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(JPMNT) Journal of Process Management – New Technologies, International

Vol. 6, No 4, 2018.


Zana Majed Sadq1, Hawre Nuraddin Sabir2, Dr. Vian Sulaiman Hama Saeed3

Department of Administration and Accounting, Faculty of Humanities and Social Science,
Koya University, Iraq, and Visiting Lecturer at Lebanese French University.
2Department of Law, College of Law and International Relations, Lebanese French
Department of Administration and Accounting, Faculty of Humanities and Social Science,
Koya University, Iraq, and Visiting Lecturer at Knowledge University.,,

Professional Paper

Abstract: This paper aims to present the Amazon individuals who understood the real power
success strategies. Since the objective of the of E-commerce and the entire internet
Company is to become the best place to buy, find
and discover any product or service available
retail business. Under Amazon vision,
online. will continue to enhance and Bezos injected two comprehensive ideas to
broaden its brand, customer base and electronic the E-commerce and these are building the
commerce expertise with the goal of creating customer-centric company world over, and
customers' preferred online shopping destination, in also creating an environment where
the United States and around the world.
customers could easily buy almost
Keywords: companies, strategies, Amazon success anything they wanted to buy. Indeed, his
vision has been hugely achieved since
Literature Review 1995 (Hof, 2001).
The Amazon success story started’s Objectives& Strategy
in July 1995 by Jeff Bezos a computer In its business model, has
science and electrical engineering graduate identified the following as key success
from Princeton University. After his factors. First of all, a strong brand name
resignation from an investment Bank, he location. Then providing clients with
settled in Seattle and found what is now marvelous value and a superior shopping
known as Amazon. Bezos did not know knowledge. After that, considerable sales
much about the Internet. However, "he capacity. Finally, Realizing economies of
came across a statistic that the Internet was scope and scale (Modi et all, 2000).
growing at 2300%; this convinced him that's marketing strategy is
this was a large growth opportunity". designed to strengthen the Amazon brand
Amazon’s choice of the location in Settle name, increase customer traffic to the
was obvious for its rich technological Web sites, build customer
talent and the close proximity of the book loyalty, encourage repeat purchases and
wholesalers in Rosenberg. develop incremental product and service
Amazon came into being in July revenue opportunities.
1995 and was up to the public in 1997It is
claimed that Bezos was one of the few

(JPMNT) Journal of Process Management – New Technologies, International
Vol. 6, No 4, 2018.

Customer- centric category of books, in contrast to the

physical world (Hof, 2002).
Customer-centric involved asking
In addition, Amazon claims that books are:
customers what they wanted, and sorting
out how their needs would be delivered to  Easy for Amazon to ship
them, and in the end, delivering it to them.  Provide basic information enabling
According to Bezos, that is the traditional them to sale on online storefronts with
term of customer-centric. And Amazon the information which may be in the
focused on this traditional view with form of
success evidenced over the years.  Chapters
 Table of contents
The other meaning for customer-  Editorial
centric is innovation on behalf of the
 Customer reviews (Krishnamurthy,
customers. According to Amazon,
innovation simply means searching for
On the other hand, Amazon added
what the customers don’t know they want
maximum value to the inefficient
and delivering it to them. The third
arrangement of the publishing industry in
meaning is the personalization nature of
America. In the 1990s, the industry had;
the internet. In order to suite this third
 Concentrated on supply-publishers,
meaning of customer-centric, Amazon
printers and wholesalers.
redesigned their store to suite each
customer, by launching a ‘your store  There was no key player on the retail
service’. This translated this vision into position. Even the Barnes & Noble
reality. Amazon valued to deliver had as little as 11% of the American
convenient, selected, services at a broadest market.
price (Timothy et all, 2000).  Publishers had guaranteed the sales of
books, yet retailers could return a book
Although critics thought that customer- not sold within the defined time frame.
centricism of any given company is the  The business was unpredictable
same with any other company, Amazon’s especially with the lack of stability on
customers has continued to rise over the the sales.
years. And despite that Amazon began as a  The retailers had a fixed cost for
global bookstore, the company also displaying the product in a brick and
intended to be a place where customers mortar environment. (Krishnamurthy,
could buy anything online. Amazon moved 2002).
its attention to very new category of The major competitor to Amazon in
products, which includes kitchen ware, the book market was from Brick-and-clicks
tools, and Auctions (Wiggins, 2001). stores. These included and Barnes
Books as a means of customer- & Noble. Before Amazon came into being,
centricism & Innovation had a number of competitive
advantages ranging from, superior
Having started as a bookseller,
recognition of the Barnes & Noble brand
Amazon remains a leader in selling all
name, to cross-marketing, co-promotion
sorts of books in spite of having drifted
and customer acquisition programmers'
into other products. Bezos indicates that
both in the US and Europe. But come July
books have huge items in the book market
1995, Amazon trashed all these market
compared to other items in any given
advantages by enabling customers to
products. And as huge titles of books do
browse over 4.5 million titles from their
emerge, they can be sorted, searched and
computers. This was a fantastic wave of
organized by computers. He further
success in E-commerce (Modi et all,
stresses that the customer proposition is
only done online. The internet has a huge

(JPMNT) Journal of Process Management – New Technologies, International
Vol. 6, No 4, 2018.

Table (1)
Company-s% All 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004

Barnes & Noble N/A -5% -3% +2% +2% +2% +7%

Amazon Media(Books, +16% +15% +11% +16% +29% +17% +18% +14%
Music, DVDs)
North America

Borders/ Waldenbooks N/A -16% -15% -9% -0% -1% +2% +2%
Books N/A +24% -2% +9% -1% +5% -2%


Amazon’s complete dominance in dominant retailer. Besides, it did become a

the book business online came very clearly very dominant retailer (Krishnamurthy,
by the capitulation of Boarders. Amazon 2001). Amazon has amassed 132% profit
went on to create an alliance with the rival in books, Music, and DVD sales between
Borders. And borders battled in vain to 2004 and 2011 (16% in 2011 alone).
match a web site competitive with
Growth Abroad
Amazon. And eventually, borders had to
release its employees and Amazon front- Amazon now serves well over 152
ended its online book market to this day countries worldwide. However,
(Hof, 1998). is the only bookseller in the
world’s top 500 websites. According to
Music one market analyst report, " is
In June 1998, Amazon ventured estimated to have over 80% of the online
into the music selling followed by DVDs bookstore market" (Modi et al, 2000: XI).
and Videos in the same year. The very As early as 1995 Amazon customers
beginning in the music business, Amazon ranged from 45 different countries. With a
enjoyed a $14.4 million profits. One of the global market at heart, Amazon launched
reasons for Amazon’s shift in its products one of the earliest sites in Germany and the
especially into music may have been that UK. All the individual market’s focus has
the company had already established been books, Music and videos. In England
closeness with the customers with books. alone, Amazon UK has call centers in
And leading them into another product like Brogborough, Bedfordshire, Peterborough,
music was easy (Hansell, 2001). The other Don Caster, and Hemel Hempstead.
argument for the huge shift is that directing
its attention into a variety of products
would enable the company to be a

(JPMNT) Journal of Process Management – New Technologies, International
Vol. 6, No 4, 2018.

Governmental regulation and Legal Possible Weaknesses:

 With the unpredictable future e-
Currently, faces retail and the growth of competitors
common business laws and regulations or with similar market approach,
regulations regarding access to online Amazon’s future may be at a threat.
commerce in addition to taxation laws. For  Although Barnes & Noble seems to
instance, expanding company's services be behind Amazon in terms of sales
distribution center network might result in and profits, time will tell how long
additional sales and other tax obligations. they will remain behind.
Regulatory authorities may implement
particular regulations and laws governing Available opportunities:
the online commerce or Internet. These  Amazon may continue to raise more
regulations may cover pricing, copyrights, markets in other countries worldwide
taxation, user privacy, content, distribution to remain positioned on the E-
and features as well as quality of services commerce market that the company
and products. Changes in buyer protection has enjoyed so much.
laws furthermore may enforce additional Threats:
burdens on enterprises conducting business E-commerce predictably changes every
online. These regulations or laws might given time. There is a predictable threat a
impede the growing of the Internet or other competitor to equal to Amazon will
online services. This could, in turn, reduce emerge crushing every bit Amazon has
the request for Amazon's services and built over the years.
products in addition to increase Amazon's
PESTAL analysis:
cost of doing business. Additionally, it is
not clear how existing laws governing Technically, PESTAL analysis helps to
issues for instance sales and other taxes, understand the real effects of the
property ownership, libel and personal company's external factors. These includes:
privacy apply to the Internet and online Economical, Environmental, Political,
commerce. Disapproving resolution of Social, and Technological.
these issues may harm Amazon's business. A- Economic: with the current financial
SWOT Analysis crises that has been ravaging the global
finance since 2008 up until now, can
Typically a SWOT Analysis will
rose a real danger to Amazon's market.
analyze the organization's strengths
B- Technology: Amazon should
weaknesses and available opportunities
relentlessly continue to revamp its
and threats to its existence.
technology to the need of the modern
Applying SWOT Analysis to Amazon revolution to survive.
Possible strengths: Porter's Five Forces analysis:
o Amazon remains the greatest leader Porter's five forces of Competition can
in E-commerce since 1995 through be a helpful tool in analyzing a business.
knowledge of its customers and Those factors are: buyer power, supplier
providing the best possible E-retail power, competition from substitutes,
world over. entrants, and rivals.
o The company has raked a total of
 Power of Buyer: clients that buy
132% of profits since 2004 well
books in tend to
above the rest of the competitors on
become standard customers due to
the book and music market.
the low prices that can

(JPMNT) Journal of Process Management – New Technologies, International
Vol. 6, No 4, 2018.

 Power of Suppliers: As Amazon [Online]. Available at:

continues to develop; its ability to
agreement with suppliers will continue to  H ANSE LL, S. (2 0 0 1 ) " LIST EN
rise. UP ! IT 'S T IME F O R A P RO FIT ; A
 Rivalry: is one of the first F RO NT - ROW SE AT AS AM AZO N
companies into the electronic commerce GET S SE RI OU S" , M AY2 0 .
field. This gives to a positive [ON LI NE], AV AI LA B LE AT :
altitude of tranquility into the marketplace. HT T P ://W W W .NYT IME S. C O M/2 0
 Entry barriers: With today’s principal markets 0 1 /0 5 /2 0 /B U SINE S S/ LI ST EN -UP -
being less friendly toward new internet I T -S -T IME - FO R - A- P RO FI T - A-
start-ups, it would be difficult for a new F RO NT - ROW - SE AT - AS -
company to effectively compete with AM AZO N -G ET S -
 Threat of Substitution: does not = ALL& S R C=P M
present threats of substitution at least in
the short time (Carmany et al, 2003).  Hof, R.D. (2002) "How Amazon Cleared
the Profitability Hurdle", Information
Conclusion Technology, February 4, Available at:
Amazon has become a house-hold name in
both books and music industries. Its position among ontent/02_05/b3768079.htm
small competitors is way ahead. The company’s  Hof, R.D. (2001) Q & A with Amazon's
ability cannot be doubted in both books and music Jeff Bezos, March26. Available at:
selling for years to come. Amazon has successfully
expanded and hugely profitable due to the provision ontent/01_13/b3725027.htm
of the best E-commerce ever, the knowledge of its  Hof, R.D. (1988) the wild
customers and the longevity of the relationships world of web commerce,
with its customers. And these three aspects will [Online]. Available at:
undoubtedly keep Amazon afloat and remain a
dominant retailer regardless of the threats from its 608001.htm
competitors.  Hutchison, T. (2008) Web Marketing for
the Music Business, Oxford, Elsevier.
For the smaller firms, the road may be  Kotler, P., Wong, V., Saunders, J. and
rough and unpleasant to keep up with Amazon. To Armstrong, G. (2008) Principles of
remain on the market, they will have to re-invent Marketing, 5th European Edn, Harlow,
themselves by providing E-retail equal to the Pearson.
competitive market. Without it, success for them  Krishnamurthy, S. (2002) A
remains on the horizon. They will also need to Business History1
identify their customers and be able to keep them as To Appear in-“E-Commerce Management:
long as possible to enable consistence. Text and Case”, Sep 27, [online].
References: Available at:
 Carmany, L., Guidry, B., Heinsohn, D., n&source=web&cd=1&ved=0CDEQFjAA
McPheeters, B. (2003) Can &
be Profitable? [Online], Available at: ipc%2Fsuporte%2Fvarios%2Famazon_fin al.pdf&ei=C_tsT7_cCoi5hAfmsOSNBw&
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&hl=en&prmd=imvns&ei=47xtT4b4Ccmp uzmVFczOholIhwyU3RW6a-
hAeplum2Bw&start=10&sa=N&bav=on.2 Q&sig2=WcsIWJquiBeI2oUkbjvhkA.
,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_qf.,cf.osb&fp=503a106c9e  Modi, T., Durkin, M. A., Kass, C., Ulin,
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 Goldhaber, F.I. (2009)"The Politics of Noble, Strategic and International
Amazon", The Willamette Writer, p6-10. Management, April 20 .


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