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Name ______________________ Date_____ / _____ / _________


Provide the labels for the indicated parts on the diagram of the female reproductive system

a. Cervix
b. Fallopian tube g
c. Urinary bladder
d. Urethra
e. Vagina a
f. Ovary c
g. Uterus

Provide the missing terms in the blanks below.

Each female is born with about two million ___oocytes_____ which are halted at prophase I.
Approximately 400 of these mature into ____ova_______ during her lifetime. On about day
_____14_____ of the menstrual cycle ovulation occurs and the ovum is released from a
___follicle____ on the surface of the __ovary____. Tiny hair called ___cilia___ move it into the
_fallopian tubes_. Sperm are received by the ___vagina_____ which is connected to the
___uterus____ via muscular sphincter called the __cervix__. The sperm must travel from the
vagina, through the uterus, and up the Fallopian tube to fertilize the ovum within about
_24____ hours or the ovum will die. Peristaltic contractions move the ovum or zygote to the
__uterus____ in about three days. If the ovum is not fertilized and implanted,
___menstruation___ will occur on day 28 of the menstrual cycle.

In all egg cells, a(n) ___X___ sex chromosome is present whereas in sperm cells either a(n)
___X__ or ___Y___ chromosome is present. If both cells have an X chromosome, then the
fertilized egg will have a(n) __XX__ pair of sex chromosomes and the offspring will be
____female_____. If the cells have different sex chromosomes, then the fertilized egg will have
a(n) __XY__ pair of sex chromosomes and the offspring will be ____male_____.


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