulation, neutralisation and
currently operating in most Western European countries but flocculation units using polychlorinated aluminium as the
the resulting effluents are still barely being reused in spite of coagulant, sodium hydroxide to neutralise and a cationic
their good quality (Melin et al. 2006). MBR is an efficient flocculant. The doses of coagulant and flocculant were
treatment and the resulting effluent can be used for food crop adjusted according to the jar tests following the protocol of
irrigation, landscape and golf course watering, vehicle wash- Krasner and Amy (1995). Under automatic control, the floc-
ing, unrestricted recreational impoundment, toilet flushing culant feed is regulated to guarantee rapid and optimum
and industrial process water (Bérubé, 2010). The expectations flocculation. The flocs are separated in a dissolved air flotation
of customers, government regulators, and the public percep- tank. This is followed by biological treatment in a stainless
tion of the performance of MBR are likely to increase. The steel tank where the dissolved oxygen concentration is main-
study of cases where MBRs are used for water recycling tained within 1–5 mg/L. The old air diffusion system was
plants revamping will reinforce its application. designed for the previous SBR, which was run at a maximum
This work describes the application of a MBR for the of 4,500 mg/L mixed liquor suspended solids (MLSS). Owing
treatment of wastewater from a PPCP factory located near to the higher MLSS concentration in the MBR (8–10 g/L),
Madrid (Spain). The current method of treatment consists of prior to revamping the biological reactor was equipped with a
homogenization, coagulation, neutralisation, flocculation, flo- more powerful aeration system comprising two blowers and
tation and biological oxidation in a SBR. Owing to revamping membrane diffusers capable of providing 1,000 Nm3/h air
and modifications of the piping, cleaning systems and process flow rate.
units, the organic load of the wastewater has increased dra- The quantity of nutrients in the raw wastewater was insuf-
matically. This has caused a significant decrease in the perfor- ficient and consequently an external source (urea and phos-
mance of the plant. On the other hand, increasing water needs phoric acid) was needed to achieve a COD:N:P ratio of
have promoted a new policy aimed at water reuse for general 100:5:1. This ensured that the biological processes were not
purposes such as irrigation, hosing down, industrial car wash- limited by a lack of nutrients. The MLSS in the bioreactor was
ing centres and fire extinguisher systems. In this context, and maintained at between 8 and 10 g/L. The activated sludge is
taking into consideration land restrictions, the potential imple- recycled by pumping it from the membranes tank into the
mentation of a MBR has been evaluated in this study. bioreactor from where it overflows back to the membranes
tank. The biological tank was intermittently fed with pre-
treated (coagulation-flocculation) cosmetic wastewater every
Materials and methods 8 h, operating at a hydraulic and sludge retention time of 2.5
and 17 days, respectively. Prior to entering the membrane
Design and operation of the wastewater treatment plant tank, the incoming pre-treated wastewater is passed through
a fine rotary screening filter (1.5 mm). A flow diagram of the
The biological system consists mainly of an MBR. The fil- MBR system is depicted in Fig. 1 and the operating conditions
tered water in the MBR is conducted to a permeate tank from are summarised in Table 1. The MBR was operated for a
which the fluid returns to the membranes for back-flux period of 2 years and several physicochemical parameters
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Environ Sci Pollut Res

Fig. 1 Flow diagram of the

membrane implemented
biological system

(see “Removal of trace organic compounds” section) were ventilation valves are opened and the permeate
followed in the inlet and exit streams. pump generates a high back flow.
The plant was fitted with two membrane modules im- Filtration The filtration valve is opened and the permeate
mersed in a single sidestream of 25 m3 tank, providing a total pumped from the membranes tank to the per-
filtration area of 1,000 m2. The mixed liquor is recycled from meate tank.
the biological tank to the membranes tank at a feed
flow/recycling flow ratio of approximately 1:4. A floatable
Table 1 Operating conditions of the MBR system
switch is also mounted in this tank to control the water level.
The average permeate flux through the membranes is main- Parameter Values Units
tained at 12 L/m2 h (LMH) and a filtration cycle of 5–6 min
Filtration flux 12 LMH
followed by a backflush of 30 s. A 30-s ventilation period is
Filtration time 300–360 s
set every 20 cycles with a weekly clean-up cycle, using 1 g/L
sodium hypochlorite and 2 g/L citric acid by a clean-in-place Backflush flow 30 LMH
(CIP) system which takes 90 min. The MBR was fitted with Backflush time 20–30 s
polyester sulfone (PES) UF hollow fibres (PURON®) 1.75 m Ventilation flow 6 LMH
length, 0.05 μm nominal pore size and an external diameter of Ventilation time 20–30 s
2.5 mm. The aeration system of the membranes tank was Ventilation frequency 20 cycles
divided into two sections providing two separate zones for Deaeration flow 25–30 m3/h
each membrane module which were aerated alternatively in Deaeration time 120 s
60-s cycles. The aeration time is 50 % of the filtration time. Deaeration frequency 4–6 h
Coarse bubble aeration is applied at a rate of 0.2 Nm3/m2 h, Maintenance cleaning 1 per week (168 h)
operating at a specific air demand of 23 Nm3/m3 permeate.
Maintenance cleaning 6 m3/h
Hollow fibres are degasified for 120 s every 6 h. Regular flow
flushing, together with the CIP procedures outlined in Table 1 Dosing pumps
enable the requisite steady-state flow rates to be maintained. OXI OXI 1,000 mg/L NaClO
The filtration sequence comprises the following stages: Dosing 1,800 s
Purging 600 s
Standby The system is maintained in standby if either the Air mix 300 s
level in the membranes tank is not sufficient, or Acid Acid 2,000 mg/L citric acid
any critical element fails. The module is aerated Dosing 1,800 s
and the other elements are switched off. Purging 600 s
Ventilation During this stage, the air entrapped in the air trap Air mix 300 s
is removed. This process is performed automat- Recirculation gravity IN min 4·feed
ically when the filtration sequence is started from Recirculation gravity OUT min 3·feed
standby. Permeate valves are closed and the
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Environ Sci Pollut Res

Backflush When the filtration time finishes, the permeate carrier gas (helium) in the GC/MS was 1 NmL/min. Sample
pump changes the flow direction at a high rate injection was carried out with splitless at 220 °C. The tempera-
(30 LMH) for a specified time. ture program for the GC/MS analyses was ramped as follows:
De-aeration After a defined number of cycles, the permeate 40 °C for 15 min and 15 °C/min until 250 °C. The identifica-
pump operates at a high flow in the filtration tions were assessed with the aid of the database library NIST.
direction to remove the air accumulated on top The removal efficiencies of trace organics was calculated by a
of the hollow fibres. semi-quantitative approach considering the signals detected.
Organic acids and alcohols were quantified by HPLC/RI using
sulfonated polystyrene resin in the protonated form (67H type)
Characterization of the wastewater as the stationary phase (Varian Metacarb 67H 300–6.5 mm) and
sulphuric acid (0.25 mM in milliQ water) as the mobile phase at
The main characteristics of the raw and pre-treated wastewater a flow rate of 0.8 mL/min. The column temperature was 65 °C.
are summarised in Table 2. As can be seen, the coagulation- The images of the sludge flocs were obtained using the
flocculation pre-treatment substantially reduces the COD bright field microscopic technique and a light optical micro-
(85 %) and SS (84 %) of the raw wastewater. The amount of scope (NIKON ECLIPSE Ci-S), equipped with a camera.
fats, oils and grease also decrease significantly (86 %). Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) images of the mixed
liquor were obtained using a Hitachi S-3000 N scanning
Analytical methods electron microscope. The image processing and analysis pro-
cedure comprised the image pre-treatment, segmentation and
COD, turbidity, total suspended solids (TSS) and volatile debris elimination, whereas the image analysis program is
suspended solids (VSS) were measured following the APHA oriented to aggregates determination (Tian et al. 2011). The
Standard Methods (APHA 2005). Protein and carbohydrate image processing and analysis program for aggregates and
concentrations were determined according to the adapted filamentous bacteria was developed in Matlab 7.6 (The
methods of Lowry et al. (1951) and Dubois et al. (1956). Mathworks, INC.) language. The first step of the procedure
Bovine serum albumin (BSA) and d-glucose were used as consisted of the conversion of RGB images into grey-level
standards for the determination of protein and carbohydrate images and the subsequent background correction to reduce
content, respectively. Microbiological characterization was also the uneven background intensities caused by uneven lighting
performed following the standard methods ISO 11731:1998 from the image acquisition system. After the digital images
and UNE-EN ISO 9308–1 for Legionella sp. and Escherichia had been improved, the next step involved closing and thresh-
coli. The identification of species in the wastewater and treated old segmentation in order to select the microbial flocs.
effluents was performed by gas chromatography/ion trap mass
spectrometry and high-performance liquid chromatography/
refractive index (HPLC/RI). The GC/MS analyses were per-
formed in a CP-3800/Saturn 2200 Varian gas chromatograph Results and discussions
with an autosampler injector (CP-8200, Varian) and solid-phase
microextraction (carbowax/divinylbenzene, yellow green). A Start-up and performance of the MBR
Factor Four VF-5 ms capillary column (30 m length, 0.25 mm
diameter) was used as stationary phase. The flow rate of the The quality of the effluent from the previous SBR system
regularly fulfilled the regionally established limits for

Table 2 Characteristics of raw and pre-treated cosmetic wastewater

Parameter Raw Pre-treated

pH 7.1±0.1
Conductivity (mS/cm) 0.9±0.1 1.6±0.8
COD (mg/L) 36,000±2,000 5,200±750
Soluble COD (mg/L) 23,600±1,300 4,500±950
BOD5 (mg/L) 7,200±500 1,100±200
TSS (mg/L) 8,000±700 1,300±300
VSS (mg/L) 5,600±500 900±200
Fat, oils and grease (mg/L) 1,700±300 234±86

Number of samples analyzed=12 Fig. 2 Time course of the SVI values in the previous SBR
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During the start-up of the MBR, a clear decrease in the COD

removal efficiency was observed, which appeared to be related
to the acclimation of the biomass to the new operating condi-
tions. After an acclimation period of 2 weeks, a noticeable
increase of the COD removal efficiency was observed, reaching
stable values close to 99 %. The discharge was characterised by
a biological oxygen demand (BOD5) of 13±5 mg/L, COD of
98±25 mg/L, conductivity of 2,600±700 μS/cm, and a con-
centration of fats, oils and grease of 10±5 mg/L. The presence
of suspended solids in the discharge from the previous SBR
was substantially decreased by the MBR, reaching concentra-
Fig. 3 Time course of COD removal efficiency in the MBR tions of 4±3 mg/L in the permeate. Thus, an average suspended
solids removal of 99 % was achieved.
The MBR effluents complied with the TSS Spanish limits
industrial wastewater discharge into the municipal sewer sys- for water reuse (10–35 mg/L) for residential and urban uses.
tem except for suspended solids. The occurrence of filamen- Further increases in the removal of suspended solids would be
tous bulking caused periodic dramatic fluctuations on the necessary to reach the limits recommended in some of the other
settleability of the sludge giving rise to sludge volumetric international guidelines (EPA 2004; Power 2010). The national
index (SVI) values up to 400 mL/g TSS (see Fig. 2). limits for water reclamation of turbidity (10 nephelometric
The manufacturing policy of the PPCP plant has led in turbidity units, NTU), E. coli (200 colony-forming units per
recent months to increased volumes of high-strength wastewa- litre, CFU/L) and Legionella sp. (100 CFU/L) were also ac-
ter. This resulted in a loss of around 10 % in the COD removal complished. The resulting effluents were characterised by a
efficiency of the existing SBR, reaching an efficiency of 86 % turbidity of lower than 1 NTU and undetectable levels of E.
when the organic loading rate (OLR) was increased up to 0.6 kg coli and Legionella, which would permit a broad potential reuse
COD/kg VSS·day. It is expected that further increases in the for general purposes such as irrigation, hosing down, industrial
OLR would cause a more severe drop in the SBR performance. car washing centres and fire extinguisher systems (Fig. 3).

Fig. 4 GC/MS chromatogram of the raw cosmetic wastewater (see Table 3)

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Table 3 Assessment of the GC/MS peak in Fig. 4 and MBR removal concentration of some alcohols and organic acids such as glyc-
erol (100±3 mg/L), ethanol (30±2 mg/L), 2-propanol (4±1 mg/
Number Compound Removal efficiencya L), acetic acid (417±2 mg/L), formic acid (12.7±2 mg/L), and
(%) oxalic acid (1.1±0.2 mg/L).
The GC/MS signals observed in the analysis of the perme-
1 4-Hydroxi-bencenosulfonic acid 98.5
ate were 2 orders of magnitude lower than those detected in
2 3-Decanol >99.9
the fed wastewater. Therefore, most of the compounds had
3 2-Ethyl-1-hexanol >99.9
been completely removed and only some detected at trace
4 Benzyl alcohol >99.9
concentrations, reaching removal efficiencies of above 98 %
5 2-Methyl-6-metylene-2-octanol >99.9
in all cases. Some of the fragrances used in the formulation of
6 3,7-Dimethyl-1,6-octadien-3-ol >99.9
cosmetics were detected in the permeate at trace levels:
7 Phenylethyl alcohol >99.9 bicycle-4,10-hept-2-ene-3,7-dimethyl; 2-phenylethanol
8 Benzyl acetate >99.9 phenethyl (a floral odour); eucalyptol (a spicy aroma and
9 3,7-Dimethyl-1,6-nonadien-3-ol >99.9 taste); 1,6-octadien-3-ol-3,7-dimethyl synthetic linalool (a
10 1-Methanol-3-cyclohexen >99.9 thick green sweet wood green flavour); and 1-undecanol (a
11 1,5,5-Trimethyl-6-methylene- >99.9 citrus-like odour). The other trace organics detected were
12 2-Phenoxyethanol >99.9
undecylenic acid (an antimicrobial used in cosmetics); benzo-
13 3,7-Dimethyl-2,6-octadiene-1-ol >99.9
phenone (which is used in bath products, nail polishes and
14 2,4-Diisocianate-1-methylbenzene 99.9
enamels, makeup products, hair products, sunscreens and skin
care products); 1-octanol (used in the synthesis of the esters
15 Methylparaben >99.9
present in perfumes and flavourings) and oleyl alcohol (a
16 Cyclododecane >99.9
thickener used in skin creams, lotions and many other cos-
17 3-Methyl-ciclopentyl-benzene >99.9
metic products). Several works have been published compar-
18 Ethylparaben >99.9
ing conventional activated sludge units and MBRs for the
19 Diethyl-phtalate >99.9
removal of a wide range of PPCP from wastewater, some of
20 Methyl p-tert-butylphenylacetate 98.3
which have shown that the MBR is a more efficient method
21 Propylparaben >99.9
(Le-Minh et al. 2010; Lyko et al. 2005; Coleman et al. 2009;
22 Methyl 3-oxo-2-pentylcyclopentane >99.9
Monsalvo et al. 2014). This has been attributed to the higher
23 Isobutylparaben >99.9 sludge retention time and the concentration of MLSS in the
24 Butylparabene >99.9 MBR, although it is widely accepted that both technologies
25 Dibutyl phtalate >99.9 have similar removal efficiencies when working under similar
conditions (Melin et al. 2006; Judd 2011; Tewari et al. 2010).
Number of samples analyzed=10
aWith respect to peak area Characteristics of the mixed liquor

Removal of trace organic compounds The concentration of MLSS inside the MBR reactor remained
stable throughout the operation of the plant at an average and
Figure 4 depicts a representative GC/MS chromatogram of the maximum concentration of 8 and 10 g/L, respectively, with a
pre-treated cosmetic wastewater fed to the biological reactor. sludge production rate of 0.25 kg solids/kg COD. The oper-
The assessment of the peaks is collected in Table 3. The ating conditions in the MBR caused fragmentation of the
HPLC/RI analyses enabled the quantification of the flocs. Small, irregular and fragmented flocs, with a large

Fig. 5 SEM images (a) and size

distribution (b) of flocs from
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quantity of dispersed bacteria were observed in the stationary

operation of the plant (Fig. 5a). A high concentration of free-
living bacteria was also commonly observed in the MBR due
to their complete retention by the membrane, and this often led
to an increase in the transmembrane pressure (TMP) (Arevalo
et al. 2009; Monsalvo et al. 2012). The size distribution of the
microbial flocs is shown in Fig. 5b, which is expressed in
terms of equivalent diameter of the projected area. The particle
characterization after 1 year of operation indicated an
unimodal distribution centred at a mean diameter of 26 μm.
During the start-up of the MBR, the concentration of
soluble microbial products (SMP) in the mixed liquor in-
creased by up to an average concentration of 175±25 and
85±15 mg/L for carbohydrates and proteins, respectively. The Fig. 7 Time course of permeate flux (line) and TMP (squares) in the
MBR during long-term operation
density of filamentous bacteria also increased significantly
and occasionally they became dominant. According to the
previous study, the filamentous bacteria were found to have unrestricted recreational impoundment, toilet flushing and
serious negative effects on membrane permeability (Meng industrial process water (Bérubé, 2010).
et al. 2009).The mixed liquor purged from the MBR is As can be seen in Fig. 7, long-term operation of the MBR
dewatered in a sludge thickener followed by a press filter under similar permeate fluxes led to constant TMP values which
where both primary and secondary sludge are fed. The overall suggests that the membranes were correctly cleaned using the
sludge production is around 3,000 kg/day. A polymer dose of established protocol. Chemical cleaning solutions (Table 1) were
0.57 kg/t of dry solids is added, giving rise to a final product pumped from the CIP tank to the cell containing the membrane
with a dry solids concentration of 30 % w/w, which is dis- modules. The membranes are in contact with the chemicals and
posed in a well-controlled landfill. periodically aerated. The cleaning solutions were drawn from the
system at the completion of the cycle. During the recovery clean-
up, the membranes are submerged in the OXID solution for 6 h
Membranes operation and then in the citric acid solution overnight. After cleaning, the
membranes are rinsed and put back into service.
Figure 6 shows the time course of the permeate flux, TMP and In some periods, the quantity of wastewater decreased
mixed liquor permeability during one hour operation. The significantly as a result of lower production rates in the facto-
average working flux was around 12 LMH at TMP of 272± ry. During these times, the wastewater is stored in the under-
97 mbar. No significant fluctuations were observed in the ground sealed storage tanks and an inlet flow is set. As soon as
SMP concentration and the membrane permeability remained this operation mode is activated, the wastewater inlet is
in the range of 24–62 MH/bar. MBR is an efficient treatment interrupted for 12 h and the wastewater fed every 24 h. The
and the resulting effluent can be used for food crop irrigation, air blowers in the biological reactor are switched-on and are
landscape and golf course watering, vehicle washing, controlled by the PID depending on the dissolved oxygen
concentration and the set point established. The filtration
sequence is similar to that used under regular operation,
except that when the filtration is interrupted by the low level

Table 4 Operating costs of the MBR

Consumption Unit cost

(kg/m3) (€/kg)

Sodium hypochlorite 0.0325 0.22

Citric acid 0.0098 0.24
Sodium hydroxide 0.005 0.32
Urea 0.565 0.31
Phosphoric acid 0.061 0.54
Membranes replacement 0.30 1.76 €/m2
Fig. 6 Time course of permeate flux (solid line), TMP (squares), and Electric energy (kWh/m3) 5.28 0.10 €/kWh
permeability (dashed line) in the MBR treating cosmetic wastewater
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Environ Sci Pollut Res

alarm, the blowers in the membranes tank do not run contin- products factory. The resulting effluent fulfils the require-
uously, but follow programmed sequences. ments for urban, agricultural and recreational reuse.
In comparison with a conventional activated sludge sys- Although the mixed liquor exhibited poor permeability, the
tem, the MBR demands much more automation, not only for membranes performance was fairly stable and the transmem-
start-up, but also for daily plant operation. Originally, the brane pressure was maintained at constant values as a conse-
permeate flow was controlled by the level in the aerobic quence of the clean-up program. So far, the hydraulics of the
bioreactor, which caused instabilities in the filtering system. system has not failed, and the membranes removed practically
The intermittent aeration gave rise to significant variations of all the suspended solids. Despite the fact that chemical disin-
the level in the reactor as well as membrane flux fluctuations, fectants are discharged into the treatment plant during clean-
despite the influent flow remaining constant. Air accumula- up operations, the start-up of the biological reactor was ac-
tion in the pipes which drive the sludge by gravity to the complished in a short time because the biomass from the
membrane filtration trains, also posed some problems. former SBR system was used successfully in the new biolog-
The system offers the common flexibility and performance of ical reactor (MBR). Most of the trace organic compounds
a distributed control system (DCS) and is designed for the identified in the cosmetic wastewater using GC/MS and
minimum operator intervention whilst maintaining the necessary HPLC/RI analyses were not detected in the effluents from
interlocks for safe operation. To facilitate the control of the plant the MBR after 30 days of operation. Furthermore, the effluent
a PLC-based system has been selected with a PC-based topology complied with the Spanish criteria and most of the quality
incorporating a SCADA software package, for easy operation. specifications defined by the international guidelines and reg-
The visualisation system (man–machine interface) runs on PCs ulations for water reuse and reclamation.
connected to the PLC. The PC runs a software package and
represents the process configuration as MIMIC diagrams with
Acknowledgments The authors greatly appreciate the financial support
individual displays of plant items or equipment and faceplates provided by the Spanish MCI through project CTM2010-15682 and CTQ
for control points. The combination of the visualisation and 2008–03988.
MIMIC systems also offers trending, facilities, alarm handling,
operator prompts and messages, and data storage.

Cost analysis References

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