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Duration: 2 hours and 30 minutes

1. Find n: 45n = 41ten
2. Find the G.C.F and L.C.M of 18, 42, 84
3. Using the Venn diagram below determine
i) AnB
ii) AnB1
iii) (AUB)1
iv) n (A1nB1)

4. simplify: 2 ½ + 38
5. given the numbers 0, 6, 7, 3, 6 and 5 determine their
i) mean
ii) median
6. In the diagram if AB is parallel to DC and AD is parallel to BC and b=610. Calculate a, c, and d

7. Find the shift number which x represents in each figures

a) -7


b) -6


8. Given the vertices of the rectangle below

A( )
B( )
C( )
D( )
9. A survey was carried out in a shop to find out how many customers bought bread, or milk or both
or neither. Out of a total of 79 customers for the day, 52 bought milk, 32 bought bread and 15
bought neither.
Draw a Venn diagram to show this information and use it to find out.
a) How many bought bread and milk?
b) How many bought bread only?
c) How many bought milk only?
1 2 1
10. Simplify: 7 of ( + )
5 5 3
b) In a class of 36, three quarters of the pupils are boys and of the girls were glasses. How many
girls do not wear glasses?
11. Plot the following points in the coordinate plane A (1, 2) B (3, 2) C (3, 5) D (1, 5). Now use a
straight edge and draw the figure ABCD. What type of figure is ABCD? Draw the coordinates of
their points of intersection.
12. a) Find the equation that are satisfied by the following sets of points
i) (0, 5) (2, 11) (3, 11) (4, 17) (5, 20)
ii) Find the points at which the line cuts y axis
b) Find the gradient of the following points
a (6, 2) b (11, -3)
c (-7, 15) d (14, -6)
13. a) The point P (-2, 4) reflected in the line X=0. Find the coordinates of P.
b) The points A (4, 2) and B (1, 3) are reflected in the line y=x. find the coordinates of A and B as
their images
c) On the graph paper, plot the points A (1, 3), B (3,3) and C (3, 1). Join the coordinates of A1, B1
and C1 after enlargement of a scale factor 2 with center (0, 0)
14. The following are the marks scored by S.1 students in their end of term exams

54 64 44 68 38 68 69 64
05 68 34 54 13 64 54 38
49 18 90 39 68 88 74 74
44 68 68 68 88 29 54 44
58 84 34 34 64 68 48 49
a) Find
i) Range
ii) Median
iii) Mode
iv) Mean
b) Draw a bar chart


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