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SLO 6: The student applies appropriate technology for effective information services.

In a world of fast-moving technology, communities need somewhere to turn to for help.

Therefore, libraries need to stay up to date on the latest technology and have trainings for the
staff and public to build a bridge for the gap that may be present. Some communities do not even
have access to the internet so they may not know how to access the basic information on
technology. Therefore, the community needs to know the library is there to help them with all
their technology needs, no matter how big or small, but this means the library needs to be trained
to help the community with these needs.
I ended up taking two technology classes during my time at UNCG, because of the way
the classes were organized this last semester. I needed one more elective and LIS 631 was the
only class that I was able to take with my schedule. With these two classes I have learned a
plethora of information on technology. I liked how both classes concentrated on completely
different topics, so I was able to learn more than imagined about technology in general, but
especially for the library.
In LIS 635, we learned how to look at the world in a new lens with our Photography
Assessment. Even though we were learning about photography on this assignment, I was able to
use this knowledge while teaching my coworkers about Affinity Photo during a staff
development day on technology. We also created an Info-graphic Chart in this class and here
is my Info-graphic Reflection. This assignment got me out of my comfort zone of just using
Microsoft Publisher for everything I created. Instead, I ventured out into other platforms like
Canva and Piktochart. I was thrilled we learned different ways to create info-graphic charts,
because I can see myself using these in the future at work especially if I must give a presentation.
I never thought about using a simple info-graphic instead of a PowerPoint Presentation or some
other multimedia tool.
Now for LIS 631, this class really brought me out of my comfort zone while using
technology. I never thought I would create a game online, especially one that could be useful to
my job. That is exactly what happened in this class, we used an online website called Scratch.
This process was simple once I understood all the components and the process behind the
application. My First Scratch Experience wasn’t the best of the best when it comes to
technology, but it helped me get more familiar with the terminology and the components of the
coding to help me create my own game. The Scratch Game I created was using NC standards to
help children with basic math skills, so they could practice their counting skills. I would love to
create a game like this one in a future program at the library. I believe games would bring in a
new component to my programs, both preschool and school age.
The last assignment I want to talk about is the App that I had to create for LIS 631. I
thought you had to basically be some technology genius to create an app for a phone, but I guess
not since I was able to create one this semester. I am honestly not sure I would create another one
for a program, especially if it requires me to use App Inventor. That website was a terror to try
and use, but if I could do some research and find some other interface to create an app, I would
be willing to give that a try.
Even if LIS 631 stressed me out and made me question my graduation date this semester,
I am so glad that I took this class. I now have the tools needed to help me accomplish one of my
goals on my five-year plan. I would love to create a coding club at the library as a program. Now
I have been given some great resources to help me get to that started. I may not be 100% ready to
start, but I am able to further my knowledge from here to help me reach this goal and keep me on
track to being able to apply appropriate technology for information services. In the terms of
librarianship, I have been given a lot of knowledge to help my community with any technology
issues they may encounter. If for some reason I don’t have the answer I know it is my
responsibility to find the answer for them. It is also my responsibility, to keep my programs fresh
and appropriate, in the terms of technology, moving forward. I am prepared to continue learning
new technology, adapting to the rapid technology change, and implementing what I learn into my
daily job.

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