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e r- r S,* Iusrmrffi'HlT"J",no,,ocy &

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Approved by All lndia Council for Technical Education_New Delhi.
Afiiliated to Gujaral Technological University-Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India.
Opp. Science City, Sota Road, Ahmedabad-380 060. ph : 079_67129O00
Fax No. : 079-29700310 | Emait :
Datc: j,,september 20lg n

Letter of Recommendation
This felefence letref is in sUppol.t ot Mr. Deyesh Ketankumar
Bhatt,s application ro your Llntversity
Ior the (;faduare progralr. I would likc to highty
,econ,rrr",,a tl.,"it," t" i.. opp"n""t11
lo attend lour prestigious Uni\,ersit\: Mr-. Devesh has "!."riJ"ri,f ""
becn a stLrdcnt ofSAL'r.tit,,i.
ilnd i:]t!ircefing Gujaral lcchnological tJnivefsit,-. - --- "' uf f..hnotngy
Ileirg l,is Pfofassor and Head Co ordiDrror.of projects. I had jnieract
ample oppofunities
ii, r .iid i, is abiiiiic!. .iiiirLrdc ,rird o!.*ii pe,ruuuitrl, nrr:11,.f"",. 1,i. to ctosely
.. riii
rlrongsl tlrs pcirfs ctue 1() his substantial kuo$,lcdge. dedication,"J it"r"rr, ,,,","1, _,r
hari rvork antl zcar to tearn. I first
mDte across. Mr. D€vesh uhile guiding rlte De\ilin Fngrtccfrng pro;ect
sprc,rJ across Second to
Fourth )ear (Semcsrer l t,, vill) foi tlr" Mectrini,:al
f.|gintc-ring it,ou" obseNed his
lcade*hrr) potential and perrinrnance outside crass. as he hai
bcen ,_rr""n,a",rtr.
.r,i"r prni..i reader. lre $,as
diligent irr hi-s coursework right tiom the he3innirrg anJ ,, t"irg .r"i""i.d
J, ;; ot.rhc seneslef
erams. practrcat exams etc., hc outperfonncd nr.rn\ L,[ hts pcer\ and is
no$ iD rhe top l0% ofthe

Mr. Devesl has sho'''n multi-faccled abililies aud is an incli\,idual with

stroDg prir)ciples and clraracler.
ofdination anrong his proiect ,'cmbers No mater.hoiu stringenr therimclines.
hc has neler iailcd t.
complete his subrnissions in tinrc. withoUt ever.compronrising on the qualit!
of his delirerables. He
has Devcf nrssed an opporrunity to lcaln ancl acquir.e knorvtc,ige *,itlr
an opin mind. One olthe best
exanplcs ol his ato'enrentioncd qLraririirs was his finar project wherc he xnd his team of two
rncrrlrcfs l(x)k on the lask ofdc\eloping ,?aper (,uuing Muciine,ri-sht fronr inlbnnalion
rssirttil.rti,,rr.. inrIJcrnerrtatto h\ in.rn,i8irr,r multiple nrodulcs ro raking routine
construclivc feedback.
I ne Trlr rLri' rcr\rhrtrt\ part ot thc
nr,i((r was handled exccptionally $ell by Mr_ I)cvesh aDd hc lr'l)
deser\'es a nlention ol'ptuise.

Mr' I)e'csh has bccn a quiok learner'. r,!irh e\co ent degree ofconfidencc and self,nrorrvarror. rn mr
intenctlors with hirn insile and outsidc rhe crassroom, I ha'e sceD him growing into a finer'nncr rnorc
responsiblc hunlan bcing. I finnly believe rbar Mr De,resh has alt thc quilities to beco,nc
an excerrenr
crndidatelorlo.r tlnivcrsir) arrd in pofsuitofhis lirdhcr c.reer wiI pru\c himserf,n
bc a !illuablc asset for an\' orgaDilaliolt.

Yours sincerely.

ivls. Preksha Khah i

FncLrll)' ir Mcchanrcal l-)rginccrirg. llead Co ordinator proicrls
SAl. lIstitute of lechnologr arrd l-irr{irrocrine Research.
(iuSarat Tcchnological tJnivefsir). Ahrncdabad_ Inclia.
Phone: r91-96629 50961
Approved byA
- _-
India Councilfor Technicat EOr"afio*lf.* Oelf,i
Opp. Science Cily, Sota Road, Ahmedabad_380 060. ph. :
Fax No. : 079-29700310 | Emait : I

Date: 5'r' September 2018


l_am a taculty of Mechanical Engineering and very delight to write

this reference letter ror Mr. Devesh
Ketankumar Bhatt who.has been my student in 4th semester
for Fluid V"af,"niar,'in S,,,r"r"rt"l. fo|.
Th"-ory of Machine, in 6'n semest€r for D,,,namics of
tvlachinerv and in 7ih semester for vrcnine Oesign
for his Bachelor's degree. I know him from last two and
Mr. Devesh maintained good academjc standard. He would never
hesitate to pop out questrons to clear
his doubts. He was also very active in laboratory
sessions, in which he participated in eacn ano every
experiment earnestly. He has the ability to grasp new concepts
with ease and is capable of articulating
his thoughts with lucidity both orally in writrng.

Mr Devesh has great passion for learning beyond the scope

of the prescribed syllabus. He also took part
rn multiple events in tech iest organizes by Gujarat Technology
University, wlich shows his ability to
chartenSes, organizational skills and teamwork skill.

Mr. Devesh caffies himself with immense .onfidence. He has very good positive
attitude. I musl say he is
a ven/ multttalented person. He has always been innovative
and creative in his project. Superlative
communtcatrons skills, is one of his greatest strengths. He
has also taken p"n in u"nous t".nniarl
festivals, which I am sufe would further attest to this fact. He
has organized varioLrs evenrs ar our
University He is truiv a team member, with excellent talent to be leaJer.
He has also been actively
involved in numerous sociar activities rike the rerief ca paign for
the frood victims, brooo oona.on, etc.

As I conclude, Devesh has certainly displayed over all learning

abilities, which will only flourish lunher in
a strmulating environment, like the one at your tJniversity. I thus
encourage a favorable response to his
application, he is sure to make a contribution to
Vour program.

. Hardik Vasavada
Assistant Professor,
Mechanical Engineering,
SAL Institute ofTechnojogy & tngineering Research,
Gujarat Technological University, Ahrnedabad, India.
Phone. +919426727100

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