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Signature Assignment: SED 464 1

Signature Assignment for SED:464

Brett Migliore

Arizona State University

Author’s Note:

Part I: Educational Philosophy & Biography.

Part II: Self Introduction, pg. 2.

Part III: Classroom Layout, pg. 3.

Part IV: Classroom Procedures, pg. 4.

Part V: Rules and Consequences, pg. 6.



Students need teachers who are organized, understand classroom layouts regarding

differentiated learners and to mitigate classroom traffic. Students and teachers need rules and

procedures in order to understand how the class is to be run efficiently and effectively. This

Signature Assignment promptly addresses these concerns along with an educational philosophy

and biography.

Signature Assignment

Part I: Education Philosophy.

The purpose of education in the 21st century is to prepare students to be model citizens

and to help them realize their academic potential and passion for learning. As an educator it is

my responsibility to be knowledgeable on my content; compassionate in my actions, and to

ensure that my students feel welcomed and cared for everyday when they walk through the

doors into my classroom no matter where they are coming from. Children deserve an equitable

education that is both challenging and just to which I am committed to provide.

To accomplish my goals of preparing my students for adulthood and future learning I

will try to accommodate each of my students to the best of my abilities. To do this I will

implement strategies in my lessons which engage students of all learning styles with careful

attention towards students with IEPs, and 504s. I want to encourage my students to explore

their passions if not in my classroom than in other areas at the school. To accomplish this, I will

engage with each student I have and seek out what their interests are and I may even be able

to find ways to incorporate their interests into my lessons in order to keep that class actively


Students learn best when there is regularity in classroom routine and students ​are most

comfortable when being able to plan ahead with the use of a well prepared syllabus. When

children have a general idea of what is expected of them in my classroom each day they will

gain a sense of responsibility as they will be held accountable for their progress in under my

care. To do this I will closely monitor students behavior and academic progress. If any student

of mine is falling behind or acting out inappropriately I will ask at an appropriate time, likely

after class to assess each situation separately and justly with reasonable consequences and

reasonable aid for each student of concern.

Finally, I will cultivate authentic and meaningful relationships with each of my students

by being open minded for each student and being open to personal life matters when

appropriate. Students will want me to be their teacher because I will always be culturally

relevant and sensitive regarding the world around us.


My name is Brett Oliver Migliore, family and friends often call me "Oliver," instead of

Brett. I grew up in Encinitas, California (San Diego) and attended preschool through 12th grade

there graduating from La Costa Canyon High School in 2011 then moved to Litchfield Park,

Arizona shortly afterwards. I worked as a commercial truck driver and then as a florist through

my early twenties. Being a truck driver was an amazing experience traveling across North

America but was an awfully lonely experience, it was during this time in solitude as a trucker

that I realized I needed to become a teacher, I desired a job that was engaging an interactive but

most importantly, rewarding. I decided to go to Estrella Mountain Community College

(Maricopa Community Colleges) in 2017 and am now attending Arizona State University to

complete my degrees in secondary history education, and a English minor.

Part II: Self Introduction.

In an era of misinformation and half-truths it has become imperative that students

develop critical thinking skills in relation to our collective history. Students need a guide in

developing their own rational and debatable understandings of how our world has changed over

the centuries and I hope to be that guide. I understand the field of education across the nation is

in dire need of a renaissance of sorts; I want to serve in any capacity that I can in order to fulfil

my part which is why I will test for credentials in US history, world history, economics, civics,

geography, and English. I need to be flexible and dynamic; willing to teach whichever positions

my school needs. I need to maintain being punctual, compassionate, and equitable in order to

create the healthy classroom environment for my students deserve. As a future educator I intend

to guide students to think critically about their studies and the world around them. I intend to be

flexible in what classes I teach and retain mutually respectful, just, and kind relationships with

each of my students by being personable and open minded.


My name is Brett Oliver Migliore, family and friends often call me "Oliver," instead of

Brett. I grew up in Encinitas, California (San Diego) and attended preschool through 12th grade

there graduating from La Costa Canyon High School in 2011 then moved to Litchfield Park,

Arizona shortly afterwards. I worked as a commercial truck driver and then as a florist through

my early twenties. Being a truck driver was an amazing experience traveling across North

America but was an awfully lonely experience, it was during this time in solitude as a trucker

that I realized I needed to become a teacher, I desired a job that was engaging an interactive but

most importantly, rewarding. I decided to go to Estrella Mountain Community College

(Maricopa Community Colleges) in 2017 and am now attending Arizona State University to

complete my degrees in secondary history education, and a English minor.

Part III: Classroom Layout and Rationale.

Classroom Layout Rationale:


The classroom shown above is that of a middle school world history class. The front of the

classroom is on the left side with the door space in the top left corner. This area forms a lot of

dead space in the classroom because it is a high-traffic area. Students need space to access the

teacher at his or her desk in the bottom left corner of the classroom. This is also a space used by

the teacher when giving lectures using the whiteboard or the projector. All students are

positioned in a way in which students can see both the whiteboard and projector at the front of

the classroom as well as the world map and television in the back of the classroom.

Cabinets near the front of the classroom hold teacher supplies as well as a designated

drawer for students to use. This “special student drawer” contains spray-on deodorant, pencils,

pens, paper, and various other items related to student self-care. Bookshelves are found in the

back of the classroom lining the back walls. These shelves include text books, laptop chargers,

spare classroom Chromebooks, as well as reading material that relates to subject content. The

back of the classroom also hosts a large plush couch which students can use during designated

reading times and serves as a hangout spot for students during lunch hour and after school

provided that the teacher is remaining in the classroom.

The walls of the classroom are covered in various world history content related posters,

flags, and a multitude of political, geography, satellite, and demographic maps. At the front of

the classroom is a daily agenda which all students will see updated daily pertaining to each day’s

newest lesson(s). Some wall space is dedicated to hanging up student’s own projects/work and

other space on the wall includes humorous memes that make light of many historical events,

people, and ideas. Students with IEPs and 504s are placed at desks with students who are doing

exceptionally well in the class, though no seating chart is necessary unless students are

struggling to stay focused.

Part IV: Classroom Management.

Collaborative work is the cornerstone of my classroom, students will often be paired in

table groups (groups of four) or in pairs. Students will find value in collaborating as a group or a

pair because outside of the classroom, it will be imperative that students be able to work together

to prepare them for future careers. Students will also have individual work time which they will

use their laptops for this may include homework or assessments as most activities in the

classroom will remain peer collaboration-focused.

The walls of the classroom will be plastered in information related to history, including

posters on economics, geography, civics, and notable events and people in U.S. or world history.

Contact information will remain posted at the front of the classroom so that students always have

access to my email address and information in case they need to reach out to me. The whiteboard

in the front of the class will contain a daily agenda, and as well as reminders of important due

dates and assignments. Some walls on the classroom will include work created by students

because students feel great when they can show their work on the classroom wall. The back of

the classroom contains a reading/relaxing area for students to unwind during lunch hour and will

serve as a cozy safe space for students and teachers alike.

Part V: Classroom Procedures.


Beginning of Class:

Students are expected to walk into the classroom quietly and respectfully. They will immediately

sit at their seats with laptops out, pencils and notebooks ready for bell work. I will greet the

students and assess the students behavior while also taking attendance as students begin to work

on bellwork relating to the day’s topic, students will also address the agenda at the front of the

classroom to write down any important due dates for upcoming assignments. After bellwork ic

completed students will turn in any homework assignments from the night before into the basket

at the front of the classroom along with their completed bellwork.

Out Of Room Policies:

Students will have up to four bathroom passes every two months. Students may use the restroom

in case of emergency regardless of number of passes used. I will ask each student who needs to

use the restroom if they do not mind waiting until direct instruction is over. Only one student

may use the restroom at a time.

Seat Work:

Students are expected to remain seated throughout the class period unless instructed to do

otherwise for group work as I will not tolerate aimless wandering in my classroom as it leads to

disruptions and distractions in learning. Students may leave their seat to use the restroom, to

sharpen pencils, or if they are presenting a project or any other suitable item to the class.

Students will speak when appropriate and be respectful to teachers, substitutes, and all other

adults in the classroom. furthermore, students will not interrupt other classmates when they are

called upon to speak.

End of Class:

If any work needs to be turned in from that class period, students will turn it in at the end of class

along with their door ticket in order to leave the classroom. Students will always be given one

minute at the end of each class to pack up their belongings and students will not stand at the door

waiting to leave. Students will remain seated until I release them.

Materials and Equipment:

Students will be prepared before each class by bringing with them: pencils, pens, paper, laptops,

homework and a willingness to learn! Sometimes students might forget or leave one of these

items at home (like a pencil or paper, etc.) in which case, I as the teacher will have a station set

up in the back of the classroom for students to grab pencils and paper to borrow for the class

period. In order to maintain these supplies I will ask parents each year if they are willing to

donate to the classroom supplies list which will be provided (hopefully) by generous parents

following student teacher conferences.

Group Work:

Students are expected to work in groups regularly. The classroom is designed in it’s setup for

group work by placing tables adjacently. Students will use this time to learn to collaborate, share

ideas, and discuss historically relevant information relating to homework, readings, or classwork.

Students will not be able to harass or belittle their group mates as this behavior will not be

tolerated. Students will work mainly in assigned roles and assigned groups that are

predetermined based on seating arrangements for the class at the beginning of the school year.

Each student will be responsible for keeping their group on track.


In instances of fire drills and lockdown drills students will remain calm and quiet as we file out

of the classroom in an orderly fashion. Students are expected to be respectful and aware of their

surroundings during these situations and will remain with the teacher during the evacuation or


Part VI: Rules and Consequences:

1) At the beginning of class, students will receive a brown paper bag which they are

expected to place their phone inside of for the remainder of the class, cell phones will

never be permitted for use in my classroom unless during an emergency.

2) Late homework will receive an instant 75% and for each day following the due date

assignment will drop another 5%. Students will be excused and given alternative

homework assignments for excused absences.

3) Students are allowed to have water bottles on their desks but all other food items are

restricted in the classroom unless properly placed in backpacks (i.e. a lunchbox or bag).

Students should not have clutter on their desk and are not permitted to work on

assignments for other classes. Students who are distracted with drawing in class will be

closely watched to prevent further distractions.


4) Communication with parents is key to a student's success. Parents will receive monthly

reports to parents via email that are brief but used as a “check-in” with parents to discuss

their child’s behavior and academic performance in the classroom.

5) Students will be graded individually with feedback for each assignment. There will be no

bell-curve, however, students will have opportunities to turn in extra-credit assignments.

6) Student absences will be addressed by school or district policy. Students may turn in late

work (see above for reference).

7) Classroom policy will respect laws regarding differentiated learners and will meet district

standards. Students with IEPs and 504s will be disciplined according to district or school

policy with very little deviation with input from school counselors and special education


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