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SCHOOL YEAR 2017 – 2018


NAME: _________________________________________ SCORE: _______________________

GRADE & SECTION: __________________________ DATE: _______________________

DIRECTION: Choose the letter that best answers the question or completes the statement. Write the letter of
your answer before each number. Use CAPITAL LETTER.

1. The entire path that the object travelled refers to _______________, while the distance between its
point of origin and its point of destination refers to __________________.
A. Distance & Displacement B. Displacement & Distance
C. Speed & Velocity D. Distance & Speed
_____ 2. When an objects’ instantaneous speed values are always the same, then it means that the object is
moving with ____________________.
A. constant speed B. increased speed C. decreased speed D. At rest
_____ 3. Which of the following graphs show that the object’s motion is accelerating?

_____ 4. When is an object considered to be in motion?

I. When its position changes with respect to a point of reference.
II. When its distance changes with respect to a point of reference.
III. When its direction changes with respect to a point of reference.
A. I and II only B. II and III only C. I and III only D. I, II, and III
_____ 5. Which of the following is true to an object that travels 5 meters to the north, 7.5 meters to the east, 5
meters to the south, and 7.5 meters to the west?
I. The total distance travelled is 25 meters
II. The total distance travelled is 0 meters
III. The displacement is equal to 0 meters
IV. The displacement is equal to 25 meters
A. I & II B. II & III C. I & III D. III & IV
_____ 6. At constant distance, how is speed related to the time of travel?
A. The lesser the time of travel, the greater is the speed of travel.
B. The lesser the time of travel, the lesser is the speed of travel.
C. The lesser the time of travel, there will be no change in the speed of travel.
D. The greater the time travel, the greater the speed of travel.
_____ 7. Which is NOT TRUE about the graph below?

A. The object is moving with constant acceleration.

B. The change in speed is constant.
C. The graph is parabolic.
D. It is a straight-line graph.
_____ 8. A bus covered 200 meters in 5.5 seconds, what is its speed?
A. 35.36 m/s B. 36.36 m/s C. 36.63 m/s D. 35. 63 m/s
_____ 9. What is the velocity of a car that travels 100 meters northeast in 4.5 seconds?
A. 22.2 m/s NE B. 22.02 m/s NE C. 22. 2 m/s D. 22.02 m/s
_____ 10. Which is NOT TRUE about relating distance, displacement, speed, velocity, and acceleration.
A. If an object does not change its position at a given time interval,
then it is at rest or its speed is zero or not accelerating.
B. If an object covers equal distance at equal intervals of time,
then it is moving at constant speed and still not accelerating.
C. If an object covers equal distance at equal intervals of time,
then it is moving at constant speed and decelerating.
D. If an object covers varying distances at equal intervals of time,
then it is moving with changing speed or velocity. It means that the object is accelerating.
_____ 11. Which of the following statements is NOT true about the object moving with constant speed?
A. The object is not accelerating
B. The speed of the object is equal to zero.
C. The distance travelled by the object increases uniformly
D. The speed of the object remains the same all throughout the travel
For questions 12-13. Refer to the figure below.

_____ 12. It indicates the interval that represents a HALF wavelength.

_____ 13. The amplitude is represented by the letter _____.
_____ 14. Mechanical waves transport energy from one place to another through
A. Alternately vibrating particles of the medium C. Particles traveling with the wave
B. Vibrating particles and traveling particles D. None of the above
_____ 15. In a transverse wave, the individual particles of the medium
A. move in circles C. move in ellipses
B. move parallel to the direction of travel D. move perpendicular to the direction of travel
_____ 16. The higher the frequency of a wave,
A. the lower its speed and energy C. the shorter its wavelength and higher energy
B. the greater its amplitude and energy D. the longer its period and higher energy
_____ 17. Waves in a lake are 5.00 m in length and pass an anchored boat 1.2 s apart. The speed of the waves is
A. 0.2 m/s C. 4.16 m/s
B. 6.2 m/s D. 4.61 m/s
_____ 18. A marine weather station detects waves that have a wavelength of 50 meters and a frequency of
0.25 Hz. What is its speed?
A. 50.25 m/s B. 12.50 m/s C. 11.55 m/s D. 12.05 m/s
_____ 19. Sound is an example of a ____________________.
A. Transverse & mechanical wave C. Longitudinal & mechanical wave
B. Longitudinal & electromagnetic wave D. Tranverse & electromagnetic wave
_____ 20.The ear is divided into 3 parts namely the inner ear, middle ear, and outer ear.
In what part is the large amplitude oscillations converted into electrical impulses?
A. Outer ear B. Middle ear C. Inner ear D. all of the above
_____ 21. Which of the following best describes a high frequency sound? It has _____________.
A. low pitch B. high pitch C. low energy D. A and C
_____ 22. Sound speed is dependent on several factors such as atmospheric pressure, and atmospheric
temperature. High values of these factors lead to _______.
A. no change in sound movement C. slower movement of sound
B. faster movement of sound D. no sound
_____ 23. It refers to distorted sound wave.
A. music B. sound wave C. noise D. note
_____ 24. Some animals like dogs can hear sounds as high as 50 000 Hz. This is an example of _______.
A. Infrasonic frequency B. Audible frequency
C. Ultrasonic frequency D. None of the above
_____ 25. Elephants and some whales can communicate over vast distances with sound waves too low in pitch
for us to hear is an example of ____________.
A. Infrasound B. Audible sound C. Ultrasound D. None of the above
_____ 26. Which of the following statement is FALSE about the characterictics of sound?
A. Intensity determines loudness.
B. Higher frequency produces higher pitch sound.
C. Pitch depends on the amplitude of a sound wave.
D. A sound wave of greater intensity sounds are louder.
_____ 27. What part of our throat vibrates when we produce sound?
A. epiglottis B. Tongue C. Vocal cord D. Trachea
For questions 28-29. Refer to the figure below.

_____ 28. Which wave indicates low pitch with high volume?
_____ 29. Which wave indicates high pitch with high volume?
_____ 30. It is the only natural source of light.
A. Lamp B. Bulb C. Candle D. Sunlight
_____ 31. A scientist who proposed the Electromagnetic Theory of Light.
A. Max Planck B. James Clark Maxwell C. Isaac Newton D. Christian Huygens
_____ 32. These are special properties of light in which the different phenomena are observed such as rainbows,
red sunset, and blue sky.
A. Speed & velocity C. Frequency & wavelength
B. Brightness & dispersion D. Pitch & Volume
_____ 33. In light, how is energy related to frequency?
A. As the frequency is increased, the energy is decreased
B. As the frequency is decreased, the energy remains
C. As the frequency is increased, the energy is increased
D. As the frequency is descreased, the energy is increased
_____ 34. How does the wavelength of infrared (IR) compare with the wavelength of ultraviolet (UV) waves?
A. Infrared waves have longer wavelength.
B. InfraRed waves have the same wavelength as the UV waves.
C. Infrared waves have shorter wavelength.
D. InfraRed is not comparable in wavelength with the UV waves
_____ 35. Which of the following would you wear during summer time that reflects light the most so that you
won’t feel so hot?
A. White shirt B. Black shirt C. Multi-colored shirt D. Red shirt
_____ 36. Which of the following phemomenon shows dispersion of white light?
A. Red sunset B. Blue sky C. Rainbow D. All
_____ 37. Among the basic component of white light. Which color of light carries the most energy?
A. Blue B. Green C. Orange D. Red

_____ 38. Light is an electromagnetic wave. Which characteristic is common in all electromagnetic waves?
A. amplitude B. frequency C. speed D. wavelength
_____ 39. Which among the statements is correct about light?
A. Light behaves like a particle only C. Light behaves like a wave only.
B. Light behaves like a particle and a wave D. Neither particle nor wave.
_____ 40. When white light is despersed on a prism, arrangement of the component of colors would be ____.
_____ 41. Which is NOT TRUE about the characteristics of light?
A. The variations of refractive indices result to variations in the refraction of color lights
dependent on the frequencies (and wavelength) of the color lights.
B. Blue light being refracted more than the other color lights and thus appears to be bent.
C. Light will not bend when it enters a refractive index. Light travels in a straight line path in a
particular medium.
D. None of the above
_____ 42. How does heat travel through the pan?
A. by radiation B. by dispersion C. by convection D. by conduction
_____ 43. How does heat travel through the soup?
A. by radiation B. by dispersion C. by convection D. by conduction
_____ 44. In what direction does heat travel through the soup?
A. from top to bottom B.both A and B C. from bottom to top D.neither A nor B
_____ 45. Which of the following explains why plastic is attached to the handle of a pan?
I. Plastic is a good insulator of heat.
II. Plastic has low thermal conductivity.
III. Plastic has high thermal conductivity.

A. I & II B. II & III C. I & III D. I, II, and III

_____ 46. What mode of heat transfer is being prevented in the design of a thermos bottle?
A. Conduction B. Convection C. Radiation D. All of the above
_____ 47. Which statement is true about conduction?
A. Conduction takes place even in the absence of a material in between.
B. Conduction causes a circulatory motion resulting from regions of different temperatures.
C. Conduction takes place between objects that are in contact with each other.
D. Conduction is when heat transfer through liquid or gas by movement of particles.
_____ 48. It is a circulatory movement in a liquid or gas, resulting from regions of different temperatures?
A. Conduction B. Convection C. Radiation D. All the above
_____ 49. In the following situations, which of the following is the best example of radiation?
A. A kettle with boiling water
B. Spoon dipped in a bowl of hot soup
C. A person warming himself near a camp fire.
D. When you feel hot touching a hot spoon.
_____ 50. Which is NOT true about convection?
A. Convection takes place in fluids because their particles can move around.
B. Convection can take place in solids, liquids, and gases but it takes place best in solids.
C. In convection, the heat is transferred by the particles themselves.
D. Warmer liquid or gas expands and goes up while cooler liquid or gas moves down.
_____ 51. Which statement is NOT true about heat transfer?
A. Heat transfer takes place between objects of different temperature.
B. Heat transfers from object of higher temperature to object of lower temperature.
C. Heat transfer occur only when objects are in contact with each other.
D. None of the above.
_____ 52. It is a form of energy that refers to the thermal energy that is ‘in-transit’ or in the process of being
A. Light B. Heat C. Electricity D. Sound
_____ 53. Which among the following statements is true to electrostatic polarization?
A. a positively charged object attracts another positively charged object.
B. a negatively charged object attracts another negatively charged object.
C. a positively and negatively charged object attracts a neutral object.
D. None of the above
_____ 54. Which of the following describes the usual way by which a material can gain a positive charge?
A. By gaining protons C. By gaining electrons
B. By losing protons D. By losing electrons
_____ 55. An object can be charged without actual contact to any other charged object is _______.
A. Charging by friction B. Charging by induction
C. Charging by conduction D. Charging by friction and conduction
_____ 56. Which of the following can be attracted by a positively charged object?
A. Another positively charged object. B. Any other object.
C. A neutral object. D. No other object.
_____ 57. If you rub a comb into your hair, the comb becomes positively charged and can attract small strips of
paper. What will be the condition of your hair?
A. It will become negatively charged. B. It will be positively charged.
C. No change in its charge. D. It will be neutral charge.
_____ 58. A charged object is brought near a metal ball that is mounted on a rubber sheet. If the metal ball
acquired a negative charge after it was grounded momentarily, what must be the charge of the
object that was brought near it?
A. Neutral B. Positive C. Negative D. Cannot be determined
_____ 59. What is really meant when we say an appliance "uses up" electricity?
A. The current disappears.
B. The main power supply voltage is lowered.
C. Electrons are taken out of the circuit and put some where else.
D. The potential energy of electrons is changed into another form.
_____ 60. What are the requirements for the electric circuit to function?
I. Circuit should be closed II. Bulb, battery and wire III. Bulb and wire

A. I and III B. I and II C. II only D. I only

“ Spread a light - Be a candle or the mirror that reflects it!”

“ Try to be a rainbow in someone’s cloud.”

Prepared by: Arlene C. Gabol/2017

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