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Evidence 4

Sesión virtual “Prepositions”

Presented by: Yanneth Ligia López Rosas

Presented to: Alejandra Patricia Tovar Mendoza

Centro para la Industria de la Comunicación Grafica

Evidence 4: Sesion virtual “Prepositions”
Negociación Internacional (1749916)
Bogotá, Colombia

Overall objective: .............................................................................................................................. 3
Actividad de aprendizaje 4 .............................................................................................................. 4
Evidencia 4: Sesión virtual“Prepositions” ..................................................................................... 4
Development Activity ....................................................................................................................... 5
Phrases .............................................................................................................................................. 5
Conclusion ......................................................................................................................................... 7

Overall objective:

In the development of our learning we must integrate a second language to

achieve a correlation with each of the topics we see in the study of the differents
activities and uses of the differents prepositions studied.

Actividad de aprendizaje 4

Evidencia 4: Sesión virtual“Prepositions”

En el proceso de aprendizaje de una segunda lengua, es de suma importancia

afianzar las cuatro competencias que son: leer, escribir, escuchar y pronunciar.
Sin embargo, es necesario practicar esta última habilidad para mejorar la
calidad en la pronunciación de las palabras en inglés.

Para lograr el objetivo de esta evidencia se requiere que prepare una lista
de diez oraciones relacionadas con el tema de los canales de distribución,
utilizando en cada oración por lo menos una preposición; adicionalmente
escuche el audio que se encuentra adjunto a esta evidencia descargable con el
nombreLearn English Teens y prepárese para algunas preguntas que el
instructor le hará al respectoen la sesión virtual.Recuerde que el instructor es el
encargado de crear y habilitar esta sesión en línea.

Desarrolle esta evidencia con la herramienta de su preferencia y envíe el

archivo al instructora través de la plataforma virtual de aprendizaje

• English prepositions.

Development Activity


The distribution or marketing channels are the chains or business networks

as they are called intermediaries.

The main function of a distribution channel is to provide a link for production

and consumption within the time of a negotiation.

A distribution channel can be very simple, during the reading it was

identified the management of two levels, producer and consumer.

Manufacturers sell in large quantities to a small number of wholesalers.

A distribution channel is said to be direct when the supplier of a product or

service makes direct sales to the customer.

The importance of a channel lies mainly in the fact that there are
separations since they have a geographical, location and chronological type.

The benefits that companies seek are greater coverage and control of the
distribution of the product until it reaches the final customer.

The channels are divided into direct and indirect ways to achieve a good
distribution of the product to be exported.

The distribution channel is a business structure that goes from the point of
origin of the product to the consumer.

It is vitally important to strengthen the distribution channel as this contributes

to the achievement of objectives of any type of company.


It was achieved with the objective of complementing the issue of distribution

channels with the differents prepositions studied in English proficiency.


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