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The answer to everything


The first and foremost above all queer realities while searching for higher knowledge is
that one is searching not only for the inexplicable but in many cases, the nonexistent.
How to venture into a distant world or another dimension that has no vocabulary will
be undeniably met with an injection of reason created by the investigator. Those who
want to attain higher realms of reality and those seeking knowledge that is meant to be
unreachable (even unattainable) will eventually acknowledge some images, sensations,
and emotions discovered carry a blank name tag as if they didn’t exist or don’t belong
in our realm. These concepts that come from outer dimensions or somewhere else carry
great sensation yet remain a complete mystery as if they do not belong in this universe,
but for one reason or other have stuck a ugly head into our universe for us to catch a
glimpse of an unexplainable connection. These strange occurrences are very hard to
describe even though they sometimes greet us in the form of a gift. Extrasensory
perception is a gift. Being able to disappear, read minds and see into the future are all

The great divide, material, spiritual and or both united have a property of being equally
combined also included in spirituality that realm of reality of nonexistence, or is it just a
heavy perception deficiency? Where one hears footsteps on the second floor, when
investigated, finds an empty hallway or room. We are living an existence where betting
on one side or the other will satisfy our curiosity and even if we are right or wrong, for
the time being are comforted the truth exists somewhere. In that moment in time,
without fear we believe living has been achieved. Our questions were answered even if
only partially and sigh in relief there was no ghost in the hallway. Material and
spiritual is the glue that drips down the funnel into a world where 50/50 meets. To learn
the ways of life and higher knowledge it would seem including anything, but those two
subjects would be pointless. Hence this world is filled with scientists, religionists and
the philosophers view. A two-sided coin well spent still buys you that needed slice of
comfort. Surprisingly both sides, the spiritual and physical when individually
investigated lead to one or the other’s existence. Yet if we were to measure that
existence in a large bucket they would barely fill a minute portion. There is much more.

The assumption that consciousness controls the physical by thought leaves us to point
out that perhaps it is possible to move objects by this process because of the simple
notion we are doing it already with the bodies we maneuver. If we are the essence of
those things not within this universe, as in spirit juice, no one knows how this

connection works in today’s science because mind over matter breaks the laws of
physics. But perhaps this thought has a flaw while we can do it with our bodies
everything else from bending spoons to reading minds is off limits. It makes absolutely
no sense to have one without the other unless our first assumption “mind over matter”
is incorrect. The answer lies within how life learned perception and a vast host of other
things via sensing motion through frequency. This is how life developed naturally
reaching out or within, by any means possible, to gain a greater understanding of the
answer to everything.

A helpful note before continuing on:

Our visual perception reveals fifty percent or less of anythings existence. All objects,
events and scenery reveal to our dismay may contain fifty percent of the reality. It is no
secret the 3-dimensional universe hides 50 percent of the visual experience naturally
within its design. The other 50 percent is recreated either by lies, imagination or an


1. Creation and the Infinite Universe

2. Gravity

3. Frequency

4. Precognitive vs Suspicious and Superstitious

5. Spaceships

6. Resonance Transfer

7. Time and Death

8. Pyramids

9. Why Does Man Have Nipples?

10. Dream State

11. The Flaw

12. The Ethereal Events of Life

13. The Secret Answer to Life

14. Everything is a Delivery System

Creation and the Infinite Universe 1

It would be unfair to reveal a beyond normal understanding of everything without

beginning with reality.

Reality has three components or parts. The first component of reality is everything that
exists and that it exists without conscious creative expression. All that is or was before
higher life had the idea it needed to change and produce things to prevent scarcity. All
the stars, planets, mountains and oceans would be an example. The second part of
reality is all what life has created from ideas inherent as a continuation or deterioration
of the species. Everything non-human or non-life can be excluded. Education, finger
painting and tractors would be an example of this reality. The third part of reality is
everything that can’t be understood, changed or known. This would include how life
originated on Earth or what happens after you die. The missing knowledge, negative,
false or nonexistent also belongs in this reality.

Other then language the one thing that separates higher life from all spices is the
amount of its creation manifestation. To take an idea from the mind and mold it into a
three-dimensional portrayal of thought in a conscious continuous fashion.

But what humans don’t and can’t do is create something from nothing separate from
the mind. That would break the laws of physics. We cannot think of a car and decide
without an event of assembly then poof within seconds have a vehicle ready to drive
off. We cannot make a spoon appear from thin air or make a clock stop unless we pull
the plug. Yet there is something poking at us deep within our genetic DNA somewhere
telling us it is possible to move matter with thought.

Many artists would argue the point that improvisation is a create from nothing form
and is proof that art can be spontaneously brought about into existence. What they fail
to tell you is the spontaneous creation from nothing isn’t from nothing at all but carries
with it all the experience of one’s past. Without that there can be no base to draw from.
The painter still paints with a brush, paint and canvas. However, and again let’s point
out there are new or fresh ideas that can be brought into existence via the use of already
existent materials molded into something that appears to be brand new. A design or a
change of a design gives us the freedom to be creative enough not to be repetitious and

For the universe scientists, they have moved God out of the picture of creation and
replaced him with another creation manifestation. The notion that the universe had to
be created stems either by its better not to offend completely but to include a partial
agreement. They are stating the universe was created its just God had nothing to do
with it. Nevertheless, one can’t deny The Big Bang is a creation story replacing another
creation story.

There are other notions, investigations and probabilities where theories don’t break
down. They can be used to better enhance our understanding of this universe and point
us in a direction where most of the parts lead us to a whole. Remember 50 percent of
our view is inherently obstructed.


DISAPPEAR. However, feel free to give your fellow man the appearance you did those
things. There is a big difference.

If Higher knowledge could prove that statement false then everyone of us could undo
the universe, everything, all time, all space, all life, all experience into absolute zero. The
difference between creation and the infinite universe is one of estimation. If we can
appear to accurately measure duration between process’s and combine a relative, we
can make the answer finite. The idea that the universe was never created is much more
of a complex idea internally yet offers practical even simplistic answers to lifelong
questions. And to think just because humans can create and in turn think the universe
was created, is the second most self-centered notion ever devised.

When I was a kid there was this Berger joint near my Jr. High school called Lenny’s
many of us hung out there. Equipped with the best cherry chocolate sodas, burgers and
pinball machines. One Sunday I found myself in town for no reason other than to be
exploratory. Lenny’s was closed and found me enjoying the day walking around. I met
up with two friends and we were walking by a service ally way behind a strip of stores.
We noticed some kids down at the end of the ally and decided to head on down. The
ally had a slope in the grade which came to a dead end. The wall to the right of the ally
that paralleled the stores to the left sloped upwards that ended to a Hight of 10 to 12

When we got to the end of the ally where these kids our age, we noticed they had
broken into one of the stores though a back door that opened into the ally. They were
robing the place. When I grew up, Sunday was a day of rest which meant none of the
stores were open and these kids mysteriously turned into little fox’s raiding the hen

Almost immediately when the last kid came out of the store I noticed two cops walking
down the ally. There was no where to run unless you were quick enough to run past
them. Here we were 6 kids all saying to themselves we’re caught. Except me. I had
stepped back up against the wall, remained sill and silent holding my breath while
saying to myself I was not part of this robbery. I will not get caught! The police came
down to round up the kids. One cop had walked up in front of me so close I could see
the hairs on the back of his neck and smelled his cologne. The cop was inches away. I
could see one of my friends with a question mark on his face, he could not believe, as he
was being escorted out I did not get caught. Not knowing then I had stepped into the
third part of reality, I was truly invisible that day but without the disappearing act.

There is good reason for humans to be stuck reinventing themselves with creation. The
continuation of created events keeps the clock ticking and gives purpose to an
otherwise lifeless, meaningless existence. Here is an additional great divide in science.
The Big Bang was coined by the scientist Fred Hoyle who disagreed with the big bang
theory. Here is a list from a scientist perspective, IUT - Infinite Universe Theory vs. BBT
- Big Bang Theory.
Gravity 2

Gravity is the single most cruel, unadulterated theory hogwash, mis aligned, mis
calculated, quasi construed, Top Secret, taken for granted, the littlest known about
subject the universe has ever devised. From the effects of expansion, to other
dimensions, pulling, pushing, gravity waves, space time, gravitons and particle
accelerators no one individual or group has come up with a one (anti Black Box Theory)
revelation to what it is.

However, there are a few things we know about it and these properties have opened a
few doors to experimentation with partial access listed below.

Drop any two objects or more that weigh differently from a predetermined height will
arrive on the ground at the same time. Atmosphere excluded. Gravity does not
differentiate between the heavier or lighter object it affects them equally. This rule
changes when a connection with the Earth is made. Two separate weights act
differently under a measure apparatus such as a scale when on the ground.

Any liquid dropped or molten metal that falls from a designated height of several
hundred feet will take the shape of a perfect sphere. No spaghettification induced

Plants that are grown in zero gravity with sunlight grow in a spherical shape or spiral
and do not grow towards the sun.

On Earth plant appendages grow facing up not down. This is an important observation
as sun light is not the reason for this type of growth.

There are many other clues that will astonish even the unscientific and scientific alike.

I became interested in gravity when I encountered my first UFO. It hovered 15 or so feet

above the ground effortlessly with zero sound. Seeing this at close distance, made it
become perfectly clear that objects did not need wings to be in the sky as in
conventional craft. There was a knowledge that made this craft hover in space and that
technology at the time was alien to us and still is.

What I do know is at least one science community will lie about programs relating to
proving theories correct about gravity for the continuance of grant money or to hide the
fact the theories they teach are world excepted and established but aren’t correct.
Gravity Probe B was such an example. If it was the latter, then conspiracies of a large
order are under way and the Top-Secret marker is at play.

Logical conclusions and causality have not penetrated our way of description because
other known science fields cannot describe or contribute any explanations. If we go
with one school of thought, there is another school to argue a counter point. What is it
about gravity that has higher knowledge for us to view? The very idea that gravity has
shaped our physical structure of bone, yet it is taken for granted by every ordinary Joe
who loves to lift weights, will never give it that much thought. How one subject has that
much influence on growth yet throughout our whole life never knowing what, how and
where that influence came from. The perfect example of: “It just Is” tells us along with
the subject of time travel it’s better to leave it alone. As much as we must leave it alone
may very well be because gravity is a very strange thing, a thing that resides in the third
part of reality, stranger than science fiction and yet to explain it in terms of the size of a
mass is the reason for it, is even more strange. Our conclusions about gravity have
produced nothing except a continuing wonder of what it is. That’s right, if we let go of a
locomotive and an apple at the same time they arrive meeting the earth with equivalent
speed. All one needs to do is accurately describe point one and the reasons gravity
effects two different weights while on the ground while gravity does not differentiate
those same weights while falling? And as we have pointed out flaws before there must
be a flaw in that question. Perhaps the flaw is falling. The objects are not falling and that
would be the reason why the two different weighted objects act the same. We assume
they are falling and so never make the connection that the two separate observations are
not equivalent with one another. These two observations do not meet eye to eye and so
we are willing to look the other way until someone like me points out we have some
higher knowledge knocking at our door. The answer, though hard for any normal
human to digest: THE OBJECTS ARE NOT FALLING! And as preposterous as that
statement is, it must be true. If we decide the objects are not falling, then we must
consider these two observations are very different in form and then realize there are
completely two separate sets of phenomena at play. We find two reactions to two
different and may I add separate problems. Hence when we separate these observations
we must be able to explain how they are possible but do it individually. The only
explanation to the first observation, if the objects are not falling then the ground or
Earth is moving toward the objects. That would or could be the only result and if that is
the case the Earth is moving outward very rapidly without our knowledge or visual
experience. Remember we can see it but only 50 percent of the other side. Our minds
are programed to see the apparent falling objects, but it is not hard to do the reverse and
imagine the earth is approaching the objects. This effect of an outward motion of Earth
would also explain how the two different waited objects behave differently while there
is a connection on the ground.
Frequency 3

This is a large subject. The subject is as large as the universe. That is pretty dam large.
We could go on forever and indulge ourselves with fascination on measuring the
slightest curve of a wave. But the idea of this book is to give the reader an
understanding of higher intelligence. We will start with how life developed the 5 senses
using, delivering and detecting motion or frequency. This subject is the essence,
heartbeat of all nature, mechanical, electrical, chemical and nuclear within a pliable

From the vibration of an earth quake to the vibration of a violin string. Once the
observation that all things vibrate to induce an effect, we can channel, mimic, those
vibrations to suit our needs. The five human senses are incredible delivery systems in
sensing or detecting outer frequency’s while simultaneously obtaining information
about the universe we live. We have outgrown our biological senses, which doesn’t
make them any less important or valuable in that we have created apparatuses such as
telescopes and particle receptors to enhance our knowledge of space, while these things
are foreign to biology, they have greatly increased our understanding. Humans are
experts in creating the tools that generate additional and that require expanded
questions about higher knowledge, from simple to the more difficult.

As a younger child I always enjoyed being rocked. That back and forth motion was
comforting and that feeling never has dissipated even till now. We are programed while
ingrained with motion from the moment we are born. Though not outwardly sensed a
link must exist to steady a minuet wobble in the earth, like our bio time clock detects
time, something within ourselves detects the speed of the earth around the sun. Motion
is key in every aspect of our events. We have become experts in repetition. I am
sensitive to motion, especially visiting Highrise hotels or tall buildings. If I stay in them
for long periods of time when exiting and with two feet planted firmly on the sidewalk,
I’ll feel as if I am moving back and forth. This occurs because my body stabilized during
the swaying of the building. It automatically adapted to its movement and I spatially
returned to normal. But now again my body needs to stabilize from the motion of the
building while outside.

With every Ocean wave slapping on the shore line there is comfort in the sound water
produces. Where water is the waves medium, another medium the “air” allows the
pleasant wish sound to reach our ears. It is very hypnotic. A motion repeated like this
can put you to sleep very rapidly. We must realize a medium must exist, for any type
of wave or energy to travel at any distance. Our ears detect this vibration moving at
700 MPH through air and we can discern tone, pitch and loudness with ease. The ear is
an amazing yet simple structure we all take for granted. And not unlike water or air,
light must have a medium to travel any distance as well. But here we must end and
start a venture into the world of reading minds or sensing the spirit realm. Scientifically
we know this is impossible but only if a medium like an ether does not exist. With an
ether, reading minds, sensing ghosts and other extra sensory perceptions would be a
definite possibility. And this ether would be so thin and vague to the mind it would
remain undetected by the best experts. Dark Matter may turn out to be the ether
everyone is looking for. The conscious mind may be the only tool to detect this ether!
The idea here is once a medium is found we will learn the frequency patterns and use
energy to be sent across vast distances. Once we get the idea a medium like an ether
exists for humans to use we can take advantage of its usefulness and help bring about a
higher knowledge. And like the use of our other senses develop perceptions to gain an
answer to everything.

Precognitive vs suspicious or superstitious 4

As we have touched a little on the 50 percent sight enigma, we haven’t investigated

why humans don’t have eyes on the top, on its sides or in the back of the head. Why
just in the front stereo view? If we are the higher intelligent species on earth why barely
one third degree of clean sight in a 360-degree position? Efficiency is the answer but
only if a medium exists that contributes to sensing those areas not directly seen. If we
could sense or detect someone following or watching us and utilizing this medium by
keeping track of their movements from behind without sight, this would be a great
asset. Sensing their frequency through a medium would be assumed while never
questioning its origin. Some call this the third eye. It is a sense beyond using our normal
5 senses. I am proposing that this sense exists but only because there is an ether which
makes sensing these types of things possible. An electrical impulse or wave coming
from the stalker which only exists and can only be detected because of this medium.

The criminal knows how to hide his misdeeds by not bringing up the memories that
could trigger a release of a wave in this medium and in this case, making us become
suspicious. We test all outward signals apart from this detection but in our gut, we
know something is up. We are sensing something with our third eye. Despite the
outward manifestations and realities telling us this guy is innocent, pointing to
innocence, yet we can feel something else.

While we rub the little rabbits’ foot for luck we can get this whole business wrong. It
may be skill, or people are hard wired where the rest of us have broken connections. If
it can be turned off like a switch willingly this third eye, would make the notion that
subconsciously we are willing to be complacent. And that means we KNOW that all this
is going on but purposely hide the fact.

I think all of us have sensed a phone call coming or an accident about to happen. Even a
loved one who died thousands of miles away can be detected. If these senses exist it is
only because of a medium that is in-between the sender and the receiver. There must
be a substance, in this case a medium the message can travel on and distance is not a

But without delving into the questionable, analytically we can absorb mountains of
information and structurally affirm end results. This data ultimately predicts our future
under any given set of circumstances if we have corrected or truthful information.
Without correct information our guess is at best and only worthy of wisdom and

In 1848 the Jones living in the Appalachians were reminded from previous experience
their hearing and smell allowed them to shelter soldiers with medical help. Faint pops
and the rolling fragrance of gunpowder smoke coming down the mountain side made it
all too clear of what was to come the following day. This information was quickly acted
on and they saved many lives. Being prepared is a good thing. The fact is the Jones
family only used two senses and experience to guide them into the future. The medium
used here was the air.

Much of what we do today is a combination and use of our physical senses with our
third eye. This story may have been different if the wife had a dream about the war and
then she acted on the dream before the aroma of gunpowder. They may have ventured
over the mountain to see and have been killed but more likely the feeling of fear via
another type of medium would have kept them from going. I can honestly say that I
have used my intuition on many occasions sensing ugliness or evil through this
medium with my third eye and have lived to tell the story. A few times I ignored it and
escaped by the skin of my teeth. It is with good measure to take heed of this sixth sense
especially if a feeling of life and death are around the corner.

I was working outside of Chicago when one evening a worker friend asked if I wanted
to go out for the evening to drink and play pool. We did this often as in most on the
road workers can get board staying at mostly cheesy motels. There is not much to do
except get back from work, take a shower, head out to eat and play some pool while
getting drunk. When having all this fun after work one never realizes these places can
be rather dangerous. This time I was asked repeatedly if I was heading out to this place
we would visit almost every other night. Except this evening I just said no, and I have to
say for no other reason, but I didn’t feel right about going out. Something was telling
me not to go.

I woke up about 1:30 In the morning when my work partner stumbled around holding
his belly. I asked what’s the matter and he said a fight broke out in the bar and all he
wanted to do is go to sleep. The problem was he had blood all over his hands and shirt
and I asked him where did that come from? He said he was stabbed during the fight. I
said WHAT? Then I proceeded to do everything in my power to get him to a hospital.
We arrived within 20 minutes and during that time trying to keep him awake. The
shank he was stabbed with was about a half inch wide and 8 inches long. How do I
know this as I witnessed the doctor push a stick into his gut and the stick kept going in.
The wound went sideways across his belly. If the shank had penetrated his gut or an
organ the hospital visit would have been very different.

What was telling me not to go? This is a very important question because many
instances this has occurred throughout my life and it should be important to know what
is keeping my ass safe from danger. I could have said an angel is watching over me, but
I am not that proud to say an angel wouldn’t even notice me being around. However, it
could be the medium helping along those electrical impulses that carry with them the
future and I just happened to catch a glimpse with my third eye. I can’t explain it any
other way.

Spaceships 5

What is a spaceship? It is simply a vehicle that travels through space. Just because your
car has wheals makes it no less a spaceship. Those that travel in an orbit of earth or
reach other planets does not make them more special. Your 67 Schwinn stingray bike
with monkey handle bars and banana seat parked in your garage makes it no less a
space vehicle. However different power configurations and designs can make the
difference while traveling in speeds excess of thirty thousand MPH. We are going to
start with a simple inertia drive. The drive is mechanical in nature, but its design will
surly give a run for its money. It is circular in shape with heavy weights attached to the
ends of extended arms from its center. These arms when fully extended and equally
spaced rotating at thousands of MPH, Reduced to MPS create an immense amount of
outward force. The engine spinning the weights can be magnetically powered by a
nuclear reactor. In addition, there is a center engine separate from the main power and
its purpose is to minutely retract one or more of the arms inward while they are in
motion. The counter weight during this inward retraction propels the spacecraft in the
opposite direction. Releasing the weight again back into position propels it the other
way. It may also be called a harmonic drive because one needs to know the speed or
frequency in revolutions this drive reacts best too. Different size weights with changes
in diameter size will react in accordance of those specifications. Here is a drive
unfamiliar to the rocket scientists. There is no propellent nor do you need large
containers to carry the propellent. It will be an engineer’s nightmare designing a
structure that will withstand enormous pressures but its simplicity and
maneuverability in any direction will undoubtedly be a winner. Granted the design I
am giving here is in two dimensions. Side to Side and front to back. How you design
yours to go up and down, I’ll leave that up to you. The gyroscopic force alone makes it
one the sturdiest structures unable to tip or tilt. It is also a very deadly craft if not
designed properly. Those weights traveling at Mock 10 if detached will penetrate
anything in its path. Also, one must consider, the extremely high G forces if the weights
are snapped back into position to quickly. A slow motion to extend the arms is
recommended. We need to start thinking in different dimensions if we are to gain
higher knowledge. Limiting travel by way of the gas engine is not moving forward in
idea terms even as far as the betterment of mankind. I can tell you this, I have a good
feeling someone will be interested enough to try and build the dam thing. I have always
known it is smarter to let things work for you. In this design the energy these weights
produce works for you and I think you will be amazed how well they will.
10 reasons why spaceships visit Earth:

1. The occupants after traveling twenty light years need to relieve themselves and if
possible find a rare akiwano to eat. A akiwano is a fruit similar to ajumbaui. A
aumbaui is a fruit from planet Nemtar.

2. It gets awful lonely out there and some aliens just want to find someone to talk to.
3. Some of the aliens flying around our galaxy are escapee’s fleeing capture from the
planet Eepacse and are looking for someone to murder or for no reason have the urge to
commit a horrible crime.

4. Some aliens have been known to look in windows not to scare or abduct anyone but
because they are peeping Toms.

5. Many Earthlings who finally get abducted feel they have been violated because of the
things that were done to them. When the reality was, the aliens decided not to keep
them, through them back to earth because they weren’t good enough.

6. We are to them like what a fish, insect or rodent is to us but only for one reason: WE
think it so.

7. Number 6 is not entirely true. There are aliens out there that with a single thought
could squish your head and make it go pop like a rubber balloon.

8. One reason they may not visit: On Earth we have been digging at this thing called life
for a very long time, as long as space is infinite. They know this and realize why bother
interacting with a species who can’t remember a few days ago let alone they had a
visitor from space.

9. One more reason why they might not visit: Some aliens hear about other aliens
getting pink slips after arguing with their master’s orders having to travel billions of
miles just to get a few resources like gold or water from earth.

10. The real reason aliens want to make a permanent connection with earth? Is Fear they
will be rejected after all the new technology earthlings steal and sell for profit. They are
so scared some of our ideas will rub off on to them that they are in a constant
reaffirming psychology that they feel may be a disease without cure: wearing lipstick,
Plaid suits, tying bows on shoes. Putting paint on nails, going to work, getting paid,
owning pets, talking to plants, nightmares and eating fat etc. in their mind are all

Resonance Transfer 6

It’s an echo. Technically RT acts like Piezoelectricity (the electric charge that
accumulates in certain solid materials (such as crystals, certain ceramics) but it’s not an
entirely an electrical process. The mechanical aspects with matter apply to this theory as
well. This is the subject of why people see Nessie, Big foot, ghosts and UFOs without
conclusive evidence. This is a theory where the surroundings as in certain types of rock
crystal, metal, wood and even biological mater will record moments of an event. Exactly
like the recording of a moment into your memory within your mind except it gets
recorded into the crystal, rock, object and surroundings in which you live. To access
these recordings a stylist, trigger of pressure or an electrical atmospheric type induction
would create a playback of the historical event. Here is a crude example in mechanical
form: Let’s say there were two people in a factory that manufacture circular designs on
small rugs. This machine is designed to etch, with a needle and thread the design at
high speeds. With the speed comes a certain frequency created by the back and forth
motion of the mechanism. Let’s say the two workers were standing next to the machine
talking. It is possible that audio waves from their voice transfer onto the thread and
attach itself to the frequency of the machines motion and a recording will take place,
like the etchings on a vinyl record. The trick here is how to play back the recording. It is
not impossible to imagine where a sweeper or vacuum cleaner along with the rotating
brush at just the right speed, would act as the stylist on the recording and then hearing
voices while vacuuming your rug would scare the hell out of you. The chances of
course, if this should occur would be astronomical but it is possible. Now for this theory
to work you need a variable pressure or a release of pressure. The earth creates this
pressure by natural means. So, you have a vast amount of rock or crystal under
pressure and then there is a quick release, this electrical or magnetic energy using the
ether hits a life form or object and bounces back to the rocks or crystals and then gets
absorbed by matter where the event was created. Under the right conditions, 20
thousand years later someone in that exact area may experience that recording. The
exact conditions would have to warrant such an experience, but I believe it’s possible.
This would explain some of the sightings of Nessie, Big foot, ghosts and even UFOs.
In this theory, people are peering into a moment of the past that was recorded hundreds
if not thousands of years ago. Without a medium or a substance for this energy to
travel, none of this would be possible. The ether or a likeminded medium makes it

RT is not limited by absorption. The event can continue to flow in and out of the
material objects creating a hop scotch effect while traveling hundreds of miles in any
direction. Like an idea planted in the readers minds of a magazine these events can
sprout anywhere and have many arms. We can sense these low energetic impulses that
seem to come out of nowhere. Sensations that could be associated with the past but, you
have no idea what they are. These are complete sensations without a name tag. You can
run into these with great frequency while some of us ignore these sensations others use
them to get meaning out of life. They contain mostly an overall perception of an event,
the type of day and how it was viewed. Not the visual picture of the event
surroundings but more like a feeling about it type of sensation. It is not a complete
sensation because the frequencies of the event were not all recorded. Several reasons for
this are while bouncing around from object to object, the higher energy losses in density
by friction against the nuclear make up of the material will cause it to diminish.

Obviously, this is not entirely the reason people experience out of the ordinary
occurrences however this is a contributor to a vast amount of perception among the
Time and Death 7

IMPORTANT NOTE: To eradicate the notion of a singularity moment in time one must
replace it with the multitude of processes that give us the illusion of time.

The more processes or events going on around us the more we are comforted to know
time will last forever or till our life time ends. There may be some importance to our
thinking if our calendar is filled with appointments and things to do. It is only until all
this is taken away, and may I add it could be real or imagined, do we really start
thinking about the end or death.

Given this thought, we need to be concerned with how much we accomplish before we
die has little importance in the end. Because no one, nobody, no how knows what
happens after the body has completed its journey. What happens to the spirit remains a
complete mystery except for those who have died and came back to tell their story. For
those who don’t believe in a spirit it becomes self-explanatory, lights out. What we do
in our life time should not be regulated by what happens after we die because we do
not know that mystery. It’s unknowable for good reason. It resides in that third part of
reality which is unknowable.

This does not mean we can’t speculate or try to understand deaths meaning in terms of
a life time and where that journey afterward may take us. Must we put a value on our
life for the sole reason someone else said you should? If it is the idea that you must do
all you can before you die because life is short is another error in thinking. Forever
doesn’t include what happens in a single life time or does it care.

Once a lifetime is over you are stripped of everything you were or wanted to be.
Stripped of all memories and physical ownership. Stripped of knowledge and identity.
Stripped of humanity and personality. Stripped of things you didn’t even know you
had. Example: Let’s say you loved sucking on a spoonful of peanut butter. You loved to
see how long you could keep it in your mouth while savoring every drop. Do you think
that experience will go with you after you die?

The young and the fruitless, old and the stiff will undoubtedly tell me yes.

What you will get back after the Earth experience: The answer to everything. When you
come back, you will know nothing.

Time can be considered a wave and that matter is a laminate over that wave. The matter
of the body has exhausted its distance on the wave death will be the result. This occurs
to all life and the resulting artifacts created during this process replicates or mimics the
creator and will eventually get absorbed and reused. It is called “The Infinite Event”. It
is a combination of two concepts. The first is Infinity and the second is finite. The finite
is seamlessly interacting within the infinite. The first concept is not an illusion and the
second is the illusion only in respects to the apparent end of the wave. Life’s matter
never disappears it only gets absorbed.

I have pondered the opportunity of covering the existence of god within this book as it
may seem he has been left out of the answer to everything. This is where I get to change
that idea as I sincerely recognize the need to know, become one and love God. The
question is not whether God exists or not, it is how to understand God’s role in the
quest of an answer to everything. Putting God in the third aspect of reality would be
virtually correct but not all inclusive. Him / God as a concept in where infinity and God
are one. That which exists without creation or being created and that which exists for
the purpose to continue forever. And within that concept houses another reality that of
creation and death. This is the definition of God. However, anyone who wants to
perceive any variation thereof is an injection of reason for a personal agenda is free to
do so.

God must exist not for the mere morality or purpose of existence but for the shear love
one can attain that has no boundaries in associating with something that can never die.

The Pyramids 8

I have my suspicions and agree the pyramids were used as engines and these engines
are hundreds of thousands of years old, maybe millions. The Egyptians were a much
later race of people and had no idea what purpose the pyramids were used for. What
were these engines? Well there are several theories floating around from water pumps
to the manufacture of Plutonium. Personally, I believe they were atmospheric
transformers. Now let me be the first to say this because I have not read or heard about
this theory before. I am telling you that millions of years ago the earth was not
inhabitable, ox levels were low so low the dinosaurs died out. Now we do know ox
levels have fluctuated almost throughout the history of the earth and its first contact
with ox was about 2.5 billion years ago, that was when ox was pouring into the earth’s
toxic atmosphere. However, catastrophes have occurred since then causing severe low
levels of ox. Many forms of life completely disappeared during these times. Looking
into my crystal ball you may say, there was a race long before the Egyptians and it was
their attempt to continue humanity by building these atmospheric engines. Some of
these engines produced ox and some had the job of scrubbing toxic gasses from the
atmosphere. They were ingenious contraptions that made horrendous hissing and
thumping sounds that could be heard hundreds of miles away. In came the bad and
out went the good. A whole science of life originated from the premise that life could
exist anywhere in the universe from these machines. Its technology outlined every
dogma and belief system on earth today. And all of what we have today was created
from some aspect of the lost mathematical technologies, philosophies and religions that
sprouted ages ago directly from the pyramid machines.

Only a scientific or an engineer mind would understand the use of all that weight.
These structures were designed to hold down immense pressures within the Pyramids.
They are not burial tomes nor designed to send anyone to any destination during the
afterlife. The original Pyramids were used to pump atmospheres around planets, much
later when discovered by other civilizations and not understood, were mimicked for
imaginary and different reasons why they existed. If at all these structures showed
them, was that a structure like this could be possible to design and erect for the
imagination to come into play. The real reason they stand today will never be revealed
with the correct understanding. In my opinion these creators of the Pyramids were well
beyond the technology of today in that they knew their creations would amaze us with
wonder, but I don’t think they would have expected the future humans would be so
complacent in thought.

The argument where are all the advanced tools from this past civilization? This can
easily be explained with one question. Where are all the tools left behind from the
building of my house in Delaware? My guess the builders took them away.

This reminds me of the movie Planet of the Apes where a race long ago was smarter
and better then the current civilization. Their mistake in thinking we would be if not
equal in ability, above in intellectual thought would embarrass the most honorable and

Let’s get this straight, all that weight 5,750,000 tons of stone was used for an ideological
transformation not a practical one?

That question alone should be and is the answer!

Why does man have Nipples? 9

As we will never know the exact history of our evolutionary descendants in complete
lineage form we must assume from the expected mechanical arrangement. Either man
at one time shared the duties of breast feeding along with the woman or a misfire in the
genetic DNA purposely ignited to confuse the hell out of genetic scientists for the
perfect joke.

We can comfortably arrange the evolution of early man with a short story that may go
something like this: While groups were starting to emerge in small numbers it was
necessary for man to protect his family which lead him on a journey that had separated
early tasks from any inherent duties such as breast feeding. While the woman as in
birth became the one to be responsible for the in structure and development woman
assumed nurturing. Man looked outward in the environment for responsibility duty
and protection while the woman maintained the family structure and rearing of
children. In large order, this practice continues to this day. Ask any man today who
oversees the household and the answer will always be “my wife”.

The story above sounds logical but not necessarily true. Because man can have nipples
because he just has them. No rhyme or reason. Right? That would admit a mistake had
occurred in evolution where something evolved without purpose. Perhaps our thinking
will change when the investigative journey of “why does man have nipples” reveals no
purpose was ever intended.

The future evolution of nipples may hold another story altogether. If we can’t
determine or come to a final theory from the humans past let us pear into the future and
get our answers there.
My mother was a card reader. She was a colorful, loud, stubborn and revengeful
woman that if she liked you, would give you the shirt off her back. She always over
paid and over tipped the help and waitress but if for some odd reason she didn’t like
what you were doing god forgive your presence around her.

My mother never charged for her readings. She had clients and friends from all over the
Philadelphia area and beyond who would love to spend a few hours in her company
just to get their cards read. As a young boy she would take me to Polly’s Tea Room
where she had Polly read her fortune and mine. It was fascinating. Dry tea leaves were
put in a cup and boiling water was added. You drank the tea while engaged in
conversation with Polly. After all the liquid tea was gone the remains of the leaves were
left at the bottom. Polly would take hold of the cup and pear into a world where very
few people are able to go. After several moments Poly would tell you the future.

Though my scientific mind tells me none of this can be possible I lived in a world where
the mystical held some truth that other wise could not be explained by reason of science

Most of my experience with the fortune telling was a mere fascination until one day my
mother read my cards. Not that this day was that unusual from past readings she had
read before but this time I had wrote down a few things she said about my future. At
this time, I was living in New Jersey secured in a job of 18 years had children and my
wife was working too.

Six months went by and I found myself working for another company and they had
sent me to the Carolina shore by the beach while I had my home in Haddonfield New
Jersey. This was a complete change in my life style. I hadn’t really noticed until one day
pulling money out of my wallet to pay for a meal a wrapped up folded paper fell onto
the ground. I picked it up and opened the paper and my jaw hit the floor. It was the
paper and what I wrote down during my mother’s reading. It had said that I would
change jobs making more money and that I would be living close to water. I had written
that down specifically because I knew that would be farthest from the truth and just not
a possibility yet here it is, it happened.

I sense I have the same ability as my mother but have not proved the inkling for fear I
may be viewed as an oddball. Nevertheless, I believe the future does not exist until it
happens unless, akin to finding a treasure in the deepest ocean, there is a medium to
make it all possible. My first approach is that it is impossible for a good reason and
perhaps a purpose. If everyone could see into the future this universe would be a very
different place indeed. And because it is not that way rules and laws are steadfast in
place to keep order. But may I also suggest these laws and rules were founded by
humans not because they identified as gate keepers but because they had exhausted
every other cause and can’t find the proof.

With all this in mind only a few are chosen to see into the future and may I add they
know the medium to make it happen. It could be by mistake or because pure fascination
leads them there, whatever the reason they are able to use this medium.

Dream State 10

When your body falls asleep a dream or two is a good recipe in opening a whole new
world. The body shuts down and it is now your turn to dream away in your own
personal universe apart from the day to day grind. Mine are usually action packed or
mysterious and on occasion seductive yet for the most part unmemorable. But there are
those that are very strong for whatever reason and the dream feeling can linger an hour
or two after being awake.

My dreams, the ones I remember, are special but not necessarily educational in that I
can’t use them to analyze behavioral problems or retrieve my destiny from them. They
are odd for the most part and in a strange way keep me entertained. The bad dreams
are still entertaining. A dream that makes me jump out of bed, now that is entertaining.
If a dream has that much power to get you to sweat, race your heart and scare the hell
out of you then there must be something behind it. A little mind over matter but on a
subconscious level? Mind over matter sure but I’ll leave out subconscious because in a
dream I am fully aware and ready to react to the next dream surprise and that reaction,
while I recollect, fear is all too typical of a response in a nightmare.

My best guess are those dreams that magnify normal sensations trigger the desire to
hold on to them. And I do because there are dreams from my youth that had such an
impact I remember them in every detail. As a teenager I remember one that disturbed
me deeply. A girl in my class named Lesley had all the right features and curves of a
young woman. I had a crush on her body mostly as I didn’t talk with her much. Her
demeanor, the way she carried herself was somewhat of a hood and tough in character.
She was all woman in my eyes. My dream didn’t last all that long. I was at home in the
back yard on a bridge over a small stream standing there. I turned around and there she
was approaching me. When she got to the bridge she unzipped her pants and pulled
out a penis and tried to pee on me. I was so shocked in the dream I woke up and from
then on, the lustfulness died out along with any idea I should get her to be my

That dream was so powerful it stopped me dead for I had found out the truth about

As a younger child there were dreams that were vibrantly vivid and may have for all
purposes been real. There was one dream where these clowns would come and take
everyone out of their houses and line all of us up in formation on the street out in front
of my house. If anyone woke up and realized what was going on, would try to run
away but they were quickly put back to sleep and brought back in line. Some of us were
wrapped up in cloth and stacked upright in a warehouse by the railroad tracks. My
sister told me of a dream she had as a young child where the clowns led me, her, mom
and dad down to the kitchen and told us to sit at the table. She said we were not
allowed to move, she would peer out the window and see large rabbits holding hands
moving in a circle. I remember on many occasions hiding under the bed dreading they
would not come into my room and find me. One night I was crying under the bed
watching my sister being led downstairs by these clowns and thought maybe I should
go and save her.

Was this experience part of the dream or was this earthly real?
The underling transformation of a dream is the dream state. The body is somewhat still
asleep, groggy and pliable. Your mind is deep into the dream but you’re awake and are
aware of the earthly surroundings. At this point it is easy to go back into the dream and
continue the dream or view it from the beginning to end in all its detail.

If you want to take a dive into the unknown this is a good place to start. The Dream
State is where many of my ideas about the universe come from. I use the dream state
but not the dream to carry me into a place where I am aware 50 percent and asleep 50
percent. I am in the dream state which is the condition the dream left me in and I am
aware just enough to control the direction of my thoughts to get answers or to view a
topic that I need to find the truth about. It is also a nifty place to bring out your creative
juices if you’re an artist.

The dimensions of the dream state have degrees of potency like a drug, so I would not
recommend over use or abuse. Take the dive every now and then would be fine to show
nature you’re not altering the universe but using a back door to get a very small
glimpse of whatever you’re trying to find. This is allowed. Because the universe likes
the idea you are using it as a via to get your answers but when and if it finds out you
are breaking the law it will bite you or will smirk while giving you useless information.

The same idea here applies to the tea, card or hand reader. They need that physical go
between to allow them to pier into the future. But what they are reading is the structure
of the medium created and recorded by the individual subconsciously. How much of
that information is viewed is directly related to how much the universe is allowing to
pass on to an individual basis. My Mother who read cards would only read her own
cards no more then once a day and I believe she probably thought that was too much.

You see, after awhile when the things you cherish are rare in volume become abundant
with overuse or production will lose importance and value. The universe has a strange
way of telling you that you have gone to far. Those things that are rare will reveal a lot
because they are on their way out. It is their last-ditch effort to say I was here before
they pass on and it is possible for you to get a glimpse of those things they are

None of this would be possible without a medium the ideas use to travel even if the
location is the mind. At what frequency the dream state vibrates would be a good
question the scientist can explore. But one does not need to know this frequency to reap
the benefits when it, for whatever reason, comes natural to an individual.
The Flaw 11

A Dimond in the rough has many flaws and though a diamond cutter’s job is to cut out
those flaws he designs his cut for the most beauty and size. Essentially when we go
through life our job is to rid ourselves, as much as possible of the flaws and mistakes we
have made. We know this, yet it never fails we find ourselves doing or not doing when
we need to, the same things repeatedly. There are only two words we need to know
when discovering a flaw: IN and OUT.

Once the flaw is discovered it is IN. How to get rid of the flaw is OUT.
It’s a good idea to be careful when getting rid of a flaw, it might not be a flaw at all but
a part of your personality that one time got you into trouble. Flaws are usually
unconscious trustfulness’s. Things you are not aware of but should be aware of. Not
being a good judge of character would be a flaw. Because if you have not set what good
character is for yourself you will not be able to judge others. To not learn this will be a
flaw for the rest of your life.

All flaws can be and should be cut out unless the flaw is keeping you alive. But under
no circumstance use that as an excuse. Do not settle for a flaw remove them, get better
and live life knowing you will not be kept down or be controlled by a flaw.

Really there are not that many of them, but you will find a few and once they are gone
you will be much stronger, beautiful and a wiser person.

A flaw might be the reason why you keep having the same friend around while
thinking about kicking a heroin habit. It’s not the friend’s fault but the flaw is why you
keep him around when you know he’ll be there next week giving you the same shit.
That flaw is very dark, easy to see but needs to be cut OUT immediately.

The flaw will be used against you relentlessly because no one likes a flaw. You’re the
only person that can cut out your own flaws no one else can do it and you will be the
only one to know when they are gone. Never tell anyone about your flaws if you know
what they are unless you are telling a professional. Most assuredly people will use them
against you. But you should never worry once the flaw is gone.

How to rid yourself of flaws using the IN and OUT. There is no set program here. It will
be mostly a do it, figure it out yourself sort of thing. Those two words are mostly self-
explanatory, but you carry with them the ability to analyze and change.

Flaws aren’t life damaging and all can be corrected. Being cross eyed is not a
personality flaw but a biological one and without a doctor to correct the muscle will
remain a physical flaw. Many professionals use drugs to correct flaws, but I believe
those flaws are mostly physical in nature that can’t be rectified by mere analyzation.
The IN and OUT is not a miracle cure all nor is it answer to all our problems. It is a very
simple guide that will make us become aware that we do have flaws, and many are
extinguishable. For some The IN and OUT can be viewed as a switch but that would be
to easy without finding out the history of the flaw. As stated before a flaw is an
unconscious trustfulness, those things you are not aware of but should be.
The personal flaw is a pre-natural phenomenon as it is not created by a bad experience.
It can and does create the bad experience. The Flaw can be considered a manifestation
of being lazy or being insecure with bad judgment.

Stupidity is a flaw. And you will find yourself in very embarrassing situations not
necessarily because of a lack of knowledge but acquiring the wrong knowledge too.

All you need to do is find a time you were embarrassed by somebody and close by will
be a flaw you need to get rid of.

The one who saw the flaw exploited it and that is why you became embarrassed.

Those who are self-educated will do better then those who are taught. The reason for
this and under a microscope the self-educated individual took it upon himself to find
the answers to life and higher knowledge and the result will be self-rewarding while
the other who is taught was force fed that leads to a lot of useless knowledge. The
doors are wide open you just need to be interested enough and work hard enough to
get there.

Personal flaws, with enough attention can be worked out but flaws that are hidden in
education are much more of a problem. Changes in the history after history was made,
theories and opinions about science that are not science can be propagated world wide
which becomes impossible to rectify. Keep in mind unconscious trustfulness can get
you into trouble so pay attention!

There are only two states of condition. In and Out. You are either in something or out of
something. There is also the condition of being between or occupying both at the same
time but that never lasts for long. For example, try being halfway in and halfway out of
a car while driving. Not the easiest thing to do. Switching from one to another is rather
rapid but there are substances that may take years to reveal a change. Glass would be
one of those substances. If one closely looks at a window pane that is 50 years or more
will notice ripples in the glass as if it is a liquid. It is a liquid in terms of gravities
downward affect reveals it is an extremely slow-moving liquid.

Your whole life is nothing but a conscious or unconscious decision about being in or
out of something.
The ethereal events of life 12

(A short story)




NON-MYSTICAL (The pretend event)



Let’s venture into the first ethereal event of life which is light. The humanoid approach
in its never-ending quest to find the truth always spins a psychological connection
thinking that matter is purposeful which then leads to a thought science such as
philosophy or even perhaps religion. Let us say that light has a purpose in life, it brings
us warmth and its rays give us the purpose of sight. But that would mean first before
light, darkness and cold must have existed. To give such a reality a purpose opens the
door to knowledge where questions need to be created and then answered. Without
imposed knowledge questions do not exist and vice versa. Being light is the first of the
ethereal events of life, light here in this form is not broken down into its frequencies.
Life’s first detection of light is only a single frequency for which to view. All other
spectrums in life’s perception at this point do not exist. Color has not yet appeared or
has emerged as an event. Light in this form is equal to zero knowledge yet a perception
of understanding all. It is one and one is all. All is one. A singularity. There is no
opposition, no parts to a whole, only forever without time and motion. Visible space is
starting to emerge, and the only reason life can detect the existence of this light is that as
one of its properties is warmth. A feeling of warmth and calmness permeates which
spreads out into infinity. This light always existed in the universe it is just now, life is
detecting it for the first time. Many eons go by and life is content experiencing this
condition of eternal being and warmth, then without notice something emerges

This is a continuation of the ethereal events of life. Our second topic is color from a total
of 5 events. Color happens to be as mysterious as gravity or any other questionable
reality. This is where light division has penetrated segments of frequencies we call
color. But just prior to leaving the light event our time wasn’t spent in segments of
color. They weren’t mixed as they are today. Imagine floating around in an ocean of one
color, that’s what it was like. I have something that you can do on your own time that
will help you along like meditation. Put yourself in a dark room and close your eyes. It
is normal to see darkness because we exist in the spectrum of visible light 2/3rds of our
existence. The eyes that perceive color are designed to see color by visible light however
we can perceive color without visible light by using our mind. Concentrate on a color
you are fond of with your eyes closed. At first the color may be a small dot. The idea
here is to expand that color in your mind and have it take over all the darkness
remaining. Once you have completely saturated the darkness with color the second part
of this meditation is to brighten the color in intensity. This will take some practice. Once
you see the brilliance of color without visible light you will be amazed. Then ask
yourself how I was able to brighten the color in my mind without visible light? This is
your first step in understanding color in the ethereal event of life. We can perceive
color and create it too. But before color grows into many frequencies we have
experienced individual segmented single shades of a color. In this existence life takes on
the form of the frequency color it created. Two purposes this has, and they are not
interchangeable. The first is to become a part of and the second is to remain invisible.
Near the end of this event a contrast of white and black came into existence. White was
not the first color to appear in this event, it was either yellow or red. I remember oceans
of green and blue but that was much later. Shadows with darker and lighter shades of
color along with forms were starting to appear. Later definite shapes emerged while
everything still had meaning. At this stage we were past noticing there was another
presence other than our own.


The ethereal events of life and the duration of each individual event is designed to last a
very long time. In this way it is almost impossible to remember but a key point here is
that there are always remnants from the previous event that linger like a beacon of the
past that it is supposed to represent. Another key point here is because time travel
doesn’t exist it is the only way to communicate to the future and that is by keeping the
past around for a very long time. Again, the 5 ethereal events are 1. Light 2. Color 3.
Mystical 4. Non-Mystical (the pretend event) 5. Darkness. The third event is Mystical
let’s touch on a few things. One of them is how life treated objects. Objects created were
given the same identity as other life forms and all forms had meaning. Objects when
created and their durations lived a very long time. Objects had an additional purpose in
that they recorded experience, feelings, knowledge and just about everything that went
on in its vicinity. How long? Estimated at hundreds of millions of earths years or more.
This would be peculiar to us but if an object was broken before its time a full
investigation took place. Objects and their duration meant that their experience of
memory was absorbed throughout the years and if needed you could rely on the object
to release its memory to you. You could also give it memories through a sort of
telepathy. The whole aspect of the Mystical event was absorption and release.
Something that broke was very rare because everything knew it lived forever and had a
purpose of being forever. How we would perceive those actions in this event would
seem magical today. Humans made their first foot print during this event. Because
many objects had meaning and were sacred, knowledge about the universe has been
kept free for everyone. Large libraries containing the universes history were created and
still exist to this day.

Non-Mystical (pretend)

Let’s hash over the non-mystical the pretend event which just so happens where
humans are sitting now and at the threshold approaching darkness. There is always an
area between events where the previous event crosses over to the next. The non-
Mystical event is the pretend event. An example of the past Mystical event where a
congregation awaited god to appear he would appear. His presence was so
extraordinary that he often appeared outside the congregation and the rays of love
streamed into the dwelling. The rays that passed through the glass acted like prisms of
color filled the room with spirit. In the non-mystical event as of today those who
congregate do not see God but do feel the sprit as one of a few things that remain from
the prior event. The colored stained-glass windows in today’s churches are a meager
representation of what happened a very long time ago. Perhaps using god as an
example is wrong to do for some people and I apologize. The greatest emotion
produced in the Non-mystical event is fear. But it is a natural precursor from what is to
come. Have you ever thought the lighter you have, that light your cigarettes, would
never lose fuel and would light forever? Or be able to breath underwater as a kid?
These types of thoughts are ghosts from the previous Mystical ethereal event. Now I
have to say it is not all doom and gloom. The ethereal events are not good and evil.
There are several key components to our being that continue throughout all the events.
Beauty, Love and compassion are a few that will never disappear. If I had one example
that would represent the difference in the Mystical event as opposed to the non-
mystical event would be today’s use of magic. In the Mystical event sleight of hand was
not a reality it was the truth.


This ethereal event is approaching and though many will resist, nothing will be able to
stop the Darkness. The current scientific view of why space is dark can’t be explained
by a mere absence of light or a frequency stretch. Do not be fooled by this answer.
Hundreds of millions have been spent on finding out the mysteries of darkness. In fact,
perhaps more experiments have been accomplished in the last 100 years then the study
of light. Fiberoptic? That is child’s play. What could possibly be in darkness that has all
the makings of real discoveries? Well, for one, a room isolated was specifically designed
to exclude all external energy from the universe. What could they be looking for in a
complete vacuum 50 x 50? How it is possible that a human could survive in such a
room and document, like lasers, light beams were protruding outward from the
individual’s eyes. I can tell you many ominous results were discovered. When you look
out into the infinite space the darkness is already here. We are approaching the next
event that of darkness. It will overcome but not quickly. At some point humans will
develop bodies that will mostly expel energy for visibility. This energy will be used for
guidance, like a sort of radar to navigate. We will grow appreciative, without having to
view with eyes as we see things today, many desires, emotions and attitudes will
disappear. A complete transformation will happen from what we consider human.
Eventually, consciousness will remain with zero physical attachments in an atmosphere
of complete and utter darkness. Frequency will be rare except where the new forms of
life congregate and finally merge as one.

The Secret Answer to Life 13

“It is the never-ending quest in discovering all the parts to a whole.”

We start at a very young age, learn to associate, dismantle and discover these parts and
try to make sense of them. Insects, animals even grass gets its torture from the curious
children and it lasts till whenever we finally conclude. Here we are, the subject matter
at hand is already in its entirety yet to understand we need to break it down. It is hard
to comprehend the whole at first glance for most of us. There are those of us who shut
down by the very existence of the whole. They will try, while bypassing every little part
and ask the age-old questions, why does it exist? Where did it come from? There are no
cutting corners here, if one only took the time and were to explore the parts those
questions would eventually disintegrate. It is the uninformed, unmotivated who ask
those type of questions. Questions are important and if aligned for the right content can
become meaningless without purpose. Not always do we succeed in learning all the
parts nor do we even get half way there. But one must try because if we don’t at least
try, life may take over without any direction. Assurance that we have it together and
having the parts under control is the only direction that matters. While demonstrating
to ourselves each time and putting the parts together we are selfishly hording, aligning
them to form that whole. What does it take to keep a family whole? If you discover all
the parts that will keep a family together you will have success. If you discover all the
parts that keep you working at your job you will have success.

“The never-ending quest” beginning of the quote is half the battle and it says one must
have the drive. There must be that willingness to achieve. A desire of accomplishment
wouldn’t hurt either. Never ending means just that, if you give up you’re not part of
anything worth living. If you quit, you can count on the end of anything being around
the corner.

There is a wealth of parts to know that will result in a well-rounded human today. Here
is a short basic list of parts to their whole that would work well in todays society.
Anything less than this would be considered sub-par on any level. On the left side is
the whole, to the right are the parts.

Basic Education: Mathematics, Grammar, Science and History etc.

Current Technology application and knowledge: How to use a keyboard, GPS,

connectors and plugs etc.

Social interaction: friends, morals, love, marriage etc.

Finance: calculation, balancing budgets and savings, projections etc.

Knowing mechanical structures: Gear ratios as in stick shifts, tying shoe laces, cutting
grass etc.

Cooking: temperatures, measurements, ingrediencies, chemistry etc.

Games: playing with a ball, running and jumping, hand and eye coordination etc.

Appearance: Taking showers, cutting hair and nails, eating right, brushing teeth etc.

You may find that a part is such a large part it may act like a whole. It will have parts of
its own. It will be wise to find out those parts too and their purpose. You could list them
as sub-parts just to be technical about it or keep them in mind. Nevertheless, they exist
in some form or fashion and will need to be listed when found out about.

When The National Aeronautics and Space Administration prepared the program to
reach the moon, scientests, engeneers and managers had an inconceivable task to
arrange thousands of designs, manufacturing parts, astronaut training into an enormus

Even if all else fails we can pretend! If we pretend long enough eventually we will
discover that by assuming all those things (parts) that are required to make it look like
the real thing is actually the real thing.

There are two forms, manifistaions or directions that this application can develope.

1. If the subject as a whole is already complete in its entirety.

A. The subject is unknown and you will need to find the parts.

B. You are the subject and you have reached master status.

2. If the subject as a whole is in the process of becoming complete.

A. The subject is partially known and you will need to find the remaining parts.

B. If all else fails pretend.

One thing most assuredly needs to be brought out to the forefront and that is the
difference between knowing everything and getting the answer to everything. Knowing
everything is impossible but being able to get the answer to everything is a matter of
interest, living and experimentation. Even if the answer you seek is a negative, that is
still an answer, at least for the time being. Keep seeking and listing the parts to the
whole. And ask those questions that are signifigant to the whole whatever it may be.

When I was a young teenager tending to school I asked my brother for assistance in
how would I go about getting a girl friend. High School elevated the interaction
between girls and my social equilibrium felt tillted to another level, I needed help. His
response was, “find a very fat and ugly girl. The fat and ugly girl won’t say no. Then all
the girls who will see you walking around with this fat and ugly girl, they will
undoubtedly get jealous. You will have the very best pickings.” I was better then
average looking so he may have had a point. But I didn’t feel comfortable with that
solution and decided I only needed to do two things, which in reality would be
considered two parts to this whole of “Having a Girlfriend”. I needed to 1. find the
courage to ask a girl of my choice and liking and 2. Be ready mentally to except either a
yes or a no. Also what I would do for each individual answer. However that is another
whole with a result of many other different responses. I thought about it but did not go
that far in listing them. I was to excited and ready to go with my newly founded
courage! You see, once you find the parts it is nothing but the truth and the truth
always protects you. It is now just a matter of going for it. I was also lucky with being
semi-handsome. Those who arn’t as lucky may need to find additional parts to the
whole of getting a girl friend.

The Delivery System 14

Sounds militaristic. The existence of power, motion and thought wouldn’t support two
sticks and a fire without it. Life would not exist without it. If you wanted to blame a
failure on anything you would not be mistaken that the absence of a delivery system
was the source of your problem. At first glance, this seems to be a simple knowledge,
but it is extremely powerful. The delivery system is what anything must be or can be.
Without it there is nothing, a zero, a void or simply a failure. The mechanism or
structure that makes up the delivery system can be anything your heart desires. That’s
how wonderful it is, it can be anything you dream of. Also keep in mind it is not that
you have a good delivery system or a bad one, it is whether you have one or not that’s
most important. I was sitting on the toilet one morning and when the duties were done,
realized in one form or another everything is a delivery system. EVERYTHING! The eye
is a very interesting delivery system. Mostly a lens that channels the light fractal to your
brain. Your mouth, teeth, tong and throat are delivery systems to your stomach. Your
car, road ways, lights and signs are delivery systems to get you to your job safely or to
your family back home. It is all a delivery system all the way up till the end and until
the event disappears or it is complete. Not all delivery systems are helpful. The
intellectual (someone smarter than you) can devise trapping mechanisms and take
advantage of the less fortunate. To them this advantage may have a purpose but the
result, may I point out is that it can be done by action alone. It may not need a purpose.

What about the delivery system?

You depend on every system.

All systems can stall.

Some need maintenance.

Some are fast and some slow.

Some lead you to the truth.

Some will lead you to hell.

Some are complex and can over load.

The ones that kill are the worst of all.

How close we are related to all forms of life is because of the delivery system. How
much we depend on all life and use of its nourishment is without question. The
obligation in caring for those life forms that deliver the very essence of our existence
need to be honorably attended to. A delivery system created that is fixed will need
maintenance on a regular basis.
We will never run out of delivery systems because that is the way of the world,
planets and suns. It is an absolute without pear.

The old sea captain in Maryland who traveled the Atlantic from Cuba to Maine told me
about a cargo hold during the mid 70s. While we were doing the Odd and even
rationing, a system of using the last number on a car’s license, oil tankers were
pleasantly parked off the coast of America waiting. There was never an oil shortage as
some suggested but a political maneuver because of the Yom Kippur War. Here is a
perfect example of a delivery system stall.

A promised delivery system that does not exist can lead to a breakdown. Not just in
terms of a mental breakdown but a total breakdown. Everything was at stake. All
association, actions, energies, designs and money etc. Here is where you may find the
greatest sales man who has no idea how a script of a movie is written but will sell the
story to you anyway. The con man lives at this address.

Humans are capable of the most inhuman delivery systems such as nuclear bombs or
chemical weapons. Attached to these bombs are the deadliest delivery systems ever
imagined and produced. Here you have, apart from the initial explosion, hurricane
force winds and a brilliant light that burns the skin off your bones, following a down
pour of deadly radiation.

My favorite delivery system is how to excite your sexual partner. It is the delivery
system before you get to a climax that matters. It is the style of a kiss or a silky touch of
a breast. It is noticing the curvature below the spine or the tension of a muscle while
tending it to loosen. It is discovering a wetness between the legs or your reaction to a
strong grip of love.
Every great artist has delivered something unique. The delivery in art must be special
and not ordinary because that is what stands out or apart from others. It becomes
noteworthy to the eyes and ears of the beholder. Whatever is special about the art,
becomes the artists signature, and becomes the delivery system. That which you see or
hear that keeps your attention focused is a powerful delivery system.

Although the art in music is heavily worked in being creative there is a science that
helps bring about the delivery and it can be very intense. In my opinion science is the
art of measurement which without or not connected to the creation of the delivery
cannot be possible.

I have been writing music most of my life and have done so for my own interests in
creativity. There is a certain appreciation for self-accomplishment in any field, but
music has at its advantage that it can be played back over and over instantaneously.

In our Digital age music programs deliver exceptional quality and are designed to give
the user streamline manipulation. However, there is a science to mixing music that
takes years to learn and that knowledge is geared to bring about a wonderful listening
delivery experience.

One of Star Treks greatest delivery Systems was the food Replicator! My all time

When we get into the field of prisons and incarceration for extreme punishment the less
rehabilitation becomes a delivery system. And when you don’t have a delivery system
to the outside world you will undoubtedly get failure. Containment along with a hefty
paper trail leading to confinement is designed to stop all delivery systems from
reaching an outside perimeter. Rarely does the notion of freedom see the light of day.
The process of incarceration is designed to deliver a conveyor belt system where one is
repeatedly put through the motions of the legal system abides by a strict set of rules.
How much TIME you do is the first rule but remember this, it is their time you are
doing not yours. Your time is better spent mastering delivery systems outside within
the freedom of the world.

I have only known one criminal in detail. At a young age we became friends and as the
years went by our friendship split as his direction was the path of crime and mine
became the path of morals. That part of my life was filled with discovery and pain. I
have no doubt his universe hovered in the 3rd part of reality. Most if not all of his
actions, other then eating and sleeping revolved around theft and later committing
felonies. I intentionally lost contact but many years later heard he was rehabilitated and
had a job doing scientific measurements. In this case rehabilitation became a delivery
system to the outside world.

Now it is time to reveal the mother of all delivery systems, the medium by which this
book is really about. It is what allows any method by which one can glimpse into the
future, communicate without the visual physical attachments, sense the unknown and
do things outside the realm of explanations. It is called: CSE - The conscience space
equivalent. At first glance it looks like space has a conscience. What it means is
everything that is space can be your conscience and everything that is your conscience
can be sent or recieved across space. By using it you can replace the missing 50 percent
of your visual experience. It only reveals itself when used for the purpose of being
used, other wise forget its existence because it won’t do you any favors unless there is a
radical shift of frequency coming from the future. CSE responds well to extreme needs
or emergencies and can play tricks of reversing concepts within experience too.
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