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Global Impact of United Nations The Economic and Social Council conducts
analysis, agrees on global norms, and advocates
The United Nations (U.N.), headquartered in
for progress in the areas of sustainable
New York, is an international organization of 193
development, humanitarian work, and financial
member-states. It was founded in 1945 to
development. It forms partnerships as needed
prevent another world war.
and oversees joint U.N. action to address related
The U.N.'s founding charter mandates four issues.
ambitious purposes. It maintains international
The International Court of Justice is located at
peace, which is a full-time job in itself. The U.N.'s
the Hague in the Netherlands. It settles legal
other three missions help to achieve that
disputes between countries.
overarching goal. It fosters friendly relations
between its members, it solves international The Secretariat carries out the day-to-day work
problems and promotes human rights, and it of the organization. It has several departments
harmonizes its members' actions. and offices that carry out distinct responsibilities.
The Security Council nominates its leader, the
The U.N. also has a host of other initiatives:
 Helps countries reduce hunger, disease,
The Trusteeship Council, which used to
and illiteracy
supervise the Trust Territories, suspended its
 Promotes economic development and
operations in 1994 after the last remaining U.N.
sustainable development
trust territory of Palau became independent.
 Protects refugees
 Provides disaster relief How the UN Works
 Counters terrorism
The U.N. is not a government and has no right
 Promotes nuclear non-proliferation
to make binding laws. Instead, it uses the power
 Clears landmines
of persuasion. The U.N. committees negotiate
 Protects indigenous cultures
multilateral agreements that give more teeth to
 Upholds international law
its policies. Combined, they form a body of
How the UN Is Organized international law.

The main parts of the U.N. are the General All nations contribute to the U.N. budget, so they
Assembly, the Security Council, the Economic each have a part in funding U.N.-specific
and Social Council, the International Court of initiatives.
Justice, and the Secretariat.
Every member votes in the General Assembly
The General Assembly is composed of meeting, so the U.N.'s decisions reflect the
representatives of all member states. It creates prevailing values and goals of the majority of its
the mandates that guide the day-to-day work of members. Thus, countries that don't comply
the boards and councils under it. The General know they are in the minority.
Assembly meeting lasts for several weeks in
September of each year, and it gives world
leaders a chance to come together and form There are 193 members of the U.N. The United
working relationships. States recognizes 195 countries. The two that
aren't U.N. members are Kosovo and the Holy
The Security Council is the most powerful U.N.
See. Russia won't allow Kosovo to become a
unit. Its mandate is to keep the peace. The five
member because it still considers it a province of
permanent members are China, France, Russia,
Serbia. The Holy See has not applied for
the United Kingdom, and the United States. The
membership, although it has "permanent
General Assembly also elects 10 non-permanent
observer" status.
members that hold two-year terms.
Notably, the U.N. granted Palestine "permanent
All U.N. members must comply with Security
observer" status, even though the United States
Council decisions, and the Council sends peace-
considers it to be part of Israel. China replaced
keeping forces to restore order when needed.
Taiwan, which it now considers a province.
The Council can impose economic sanctions or
an arms embargo to pressure countries that All peace-loving countries that are willing and
don't comply, and it authorizes the U.N.'s able to carry out their obligations under the U.N.
members to take military action if needed. charter can join the UN. All members of the
Security Council must approve. Then, two-thirds The World Health Organization monitors disease
of the General Assembly must also approve the outbreaks and assesses the performance of
membership. health systems.
History The North Atlantic Treaty Organization is an
alliance of 26 countries created to promote
On October 24, 1945, the first 50 nations who
peace in Europe.
were members of the U.N. ratified its charter.
U.S. President Franklin D. Roosevelt (FDR) The United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime
lobbied for the U.N.'s creation even during World supports countries' efforts to stop human
War II. In the Declaration of the United Nations, trafficking. It provides data and research on the
the Allies pledged to work together to stop the global problem.
Axis. The four major Allies were the United
States, the United Kingdom, Russia, and China.
The other Allies included 22 other countries. 2. Bretton Woods System
FDR's administration worked with Congress to  The Bretton Woods system of monetary
create a U.N. charter that had its support. management established the rules for
President Harry Truman continued the effort commercial and financial relations among
after FDR's death. On June 26, 1945, the the United States, Canada, Western
members created the U.N. Charter at the San European countries, Australia, and Japan
Francisco Conference. Truman made sure that after the 1944 Bretton Woods Agreement.
Congress ratified it right away.  The Bretton Woods system was the first
example of a fully negotiated monetary
The United Nations is the second attempt at a
order intended to govern monetary
global peace initiative. In 1919, U.S. President
relations among independent states.
Woodrow Wilson pushed for the League of
 The chief features of the Bretton Woods
Nations after World War I. It had 58 members,
system were an obligation for each
but the United States was not one of them.
country to adopt a monetary policy that
Congress refused to ratify membership, fearing
maintained its external exchange rates
that would pull the United States into countless
within 1 percent by tying its currency to
wars. Many felt the League failed because it
gold and the ability of the IMF to bridge
could not prevent the outbreak of World War II.
temporary imbalances of payments.
Other UN Organizations and How They  Also, there was a need to address the lack
Influence the World of cooperation among other countries and
to prevent competitive devaluation of the
Within the U.N., there are some well-known
currencies as well.
agencies that carry on its work. The
 The Bretton Woods Agreement was
International Atomic Energy Agency helps to
negotiated in July 1944 to establish a new
prevent nuclear proliferation and possible
international monetary system, the
annihilation by a worldwide nuclear war. Below
Bretton Woods System. The Agreement
are several other UN organizations and their
was developed by delegates from 44
countries at the United Nations Monetary
The United Nations Climate Change secretariat and Financial Conference held in Bretton
manages the global response to the threat of Woods, New Hampshire.
climate change.  Under the Bretton Woods System, gold
was the basis for the U.S. dollar and other
The United Nations Educational, Scientific, and
currencies were pegged to the U.S.
Cultural Organization addresses world hunger.
dollar’s value. The Bretton Woods System
The United Nations International Children's effectively came to an end in the early
Emergency Fund focuses on the protection and 1970s when President Richard M. Nixon
care of the world's children. announced that the U.S. would no longer
exchange gold for U.S. currency.
The World Bank provides financial and technical
 The Bretton Woods Agreement and
assistance to emerging market countries.
System created a collective international
currency exchange regime that lasted
from the mid-1940s to the early 1970s.
 The Bretton Woods System required a
currency peg to the U.S. dollar which was
in turn pegged to the price of gold.
 The Bretton Woods System collapsed in
the 1970s but created a lasting influence
on international currency exchange and
trade through its development of the IMF
and World Bank.

3. The United Nations and Contemporary Global

4. Internal Organizations


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