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Quantitative Analysis of Cholesterol

Test tube no. Standard Cholesterol A680

Concentration (mcg/mL)
Blank N/A 0.35167
2 2000 1.791
3 1000 0.87667
4 500 0.71033
5 250 0.54667
6 125 0.439
7 62.5 0.4633
Table Cholesterol Standard Curve

Lipid Extract A680 Total Cholesterol Average

Eluate 1 0.29433 431.048 N/A
Eluate 2 0.71867 1037.24 N/A
Eluate 3 0.041 69.1429 N/A
Total Cholesterol of Lipid Sample from Egg Yolk

Test for Unsaturation with Bromine

Eluate 1 Eluate 2 Eluate 3
No. of drops of 28 gtts. 25 gtts. 22 gtts.
Qualitative Tests for Lipids

Chemical Ester Glycerol Liebermann- Kraut’s Phosphate

Tests Burchard
1st Eluate Yellowish Burnt fat Clear Orange ring Clear
precipitate odor solution at surface solution
with black
2nd Eluate Orange Menthol-like Greenish-like Black ring at Clear
precipitate odor solution surface with solution
3rd Eluate Reddish- Burnt fat Clear No change: Clear
brown odor solution yellowish- solution
precipitate green

Table Cholesterol Standard Curve

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