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Author Laura Conaway

Subject Library
Grade Level/Course 6th grade
Title Genre Web
Standards AASL

Think, Inquire

1. Formulating questions about a personal interest or a

curricular topic.
2. Recalling prior and background knowledge as context
for new meaning.


Standard - CC.1.2.7.F

Determine the meaning of words and phrases as they are used

in grade-level reading and content, including interpretation of
figurative, connotative, and technical meanings.

Standard - CC.1.2.6.K

Determine or clarify the meaning of unknown and

multiple-meaning words and phrases based on grade-level
reading and content, choosing flexibly from a range of
strategies and tools.

Objectives Students will be able to…

1. List the different genre types and explain the definition
of each one as a precursor to what they will learn about
genres in the What’s My Genre? assessment.

Duration 40 minutes
Materials 1. Teacher computer
2. Student computers
3. Projector
4. Instructions on board (under genre web instructions)
5. Genre web worksheet
6. Genre definitions hung around the library
Instructional Strategies and 1. Welcome students as they come into the library and
Procedures remind them to drop off any books at the check-in if
they are finished with them.
2. Once students are all lined up at the stop sign, remind
them that Floyd is turned on so there is no talking. Tell
them when they enter the classroom, they need to get
the worksheet in the pick-up bin and take a seat so that
we can go over the instructions for the assignment.
3. Call on students to read a section of the instructions
projected on the screen.
4. Have them put their name on their worksheet and then
go get a clipboard. Then they may start the assignment.
5. After students have completed the lesson, have them
take a seat again so you can go over the information.
a. Ask for students to read off the definitions for
each genre category.
b. Then, tell them there will be a bonus point for
the table who can guess what book the
worksheet images are based off of.
i. Answer: Charlotte’s Web
c. There will be another bonus point for the table
who can guess the correct genre for the book.
i. Answer: Fantasy
d. Give each table a scrap piece of paper or have
students get one out to write their answer on.
Make sure they put their team name on the top!
6. Afterwards, they can be dismissed for quiet book
a. Remind them that if they forgot a book, they can
do an AR test or read an article on Newsela.
7. Make sure to dismiss students a minute before class is
over so that they can get to their next class on time.
Assessment 1. Students will complete the genre web on Google
Classroom and be able to identify the types of genres
and their definitions to keep as a resource for checking
out books throughout the year.

Accommodations for Exceptional Students with accommodations listed will be followed per IEP.
Students ● Frequent movement breaks
● Cues to stay on task
● Preferential seating
● Simplified tests and instructions
● Information and tests read aloud
Resources used to create lesson Genre web worksheet
Genre definitions
● Literary Terms. (2015, June 1). Retrieved November 3,
2015, from ​​/
● Home - Realistic Fiction - LibGuides at Merrimack
College ›
● Historical-fiction dictionary definition |
defined ›
● LiteraryDevices Editors. (2013). Metaphor. Retrieved
November 4, 2014, from //

This genre focuses on events that are 
make-believe and include magic, 
supernatural, other worlds, fairies, and 
Realistic​ F
​ iction  
This genre focuses on events that 
could actually happen to people. They 
are set in a believable setting and the 
characters act like real people.   
Historical Fiction  
This genre focuses on a story that uses 
real events from the past, but the story 
and characters are make-believe.   
This genre focuses on two key 
elements: a main love story and a 
happy/satisfying ending.    
This genre focuses on a story that 
makes the reader laugh, breaks 
boredom, and creates amusement.    
This genre focuses on the feelings of 
fear, being scared, and terror through 
events that enact these emotions.    
This genre focuses on a character who 
goes on a journey/quest unexpectedly 
or by chance. It usually includes 
challenging circumstances, smart 
thinking, and brave deeds.  
This genre focuses on a situation that 
needs to be solved. There is a culprit 
and victim and the typical “whodunit” 

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