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Postgrad Med J 1999;75:509–510 © The Fellowship of Postgraduate Medicine, 1999

Adverse drug reaction

Drug-induced syndrome of inappropriate

antidiuretic hormone secretion
K Belton, S H L Thomas

Drugs are a common cause of electrolyte

abnormalities, and a careful drug history is Causes of SIADH
essential in patients in whom these are demon-
strated. One of the more common electrolyte Non-drug causes
x ADH-secreting neoplasms: lung, pancreas,
abnormalities that may be drug-induced is lymphoma, thymoma, mesothelioma
hyponatraemia. x non-neoplastic lung disorders: pneumonia,
asthma, tuberculosis, empyema
Case summary x CNS disorders: meningitis, encephalitis, cerebral
abscess, stroke, hydrocephalus
x other: hypothyroidism
A 50-year-old woman was admitted to hospital
complaining of nausea, diarrhoea and abdomi- Drug causes
nal pain. Her medical history included depres- x antidepressants: eg, tricyclics, SSRIs
x antidiabetic drugs: eg, chlorpropramide,
sion, alcoholism and laryngeal carcinoma metformin
treated by laryngectomy and radiotherapy. Her x antineoplastic agents: eg, vinca alkaloids,
drug therapy on admission was atenolol 50 mg cyclophosphamide, cisplatin
and loprazolam 1 mg, each once daily; x antipsychotic drugs: eg, phenothiazines,
sertraline 50 mg daily had been started 2 weeks butyrophenones
x analgesics: eg, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory
prior to admission.
On examination she was thin but not x anti-epileptic drugs: eg, carbamazepine, sodium
clinically dehydrated. She was apyrexial with a valproate
blood pressure of 145/100 mmHg and a pulse x diuretics: eg, thiazides, amiloride
of 100 beats/min. She had dry skin and palmar x others: eg, alpha interferon, ecstasy
erythema. Abdominal examination was nor- NB: Similar clinical features may also be produced
mal. There was no neurological deficit. Chest by exogenous administration of antidiuretic
X-ray, full blood count and clotting were hormones such as desmopressin, vasopressin, or
normal, except that the mean corpuscular vol- oxytocin
ume was 104 fl (normal range 78–98 fl). Her
Box 1
erythrocyte sedimentation rate was 30 mm/h,
sodium 129 mmol/l (132–144), potassium 3.8
mmol/l (3.5–5.0), urea 5.6 mmol/l, creatinine
98 µmol/l and gamma-glutamyl transferase 151
U/l (5–35). Thyroid function tests were nor- discharge and then discontinued and has not
mal. Stool samples were negative for occult experienced further convulsions.
blood and Clostridium diYcile toxin and a stool
culture was negative. Discussion
The following day the patient suVered two
grand mal seizures and was commenced on SIADH, first reported by Bartter and Schwartz
phenytoin. A computed tomography (CT) scan in 1967,1 is an osmoregulatory disorder with a
was normal. Repeat blood tests showed a number of causes, including drugs (box 1).2 It
sodium of 118 mmol/l. Urine and plasma is associated with impaired water excretion
osmolarities were 365 and 253 mOsm, respec- resulting in dilutional hyponatraemia. Plasma
tively, with a urinary sodium of 28 mmol/l, osmolarity is reduced (<280 mOsm/kg), while
Northern & Yorkshire confirming the diagnosis of syndrome of inap- the urine is inappropriately concentrated
Regional Drug and
propriate antidiuretic hormone secretion (urine osmolarity >100 mOsm/kg). The diVer-
Therapeutics Centre,
Wolfson Unit of (SIADH). Random cortisol was normal. Ser- ential diagnosis includes hyponatraemia
Clinical traline therapy was discontinued and the caused by excessive sodium loss, such as with
Pharmacology, patient’s fluid intake was restricted. Over the diuretic therapy, diarrhoea, vomiting or Addi-
University of next 24 hours plasma sodium fell further to son’s disease. Drugs are thought to cause
Newcastle upon Tyne, 110 mmol/l, but the osmolarity, sodium and
Newcastle NE2 4HH,
SIADH by direct or indirect stimulation of
UK potassium returned to normal over the next vasopressin release from the posterior pituitary
K Belton few days and the diarrhoea and abdominal pain gland, although the mechanism is not known.
S H L Thomas resolved. On discharge, and after fluid restric- Symptoms generally present at plasma sodium
tion had been discontinued, the patient’s concentrations less than 130 mmol/l and
Correspondence to
Dr SHL Thomas
plasma sodium and potassium were 135 include anorexia, nausea and vomiting, head-
mmol/l and 4.6 mmol/l, respectively. The ache, diarrhoea, weakness, lethargy, confusion,
Accepted 9 March 1999 patient took phenytoin for 4 weeks after convulsions and coma. Severity is usually
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510 Belton, Thomas

determined by the speed of onset and extent of

the fluid and electrolyte disturbances. Learning points
In this case other possible causes of hyponat-
x hyponatraemia is commonly caused by drugs,
raemia included diarrhoea and vomiting; how- either because they cause excessive sodium loss
ever she was not clinically or biochemically (eg, diuretics) or cause inappropriate antidiuretic
dehydrated. Her convulsions may have been hormone secretion resulting in dilutional
caused or contributed to by acute alcohol hyponatraemia
withdrawal, although it is more likely that the x SIADH is diagnosed on the basis of low plasma
rapidly worsening hyponatraemia was respon- osmolarity associated with inappropriately high
urine osmolarity and urine sodium
sible. Many of the non-drug causes of SIADH x many drugs may induce SIADH, including SSRI
were excluded by the normal chest X-ray and antidepressants. The elderly appear at particular
head CT scan. The diagnosis was confirmed by risk
the response to drug withdrawal. x drug-induced SIADH should be treated by
Drug-induced SIADH is treated by with- withdrawal of the oVending drug and fluid
drawing the suspect drug and restricting fluid restriction. Sodium infusion is controversial and
should only be considered in severe cases
intake. This is almost always eVective, as in this x profound drug-induced hyponatraemia is a
case. Treatment of severe or persistent hy- serious adverse drug reaction and should be
ponatraemia is controversial. If symptoms are reported to MCA/CSM using a yellow card, even
severe and the serum sodium is very low (ie, if the suspect drug is already known to cause this
<125 mmol/l), some authorities advocate cau- eVect
tious sodium replacement with normal or
hypertonic (5%) saline.2 3 This is infused at a Box 2
rate of up to 75 mmol sodium per hour until
the plasma sodium reaches 125 mmol/l. Addi-
tion of frusemide may be useful by enhancing
the excretion of hypotonic urine. During this years.5 More recently, a series of 736 cases of
process plasma sodium should be measured SIADH associated with SSRIs has been
frequently and not allowed to increase by more described. Of these, 75% were over 65 years of
than 2 mmol/h and 12 mmol/l per day. The age, 75% were female, and 75% involved
danger of sodium infusion is that it may cause fluoxetine.6 To what extent these figures reflect
central pontine myelinolysis, particularly in the characteristics of the population receiving
patients with chronic hyponatraemia.3 4 This is SSRIs, and to what extent the utilisation of the
characterised by flaccid paralysis, bulbar weak- individual agents, remains uncertain. In these
ness, abnormal eye movements and coma, fea- cases the median time from to onset of
tures which may not resolve when the plasma hyponatraemia was 13 days, although 29%
sodium is stabilised. Demeclocycline is some- presented more than 3 months after starting on
times used to treat chronic SIADH,2 but is not SSRI therapy. Hyponatraemia was reversed by
usually necessary in drug-induced SIADH withdrawal of the SSRI in 96% of the cases
since this usually resolves spontaneously once described. By February 1998 the CSM/MCA
the responsible drug is withdrawn. has received 65 reports of SIADH and 305
The elderly appear to be particularly at risk reports of hyponatraemia associated with
of developing drug-induced SIADH. In 1994 SSRIs.
the CSM/MCA reported on 116 cases of
antidepressant-induced hyponatraemia; 88 of Keywords: adverse drug reaction; hyponatraemia; syn-
these involved selective serotonin re-uptake drome of inappropriate secretion of antidiuretic hor-
inhibitors (SSRIs) and the mean age was 73 mone; sertraline

1 Bartter FC, Schwartz WB. The syndrome of inappropriate 4 Sterns RH, Riggs JE, Schochet Jr SS. Osmotic demyelina-
secretion of antidiuretic hormone. Am J Med 1967;42:790– tion syndrome following correction of hyponatraemia. N
806. Engl J Med 1986;314:1535–42.
2 Spigset O, Hedenmalm K. Hyponatraemia and the syn- 5 Anon. Antidepressant-induced hyponatraemia. Curr Probl
drome of inappropriate ADH secretion (SIADH) induced Pharmacovigilance 1994;20:5–6.
by psychotropic drugs. Drug Safety 1995;12:209–25. 6 Liu BA, Mittman N, Knowles SR, Shear NH. Hyponatrae-
3 Ayus JC, Krotapalli RK, ArieV AI. Changing concepts in mia and the syndrome of inappropriate secretion of antidiu-
treatment of severe hyponatraemia: rapid correction and retic hormone associated with the use of selective serotonin
possible relationship to central pontine myelinosis. Am J reuptake inhibitors: a review of spontaneous reports. Can
Med 1985;78:897–902. Med Assoc J 1996;155:519–27.
Downloaded from on March 20, 2018 - Published by

Drug-induced syndrome of inappropriate

antidiuretic hormone secretion
K Belton and S H L Thomas

Postgrad Med J1999 75: 509-510

doi: 10.1136/pgmj.75.886.509

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